The Information Technology Revolution in the 21st Century Collin College EDUC 1301 Chapter 7 Technology redefines communication, knowledge, and work • Teacher is no longer the sole expert • Teachers need to prepare students for jobs that don’t currently exist—which will use technology that hasn’t been invented—for as yet unknown purposes! Schools often lag behind in technology, but this is an integral part of students’ lives and must be part of their classroom life! Digital native: Has grown up using “digital language” of computers, video games, Internet Many teachers are “digital immigrants” • Like ELLs, they’re smart and capable but lack knowledge and skills Information used to be hard to get • Now, we can probably find more information in a day than an 18th-century scholar could in a lifetime! Work with students to use the Internet to: • Choose websites in advance • Avoid information overload • Think critically to assess validity of sources • Stay on track to solve problems Watch the TeachSource Video Case, “Teaching Technology Skills” • Advice for Teachers • Differentiated Instruction • Challenges Facilitates tackling of real-world problems • WebQuest Expands use of simulations, modeling • Simulated dissection of frog • Creates local, global learning communities • Class website involves parents, community • Students from different countries collaborate via e- mail, shared websites, Internet phone services, online chat, videoconferencing, blogs and twitter. Makes writing and reading more fun Allow visitors to add or edit content • Wikis: Usually websites (focus on resource) Wikipedia • Blogs: Diaries (focus on blogger) Expands learning community geographically, demographically • Students could receive comments from other students, teachers, field experts… anyone! Teachers should be able to: • Design appropriate learning experiences using • • • • • • technology Effectively use technology in assessment Improve productivity Engage in professional dev., personal learning Model and teach legal and ethical use of tech Affirm diversity, promote equitable access to tech Promote safe and healthy use of tech resources National Educational Technology Standards Gap between those who have ready technological access and expertise, and those who do not. Students with Internet at home have educational advantages. Major disparities: • Geographic: Suburban kids: Much more computer time than urban & rural • Socioeconomic: Poor students 2x as likely to only have Net access at school Poor rural kids may not have Net access in public libraries The $150 laptop project • Provide “single most useful learning tool” for poor children who live in remote areas – wireless laptops • Access to Internet & learning communities • Positive force for social development Will it work if school lacks expertise and students have little prior exposure to tech? More info: One Laptop Per Child Project Devices that promote independence for people with disabilities by facilitating tasks they can’t otherwise do easily • Speech recognition software • Braille printers • Interactive whiteboards (to provide notes to those who can’t write) Technology can reduce or eliminate barriers to learning experienced by disabled students Presence of computers in schools doesn’t mean they’re used well Poorest schools actually have best ratio of computers/students, but that doesn’t make up for reduced home access Teachers online! and students can work together eMints: Prof dev focused on technology • Useful websites by subject area Introduction to educational blogging Childnet International • http://www.childnet- NetSafeKids Although we look forward to new ways of teaching our students, many challenges face us as we imagine how the traditional classroom will be transformed to reflect the high-tech world around us. Teacher’s Domain Teachers will face many challenges as traditional classrooms are made hightech Teacher’s role changes from information provider to guide and interpreter Technology can promote discovery learning through real-world projects, collaborative investigations, simulations Teachers can help reduce the digital divide