MICROWAVE SPECTRA OF FLUORO FORMYLOXYL AND FLUORO SULFATE RADICALS Štěpán Urban, Juraj Varga, Lucie Kolesniková, Zuzana Meltzerová, Tereza Uhlíková, Jan Koucký, Patrik Kania, Hans Beckers, and Helge Willner HELMUT BECKERS AND HELGE WILNER Bergische Universität Wuppertal FB9, Anorganische Chemie Gaussstrase 2O 42097 Wuppertal, Germany Task in this paper: Preparation of radical precursors ŠTĚPÁN URBAN, JURAJ VARGA, LUCIE KOLESNIKOVÁ, ZUZANA MELTZEROVÁ, TEREZA UHLÍKOVÁ, JAN KOUCKÝ, PATRIK KANIA Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague Laboratory of Highl Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Technická 5, 16628 Prague 6, Czech Republic In this paper: Spectroscopy (experiment, theory, assignments, analysis) RADICAL SETUP RADICALS STUDIED: Fluoro formyloxyl and fluoro sulfate radicals Both the radicals are of an atmospheric interest (eg. FCO2 can be produced by a stratospheric degradation of HCF’s ). Their atmospheric abundance can be now enhanced because of massive eruptions of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano containing Fluor and Sulfur. FCO2 FLUORO FORMYLOXYL RADICAL Pyrolytic preparation from special precursor a ≡ C2 F C O ←570K→ FC0 ● + FC0 ● 2 2 4 2 2 σ b Molecular symmetry C2v, asymmetric top N, Ka, Kc, J, F c FRAGMENT OF FCO2 SPECTRA RADICAL FCO2• − MOLECULULAR PARAMETERS (MHZ) Praha + Lille 130 − 380 GHz 217+202=419 Transitions constant value [MHz] εaa −83.337(81) εbb −794.582 (59) εcc −44.1739 (69) 13 752.225 95 (172) ΔSN 4.046(100) · 10−3 B 11 310.318 52 (115) ΔSKN −19.78 (44) · 10−3 C 6 192.799 068(185) ΔSK 15.60 (51) · 10−3 δSN 1.980 (51) · 10−3 δSK −3.017 (182) · 10−3 A ΔN ΔNK ΔK δN δK 7.8167 (43) · 10−3 −0.2899 (184) · 10−3 15.5231 (186) · 10−3 3.37614(215) · 10−3 10.7461 (49) · 10−3 aF 1.5 Taa −85.821(199) ¼(Tbb − Tcc) 39.924 (37) ½(Cbb+ Ccc) 0.01078 (213) s Kolesnikova, et al, J. Chem. Phys, 2008 −78.27 (77) 0.03 RADICAL FSO3• (First time study!!!) Quantum chemistry predicts: • • Rotational constant B 5 GHz The GS structure WAS not quite sure > there were 3 possibilities: 1. Asymetric top (no excluded states) 2. Symmetric top in A2 electronic state allowed only states with K=0,3,6, 9,….. 3. Symmetric top in E electronic state allowed only states with K=1,2,4, 5,….. Preparation by pyrolysis: F2S2O6 ←440K→ FS03● + FS03● RADICAL FSO3• (The first scan over 10 GHz, more than 850 unknown lines have been observed ) Without mg. f. With mg. field Without mg. f. With mg. field ZEEMAN EFFECT . Frequency /2N Frequency /2N 21 21 RADICAL FSO3• N' N' 20 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 20 K 19 03 6 9 12 15 18 19 5190 5190.1 5190.2 5190.3 5190.4 5190.5 5190.6 5190.7 5190.8 5190.9 5191 5194 5194.2 5194.4 5194.6 5194.8 B eff [MHz] 5195 5195.2 5195.4 5195.6 5195.8 5196 B eff [MHz] -4 -4 3,0x10 2,5x10 -4 2,0x10 -4 -4 1,5x10 intenzita [a.u.] intenzita [a.u.] 2,0x10 -4 1,0x10 0,0 -4 1,0x10 -5 5,0x10 0,0 -5 -5,0x10 -4 -4 -1,0x10 -1,0x10 207610 207615 207620 207625 frekvence [MHz] N″ = your 19 footer J″ = 19,5 Here comes Page 15 207630 207635 207770 207780 207790 207800 207810 frekvence [MHz] N″ = 19 J″ = 18,5 207820 207830 207840 FINE SPLITTING - RADICAL FSO3 • RADICAL FSO3: A1 – A2 SPLITTING OF K=3 TRANSITIONS HSPLIT = ε[(J+3 + J-3), Jz]+ + + εJ J2[(J+3 + J-3), Jz]+ + εK [(J+3 + J-3), Jz3]+ + + h (J+6 + J-6) + + hJ J2(J+6 + J-6) + hK [(J+6 + J-6), Jz2]+ Matrix elements of the red and black operators are strongly mutually correlated and there is a possible contact transformation of the black operators to the form of the red ones and the opposite contact transformation Rotational and centrifugal distortion paramaters (MHz) Parameter A-reduction B-reduction A 252.372* 252.372* B 5195.52804 (22) 5195.52929 (36) 3.76185( 44) 3.7668 (10) DNK × 103 –1.27938 (99) –1.2864 (24) √2 ε × 103 – 1.797 (13) εN × 106 – 0.0386 (57) εK × 106 – –1.30 (10) HN × 106 – 0.00816 (34) 0.0116 (14) HNK × 106 0.1954 (10) 0.0711 (45) HKN × 106 – 0.3553 (19) – 0.1661 (72) DN × 103 h3 × 109 h3N × 1012 LN × 109 – 6.35 (10) – – 0.243(43) – 0.000776 (85) – 0.00300 (83) – 0.00660 (33) – 0.0582 (51) LNK × 109 0.01260 (77) 0.289 (21) LKKN × 109 – 0.0088(13) – 0.389 (26) LNNK × 109 Fine splitting paramaters (MHz) Parameter eaa ebb A-reduction B-reduction –37.507 (30) –135.9719 (80) – 0.9828(43) –37.484 (29) –135.9671 (77) – 0.09928 (41) (DSNK + DSKN) × 103 2.894 (67) 3.097 (65) DSK × 103 –2.387(77) 0.074 –2.202 (76) 0.071 DSN × 103 RADICAL FSO3: A1 – A2 SPLITTING OF K=3 TRANSITIONS HSPLIT = +ε[(J+3 + J-3), Jz]+ + + εS [(J+ 3+ 3 J- ), S z]+ + εJ J2[(J+3 + J-3), Jz]+ + εK [(J+3 + J-3), Jz3]+ + + h (J+6 + J-6) + + hJ J2(J+6 + J-6) + hK [(J+6 + J-6), Jz2]+ SOME ADDITIONAL STUDIES OF THESE RADICALS ARE IN PROGRESS Fluoro formyloxyl radical Isotopologues with 18O Rotational spectra in excited vibrational states Detailed molecular geometry Fluoro sulfate radical Isotopologues with 18O Qualified improvement of our estimation of A r. c. ?? Forbidden transitions >>molecular geometry ?? Pseudo JT effect >> Rotational spectra in excited vibrational states