Successful Internship Tips--Day of Sharing Presentation

Successful Internship Tips--Day of Sharing Presentation
Lindsey Schull, Regional Practicum Manager, College of Health Professions
Communicate Effectively and Often
Know what skills you can offer and meet with your supervisor to discuss ways to utilize your existing skills
and gain more skills
Let your supervisor know, in a constructive and positive way, if you feel your skills aren’t being used to their
potential or if you believe you are ready for more responsibility
Set Goals
Sit down with your supervisor and go over what you hope to gain from the internship, especially if the
internship is somewhat unstructured
Follow up to make sure you are meeting those goals and set new goals if necessary
Get to know the site culture, dress, communication style, and how decisions are made. This will help you
avoid saying the wrong thing or overstepping your boundaries
Know Your Role and How You Fit into the Organization
The organization is taking time to teach you new skills. Understand what is expected of you and perform
Be Flexible
You may have to do some "grunt" work; that’s the trade-off for the skills that you are gaining
Make sure there is a balance between "grunt" work and pre-professional responsibilities, if the balance
becomes uneven, discuss with your supervisor how you can better apply your skills in the organization
Be Responsible
Be on time, take your assignments seriously, and meet your deadlines
Organizations will often hire interns for future full-time positions, and will look closely at your performance
and attitude to decide if you are a candidate for a full-time position
Take it All In
Learn as much as you can about the site by reading what is around you, talking with everyone, and
volunteering for extra projects
Talk to as many people as you can
Introduce yourself to everyone
Seek out a mentor who may or may not be your supervisor
Keep in Contact
Keep in contact with those you have met so when it comes time to look for a full-time job they will
remember you