The Impact of Query Suggestion in E-Commerce Websites 在電子商務網站的查詢建議的影響 Alice Lee1 and Michael Chau11 School of Business, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong 電子商務學報,2012年 報告人:李盈瑩MA0F0210 指導老師:陳炳彰 老師 報告大綱 • • • • • 1. 摘要 2. 前言 3. 文獻探討 4. 研究設計 5. 結論 報告大綱 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 摘要 前言 文獻探討 研究設計 結論 摘 要 • • In this paper we propose a research agenda for studying the impact of query suggestion features on cognitive load and customer satisfaction during online shopping in e-commerce websites. Despite the popular use of query suggestion features in search engines and large ecommerce websites such as and eBay, there is little research in this area. • 在本文中,我們提出了一個研究議程,用於影響認知負荷和客戶滿意度在網 路購物電子商務網站的查詢建議功能的研究。 • 儘管目前普遍使用的查詢建議功能,在搜索引擎和大型電子商務網站,如 Amazon.com和eBay,很少有這方面的研究。 前言 • There is a rapid growth in the number of people shopping via the Internet. Online shopping provides opportunities for customers to reach the businesses globally and directly. Accordingly, it is important for the online stores to understand the customers behaviors and purchase intentions in order to sell their products effectively and satisfy their customers. • 通過網路上購物的人數快速的增長。網路購物提供了機會,為客戶達到直接 了當的業務。因此,為了有效地推銷自己的產品,並滿足他們的客戶,網路 商店了解客戶行為和購買意願是很重要的。 前言 • Product search function is always an important feature of online store navigation. Customers often reach a product they want to purchase through product search engines . Thus, improving the search engine of online shopping websites is significant in increasing the efficiency of getting the results that can better satisfy consumers’needs . • 產品搜索功能是網路商店一個重要的導航功能。客戶往往達不到他們想要購 買的產品,通過產品搜索引擎,提高網路購物網站的搜索引擎可以提高工作 效率,更可以滿足消費者的需求。 前言 • • The objective of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of query suggestion in online shopping websites. We propose a research model and an experiment design to test the impact of query suggestion on customers’ cognitive load (e.g., number of reformulations, decision time) and satisfaction when using these systems. Two settings will be used in the experiment – a baseline setting that does not provide any query suggestion and a real-time query suggestion system. Knowing the features of the systems help online stores in developing search engines in order to benefit from the market. • 本文的目的是檢查網路購物的網站查詢建議的有效性。 • 提出了一個研究模型和實驗設計,測試客戶在使用這些系統時的認知和滿意 度(例如,重新擬訂,決策時間),了解系統的功能,幫助網路商店搜索引 擎的開發,以從市場中受益。 文獻探討 • In order to make a successful shopping website,online stores should actively seek ways to improve their websites . It was also shown that the factors affecting user satisfaction of websites, including control, efficiency and helpfulness, which indicated the ease for user to navigate through the website, to find the information they needed at a reasonable speed, and to offer help when finding information and navigating. • 為了做一個成功的購物網站,網路商店積極尋求各種方法,以改善他們的網 站。它也顯示出這兩個因素影響用戶滿意度的網站,包括控制,效率和樂於 助人的難易程度,這表明用戶瀏覽的網站,找到他們需要的信息以合理的速 度,並提供幫助查找訊息。 文獻探討 • In order to increase customers’ satisfaction, some e-commerce websites such as and eBay have implemented query suggestion function in their product search engines. The suggested queries are the queries made by other users before or similar terms available in the databases of those ecommerce websites. Many researches focused on the design of query suggestion method to help users formulate better queries. • 為了提高客戶滿意度,一些電子商務網站,如Amazon.com和eBay已經實施了產品搜索 引擎的查詢建議功能。建議查詢是查詢之前由其他用戶或類似的條款在這些電子商務 網站的數據庫。許多研究集中在設計的查詢建議方法,以幫助用戶制定更好的查詢。 文獻探討 • Some researchers have conducted experiments on three search systems: a baseline system which does not offer any query suggestion, a real-time query suggestion which displays the suggested queries when users are entering words in the query entry box,and a retrospective system which displays the suggested queries after the retrieval has been executed . • 一些研究人員進行的實驗,在三種搜索系統的基礎系統,該系統不提供任何查詢建議, 可實時查詢建議顯示建議的查詢時,用戶的查詢輸入框輸入詞語,顯示和追溯體系建 議查詢檢索後已被執行。 文獻探討 • The results show that real-time query suggestion has the best performance in the quality of initial queries, engagement in search and the uptake of query suggestion. However, their study was on general search and may not be applicable to ecommerce applications. We have not been able to identify any study on the effectiveness of query suggestion in e-commerce websites. • 結果表明,實時查詢建議在初始查詢,參與搜索和查詢建議攝取的質量具有最好的性 能。然而,他們的研究是在一般的搜索,可能並不適用於電子商務應用程序。我們一 直無法識別任何研究在電子商務網站上查詢建議的有效性。 研究設計 • Cognitive load can be considered to be a multidimensional construct that represents the load that performing a particular task imposes on the cognitive system of a particular learner .The cognitive load of using the systems will be measured by the number of reformulations and decision time. It is also found that when the cognitive load decreases, user satisfaction of searching on that system increases • 認知負荷可以被認為是一個多維的結構表示的負載,執行一個特定的任務對認知系統 來說,一個特定的學習者使用該系統的認知負荷將重新分配和決策時間的數量來衡量。 當認知負載降低時,在該系統上會增加用戶的滿意度。 研究設計 • • • • Hypothesis 1: When query suggestions are provided, the number of reformulations will be reduced. They cannot obtain assistance when they have difficulties expressing their intention of search until they read through the result displaying pages, and have limited adjustment ability to reformulate their search queries. With assistance provided, the cognitive load of searchers can be significantly reduced. 當他們有困難表達自己的意圖,直到他們讀完,並調節能力有限,改寫他們的搜索查 詢時,他們無法獲得援助。提供援助的搜索用戶的認知負擔,可以顯著減少。 假設1:當查詢建議中所提供的配方數目將減少。 研究設計 • • • • Hypothesis 2: When suggestions are displayed, the average time to complete the search on products is shorter than that without suggestions. Without the assistance of query suggestions, customers have to find a more effective query on their own by reading the result displaying pages and evaluating the products, which takes more time in adjusting the queries to find a suitable product than that when recommendations of queries are displayed. 假設2:建議顯示時比沒有建議時,完成產品搜索的平均時間更短。 沒有查詢建議的協助下,客戶必須尋找更有效的查詢,建議時查詢顯示讀取結果顯示 頁面和評估的產品,需要更多的時間調整,並查詢找到合適的產品。 研究設計 • • • • Hypothesis 3: Customers will have higher satisfaction with the online stores when query suggestions are provided. can offer help for customers to express their intention of search, the products they found can satisfy their needs better.The customers will appreciate more on the website, and hence, improve the images of the company. 假設3:網路商店提供查詢建議時,客戶將有更高的滿意度。 可以為客戶提供幫助,以表達他們想要的意圖,找到他們的產品能滿足他們 更好的需求。 研究設計 • • • • Hypothesis 4: Customers will have higher satisfaction with the product when query suggestions are provided. If the query suggestion function is available, when customers are entering their queries in the search box, they can see the suggestions of similar items. 假設4:產品時提供查詢建議,客戶滿意度較高。 如果提示查詢功能,當客戶在搜索框中輸入自己的查詢,他們可以看到類似 項目的建議。 研究設計 • • • • Hypothesis 5: Customers will have higher intention to purchase products when query suggestion function exists. If query suggestions are provided, customers would be able to express the products they intend to search in more specific ways. The availability of query suggestion function can increase the level of user-friendliness of the webpage. It allows customers to more easily determine the products they want to search and purchase. 假設5:當產品有查詢提示功能,客戶將有較高的購買意向。 如果查詢提供意見,客戶將能夠以更具體的方式表達他們要搜索的產品。提供查詢建 議功能可以提高對用戶友好的網頁。它使客戶能夠更容易地確定他們想要的產品搜索 和購買。 結論 • 實驗室實驗是一種廣泛使用的方法,用於評估網絡搜索功能。在每個設置的 電子商務網站將使用兩個設置,進行查詢建議和一個沒有查詢的需要執行兩 個任務。這兩個任務包括,在每個任務上設置一個購物的電子商務網站。這 兩個任務包括一個簡單的搜索和複雜的搜索,這將有助於我們減少任務的複 雜性。對於簡單的搜索,受試者將被要求找到某特定產品的一些細節,如一 個特定的相機型號的屏幕大小和尺寸。對於複雜的搜索,受試者必須根據提 供的情況,做出購買決策。 報告完畢 end