Oceanic Energy Professor S.R. Lawrence Leeds School of Business University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80305 1 Course Outline Renewable Sustainable Hydro Power Wind Energy Oceanic Energy Solar Power Geothermal Biomass Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Nuclear Fossil Fuel Innovation Exotic Technologies Integration Distributed Generation 2 Oceanic Energy Outline Overview Tidal Power Technologies Environmental Impacts Economics Future Promise Wave Energy Technologies Environmental Impacts Economics Future Promise Assessment 3 Overview of Oceanic Energy 4 Sources of New Energy 5 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Global Primary Energy Sources 2002 6 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Renewable Energy Use – 2001 7 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tidal Power 8 Tidal Motions 9 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tidal Forces 10 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Natural Tidal Bottlenecks 11 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tidal Energy Technologies 1. Tidal Turbine Farms 2. Tidal Barrages (dams) 12 1. Tidal Turbine Farms 13 Tidal Turbines (MCT Seagen) 750 kW – 1.5 MW 15 – 20 m rotors 3 m monopile 10 – 20 RPM Deployed in multi-unit farms or arrays Like a wind farm, but Water 800x denser than air Smaller rotors More closely spaced MCT Seagen Pile 14 http://www.marineturbines.com/technical.htm Tidal Turbines (Swanturbines) Direct drive to generator Gravity base No gearboxes Versus a bored foundation Fixed pitch turbine blades Improved reliability But trades off efficiency 15 http://www.darvill.clara.net/altenerg/tidal.htm Deeper Water Current Turbine 16 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Oscillating Tidal Turbine Oscillates up and down 150 kW prototype operational (2003) Plans for 3 – 5 MW prototypes http://www.engb.com 17 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Polo Tidal Turbine Vertical turbine blades Rotates under a tethered ring 50 m in diameter 20 m deep 600 tonnes Max power 12 MW 18 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Power from Land Tides (!) 19 http://www.geocities.com/newideasfromtelewise/tidalpowerplant.htm Advantages of Tidal Turbines Low Visual Impact Low Noise Pollution Sound levels transmitted are very low High Predictability Mainly, if not totally submerged. Tides predicted years in advance, unlike wind High Power Density Much smaller turbines than wind turbines for the same power 20 http://ee4.swan.ac.uk/egormeja/index.htm Disadvantages of Tidal Turbines High maintenance costs High power distribution costs Somewhat limited upside capacity Intermittent power generation 21 2. Tidal Barrage Schemes 22 Definitions Barrage Flood An artificial dam to increase the depth of water for use in irrigation or navigation, or in this case, generating electricity. The rise of the tide toward land (rising tide) Ebb The return of the tide to the sea (falling tide) 23 Potential Tidal Barrage Sites Only about 20 sites in the world have been identified as possible tidal barrage stations 24 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Schematic of Tidal Barrage 25 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Cross Section of a Tidal Barrage 26 http://europa.eu.int/comm/energy_transport/atlas/htmlu/tidal.html Tidal Barrage Bulb Turbine 27 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tidal Barrage Rim Generator 28 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tidal Barrage Tubular Turbine 29 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) La Rance Tidal Power Barrage Rance River estuary, Brittany (France) Largest in world Completed in 1966 24×10 MW bulb turbines (240 MW) 5.4 meter diameter Capacity factor of ~40% Maximum annual energy: 2.1 TWh Realized annual energy: 840 GWh Electric cost: 3.7¢/kWh 30 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tester et al., Sustainable Energy, MIT Press, 2005 La Rance Tidal Power Barrage 31 http://www.stacey.peak-media.co.uk/Brittany2003/Rance/Rance.htm La Rance River, Saint Malo 32 La Rance Barrage Schematic 33 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Cross Section of La Rance Barrage 34 http://www.calpoly.edu/~cm/studpage/nsmallco/clapper.htm La Rance Turbine Exhibit 35 Tidal Barrage Energy Calculations R = range (height) of tide (in m) A = area of tidal pool (in km2) m = mass of water g = 9.81 m/s2 = gravitational constant = 1025 kg/m3 = density of seawater 0.33 = capacity factor (20-35%) E mgR / 2 ( AR) gR / 2 E 1397R A kWh per tidal cycle 2 Assuming 706 tidal cycles per year (12 hrs 24 min per cycle) E yr 0.997 10 R A 6 2 36 Tester et al., Sustainable Energy, MIT Press, 2005 La Rance Barrage Example = 33% R = 8.5 m A = 22 km2 E yr 0.997 10 6R 2 A E yr 0.997 10 (0.33)(8.5 )( 22) 6 2 E yr 517 GWh/yr 37 Tester et al., Sustainable Energy, MIT Press, 2005 Proposed Severn Barrage (1989) Never constructed, but instructive 38 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Proposed Severn Barrage (1989) Severn River estuary Border between Wales and England 216 × 40 MW turbine generators (9.0m dia) 8,640 MW total capacity 17 TWh average energy output Ebb generation with flow pumping 16 km (9.6 mi) total barrage length £8.2 ($15) billion estimated cost (1988) 39 Severn Barrage Layout 40 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Severn Barrage Proposal Effect on Tide Levels 41 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Severn Barrage Proposal Power Generation over Time 42 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Severn Barrage Proposal Capital Costs ~$15 billion (1988 costs) 43 Boyle, Renewable Tester et al., Sustainable Energy,Energy, OxfordMIT University Press, Press 2005 (2004) Severn Barrage Proposal Energy Costs ~10¢/kWh (1989 costs) 44 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Severn Barrage Proposal Capital Costs versus Energy Costs 1p 2¢ 45 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Offshore Tidal Lagoon 46 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tidal Fence Array of vertical axis tidal turbines No effect on tide levels Less environmental impact than a barrage 1000 MW peak (600 MW average) fences soon 47 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Promising Tidal Energy Sites Country Location TWh/yr GW Canada Fundy Bay 17 4.3 Cumberland 4 1.1 Alaska 6.5 2.3 Passamaquody 2.1 1 Argentina San Jose Gulf 9.5 5 Russia Orkhotsk Sea 125 44 India Camby 15 7.6 Kutch 1.6 0.6 USA Korea 10 Australia 5.7 1.9 48 http://europa.eu.int/comm/energy_transport/atlas/htmlu/tidalsites.html Tidal Barrage Environmental Factors Changes in estuary ecosystems Less turbidity – clearer water More light, more life Accumulation of silt Less variation in tidal range Fewer mud flats Concentration of pollution in silt Visual clutter 49 Advantages of Tidal Barrages High predictability Similar to low-head dams Tides predicted years in advance, unlike wind Known technology Protection against floods Benefits for transportation (bridge) Some environmental benefits 50 http://ee4.swan.ac.uk/egormeja/index.htm Disadvantages of Tidal Turbines High capital costs Few attractive tidal power sites worldwide Intermittent power generation Silt accumulation behind barrage Accumulation of pollutants in mud Changes to estuary ecosystem 51 Wave Energy 52 Wave Structure 53 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Frequency and Amplitude 54 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Patterns over Time 55 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Power Calculations Hs2 = Significant wave height – 4x rms water elevation (m) Te = avg time between upward movements across mean (s) P = Power in kW per meter of wave crest length 2 s e H T P 2 Example: Hs2 = 3m and Te = 10s H T 3 10 kW P 45 2 2 m 2 s e 2 56 Global Wave Energy Averages Average wave energy (est.) in kW/m (kW per meter of wave length) 57 http://www.wavedragon.net/technology/wave-energy.htm Wave Energy Potential Potential of 1,500 – 7,500 TWh/year 200,000 MW installed wave and tidal energy power forecast by 2050 10 and 50% of the world’s yearly electricity demand IEA (International Energy Agency) Power production of 6 TWh/y Load factor of 0.35 DTI and Carbon Trust (UK) “Independent of the different estimates the potential for a pollution free energy generation is enormous.” 58 http://www.wavedragon.net/technology/wave-energy.htm Wave Energy Technologies 59 Wave Concentration Effects 60 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Tapered Channel (Tapchan) 61 http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/renewable/ocean.html Oscillating Water Column 62 http://www.oceansatlas.com/unatlas/uses/EnergyResources/Background/Wave/W2.html Oscillating Column Cross-Section 63 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) LIMPET Oscillating Water Column Completed 2000 Scottish Isles Two counter-rotating Wells turbines Two generators 500 kW max power 64 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) “Mighty Whale” Design – Japan 65 http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/MTD/Whale/ Might Whale Design 66 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Turbines for Wave Energy Turbine used in Mighty Whale 67 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/MTD/Whale/ Ocean Wave Conversion System 68 http://www.sara.com/energy/WEC.html Wave Conversion System in Action 69 Wave Dragon Wave Dragon Copenhagen, Denmark http://www.WaveDragon.net Click Picture for Video 70 http://www.wavedragon.net/technology/wave-energy.htm Wave Dragon Energy Output in a 24kW/m wave climate = 12 GWh/year in a 36kW/m wave climate = 20 GWh/year in a 48kW/m wave climate = 35 GWh/year in a 60kW/m wave climate = 43 GWh/year in a 72kW/m wave climate = 52 GWh/year. 71 http://www.wavedragon.net/technology/wave-energy.htm Declining Wave Energy Costs 72 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Energy Power Distribution 73 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Energy Supply vs. Electric Demand 74 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Energy Environmental Impacts 75 Wave Energy Environmental Impact Little chemical pollution Little visual impact Some hazard to shipping No problem for migrating fish, marine life Extract small fraction of overall wave energy Little impact on coastlines Release little CO2, SO2, and NOx 11g, 0.03g, and 0.05g / kWh respectively 76 Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004) Wave Energy Summary 77 Wave Power Advantages Onshore wave energy systems can be incorporated into harbor walls and coastal protection Create calm sea space behind wave energy systems Reduce/share system costs Providing dual use Development of mariculture Other commercial and recreational uses; Long-term operational life time of plant Non-polluting and inexhaustible supply of energy 78 http://www.oceansatlas.com/unatlas/uses/EnergyResources/Background/Wave/W2.html Wave Power Disadvantages High capital costs for initial construction High maintenance costs Wave energy is an intermittent resource Requires favorable wave climate. Investment of power transmission cables to shore Degradation of scenic ocean front views Interference with other uses of coastal and offshore areas navigation, fishing, and recreation if not properly sited Reduced wave heights may affect beach processes in the littoral zone 79 http://www.oceansatlas.com/unatlas/uses/EnergyResources/Background/Wave/W2.html Wave Energy Summary Potential as significant power supply (1 TW) Intermittence problems mitigated by integration with general energy supply system Many different alternative designs Complimentary to other renewable and conventional energy technologies 80 http://www.oceansatlas.com/unatlas/uses/EnergyResources/Background/Wave/W2.html Future Promise 81 World Oceanic Energy Potentials (GW) Source Tides Waves Currents OTEC1 Salinity World electric2 World hydro 1 Temperature 2 As gradients Potential (est) 2,500 GW 2,7003 5,000 200,000 1,000,000 3 4,000 Along coastlines 4 Practical (est) 20 GW 500 50 40 NPA4 2,800 550 Not presently available of 1998 82 Tester et al., Sustainable Energy, MIT Press, 2005 Solar Power – Next Week 83 http://www.c-a-b.org.uk/projects/tech1.jpg