Lecture Two Review First slaves in the US colonies Slaves as indentures

Lecture Two Review
First slaves in the US colonies
Slaves as indentures
Differences in slavery between the New England colonies and the southern colonies
Southern dependence on slavery
Quakers and slavery
Blended Families
English settlements in New World – heterogeneous/homogeneous
White Indians v. white captives
Salem Witch Trials, feminist viewpoint
Salem Witch Trials, religious and economic viewpoint
Enlightenment, precursor of American Revolutionary thought
Enlightenment, American, Benjamin Franklin
Enlightenment and religion
Old Lights
New Lights
Great Awakening effects
Great Awakening, precursor of American Revolutionary thought
Colonial government, precursor of American Revolutionary thought
Albany Plan, precursor of American form of government
Why did the Albany Plan fail?
Relationship of royal governors and colonial assemblies
Effects of 7 Years War on American colonists
tradition of raiding v. ordinary crime
farmers concern community or world affairs
New Englanders, community focus, trade
Who gets tarred and feathered
How do boycotts help local economies?
How do boycotts help the Revolution?
Purpose of tarring and feathering
Stamp Act
Patrick Henry
Boston’s Stamp Act protests
Otis, early leader of
Samuel Adams – successes, failures
Sons of Liberty
Boston Massacre details
Boston Massacre, propaganda, Sam Adams
Paul Revere, Boston Massacre
3 examples of colonists using the law as a weapon against custom’s officials
Purpose of Tea Act of 1773
Why did the Boston Tea Party happen?
“Coercive Acts” involved
2 part reason for Revere and friends ride
Boston connection