Equilibrium Molecular Structure and Spectroscopic Parameters of Methyl Carbamate J. Demaison, A. G. Császár, V. Szalay, I. Kleiner, H. Møllendal GOALS OF THIS STUDY: -check predictive power of different ab initio methods for larger molecules of biological interest. -structure is planar or not? -Methyl carbamate (H2NC(O)OCH3) : isomer of the simplest aminoacid, glycine (H2NCH2COOH). Biological effects and pharmaceutical applications. -possible detection in interstellar space : might be more abundant than glycine and rotational spectrum more intense (bigger dipole moment). -Previous works : Microwave 1) K-M. Marstokk and H. Møllendal, Acta Chem. Scand. 53 (1999) 79-84: a) Only one conformer found (syn conformation). b)Approximate values of the barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group, the 14N quadrupole coupling constants and dipole moments. c) ab initio geometrical structure but no accurate centrifugal distortion constants. [2] Bakri, J. Demaison, I. Kleiner, L. Margulès, H. Møllendal, D. Petitprez, G. Wlodarczak, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 215 (2002) 312-316. -FT MW and millimeterwave: 415 A-type and 98 E type transitions in vt= 0 ground torsional state -Accurate values for 14N quadrupole coupling constants and centrifugal distortion constants for vt=0. -Different ab initio methods (Gaussian 98) - syn conformation of methyl carbamate significantly more stable than the most stable isomer (Ip) of glycine HOWEVER! -Contrary to glycine, there is NO ACCURATE STRUCTURE available for methyl carbamate. -Need for a MORE COMPLETE EXPERIMENTAL WORK CAN WE CALCULATE SPECTROSCOPIC PARAMETERS AT REASONABLE COST FOR LARGER MOLECULES OF BIOLOGICAL INTEREST? Comparison between experimental and Predicted rotational constants (MHz). Method a basis Exp Const. Fundam. (A species) Watson Ir AR e - c[A] % 10719.4 BR e – c[B] % 4399.1 CR e – c[C] % 3182.9 ? b Time CPU 3.247 3-21G* 10778.3 -0.55 4340.7 1.33 3154.6 0.89 3.112 1’31” VDZ VTZ 11066.7 11160.2 -3.24 -4.11 4442.8 -0.99 4453.6 -1.24 3238.8 -1.76 3249.2 -2.08 3.381 3.221 11 h MP2(ae) VDZ VTZ AVTZ VQZ 6-311 c 10509.3 10680.2 10730.3 10733.7 10762.4 1.96 0.37 -0.10 -0.13 -0.40 4408.7 4442.0 4367.7 4449.4 4452.4 -0.22 -0.97 0.71 -1.14 -1.21 3176.0 0.22 3204.5 -0.68 3167.3 0.49 3212.2 -0.92 3214.9 -1.01 3.598 3.384 3.245 3.335 3.265 CCSD(T)(ae) V(D,T)Z 10755.2 -0.33 4444.1 -1.02 3212.2 -0.94 3.407 B3LYP VTZ B3LYP B3LYP planar B3LYP planar AVTZ VTZ d AVTZ d RHF MP2 a 10722.8 -0.03 4375.8 0.53 3171.8 0.35 10730.3 10725.4 10733.0 -0.10 -0.06 -0.13 4367.7 4380.4 4369.7 0.71 0.43 0.67 frozen core approximation unless otherwise stated: ae = all electrons correlated. Ia + Ib – Ic (in uÅ2) ,c MP2(ae)/6-311+G(3df,2p) .d heavy atom skeleton planar (Cs symmetry) b 3167.3 3172.0 3167.1 0.49 0.34 0.63 1h 10’ 14h52’ 3 days 5 days 3.292 4h 50’ 3.245 3.165 3.171 Equilibrium B3LYP/VTZ values apparently closest to the Experimental ground states. Second best RHF/3-21G* (computation Less than 1 min!) BUT Equilibrium computed constants from ab initio ARE NOT ground state Values!!! Corrections from force field calculation using MP2/6-31G*: Ae – A0 = 82.1 MHz Be – B0 = 39.6 Ce – C0 = 30.8 So the agreement with B3LYP values can be an accident… However: the force field correction MP2/6-31G* is also an approximation: -small amplitude vibrations (not true) -not the best method -ab initio structure are found to be non-planar… Observed and calculated vibrational frequencies for methyl carbamate. Assignment exp. cm-1 HF/6-31G* e – c in % B3LYP/VTZ e – c in % a' species 1 NH2 antisym stretch 3551 -0.1 -2.6 2 NH2 sym stretch 3435 -0.1 -2.4 3 CH3 antisym stretch 2957 -1.1 -1.7 4 CH3 sym stretch 2874 -1.1 -2.3 5 C=O stretch 1747 -2.2 -1.0 6 NH2 bending 1583 SCALING -0.9 SCALING 0.5 7 CH3 antisym deform 1460 FACTOR -1.0 FACTOR -0.6 8 CH3 sym deform 1369 -6.8 -5.4 a b 9 C-N stretch 1345 0.8929 -1.1 0.975 1.7 10 OC-O stretch 1195 -0.7 0.8 11 NH2 rock 1108 -1.3 1.4 12 CH3 rock 1075 -0.1 1.5 13 H3C-O stretch 880 0.8 3.7 14 C=O rock 702 7.2 7.3 15 OCN deform 520 11.6 11.4 16 COC deform 320 11.9 8.2 a" species 17 CH3 antisym stretch 2998 0.6 -1.3 18 CH3 antisym deform 1447 -1.3 -0.1 19 CH3 rock 1071 -8.4 -7.5 20 NH2 wag 793 1.1 3.4 21 C=O wag 673 24.1 24.7 22 NH2 inversion 203 23 ? 24 ? a [Pople et al 1981]. b 0.965 for all CH stretchings and 0.975 for all others [Martin et al 1996]. Observed and calculated quartic centrifugal distortion constants for methyl carbamate. Exp. (kHz)a Calc.B3LYP/ VTZ (I) b Torsion contr.c Calc. e - c(II) (%) ∆j 0.7794 (7) 0.7574 0.0032 0.7606 2.4 ∆jk 4.5326 (29) 4.6700 0.5684 5.2385 -15.6 ∆k 8.9474 (22) 3.9092 5.2117 9.1209 -1.9 j 0.2164 (3) 0.2040 0.0016 0.2056 5.0 k 2.4033 (33) 2.1777 0.3057 2.4835 -3.3 a For the A component of the internal rotation doublet. b "Unperturbed" constant. c Contribution of the internal rotation. Calculated with F = 167.26 GHz, s = 28, and a = 0.9137 [Hersbach]. Computed and experimental dipole moment components of methyl carbamate. a b c tot Debye Debye Debye Debye 0.163(2) 2.294(9) 0a VTZ 0.222 2.412 0.757 2.538 AVTZ 0.204 2.462 0.671 2.560 VQZ 0.238 2.459 0.673 2.560 CCSD(T)(ae)b V(T,D)Z 0.234 2.215 0.710 2.338 B3LYP VTZ 0.347 2.353 0.512 2.433 AVTZ 0.200 2.410 0.374 2.447 method basis exp. MP2 a (c)2 = –0.001. b ae =all electrons correlated. 2.300(9) Observed and calculated 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants for methyl carbamate Exp. (I) [Martskok Mollendal 1999] MHz Exp. (II). [Bakri et al 2002] MHz Calc. MHz e – c(II) (%) Calc. MHz e – c(II) (%) eQqaa 1.52 (27) 2.2833 (7) 1.99 12.8 1.85 18.9 eQqbb 3.51 (20) 2.0128 (8) 1.82 9.5 1.68 16.4 eQqcc -5.03 (33) -4.2961 (8) -3.81 11.3 -3.54 17.7 HF/VTZ B3LYP/AVTZ IS IT POSSIBLE TO CALCULATE ab initio AN ACCURATE TORSIONAL BARRIER AT A REASONABLE COST FOR METHYL CARBAMATE? Methyl barrier to internal rotation for methyl carbamate V3 exp. – -1 cm calc. (%) exp. 352.179 G3 396.902 –12.7 MP2(ae)/6-311+G(3df,2p) 366.223 –4.0 MP2(ae)/6-31G(d) 282.964 19.7 B3LYP/VTZ 203.550 42.2 Planarity of the C(O)NH2 linkage: -The peptide linkage is generally assumed to have a planar structure due to the contribution of a resonance structure O-CX=N+HY, which induces a partial double bond character of the C–N bond. However, the contribution of each resonance structure can be changed with interactions with the environment. -non planarity of some peptide linkages attributed to a low potential methyl top barrier? . Structure of carbamic acid H2NCOOH (distances in Å and angles in degree). HF MP2 CCSD(T) (ae) a B3LYP VTZ AVQZ VTZ AVTZ VQZ V(T,D)Z VTZ AVTZ VTZ C-N 1.3446 1.3426 1.3604 1.3587 1.3557 1.3568 1.3581 1.3577 1.3569 N-Hcis/=O 0.9887 0.9879 1.0021 1.0029 1.0008 1.0091 1.0009 1.0014 1.0025 N-H/trans 0.9886 0.9878 1.0023 1.0032 1.0010 1.0096 1.0012 1.0020 1.0031 C=O 1.1878 1.1871 1.2105 1.2128 1.2088 1.2070 1.2066 1.2076 1.2083 C-O 1.3301 1.3286 1.3599 1.3605 1.3571 1.3544 1.3552 1.3547 1.3622 O-H 0.9437 0.9427 0.9655 0.9670 0.9639 0.9722 0.9630 0.9634 0.9654 CNHcis 117.85 118.37 116.06 116.69 116.72 116.37 116.16 116.38 117.58 CNHtrans 120.39 120.91 118.59 119.21 119.27 118.84 118.63 118.85 120.40 HNH 119.87 120.35 118.40 118.98 119.11 118.67 118.38 118.66 119.48 N-C=O 125.47 125.38 126.02 125.95 125.97 125.88 125.90 125.86 125.88 N-C-O 111.33 111.44 110.20 110.27 110.31 110.50 110.48 110.42 110.62 O=C-O 123.19 123.18 123.75 123.75 123.70 123.60 123.60 123.70 123.49 C-O-H 107.70 107.92 104.56 105.02 104.94 104.90 104.88 105.43 105.77 O-C-N-Hcis 7.64 3.40 14.79 12.92 12.54 13.72 14.57 14.00 9.10 O=C-N-Hcis -173.08 -176.92 -166.97 -168.63 -168.94 -167.84 -167.06 -167.65 -171.90 O-C-N-Htrans 172.02 176.49 165.19 167.39 167.59 165.88 165.22 166.18 170.93 O=C-N-Htrans -8.70 -3.84 -16.57 -14.16 -13.90 -15.68 -16.41 -15.46 -10.07 NCOH -178.97 -179.52 -178.05 -178.12 -178.28 -178.10 -178.16 -177.74 -178.75 OCOH 0.33 0.17 0.25 0.37 0.28 0.38 0.25 0.66 0.28 a all electrons correlated. CLEARLY NON PLANAR BUT the energy difference between planar and non planar is small: about 20-30 cm-1 Table 12. Computed Born/Oppenheimer equilibrium structures of methyl carbamate. Method Basis N1-C2 N1-H9 N1-H10 C2=O3 C2-O4 O4-C5 C5-H6 C5-H7 C5-H8 C2N1H9 C2N1H10 H9N1H10 N1C2O3 N1C2O4 O3C2O4 C2O4C5 O4C5H6 O4C5H7 O4C5H8 H6C5H7 H6C5H8 H7C5H8 H9N1C2O3 H9N1C2O4 H10N1C2O3 H10N1C2O4 N1C2O4C5 O3C2O4C5 C2O4C5H6 C2O4C5H7 C2O4C5Hs B3LYP B3LYP MP2 CCSD(T)b re a c VTZ AVTZ VTZ AVTZ VQZ V(D,T)Z 1.363 1.361 1.359 1.367 1.365 1.362 1.363 1.362 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.002 1.010 1.002 1.004 1.003 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.002 1.011 1.002 1.209 1.210 1.209 1.211 1.214 1.209 1.207 1.207 1.356 1.356 1.348 1.354 1.354 1.351 1.349 1.351 1.433 1.435 1.426 1.431 1.434 1.429 1.428 1.429 1.089 1.088 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.085 1.095 1.087 1.089 1.088 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.085 1.095 1.087 1.086 1.086 1.083 1.084 1.084 1.083 1.092 1.084 116.73 117.47 116.92 115.25 115.90 115.88 115.57 115.88 119.42 120.16 119.35 117.57 118.23 118.23 117.87 118.23 118.67 119.35 119.03 117.58 118.20 118.25 117.90 118.25 125.33 125.23 125.47 125.61 125.49 125.51 125.40 125.51 110.10 110.24 110.00 109.76 109.92 109.92 110.06 109.92 124.56 124.52 124.51 124.60 124.57 124.54 124.51 124.54 115.00 115.21 113.91 113.22 113.42 113.49 113.63 113.49 110.75 110.65 110.60 110.66 110.45 110.57 110.76 110.57 110.70 110.60 110.55 110.60 110.37 110.50 110.69 110.50 105.55 105.48 105.54 105.50 105.32 105.44 105.59 105.44 108.97 109.14 109.11 109.00 109.26 109.11 108.87 109.11 110.44 110.48 110.51 110.55 110.71 110.61 110.47 110.61 110.40 110.46 110.49 110.51 110.69 110.58 110.45 110.58 13.12 10.18 12.59 17.59 16.02 15.88 16.52 15.88 -168.25 -170.90 -168.83 -164.39 -165.79 -165.90 -165.25 -165.90 167.39 170.41 168.09 163.05 165.00 164.91 163.64 164.91 -13.98 -10.67 -13.33 -18.93 -16.81 -16.86 -18.12 -16.86 -177.85 -178.22 -177.93 -177.31 -177.30 -177.46 -177.39 -177.46 0.79 0.71 0.67 0.74 0.90 0.79 0.87 0.79 -60.22 -60.34 -60.44 -60.12 -60.36 -60.24 -60.40 -60.24 60.76 60.72 60.52 60.77 60.57 60.66 60.45 60.66 -179.76 -179.84 -180.01 -179.72 -179.93 -179.82 -179.99 -179.82 -ALL ab initio optimizations indicate that the amide group is non planar (difference between planar and non planar is 53 cm-1 CCSD(T)/V(T,D)Z in contradiction with experimental results (c is zero) WHAT’s GOING ON? MC behaves like other molecules containing the amino group. small barrier between planar and non planar and the ground torsional state is above this barrier. Kydd and Rauk, J. Mol. Struct. 1981 Brown, Godfrey, Kleibomer JMS 124, 34 1987 Acetamide JMS 440, 165 1998 cyanamide JMS 114, 257 1985 CH2CHNH 2 vinylamine JMS 124, 21 1987 Woods program V3 / cm-1 F / cm-1 A / MHz B/MHz C / MHz Dab / MHz 220 Fv / MHz c2 / MHz 422 ΔJ / kHz ΔJK / kHz 404 ΔK / kHz 211 202 ½(1-cos3) P2 P ap P a2 Pb2 P c2 (PaPb+PbPa) 352.3(3) 5.579(4) 0.0638 (1-cos3)P2 (1-cos3)(Pb2-Pc2) -P4 -P2Pa2 Root-mean square / kHz Number of parameters 351.94(9) 5.597fixed 0.06150(8) 10657.355(600) 4356.345(300) 3177.060(900) -376.536fixed 187.1(3) 158.(2) 0.330(9) 4.17(1) 3.93(2) -Pa4 Number of assigned lines in global fit RAM global program 98 splittings 147 3 Dab NEEDS TO BE DETERMINED! NEED FOR vt = 1 measurements 124 A + 53 E 158 (A), 295 (E) 10 CONCLUSIONS -ab initio methods can give us information. Different methods/basis set should be tried before conclusions. -near-planarity in methyl carbamate should be investigated further. Need for new experimental MW data (Kharkov) and FIR high resolution. This will also provide a line list for astrophysical purpose. propianamide ______________________________ Godfrey, Brown and Hunter, J. Mol. Struct. 413, 405 (1997) : UREA Ground-state inertial defects ? For a molecule with a plane of symmetry and two out-of-plan H : = I0a+I0b-I0c = mHHd2HH –Dv dHH = 1.7737 Å -computed ground-state inertial defect (B3LYP/AVTZ) mHHd2HH= 3.1706 uÅ2. Dexp = 3.247 uÅ2 the vibrational contribution Dv = 0.076 uÅ2. Such a small positive contribution is compatible with a planar structure but at the other hand the Computed G-S inertial defects for the planar and non planar forms are very close (3.171 and 3.245 uÅ2) cc(14N) quadrupole coupling constants (MHz) and vibrational contribution to inertial defect ? v/uÅ2 of some NH2 derivatives. Molecule cc ?v Planarity a Ref. BH2NH2 –2.186(8) 0.048 planar K. Vorman BF2NH2 –3.193(8) 0.152 planar K. Vorman FCH2C(O)NH2 –3.2(3) 0.078 Planar Marstokk 74 0.332 planar Ohashi CH3C(O)NHCH3 –3.823(3) HCCC(O)NH2 –3.82(8) 0.182 planar Little NH2CHO –3.848(4) 0.007 planar Kukolich CH3C(O)NH2 –3.9433(9) 0.130 planar Ilyushin OC(NH2)2 –4.0889(29) –0.425 non-planar Kretschmer H2C=CHNH2 –4.147(19) NH2C(O)OCH3 –4.2961(8) –0.330 non-planar Brown 0.076 [Bakri et al] H2C=CHC(O)NH2 –4.6(3) 0.131 planar Marstokk 00 CH3CH2C(O)NH2 –4.7(9) 0.314 Planar Marstokk 96 a heavy atom skeleton in the (a, b) symmetry plane.