Welcome to delegates of Molecular Spectroscopy Symposium (18-22 June 2007) Columbus Ohio USA By Dr Subhash Behere Dept. of Physics Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad Maharashtra India The Fourier Transform Spectrum of B 2+ - X 2+ System of AlO M. D. Saksena ; M. N. Deo ; Sunanda K [BARC Mumbai] S. H. Behere and C. T. Londhe [ Dr. B. A. M. University, Aurangabad] India MF 07 18th June 2007 Historical Review – 1 • The blue green system, is known from last 100 years. • AlO has astrophysical significance as the bands of AlO appear in normal Mira Giants and Mira Variables. • In the stars having low temperature the absorption band of AlO (0,0) at 4842A0 is seen. • In normal Mira Giants, due to higher temp. this band is seen in emission too. • Mecke tried to give vibrational analysis, which was further improved by Roy. Recently Saksena et al have shown that the some of the band heads of this system are shifted due to interaction of A 2Πi state with X 2+ state. Fig 1. Energy level diagram of AlO molecule Historical Review – Continued • A sudden drop in the intensities of (4,7), (6,7), (5,7) and (10,7) bands and those involving v" = 6 and 8 were seen by Rosen. • He attributed the phenomenon to predissociation especially for v" = 6, 7 and 8 for N = 60, 44, and 18 respectively. • He also concluded that the bands of v" = 9 progression were also predissociated. • Lagerqvist later told that the observation by Rosen might be an illusion which was found to be true. • In the bands with v" = 6 the rotational lines go off because of the perturbation and not because of predissociation. • Shimauchi photographed the spectra of AlO in air, nitrogen, oxygen argon and used high grade Al- rods as electrodes. She could record bands with v'=16 and v" = 12 and noticed that v" = 9 level of X 2 state is raised by 10 cm-1 because of perturbation by some state. • Goodlett and Innes, Mahieu, Coxon and Naxakis and Saksena et. al. tried to determine the sign of γ0 . But Yamada et. al. gave most accurate value of γ0 from microwave data • Bernard and Gravina analysed six bands of A 2Πi - X 2+ transition. They have taken the spin doubling constant of v = 0,1 and 2 levels of X 2+ states as +0.00073, – 0.00022 and – 0.00134 cm-1 respectively. In fact it is known that γ0 increases as v and has only positive sign. • Getting unique expression from measurements is not possible because band head i)0 -H differ vastly from bands of +ve and –ve sequences. ii) Due to rapid increase in v" for levels v" 4 to 7 the separation of R1 and R2, heads also increases very rapidly. • The spectrogram shown on the paper of Mahieu et. al. is not according to theoretical expectations, if the ratio of intensities of R2 / R1 and P2 / P1 is considered. • As per Mulliken’s relation R1 and P1 branch members are somewhat intense as compared to R2 and P2 members at low values of N . • Launila and Jonsson also photographed the same region of same band but because of large noise they could not see the expected intensity differences. • It is also known that the v' of the B 2+ state is negative and has almost a constant magnitude Therefore, to account for the large v' - v" the v' and v" should have opposite signs. • The positive sign of v" is in confirmation with both Sen and Lagerqvist. • Later, Coxon and Naxakis photographed the B-X band system using a microwave discharge (2450MHz, 100W) in a flowing mixture of AlCl3 and O2 at 0.1nm/mm and analysed 25 bands. They tried to show that v' - v" depends on v" levels but with some limitation (resolution wise and intensity wise, they could not go to high N values). • The rotational perturbations in the v' = 0 - 4 levels of A2Pi state caused by the interaction of the rotational levels of the ground state, X 2+ v" = 5-9 levels have been mapped out by Singh and Saksena. This was done by photographing the B-X system in the second order of 10.6 m Ebert grating spectrograph. Eighteen bands were analyzed. It was shown that, as the rotational levels in different vibrational levels of the A2Pi state approach closer to the respective rotational levels of X2+ state, the spin doubling increases. It is dependent on both v and N also. • Launila and Jonsson recorded F T spectrum of A-X band system at 2mm. The hyperfine structure, was evident which is attributed to X 2+ state. The derived values of 1", 2" and 3" are very much different compared to earlier values. It was not clear how the hyperfine splitting affects the spin doubling constant of X 2+ state. Present Work: Source of excitation is 2450MHz, 150W microwave discharge through a flowing mixture of AlCl3 and oxygen vapours. The BOMEM DA8 F.T. spectrometer was used at apodized resolution of 0.05 cm-1 to record the B – X band system. Fig. 2 shows the excitation set up and Fig 3 shows the spectrum. Nineteen bands of Dv = 1, 0, -1, and -2 sequences have been analysed. The (3,2), (4,3), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5), (5,6) and (6,7) bands were analyzed for the first time. The rotational line frequencies of these R2/R1 and P2/P1doublets, along with twenty earlier bands, totaling 7200, have been fitted in a simultaneous least squares fit. Fig 2: schematic diagram of the discharge tube Fig 3: Overview of the Fourier transform spectrum of B2+ –X2+ band system of AlO. Fig 4: Rotational fine structure of the 0-0 band of B2+ –X2+ transition of AlO. • The analysis was also extended to high N values. In this fit 0 was fixed as 0.001743192 cm-1 as given by Yamada. The molecular constants are presented in Table 3. • The higher N value rotational lines of (0,0) & (0,1) bands could be included only when H0 and H1 were taken in to consideration. • Also the overall deviation of the fit was minimized only when a cubic and fifth power term in N was included in the expression of spin doubling of X 2+ state F(N) = N/2 + s1N(N+0.5)(N+1) - s2 N2(N+0.5) (N+1)2 • The v' - v" values derived in the present study are compared in table 4 with those of earlier workers. • The vibrational constants are reported in table 5. Conclusions: • Prior to our studies it was not possible to give accurate vibrational expression for B – X system of AlO mainly because of splitting of some of the R2 and R1 heads due to large spin-doubling in the higher vibrational levels of the X 2+ ground state and a few heads being shifted due to perturbations. Only when these bandheads are excluded the vibrational expression becomes accurate. • The anomalous spin-doubling in the X 2+ state, caused due to the interaction of the A 2Pi state could be explained by including a cubic and fifth power term in the spin-doubling expression. •The high resolution F.T. spectrum has helped in determining more precise molecular constants of B 2+ (v = 0 to 11) and X 2+ ( v = 0 to 7) states. •The spin-doubling constant v', of the B 2+ state does not change with v but changes slightly after v 8. This may be due to the fact that perhaps at higher v values the spin-doubling increases due to interaction of C 2Pr state with B 2+ state. Table 1: Measurements of the bands of B 2+ - X 2+ transition (in cm-1) Dv = +4 Dv = +3 Sr.No. v - v R2 head N† R1 head N† D 1 (5,1) 23919.005* 10 23918.846* 10 0.159 2 (6,2) 23794.177* 11 23793.977* 11 0.200 3 (7,3) 23676.038* 11 23675.806* 11 0.232 4 (8,4) 23564.653* 11 23564.369* 11 0.284 5 (9,5) 23460.083* 12 23459.717* 11 0.366 6 (10,6) 23362.057* 12 23361.600* 12 0.457 7 (11,7) 23270.735* 12 23270.145* 12 0.590 8 (3,0) 23210.161* 11 23210.004* 11 0.157 9 (4,1) 23085.894* 12 23085.717* 12 0.177 10 (5,2) 22968.421* 12 22968.207* 12 0.214 11 (6,3) 22857.673* 12 22857.420* 12 0.253 12 (7,4) 22753.627* 13 22753.321* 12 0.306 13 (8,5) 22656.430* 12 22656.045* 12 0.385 14 (9,6) 22565.902* 13 22565.402 * 13 0.500 15 (10,7) 22482.120* 14 22481.439* 14 0.681 * These are calculated positions, † rotational number N, where head is formed. Table continued….. Dv = +2 Dv = -2 Dv = -1 Sr.No. v - v R2 head N† R1 head N† D 16 (2,0) 22362.536* 13 22362.365* 12 0.171 17 (3,1) 22245.623 13 22245.421 13 0.202 18 (4,2) 22135.484 13 22135.253 13 0.231 19 (5,3) 22032.095 14 22031.819 13 0.276 20 (6,4) 21935.480 14 21935.127 14 0.353 21 (0,2) 18733.664 24 18733.287 23 0.377 22 (1,3) 18660.020 25 18659.530 24 0.490 23 (2,4) 18593.223 26 18592.635 26 0.588 24 (3,5) 18533.528 28 18532.655 27 0.873 25 (4,6) 18480.752 31 18479.588 30 1.164 26 (5,7) 18435.915 37 18434.105 34 1.810 27 (0,1) 19682.250 19 19682.021 16 0.206 28 (1,2) 19594.361 20 19594.018 19 0.229 29 (2,3) 19513.194 21 19512.785 19 0.343 30 (3,4) 19438.842 22 19438.318 20 0.409 31 (4,5) 19371.420 23 19370.738 21 0.524 32 (5,6) 19310.854 25 19309.900 22 0.682 33 (6,7) 19257.550 33 19256.224 24 0.954 Table 2: Vacuum wavenumbers and rotational line assignments of B2+- X2+ transitions of AlO. R1 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 20643.727(-12) 20643.155(-11) 20642.507(-12) 0-0 band P1 R2 20632.729( 56) 20631.298( 54) 20629.806( 65) 20628.239( 75) 20626.597( 82) 20624.759(-34) 20622.966(-31) 20621.098(-30) 20619.155(-31) 20617.151(-20) 20615.057(-27) 20612.902(-20) 20610.657(-31) 20608.352(-29) 20605.972(-29) 20603.531(-17) 20601.000(-22) 20598.408(-15) 20645.580( 35) 20595.742(-09) 20645.309( 27) 20590.182(-05) 20644.586( 53) 20587.290(-06) 20644.074( 27) 20584.322(-10) 20643.486(-01) 20581.278(-17) 20642.854( 01) P2 20632.729( 35) 20631.298( 21) 20629.806( 19) 20628.239( 16) 20626.597( 11) 20624.880( 03) 20623.102( 08) 20621.234(-03) 20619.305(-03) 20617.301(-05) 20615.237( 06) 20613.083( 01) 20610.868( 07) 20608.563(-04) 20606.198(-01) 20603.757(-02) 20601.256( 11) 20598.665( 06) 20595.998(-01) 20590.469( 08) 20587.591( 08) 20584.638( 07) 20581.610( 03) 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 R1 20641.784(-13) 20640.985(-16) 20640.112(-19) 20639.177(-08) 20638.153(-12) 20637.053(-18) 20635.893(-08) 20634.643(-14) 20633.332(-05) 20631.931(-12) 20630.469(-05) 20628.917(-12) 20627.305(-04) 20625.618( 04) 20623.840(-03) 20622.002( 05) 20620.074(-02) 20618.070(-09) 20615.991(-15) 20613.851(-06) 20611.621(-12) 20609.331(-02) 20606.951(-05) 0-0 continued P1 R2 20578.175(-10) 20642.130(-14) 20574.996(-05) 20641.362( 02) 20571.726(-19) 20640.503( 01) 20568.397(-19) 20639.584( 14) 20565.007(-06) 20638.575( 13) 20561.526(-12) 20637.490( 10) 20557.986(-03) 20636.330( 06) 20554.355(-13) 20635.095( 03) 20550.664(-09) 20633.784(-01) 20546.897(-09) 20632.398(-05) 20543.055(-10) 20630.951( 04) 20539.138(-13) 20629.415( 00) 20535.146(-18) 20627.803(-04) 20531.108( 05) 20626.130( 05) 20526.965(-05) 20624.367( 00) 20522.746(-17) 20622.529(-05) 20518.467(-16) 20620.616(-09) 20514.128(-02) 20618.642( 02) 20509.699(-05) 20616.578(-02) 20505.194(-10) 20614.439(-05) 20500.629(-02) 20612.224(-08) 20495.989( 04) 20609.934(-11) 20491.273( 08) 20607.569(-12) P2 20578.506(-03) 20575.342( 04) 20572.088(-07) 20568.773(-05) 20565.383(-05) 20561.918(-08) 20558.393( 03) 20554.777(-04) 20551.101( 02) 20547.334(-10) 20543.500(-16) 20539.620( 06) 20535.643( 03) 20531.590(-02) 20527.477( 05) 20523.273(-05) 20519.010( 00) 20514.671( 01) 20510.241(-15) 20505.767(-02) 20501.202(-07) 20496.576( 01) 20491.861(-07) 49.0 50.0 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 56.0 57.0 58.0 59.0 60.0 61.0 62.0 63.0 64.0 65.0 66.0 67.0 68.0 69.0 70.0 71.0 72.0 R1 20604.495(-09) 20601.964(-11) 20599.373( 02) 20596.691( 02) 20593.919(-13) 20591.101( 03) 20588.194( 06) 20585.195(-05) 20582.137( 00) 20579.003( 07) 20575.764(-14) 20572.480(-04) 20569.120( 08) 20565.670( 06) 20562.144( 06) 20558.450(-85) 20554.777(-77) 0-0 continued P1 R2 20486.467(-05) 20605.143( 02) 20481.600(-06) 20602.612(-14) 20476.674( 08) 20600.020(-13) 20471.657( 05) 20597.369( 04) 20466.564(-02) 20594.612(-08) 20461.412( 07) 20591.794(-05) 20456.169(-02) 20588.887(-14) 20450.865( 01) 20585.919(-08) 20445.487( 04) 20582.860(-15) 20440.033( 04) 20579.742(-05) 20434.504( 04) 20576.532(-10) 20428.899( 00) 20573.263( 02) 20423.219(-04) 20569.903( 01) 20417.479( 05) 20566.453(-13) 20411.663( 12) 20562.943(-10) 20405.757( 03) 20559.357(-05) 20399.791( 07) 20555.681(-13) 20393.750( 11) 20551.944(-05) 20387.648( 27) 20548.133( 07) 20381.441( 12) 20544.215(-10) 20375.173( 10) 20368.830( 06) 20362.412( 02) 20355.919(-03) P2 20487.085(-03) 20482.233(-01) 20477.307( 00) 20472.305(-01) 20467.227(-05) 20462.075(-09) 20456.847(-16) 20451.559(-09) 20446.195(-05) 20440.741(-17) 20435.242(-01) 20429.652(-01) 20423.987(-04) 20418.247(-07) 20412.432(-12) 20406.571( 11) 20400.590(-12) 20394.563(-07) 20388.446(-19) 20382.284(-01) 20376.017(-15) 20369.689(-16) 20363.316( 12) 20356.853( 24) R1 73.0 74.0 75.0 76.0 77.0 78.0 79.0 80.0 81.0 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0 86.0 87.0 88.0 89.0 90.0 91.0 92.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 0-0 continued P1 R2 20349.365( 05) 20342.736( 11) 20336.016( 01) 20329.251( 20) 20322.381( 08) 20315.451( 09) 20308.445( 09) 20301.364( 09) 20294.192(-09) 20286.961(-12) 20279.684( 14) 20272.301( 07) 20264.875( 32) 20257.341( 23) 20249.687(-31) 20242.079( 34) 20234.300( 03) 20226.500( 25) 20218.590( 11) 20210.590(-19) 20202.540(-24) 20194.470( 25) 20186.258( 06) P2 20350.269(-11) 20343.594(-63) 20336.950(-10) 20330.155(-34) 20323.330(-14) 20316.430( 06) 20309.439( 08) 20302.373( 10) 20295.202(-20) 20287.985(-21) 20280.750( 34) 20273.356( 04) 20265.913(-01) 20258.395(-07) 20250.817( 02) 20243.163( 09) 20235.389(-30) 20227.600(-10) 20219.705(-21) 20211.796( 27) 20203.720(-17) 20195.660( 30) 20187.419(-31) R1 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 100.0 101.0 102.0 103.0 104.0 105.0 106.0 107.0 0-0 continued P1 R2 20178.002( 17) 20169.656( 12) 20161.219(-09) 20152.721(-17) 20144.134(-41) 20135.546( 09) 20126.800(-25) 20118.000(-38) 20109.190( 12) 20100.300( 56) 20091.206(-30) 20082.160( 06) P2 20179.208( 12) 20170.846(-21) 20162.499( 35) 20153.930(-57) 20145.391(-45) 20136.800(-10) 20128.125( 14) 20119.380( 42) 20110.500( 10) 20092.600( 27) Table 3: Molecular constants (in cm-1) of B 2+ and X 2+ state of AlO. v Tv B 2+ state Bv Be = 0.608976 Dv x 106 e = 0.00507 v De = 0.116085 x 10-5 11 29725.899 (22) 0.553502 (54) 1.038 (30) -0.01105 (31) 10 28936.304 (08) 0.557909 (13) 1.096 (04) -0.01072 (17) 9 28139.282 (06) 0.562226 (08) 1.104 (02) -0.01116 (12) 8 27334.844 (05) 0.566540 (06) 1.105 (01) -0.01121 (10) 7 26523.048 (05) 0.570884 (05) 1.114 (01) -0.01094 (10) 6 25703.946 (05) 0.575229 (07) 1.121 (02) -0.01108 (09) 5 24877.478 (04) 0.579596 (05) 1.124 (01) -0.01091 (08) 4 24043 681 (04) 0.584006 (04) 1.135 (01) -0.01093 (07) 3 23202.579 (03) 0.588413 (04) 1.139 (01) -0.01098 (06) 2 22354.163 (03) 0.592853 (03) 1.144 (01) -0.01089 (06) 1 21498.399 (03) 0.597345 (03) 1.153 (01) -0.01097 (05) 0 20635.308 (03) 0.601853 (03) 1.158 (01) -0.01093 (04) X 2+ state Be = 0.641653 e = 0.00593 sv x 105 De = 0.098542 x 10-5 H x 1012 e = -0.000621 x 10-5 e = 0.005815 x 10-5 7 6463.107 (07) 0.596839 (15) 1.658 (08) 0.03473 (35) 0.190 (17) 6 5581.933 (05) 0.603110 (07) 1.273 (02) 0.02429 (20) 0.206 (04) 5 4686.685 (04) 0.609176 (04) 1.184 (01) 0.01850 (13) 0.069 (02) 4 3777.517 (04) 0.615111 (04) 1.149 (01) 0.01253 (07) 0.003 (02) 3 2854.208 (03) 0.621018 (03) 1.139 (01) 0.00826 (06) 0.190 (17) 2 1916.854 (03) 0.626874 (03) 1.113 (01) 0.00532 (05) 1 965.455 (03) 0.632692 (05) 1.112 (02) 0.00315 (06) -0.909 (222) 0 0 000 0.63849184 * 1.101 (01) 0.001723* -1.058 (046) * Kept fixed in our calculations. Values in parentheses are the standard deviations of the constant given in units of the last digit quoted Graph 0.04 v" 0.03 v' 0.02 and v" 0.01 0 0 -0.01 2 4 6 v and v 8 v' -0.02 Fig. 5 10 12 v 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 v ' v" -0.01105 -0.01072 -0.01116 -0.01121 -0.01094 0.03473 -0.01108 0.02429 -0.01091 0.0185 -0.01093 0.01253 -0.01098 0.00826 -0.01089 0.00532 -0.01097 0.00315 -0.01093 0.001723 Table 4: The v'-v" values (in cm-1) of a few bands of B 2+ - X 2+ system. v' v" This work* Sen Lagerqvist et.al. Mahieu et. al. Coxon & Naxakis 0 0 0.01269 0.0127 0.0127 0.01251 - 1 0 0.01269 0.0139 - 0.01189 -0.01289 0 1 0.01412 0.0130 0.0138 0.01364 -0.01399 1 1 0.01412 0.0142 0.0146 0.01300 - 2 1 0.01412 0.0148 - 0.01338 -0.01428 1 2 0.01629 0.0158 0.0157 0.01292 -0.01587 0 2 0.01629 - 0.0162 0.01354 -0.01573 1 3 0.01923 - 0.0184 0.01540 -0.01864 * For the B2+ state v' = 0.01097 is the average value for v= 0-7 (see table 3) Table 5: Vibrational constants of the X 2+ and B 2+ states of AlO ( in cm-1) State X 2 + B 2 + Te 0.000 20685.041 (23) e 979.524 (20) 870.369 (18) exe 7.036 (8) 3.651 (4) eye -0.00106 (73) 0.00096 (23) 6: V 35 32 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 30000 Potential Energy (cm -1) 25000 20000 15000 10000 RKR ex-Ryd. 5000 H-H Zavitsas 0 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 r(A°) 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 (URKR – U)/De*100) Figure 6 (a): RKR, H-H, Extended- Rydberg& Zavitsas Potential energy curves for the ground state of AlO molecule 3 1 -1 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 ex-Ryd. -3 -5 H-H Zavitsas r(A°) Figure 6 (b): % Deviation of H-H, Extended- Rydberg & Zavitsas Potential energy curves for the ground state AlO molecule 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 R 1.29761 1.30686 1.31669 1.32727 1.33882 1.35162 1.36601 1.38253 1.40198 1.42575 1.45666 1.50267 1.618 1.76852 1.85846 1.93502 2.00629 2.07523 2.14341 2.21181 2.28118 2.35213 2.42522 2.50101 2.58006 G(V)+Y00 26231.58 24647.11 22950.69 21140.86 19216.16 17175.14 15016.34 12738.29 10339.55 7818.65 5174.134 2404.545 0 2404.545 5174.134 7818.65 10339.55 12738.29 15016.34 17175.14 19216.16 21140.86 22950.69 24647.11 26231.58 R 1.29761 1.30686 1.31669 1.32727 1.33882 1.35162 1.36601 1.38253 1.40198 1.42575 1.45666 1.50267 1.618 1.76852 1.85846 1.93502 2.00629 2.07523 2.14341 2.21181 2.28118 2.35213 2.42522 2.50101 2.58006 Ex Ryd 29232.13 27015.81 24797.2 22559.66 20286.34 17962.57 15581.18 13128.65 10596.81 7976.796 5260.521 2439.561 0 2427.687 5216.564 7865.796 10375.7 12748.11 14986.93 17096.07 19081.25 20948.55 22704.87 24358.03 26000 % deviation -6.97932 -5.50963 -4.29501 -3.30015 -2.48924 -1.83156 -1.31382 -0.90797 -0.59838 -0.36785 -0.20094 -0.08145 0 -0.05383 -0.09869 -0.10966 -0.08409 -0.02282 0.068417 0.183936 0.313803 0.44732 0.571769 0.672398 0.53865 H-H 28539.88 26378.1 24224.68 22053.4 19848.97 17595.76 15279.07 12888.65 10414.47 7848.519 5181.241 2403.966 0 2402.966 5171.878 7821.105 10357.79 12788.33 15120.07 17359.14 19511.23 21581.81 23574.7 25493.38 27339.75 % deviation -5.36915 -4.02632 -2.96333 -2.12257 -1.47191 -0.97837 -0.61112 -0.34973 -0.17426 -0.06947 -0.01653 0.001347 0 0.003675 0.005248 -0.00571 -0.04243 -0.11638 -0.24128 -0.42798 -0.68632 -1.02566 -1.45146 -1.96843 -2.57762 Zavitsas 29531.41 26684.48 24070.65 21606.08 19232.16 16906.04 14598.83 12279.14 9921.406 7498.865 4983.531 2342.227 0 2350.39 5041.715 7624.972 10113.03 12512.56 14828.29 17062.22 19216.12 21290.39 23284.87 25199.04 27031.29 % deviation -7.67546 -4.73896 -2.60504 -1.0821 -0.03722 0.625948 0.971137 1.067992 0.972611 0.743824 0.443344 0.144954 0 0.125965 0.308008 0.450497 0.526894 0.525065 0.437399 0.262665 0.000106 -0.34782 -0.77732 -1.28381 -1.86014 1.45 1.4 BO AlO Rho u+1 0.66479 0.684823 0.70885 0.738803 0.77866 0.839652 1 1.222268 1.360502 1.480781 1.594661 1.706372 1.818191 1.433771 1.367026 1.297124 1.224071 1.147869 1.068524 1 1.068524 1.147869 1.224071 1.297124 1.367026 1.433771 1.35 1.3 u+1 1.25 1.2 1.15 Rho 0.669522 0.683266 0.698883 0.717028 0.738685 0.765582 0.801259 0.855814 1 1.20344 1.332745 1.447093 1.55689 1.666012 1.776599 1.89006 2.007552 u+1 1.446971 1.399496 1.349282 1.296295 1.240499 1.181863 1.120351 1.05593 1 1.05593 1.120351 1.181863 1.240499 1.296295 1.349282 1.399496 1.446971 GaO Rho u+1 0.669973 1.457691 0.68469 1.411448 0.700772 1.361619 0.718953 1.308215 0.740298 1.251246 0.766609 1.190722 0.801503 1.126651 0.855287 1.059041 1 1 1.215627 1.059041 1.357516 1.126651 1.486762 1.190722 1.614478 1.251246 1.745219 1.308215 1.881911 1.361619 2.02704 1.411448 2.1831 1.457691 BO 1.1 AlO 1.05 GaO • 1 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 ρ Figure 7 The combined Reduced potential curves for the ground state of BO, AlO and GaO molecules • • These RPC curves show similarity with the corresponding RKR curves, which is one of the crieteria obeyed by RPC. 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Glimpses of Aurangabad and around International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology November 28 – 30, 2007 Organized by Department of Computer Science & Information Technology Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS) 431004 India. Details on website: www.bamu.net www.acvit.org International conference on Microwaves and Optoelectronics December 17 – 20, 2007 Organized by Department of Computer Science & I. T. And Department of Physics Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS) 431004 India. Details on web site: www.icmo2007.org Wel-Come Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.