What Do I Really Want?

What Do I Really Want?
Use this worksheet to assist in determining what you really
want, prior to beginning any job search or networking.
What is my passion in life? Example: I really enjoy problem solving, especially helping others
in need.
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What do I really dislike or dread completing? Example: I do not like going into an office every
day or working in a cubicle.
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True or False: I am willing to forsake personal time in order to meet my career objective.
(False may mean you prefer a set schedule to your day)
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True or False: Money or financial gain is of key importance to me.
(True may mean you might forsake liking a job for money)
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True or False: I like to use my work environment as a social means of meeting people.
(True may mean you prefer not to work alone)
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True or False: I would like to have travel (overnight) in my job?
(This answer may eliminate certain types of jobs)
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University of California, Irvine Extension
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