Ch 11 Study Guide Occupations of slaves in the Old South

Ch 11 Study Guide
Occupations of slaves in the Old South
Percentage of white families owning slaves in the Old South
Definition of textile
Frederick Douglass
Modes of slave resistance
Features of slave culture
Comparative experience of slaves and free blacks in the Old South
Central themes of planter ideology
Characteristics of plain white folk of the Old South
Impact of slavery on the northern economy
Characteristics/experiences of free blacks
Restrictions on free blacks in the Old South
Conditions of slavery
What was, according to John C. Calhoun, “the most false and dangerous of all political errors”?
In the antebellum period, who were the wealthiest Americans?
Slave patrols
Largest economic investment in the US in 1860
More than half of US exports in 1860
Description of internal slave trade
Acts of self-empowerment by enslaved individuals
Approximate number of runaways to the North per year
Underground Railroad
19th century, world’s major crop produced by slave labor
1841, The Creole, 135 enslaved persons, Nassau
Amount of world’s cotton supply that came from the southern US
US slave population by 1860
Artisan definition
Labor on rice plantations in SC and Ga generally done by
Jumping over a broomstick in American slave culture
Andrew Johnson of Tennessee and Joseph Brown of Georgia
1850 majority of southern slaveholders owned how many slaves?
Southern farmers in the backcountry description
Relationship between rich southern planters and poor southern farmers
Characteristics of the South and its economy in 1800-1860
Denmark Vesey
Nat Turner
“Lords of the Loom”
Definition of planter
Comparison of Upper South and Deep South
Southern state with the largest free black population
End of slavery in most Latin American nations
1830s Southern proslavery argument
Rev. Charles C. Jones of Georgia
Southern paternalist ethos
1840-1860 price of a ‘prime field hand’
qualifications as a member of the planter class
free blacks in the South were allowed to
Bennet Barrow’s advice to slaveowners on slave discipline
Joseph Taper’s 1840 letter
Reason southern slaves live in better conditions by the mid-19th century than those in the Caribbean and South America
Slavery and the law
John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh
Defenders of American slavery claimed that British emancipation in the 1830s failed because
Gender roles under slavery
Characteristics of religious life among African-Americans in southern cities
Slave religion
Brer Rabbit stories
Stories that played a central role in black Christianity
“Silent sabotage”
Comparison of slave revolts in Brazil, the West Indies and the US
Free blacks in the US
Name of community of former slaves freed by Richard Randolph
Description of work done by southern slaves
Urban slaves
Task labor
Slave families
Most powerful weapon of plantation masters
Fugitive slaves
Harriet Tubman
State who debated but did not approve a gradual emancipation plan for slaves in that state after the slave rebellion of
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