Self-Assessment Grading Criteria for Professional Behavior/ Participation in PTA 111

Self-Assessment Grading Criteria for Professional Behavior/ Participation in PTA 111
20 points
The class exists for and because of you and is enhanced by your preparation and the exchange of ideas with others. You are a member of a
learning community with a responsibility to everyone. It is recognized that all individuals are different and that there are many different
ways in which people contribute to the class. Sharing accurate information, asking thoughtful and responsive questions, listening attentively,
being a good team player and coming to class on time and prepared are all important aspects of your participation. ‘Participating’ doesn’t
necessarily mean talking the most in class! Please talk to the instructor if you're uncomfortable about participating, for whatever reason.
You are responsible for assessing your own participation in the class (20 pts max) using the attached rubric. Add comments that might help
clarify your self-assessment. To earn points, turn in the completed form at the end of the semester (no later than xxxxxx).
Please note: the instructor retains the right to override the grade you select for yourself if it differs significantly from your actual class
performance. In such cases, the instructor will provide a rationale for the modified grade.
Level Of
Engagement In
I proactively contribute to class
by offering ideas and asking
thoughtful questions. (4 pts)
I contribute to class by offering
ideas and occasionally asking
questions. (3 pts)
I rarely contribute to class by
offering ideas and asking
questions. I make only minimal
comments when drawn into a
discussion. (2 pt)
I am attentive. I listen when
others talk, both in small groups
and in the large class. I
incorporate or build off of the
ideas of others. I don’t interrupt,
over-participate, or dominate
discussions. (4 pts)
I always conduct myself in a way
that benefits the class’s ability to
learn. I demonstrate cooperation,
respect, and a good sense of
humor. I am considerate of the
feelings and opinions of others. I
go the extra mile and display
leadership as appropriate. I never
display disruptive behavior
during class. (4 pts)
I am always prepared and ready
to start at the beginning of class.
I have done the readings and I
have my materials such as
notebook, textbook, pencils,
paper, and lab clothes. I take
effective notes. (4 pts)
I am attentive most of the time. I
listen when others talk, both in
small groups and in the large
class. I don’t interrupt, overparticipate, or dominate
discussions. (3 pts)
I am sometimes inattentive. I
sometimes appear not to be
listening to classmates or the
instructor. (2 pt)
I usually conduct myself in a
way that benefits the class’s
ability to learn. I demonstrate
cooperation and respect, and a
good sense of humor. I am
considerate of the feelings and
opinions of others. I rarely
display disruptive behavior
during class. (3 pts)
I demonstrate cooperation and
respect although I occasionally
display disruptive behavior
during class. My behavior is
sometimes distracting to
classmates (e.g. texting, cell
phone, web browsing,
whispering). (2 pt)
I am not cooperative. I frequently
disrupt the class with my
behavior (e.g. texting, cell phone,
web browsing, whispering). My
body language may seem hostile
or bored. I may act rudely. (0-1
I am usually prepared and ready
to start at the beginning of class.
I have usually done the readings
and have my materials such as
notebook, textbook, pencils,
paper, and lab clothes. I take
notes. (3 pts)
I am almost never prepared for
class. I may try to bluff my way
when unprepared. I rarely take
notes of any kind. (0-1 pts)
I always arrive early or on time,
return from break on time, and
stay until the end of class. (4 pts)
I always arrive on time, return
from break on time, and stay
until the end of class. (3 pts)
I am not always prepared and
ready to start at the beginning of
class. I have only done some of
the readings. I sometimes forget
to bring materials such as
notebook, textbook, pencils,
paper, and lab clothes. I take
notes. (2 pt)
On 1-2 occasions I have arrived
to class late, returned from break
late, or left class early. (2 pt)
0-4 pts_______
Listening Skills
0-4 pts_______
0-4 pts_______
0-4 pts_______
0-4 pts_______
Comments (areas of strength, areas needing improvement):
I never contribute to class by
offering ideas or asking
questions. I do little to participate
and let others do the work. I am
physically present but mentally
elsewhere. I may daydream. (0-1
I am often inattentive. I do not
listen when others talk. I
sometimes interrupt when others
speak or make rambling or
tangential contributions. (0-1 pts)
On more than 2 occasions I have
arrived to class late, returned
from break late, or left class
early. (0-1 pts)