Learners Support Publications Database Users and Administrator www . lsp4you.com Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Database Users and Administrator • Primary goal of the database system is to retrieve information and store new information in the database Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com There are two types of users • Database Users • Database Administrators Learners Support Publications Database Users www . lsp4you.com Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com There are four types of users • Native users • Application Programmers • Sophisticated Users • Specialized Users Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Native Users They are unsophisticated users who interact with the system by invoking one of the application program that have been written previously. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Application Programmers They are computer professionals who write application programs. Application programmers can choose from many tools to develop user interfaces. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Sophisticated Users They interact with the system without writing programs. Instead they write their requests in a database query language. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Specialized Users They are sophisticated users who write specialized database applications that do not fit in to the traditional dataprocessing frame work. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Database Administrator (DBA) Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Roles & Responsibilities of Database Administrator Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com DBA DBA is the person or group that is responsible for supervising both the data base and the use of the DBMS Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Roles of DBA 1. Policy Formulation and Implementation 1. 2. 3. 4. Access privileges Security Disaster planning Archives 2. Data Dictionary Management 3. Training 4. DBMS Support 1. DBMS evaluation and selection 2. DBMS responsibility 5. Data Base Design Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Policy Formulation and Implementation DBA formulates policies and communicates these policies to users. Among these policies are those covering access privilege, security, disaster planning, and archives. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Access Privilege Access to every table and field in the database is not a necessity for every user. User A Access denide Access permitted Cus_no Name City State Balance SR_no 124 Menon Kochi Kerala 10500 6 256 Mathew Kochi Kerala 25000 3 458 Mahin Thrissur Kerala 35500 11 Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Security • Security refers to the prevention of unauthorized access to the database • Once access privilege have been specified and security features are in place, DBA draws up policies to explain the security privileges and then distributes these policies to authorized users. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Planning for Disaster • A database may be harmed by some physical problems or by some natural disasters. • For this the DBA’s responsibility is to establish and implement backup and recovery procedures. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Archives • This tells that data need to be kept in the database for only a limited time. • A data archive is a place where a record of certain corporate data is kept Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Data Dictionary Management • Data dictionary contains a wider range of information, including at the very least, information on tables, indexes, and programs. • The creation and distribution of appropriate reports from the data dictionary is another of DBA”s responsibility. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com DBMS Support • DBA is responsible for all the aspects of a DBMS within an organization, including the selection and maintenance of the system. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com DBMS Evaluation and Selection • DBA is responsible for the evaluation and selection of the DBMS. In order to over see this responsibility, it sets up a check list. • DBA must evaluate each prospective purchase of a DBMS in terms of all the categories. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Responsibility for DBMS • DBA installs the DBMS in a way that is suitable for the organization. • If the DBMS configuration need to be changed, DBA makes the changes. Learners Support Publications www . lsp4you.com Database Design • DBA is in charge of database design at both the information level and the physical level. • It is also in charge of evaluating changes in requirements to determine whether a change in the database design is warranted. If so, DBA makes the changes and reports it to affected users. Learners Support Publications Questions ? www . lsp4you.com