The Low Frequency Broadband Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy of Hexafluoropropylene Oxide, CF3CFOCF2 Lu Kang1, Steven T. Shipman2, Justin L. Neill2, Alberto Lesarri3, and Brooks H. Pate2 1: Department of Natural Sciences, Union College, KY 40906, USA 2: Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, VA 22904, USA 3: Departmento de Quimica Fisica, Universidad de Valladolid, 47005 SPAIN A challenge of FP-FTMW below 4 GHz Fabry-Perót cavity: Q ~ 10,000 a2 Fresnel number: N 1 R Solutions to the low frequency bands Increase a: Arunan, Emilsson, Gutowsky J. Chem. Phys. 101, 861, (1994) Decrease R: Etchison, Dewberry, Kerr, Cooke J. Mol. Spectrosc. 242, 39, (2007) Cylindrical resonator: TE01 mode Storm, Dreizler, Consalvo, Grabow, Merke Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67(8), 2714, (1996) Chirped-Pulse FTMW spectrometer (WF08) CP-FTMW is not a FP cavity based technology! TDS 2040 10 MHz Ref. AWG 7102 TDS 6124C C D LPF DG 535 LN-AMP A B SS –AMP SPST Hexafluoropropylene Oxide — HFPO Material sciences, :CF2 Polymer chemistry Simple structure Dipole moments a-axis: 0.066 D b-axis: 0.15 D c-axis: 0.40 D Ab initio calculations & experiments Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation Gaussian Sample: HFPO – SynQuest Lab. Inc. ~ 03: B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) 0.3% HFPO/Ne @ 1.5 atm CP-FTMW spectrometer: 2.0 – 8.5 GHz Average 10,000 shots in 45 min. SS-AMP(4W) / TWTA(300W) FP-FTMW spectrometer: 8.0 – 26 GHz 50 0.4 13C-HFPO: 220 - 110 The 2.0 - 8.5 GHz spectra of HFPO isotopologues 10,000 averages in 45 min. C3 0.3 40 C2 C1 0.2 Intensity (mV) 0.1 30 0.0 7597.5 7599.0 7600.5 20 10 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Frequency (MHz) 7000 8000 Analysis Spectra assignments: 5 HFPO isotopologues Plusquellic’s JB95 & Pickett SPFIT/SPCAT Watson’s A-reduction Hamiltonian Hˆ A J 2 B J 2 C J 2 rr 0 a 0 b 0 c Hˆ cd J J 4 JK J 2K a2 K K 4a 2 J J 2 (J b2 J c2 ) K J a2 (J b2 J c2 ) (J b2 J c2 )J a2 Structural analysis Watson’s mass dependent rm(2) structure Kisiel’s STRFIT The spectroscopic constants of HFPO DFT calc. [1], [2] Main-HFPO 13C -HFPO 1 13C -HFPO 2 13C -HFPO 3 18O-HFPO A0 (MHz) 2195.17 2217.04887(11) 2216.87825(44) 2214.65764(41) 2216.82656(41) 2187.44973(45) B0 (MHz) 1088.27 1101.48958(5) 1097.80870(25) 1101.55450(27) 1096.82685(23) 1090.69436(26) C0 (MHz) 925.60 936.60131(5) 933.89940(30) 936.24432(30) 933.18612(27) 933.87117(35) ΔJ (Hz) 55.22 54.98(18) 54.6(19) 55.0(19) 54.5(16) 54.5(24) ΔJK (Hz) 103.71 107.51(86) 109.5(94) 107.7(91) 105.4(82) 96.0(98) ΔK (Hz) -17.93 -19.8(15) -20(10) -19(13) -11.3(99) [3] δJ (Hz) 8.54 8.493(61) 8.38(75) 8.79(78) 8.59 (62) 8.3(10) δK (Hz) -270.53 -265.5(13) -260(19) -261(19) -251(16) -247(23) σ[4] (kHz) --- 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 # of lines --- 364 66 69 71 49 [1] The calculation was done by B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) method using Gaussian 03 program package. [2] All calculated constants are derived from the optimized equilibrium molecular structure. [3] Fixed to be the values obtained from the dominate isotopologue. [4] The standard deviation of the fit using Pickett’s SPFIT suite of program. Molecular skeleton structure of HFPO DFT re struct. [1] Exp. rm(2) struct.[1] r(CF3 – CF) / Å 1.532 1.546(4) r(CF – CF2) / Å 1.460 1.451(5) r(CF2 – O) / Å 1.380 1.374(2) (CF3–CF–CF2) / º 126.6 126.2(3) (CF–CF2–O) / º 60.1 59.3(2) Φ(CCC – CCO) / º 101.2 103.0(3) The fluorine atoms related structural parameters are fixed to be the optimized values from the DFT calculation, B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p). Summary Microwave spectra of HFPO: 2.0 – 26 GHz CP-FTMW: effective in S & C bands (2 – 8 GHz) a-type transitions can be observed (μa< 0.1 Debye) All 13C (1.07%) isotopologues can be measured in natural abundance using CP-FTMW spectrometer! Determined the skeleton rm(2) geometry of HFPO DFT calc. agrees with exp. measurements Acknowledgement John B. Stephenson Fellowship, 2007 Appalachian College Association (ACA) Prof. Brooks H. Pate’s group Dr. Richard D. Suenram (NIST/UVA) Dr. Gordon G. Brown (Coker College, SC) Audience