Working with families in particular circumstances Divorce Parents of Children with Special Needs

Working with families in
particular circumstances
Parents of Children with Special Needs
Teen Mothers
Families when Abuse Occurs
America and Divorce
 What
are some reasons you personally
might consider a divorce?
 Is falling out of love an appropriate reason
for wanting a divorce?
 What were you taught growing up about the
acceptability of divorce?
 YouTube
- Divorce affects children!
Marriage and Divorce (2003)
60 million married couples in US
 40-50% of all marriages end in divorce
 Annually
2,187,000 marriages
 7.5 marriages per 1000 total population
1.25 million divorces annually
3.8 divorces per 1000 total population
Factors Affecting Divorce
Shift from agricultural to industrial society
 Social integration
 Individualistic American culture
 Demographic factors:
Employment status
 Income
 Educational level
 Ethnicity
 Religion.
Stations of Divorce
(Bohannan) As people divorce, they
undergo these “divorces” simultaneously.
 Legal
 Economic
 Co-parental
 Community
 Psychic
Factors Affecting Divorce
Life Course Factors:
Intergenerational transmission (Amato,
Parental divorce increases chance of child’s
marriage ending within first five years by as
much as 70%.
 Increased risk of divorce is especially great if
both spouses experienced parental divorce.
 Effects are strongest when parents divorce early
in child’s life (age 12 or younger)
Consequences of Divorce
Economic consequences
Impoverishment of women
 Changed female employment patterns
 Fewer financial resources for family – often
leading to moves to cramped apartments
and less desirable neighborhoods
Consequences of Divorce
Non-economic consequences include:
More psychological distress, lower levels of
happiness, more social isolation, more
health problems.
 Divorced people are three times as likely to
commit suicide.
 Some divorced people experience higher
levels of personal growth and greater
Children and Divorce
Children in happy two-parent families are
the best adjusted
 Children in conflict-ridden two-parent
families are the worst adjusted.
 Children from single-parent families are
in the middle.
 Kids' Turn
Children and Divorce
Children of divorce suffer:
Reduction of income
 Weakening ties with fathers
 Deterioration in family life
 Loss of “residential stability”
 Problems in school
 Lower self-esteem
 Increased likelihood of drug abuse
 Greater likelihood of becoming teen parents
Children and Divorce
Three-Stage Process of divorce for
Initial stage—Turmoil is greatest.
 Transition stage—Adjusting to new family.
 Restabilization stage—Integration of
Children and Divorce
Developmental tasks of divorce:
Acknowledging parental separation
 Disengaging from parental conflicts
 Resolving loss
 Resolving anger and self-blame
 Accepting the finality of divorce
 Achieving realistic expectations for later
relationship success
Factors Contributing to
Children’s Adjustment
Mental health of parents
 Quality of parent-child relationships
 Degree of anger vs cooperation
 Age, temperament, and flexibility of child
 Extent to which parents are willing to
have the same routines for the children
in each home
Children and Divorce
Adjustment to divorce:
Open discussion prior to divorce
 Involvement with noncustodial parent
 Lack of hostility between divorced parents
 Good psychological adjustment to divorce
by custodial parent
 Stable living situation and good parenting
 Continued involvement with the children by
both parents
Children and Divorce
Adjustment to divorce:
Not all children suffer negative
 90% of children with divorced parents
achieve same level well-being as children of
continuously married parents (Amato,
 20-25% children from divorced families
have problems (Wallerstein)
Child Custody
Generally based on one of 2 standards:
The best interests of the child
 The least detrimental of the available
The major types of custody are sole,
joint, and split.
Children and Divorce
26% of children under the age of 18 live
with a divorced parent.
 39% of divorced women with children
live in poverty
 Civility among parents and assurance
that both still love the children is helpful
 Some need brief individual play therapy,
others need family counseling
Behavior problems
Children in single-parent or remarried
families do not do as well as those in
non-divorced households
25-30% of single-parent and divorced
households reported behavior problems,
while only 10% of non-divorced households
reported behavior problems with children.
 20% of children in stepfamilies have
behavior problems compared to 10% of
children in non-divorced families.
Child Custody
Sole custody
Accounts for 85% of all
U.S. divorce cases
 Women traditionally
have been responsible
for child rearing
 Many men do not feel
Child Custody
Joint custody
Accounts for 10% of cases.
 Joint legal custody
Children live primarily with one parent
 Both parents share in decisions regarding the
Joint physical custody
Requires parents to work out practical logistics
 …as well as feelings about each other.
Child Custody
Split custody
Splits the children between the parents
 Usually girls live with mother, boys with
The effects of remarriage on
Income is raised.
 Another adult is there to help.
 Behavior problems
 Blending two families presents a new set
of challenges
Blended family issues
Loyalty is a problem
 May feel guilty for bonding with a step
 Children often act out, won’t even try to
like a step parent.
 Family must incorporate new parent’s
style and rules.
The stabilization period
The stepparent moves toward the role of
“intimate outsider”, which is somewhere
between parent and trusted friend.
 Stepparent role includes
Warmth toward and support of the
 Little disciplining of the stepchildren.
 Support for the biological parent.
 Stepfathers in general tend to be less
involved than biological fathers.
Stepmother and stepfather
Being a stepmother can be harder than being a
In typical remarriage chains today, children live with
mother and stepfather.
Typical stepmother must establish relationship during
Stepfathers compete with non-custodial fathers
who may not see children very often.
Often fill a vacuum left by departed biological father.
May hold to a lower standard than stepmothers.
Easier for children to accept two father figures than two
mother figures.
How can teachers help?
Maintain a structured environment
 Encourage expression of feelings
Open up areas for discussion…
 Help children release pent-up feelings
Encourage acceptance
Demonstrate respect for family uniqueness
Be aware of group reactions
Working with Parents
Reassure parents
 Keep requests light
 Be aware of legal agreements
 Know available community resources
Working with Parents of Children
with Special Needs
Individualized Educational Plans
 Develop relationships based on mutual
 Try to understand the increased stress in
the lives of parents
 Be hopefully realistic
 Know available community resources
Working with Families when
Abuse Occurs
Indicators of abuse
 Sexual
 Emotional
 Neglect
Reporting abuse 1-800-252-5400
 Create an atmosphere of trust and
 Refer families to support groups
Working with Adoptive Families
Include adoption in the curriculum
 Talking to families
 Talking to children
 Offer resources