Types of TV programs


Types of TV programs

According to the contents, we can classify the TV programs into cartoon, soup opera, talk show, movies, music, auction, …and so on.

The age group like to watch cartoons almost are kids under 12. I think cartoons don’t have much cerebration, so they can watch it happily.

Soup opera becomes more and more popular; therefore, many adults watch it when he feels bored. However, there are many teenagers enjoy watching the “love telenovela” now, because the actors usually are the stars they love. People who watch the movies on TV usually are the young people and the middle-ager, because some movies may needs

brainstorming, it’s not suitable for kids and old people. Music channels always broadcast hot music and MTV, so the audiences are probably those who enjoy fashion things; further more, those stars’ fans want to know them more. There are many kinds of TV programs, but after the classification, we can find people in different age choose the different channels. Everyone has their own most appropriate kind of TV programs.
