3-D SUBMILLIMETER SPECTROCOPY OF ASTRONOMICAL ‘WEEDS’ – CONTINUED ANALYSIS SARAH M. FORTMAN, IVAN R. MEDVEDEV, CHRISTOPHER F. NEESE, and FRANK C. DE LUCIA, Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. OSU International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH June 22th, 2011 Introduction Latest results for vinyl cyanide Line list of 2895 lines Point by point Fit of 2.4 million points Comparison with an astronomical spectrum Convolved the point by point fit to simulate line shapes Fit the convolution to the astronomical spectrum Vinyl Cyanide in the 210-270 GHz Region 445 scans with temperatures ranging from 236-386 K Pressure ~.5 mtorr 192 assigned reference lines were used to calculate 𝑇 and Pressure broadening correction (1 + ) where 𝑘 = −60583 MHz 618 of the strongest 2895 lines are in the current catalogs 𝑘 𝜈 𝑛𝐿 𝑄 Fitting Peaks and 1/T fits Apeak nL 8 3 (1 e h / kT ) Sij 2 e El / kT Q 3ch ln( 2 ) El A 2 ln( Sij ) ln peak nL 8 3 kT (1 e h / kT ) Q 3ch Fit each line in each scan to a Gaussian lineshape to determine peak amplitude Fit the peak amplitude for each line as a function of temperature to calculate the strength parameter 𝑆𝑖𝑗 𝜇 2 and lower state energy 𝐸ℓ ln(2 ) Vinyl Cyanide Catalog Tabularize the strength parameter and lower state energy to create a catalog Error codes tag blended, overlapping or weak lines Weak lines may be unnecessarily tagged All Lines Error Codes W = Width; the width of the line is smaller or larger than expected G = Gaussian; a number of Gaussian fits returned unphysical results T = Temperature; the 1/T is unphysical Tagged Lines Frequency Shifts in Vinyl Cyanide Negligible frequency shifts in the ground state (black) and 11 excited state (red) Significant shifts in the 15 excited state (blue) Green circles represent unexpected intensities and indicate blending New Point by Point Fitting Strategy C2 1 e T Absorbance( ) C1 M nL T Q ~ C3 E~ Se T nm 2 K1/2 C1 54.5953 amu 1/2D 2 K C2 4.799237 10-5 MHz K C3 1.43877506 cm -1 Comparison to Astronomical Spectra Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Molecules in the Astronomical Spectrum Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Convolution Functions Selected isolated lines and adjusted for the Doppler width and scaled the amplitude to 1 Fit for the line shape Number of lines fit ranged from 7 for MeCN to 47 for MeOH Comparison of Five Molecules Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Comparison of Five Molecules Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Comparison of Five Molecules Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Fitting to the Astronomical Spectrum Fit our convolved spectrum to the astronomical spectrum Only free variable was concentration Several unassigned features are modeled by the simulation Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Fitting to the Astronomical Spectrum Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Fitting to the Astronomical Spectrum Astrophysical data from IRAM, courtesy of Jose Cernicharo and Belen Tercero Conclusion Results for vinyl cyanide in the 210-270 GHz Region Line list of 2895 lines with frequency, strength parameter and lower state energy Point by point predictions which can used to predict a spectrum at an arbitrary temperature Comparison to an astronomical spectrum Fits of the experimental predictions to the astronomical spectrum yield good results This work was supported by NASA Headquarters under the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program - Grant NNX09AP10H