道 An Interpretation of Qing Jing Jing and a Research of Lao-Zi’s Philosophy

An Interpretation of Qing
Jing Jing and a Research of
Lao-Zi’s Philosophy
Department of Applied English
Southern Taiwan University
Xu, Su-Ru (許淑如)
Lai, Wen-Yin (賴玟因)
(1)The Stone Carving of Most Exalted Lord Lao (Lao-Zi) at Taoism total
temple San-Qing-Gong in Yilan.
 摘要 
 Abstract 
The main idea of this research would be discovering the solutions of which
people may face now such as psychological diseases and physiological diseases, and the
change of natural environment from Lao-Zi’s philosophy.
It seems that Qing Jing Jing and Dao De Jing could represent Lao-Zi’s wisdom
so this research would focus on these two scriptures, Qing Jing Jing especially.
Nowadays, it seems that there would be many translation of Dao De Qing in various
languages in many countries so that people who would not be Chinese could learn some
wisdom from Lao-Zi’s philosophy. However, there would not be translation of Qing
Jing Jing in other language except Chinese. Therefore, the author would try to translate
Qing Jing Jing in the research and she hopes that it could enhance and glorify “Tao”.
Also, in the research, she would also pick some truths from Dao De Jing to discuss so
that people could follow it to keep away from sadness brought from mortal world.
In this research, the researcher would interview three persons who would have
ever read Qing Jing Jing and try to analyze the content of interviews so that she could
understand what perspectives modern people would have on Qing Jing Jing, “Tao”, and
Lao-Zi’s philosophy. The following would be the result of analysis:
It seems that people would read Qing Jing Jing no matter their sex, age, level of
education and career. What they need would be just lot. Also, it seems that no
matter reading it for a long time or a short time, there would be some gains.
In the beginning, people would read Qing Jing Jing with the various purposes.
However, people’s purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing after reading it may be
similar. It seems that they would like to learn something from it.
It seems that most people would have a same perspective on “Tao”. They may
think that “Tao” would be the nature and people would have to follow it. In the
other words, “Tao” would be the way of getting along with people and the way of
dealing with things.
It seems that there would be many positive effects to reading Qing Jing Jing, to
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realize “Tao” and Lao-Zi’s philosophy, and to implement Wu-Wei and letting
nature taking its course for people. People would believe that these manners
would have some advantages not only for people from internality to externality
but also for natural environment.
The whole research would be about Lao-Zi’s philosophy. It seems that “Tao”
would be the motif of Lao-Zi’s philosophy. Moreover, “Tao” would be not only
origination of Universe but also the principle of everything of circulation. As far as
Lao-Zi would be concerned, the spirituality of “Tao” would be Wu-Wei(無為) and
letting nature taking its course. It seems that no sooner had people absolutely realized
what “True Tao” is than they would achieve the substantial clean state. At that time, the
mind would be always pure and calm, and then the troublesome things would not exist.
Key Words: Tao, Wu-Wei, Nature, Pureness, Turbidity, Motion, Calmness.
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 Catalog 
 Abstract。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。II
 Chapter One – Introduction。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1
1.1 The Motion of Research。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1
1.2 The Purpose of Research。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。2
 Chapter Two – Literature Review。。。。。。。。。。。。。4
2.1 The Tenets of Taoists。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。4
2.2 The Spirituality of ‘Tao’
2.3 Lao-Zi’s Wisdom。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。6
2.3.1 For Psychological Diseases and Physiological
2.3.2 For the Change of Natural Environment。。。。。。10
 Chapter Three –Research Method。。。。。。。。。。。。13
3.1 Research Tools。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。13
3.2 Research Process and Design。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。13
3.2.1 The Structure of Research Process。。。。。。。。。。。13
3.2.2 The Exposition of Research Process and Design。14
 Chapter Four - Introduction and Translation of
Qing Jing Jing。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。16
4.1 Introduction。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。16
4.2 The Original, Chinese Pronunciation and Translation
of Qing Jing Jing。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。17
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 Chapter Five – The Analysis of Research and
5.1 The Background of Interviewees。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。26
5.2 The Purpose of Reading Qing Jing Jing。。。。。。。。。。26
5.2.1 The Purpose in the Beginning。。。。。。。。。。。。。。26
5.2.2 The Purpose after Reading。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。27
5.3 The Effect after Reading Qing Jing Jing。。。。。。。。。。27
5.4 The Perspective on “Tao”
5.5 The Advantage of Understanding “Tao”
5.5.1 The Advantage of Understanding “Tao” for People
from Internality to Externality。。。。。。。。。。。。。。29
5.5.2 The Advantage of Understanding “Tao” for Natural
 Chapter Six – Conclusion。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。33
6.1 The Summary of Research。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。33
6.2 The suggestion。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。34
 References。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。36
 Appendix。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。38
Appendix-1: The Questionnaire for the Interviews。。。。。38
Appendix-2: Interviews for the Research。。。。。。。。。。。。38
 Chapter One – Introduction 
1.1 The Motion of Research
Nowadays, people live in a more comfortable world than before. However, there
would be a huge amount of problems around people. Not only the environment of life
but also the social trend would cause many human problems. There would be many
difficulties waiting for being solved. However, it seems that the human beings are the
main factors of these problems. Their aspects of value notions and aspects of ethic
notions would influence the environment of life and their health, seriously. There may
be three main factors causing many human problems such as psychological diseases and
physiological diseases, and the change of natural environment.
In this time, more and more people suffer
from melancholia which may be a really terrible
psychological disease. It also could be called a
civilized malady. That would be the other main
factor of causing many human problems. Seriously,
it could bring death. Especially, it would occur at
advanced countries, normally. It seems that modern
(2) A person who may suffer from melancholia
people getting melancholia is a common thing.
The second factor of causing many human problems would be that people may
suffer from more and more diseases. For example, there would be many people
suffering from cancer, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. Moreover, it seems
that the age of suffering from these deathly diseases may be younger year by year.
Recently, the environment where people live is
changing gradually. People would face more and more
environment problems such as mudflows and landslides,
climate change, global warming and more natural
disasters. All of these may cause people many
adversities. However, human being may be the
arch-criminal. In the other words, people should pay
(3) A drought in the southeast of U.S.A.
major responsibility.
It seems that how to discover solutions of these problems is the most important
thing that people would have to do. Perhaps, people should follow those who would be
advanced at medical science or those who would be excellent scientists. However, the
elders’ wisdom would not be forgotten. There may be really large amounts of sense in
their theories. The most stupendous and enlightened may be Taoism. Therefore, this
subject of this project would focus on Taoism.
By the way, there are two more motions of research
including the belief of the author and such an illimitable wisdom
of Taoist founding father—Lao-Zi. In fact, the researcher of this
project is a Taoist, in herself. Unlike most people, she was born
in a hereditary Taoist family. She would have been brought into
contact with Taoism since she was in her childhood. In her
memory, her family has had a hereditary vocation—Taoist priest
from the generation of her great-grandfather. It seems that there
may be a large influence on her life. For these reasons,
researching and exploring Lao-Zi’s wisdom is the theme of the
(4)Author’s father
1.2 The Purpose of Research
The purpose of research would be making a good sense of Lao-Zi’s philosophy
for foreigners. That could be divided into three objectives. The first purpose would help
people to understand the philosophy of Lao-Zi. The second one would let those
outlanders know more about the belief culture of Taoism. Finally, the third one would
be presenting the pronunciation of Qing Jing Jing and the translation to foreigners.
Qing Jing Jing would be derived from Dao De Jing which would be contained
all of the Lao-Zi’s wisdom. The entire Dao De Jing is just more than five thousand
words, yet in all the Dao De Jing which in this world studied on Lao-Zi there would be
not one that can surpass Lao-Zi on the insight, the approach as well as the vision
towards explaining human in relationship to the universe.(Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D. (1987),
Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/ English Spoken Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism
Association) More, Qing Jing Jing would be easier to understand than Dao De Jing. Dao
De Jing would connote many great truths which would be too difficult to realize. Unlike
Dao De Jing, it seems that Qing Jing Jing would involve some simplified reasons which
may be easier than reasons Dao De Jing involving. Moreover, Reading Qing Jing Jing
first would be helpful to understand Dao De Jing. Therefore, the first objective would
help to understand the philosophy of Lao-Zi.
The second purpose of the research, to let those outlanders knowing more about
the belief culture of Taoism, could group into three following points. Firstly, the
Chinese culture would be popular in the world especially in some of western countries.
Also, Lao-Zi, one of Chinese outstanding forerunner, would be the attribute of Taoism.
Moreover, Qing Jing Jing would be one of the most important scriptures for those fresh
Taoists. Secondly, it seems that before making a thorough cultural inquiry, it would start
from the ancestors’ wisdom. Finally, it seems that there are many translations of Dao De
Jing which would be the popular scripture/ book of Taoism in some foreign countries.
However, the translations of Qing Jing Jing seem not to be presented to the public.
Therefore, the second goal of the research would let those who are not Chinese people
or Taoists know more about the belief culture of Taoism further.
Nowadays, the population ratio of Chinese people to all of the world’s people
would be one to five.(http://www.xist.org/default1.aspx) It may mean that there would
be many people who are CFL (Chinese as First Language) or CSL (Chinese as Second
Language). In the other words, Chinese language would be spoken by more and more
people in the whole world. Therefore, the final purpose of this research would be
presenting the pronunciation and the translation to those foreigners who may want to
learn Chinese pronunciation of Qing Jing Jing and those who may interest in Chinese at
the same time. It would be a good method to learn Chinese language by reading lection.
Some people may ask a question about why not use the wisdom of Confucius to
introduce the culture of Chinese. There would be a reason below. Confucius ever said,
“Birds; I know they could fly. Fish; I know they could swim. Beasts; I
know they could foot……… Dragons; however, they could fly away to
sky, in high in the clouds. It seems that it would be difficult to ascertain
them. Lao-Tzu would be just as a dragon.”(Shih chi biography of
Lao-Zi) (Bing Wen-Ma (1994/05), Tai Shang Lao-Zi Biography-Shih
Chi Biography of Lao-Zi, Taoism Total Temple San-Qing-Gong)
Confucius said that after asking ritual to Lao-Zi and he would praise and admire Lao-Zi
for his intelligence and wisdom. Thus, the wisdom of Lao-Zi may be higher-caliber.
That would be the reason of why to choose and to introduce the wisdom of Lao-Zi.
Altogether, the purpose of this research would be for three objectives such as
making familiarity with the wisdom of Lao-Zi, introducing more about the belief culture
of Taoism and presenting the pronunciation of Qing Jing Jing of Chinese language and
the translation of Qing Jing Jing.
 Chapter Two - Literature Review 
2.1 The Tenets of Taoists
Before grasping the spirituality of ‘Tao’, it seems that knowing the tenets of
Taoists would be necessary so that it could be realized step by step. The tenets of Taoist
would be respecting the sky, worshiping the ancestors, cherishing everything, benefiting
human beings, advocating morals and repaying. They could be classified into three
For continuing the life: Taoists would believe that Tao would be the origination of
the Universe and the mother of the whole creation. All of people’s necessary
matter and conditions would flow from the sky and the ground, or the Nature. The
Nature would offer whole creation the space of living and conditions of life.
Therefore, it seems that respecting the sky and worshiping the ancestors would be
natural and right.
For evolving the life: Lao-Zi would mention in Dao-De-Jing:
“TAO (would) give life and form to all things; the way of Nature—THE
nurtures all things. Each thing has its individual shape and form, each
individual force contributes to its completion…….The most wonderful
way of TAO and THE is that they provide life but never claim
ownership; give support without the wish for return; rule without
Lordship!” (Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D. (1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/
English Spoken Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism Association)
That would be the original intention of ‘Tao’, cherishing whole creation, rearing
creatures and not slaying any beings. Further, if people could deal with other
beings by above ways, then benefiting human beings, being in the same situation,
would be a cinch. Moreover, cherishing everything and benefiting human beings
would have a function of cultivation. If people would have the sense of cherishing
everything and the sense of benefiting human beings, the society would fill with
the reason of ‘Tao’. And then, all of people would be civilized. The power of
evolving the life would grow in abundance and somewhat suddenly. Therefore, it
seems that people should cherish everything and benefit human beings so that
evolve the life. (http://www.taoism.org.hk/taoist-beliefs/social-ideals/pg2-4-3.htm)
For keeping the life: It seems that ‘when drinking water, think of its source’ would
be the main idea of this group. Every being would be born from their ancestors so
the origination of life would be forerunners. Therefore, if people want to keep the
life, they would understand the truth reason of advocating morals and of repaying.
People would advocate ancestors’ morals, learn them further. People may entertain
a thanksgiving for everything, then repaying for others so that life could be passed
down eternally.
These tenets would also be a part of the best characters of the Chinese nation. It
seems that people would try their best to achieve what the clear-sighted forerunner
thought so that life could keep continuing and evolving.
2.2 The Spirituality of ‘Tao’
The center of Taoist thought would be from Lao-Zi. The Lao-Zi’s main ideas
would be “Tao” – Wu-Wei and letting nature taking its course. Lao-Zi may believe
“Tao” would be not only origination of Universe but also the motioning principle of
everything. (The Main Thought and Allegation of Taoism at http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki)
Therefore, “Tao” would be the main foundation center of Taoism.
Most of Taoists may believe that Wu-Wei — without action — is one of
important features of Taoism. It seems to be often expressed by the paradox
Wei-Wu-Wei, meaning action without action or effortless doing. The goal of Wu-Wei
would be alignment with “Tao”, revealing the soft and invisible power within all things.
For example, water would be thought that it is soft and weak, but it can move earth and
carve stone. Lao-Zi would also mention in chapter eight of Dao De Jing,
“The way of a good person would be like water, it benefits all but never
for itself; it puts itself in the place where no one else would wish to be,
hence, he/she would be closest to TAO. He/She adapts himself/herself to
good place, his/her mind would be peaceful (like the smooth surface of
water); his/her heart would be kind (like water, it can benefit all); his/her
words are sincere (the flow of water would be constant); his/her way
would be natural (water would flow with nature’s shape); his/her work
would be diligent (water would be soft but strong enough to get through
rock, to move mountains); his/her move would be right (water would
flow at the right time); since he/her would never force his/her way, but
move quietly, diligently, naturally, hence, he/her would cause no
resentment.” (Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D. (1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching
Chinese/ English Spoken Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism association)
As a result, Taoism would consider that people would place their wills in
harmony with the natural universe just like water so that they could use their invisible
power and arrive the state of governing by doing nothing that would go against nature.
(Wu wei at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoism)
“Tao” would be the origination of everything including beings and things. More,
“Tao” could create and operate the Universe so that the whole creation could get life,
continuation, transformation and development. Another exalted lord of Taoism —
Zhuang-Zi would have ever said,” the Universe exists with me, and my heart could get
good vibration with the whole creation.”(天地與我並生,而萬物與我為一) (Zhuang-Zi,
the Adjustment of Controversies(齊物論)) It seems that fountainhead of the whole
creation would be the same though their patters would be different from each other.
Therefore, people may have to fully understand and highly respect the axiom of Nature;
follow it, further. That would be the method of letting nature taking its course.
2.3 Lao-Zi’s Wisdom
It seems that Lao-Zi’s wisdom would not be explained entirely in an article.
Therefore, here, it would be chose some theories of Dao De Jing to discover some
solutions to solve problems that people may be facing now, being mentioned in the
motion of research such as psychological diseases, physiological diseases and the
change of natural environment. Because the psychology would be closely interrelated
with the physiology, they would be subsumed under the same section.
2.3.1 For Psychological Diseases and Physiological Diseases
Chapter forty-four of Dao De Jing:
Fame or life -- Which is more precious? Life and property -Which is more important? Gain or loss – Which is preferred?
Inordinate love of worldly things shall result in waste of
much energy and time. Overboard shall always result in
heavy loss. People who are contented will not suffer
disgrace. People who know their own limitations will not
incur danger, and can endure forever! (Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D.
(1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/ English Spoken
Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism association (P.109))
It seems that people would like to pursue the external things like the fame, the
benefit and the power. However, it seems that Lao-Zi would not think so. He queried
“Fame or life -- Which is more precious? Life and property -- Which is more important?
Gain or loss – Which is preferred? ” It seems that the answer would be really clear. Life
would be the most important. Jesus has ever said in Mark Bible, “what profit has a man
if he gets the entire world with the loss of his life? (8:36)” (Mark Bible 8:36 at
In fact, pursuing the fame, the benefit and the power would not be the bad thing.
However, if it would be turned by betraying self (life) or wronging the conscience, it
may become a big problem. Gu-Yi(賈誼) of Han has ever said, “ a greedy person would
die for money; a learned person would die for fame; a influence-aspirer would die for
power; all living creatures would die for what they live on.“ It seems that everyone
would die for different what they pursue. However, the end would be the same sadly.
Therefore, people would turn themselves to their “true self’ (true life) so that
they could deal with everything and everyone including themselves sincerely. At that
time, the happiness would fill everywhere even if people just eat coarse food or wear
cheap clothing. Perhaps, being content and ceasing at the appropriate time would make
everything go smoothly and keep permanently.
Chapter forty-six of Dao De Jing:
When TAO prevails in the world, war horses can be
employed to work on the farm. When TAO fails to prevail in
the world, horses employed in war are bred in the
wilderness. The greatest disaster is having too many desires.
There is no calamity greater than the felling of discontent.
There is no greater fault than the desire for gain. Therefore,
people who know contentment would be always contented.
(Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D. (1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/
English Spoken Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism association
It seems that the desire would bring power. However, this power would cause a
more lethally powerful power. Nowadays people would always persist in seeking
extrinsic comforts. However, they would not know that what they have to seek would
be the methods of how to dispose of their discontent. The method, which would be
really clear, would be content.
It seems that people would have a better life if they know what contentment is. It
would be also mentioned in chapter twenty-two of Dao De Jing. Lao-Zi would
“Through imperfection, one would learn to be perfect; through the search
of the crooked, one would find the straight; from emptiness, one
becomes full; through the old, one would realize the new. When there is
few, one would gain more; when there is plenty, there would be
confusion………When one is not self-complacent, one becomes
enlightened. When one is not self-righteous, one would become famous.
When one is not self-conceited, one would be honored by others. When
one is not self-assertive, one will be superior. Since the world would not
compete with those who do not wish to be competitive, nor assertive.
There is an old saying, “from imperfection, one gains perfection!” How
true are these words! That indeed is the whole truth!”(Yang Ju-Chou,
Ph.D. (1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/ English Spoken Language,
Taipei: Chinese Taoism association (P.65))
Generally, people may think which their “fortune” and “misfortune” would
come from what matters they meet. However, it seems that would not be true. The
source of “misfortune” would be the people’s attitude toward favorable or unfavorable
turns in life. In the other words, the answer of why people think they may be
unfortunate would be just about their outlook on life. Also, Jesus has ever said in Luke
Bible, “Happy are you who are in need of food now, for you will be made full. Happy
are you who are weeping now, for you will be glad. (6:21)” (Luke Bible 6:21 at
http://www.o-bible.com/b5/int.html) It seems that people would be aware of hunger, and
then they would know how good full is. Further, people would be aware of something
bad, and then they would know how desirable they own now.
Also, taking food would be the same. Generally, the modern people would
persist in eating deliciously and fully. However, many diseases would be caused by that.
It would be said that eating seventy percent of full would be the best for people because
they would eat healthily and comfortably. As a result, people would never suffer from
some diseases of over-nutrition such as cancers, a high cholesterol level, diabetes mellitus
and high blood pressure. In fact, if people content with what they eat and understand
when they have to stop taking food, they would be healthier. Moreover, it seems that the
method of macrobiotics would be able to take rude food, suffer hardships and suffer
There would be the other advantage of contentment. According to the book
named Water Knows the Answers the Hidden Messages in Water Crystals by Dr. Ben
Sheng Jiang, if people could content and offer a thanksgiving, the world would be better.
He mentioned that the molecular structure of water would
be affected by human thoughts. When people have a
positive thought like love or thanks, the molecular structure
of water would be like a blowing flower. On the other hand,
when people have a negative thought like hate, the
molecular structure of water would show the same bad
(5) The molecular structure of water with
the thought ’thank you’
reaction. Therefore, human thoughts would deeply affect
both of their health and the environment where they live
because the water may form about seventy percent of the
human body and water may also form about seventy
percent of the earth.
(6) The molecular structure of water
with the thought ’I hate you’
In conclusion, it seems that contentment would
bring love and thanks; more, love and thanks would create not only happiness but also
health. Therefore, contenting would be the most important element for people because
“people who know contentment would be always contented”.
(Water Knows the Answers the Hidden Messages in Water Crystals Available at
(Water Knows the Answers the Hidden Messages in Water Crystals Available at
2.3.2 For the Change of Natural Environment
Chapter twenty-three of Dao De Jing:
Nature is of little words and, never speaks! Boisterous gales
do not continue unabated from morn till eve. Torrential
rainfalls do not continue unabated throughout the day and
night. Who is it that produces these phenomena? It would be
the Nature! Since these natural phenomena can not last
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forever, how much less can men do? (Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D.
(1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/ English Spoken
Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism association (P.67))
Nowadays, it seems that the environment where people live would be changing
gradually. People would face more and more environment problems such as mudflows and
landslides, climate change, global warming and more natural disasters. Unfortunately, it
would make people some hurts. However, the arch-criminal who cause the hurt would
be people themselves.
In recent years, people would try to impose their desires on the environment
where they live so that they could live more conveniently or earn much more money.
However, it would cause many problems toward the natural environment. Mudflows
and landslides would be the best example here in Taiwan.○1 As often as a typhoon
comes, many residents of mountainous area would always worry about if the heavy rain
would cause mudflows and landslides. However, it would be really ironic because the
situation would be caused by people.
Here would give an actual example: according to the Epoch Times, Tao-Zhi
typhoon (桃芝颱風), invading Taiwan in 2001, would kill over two hundred people. It
seems that the main killer would be mudflows and landslides caused by the torrential
rain. (http://epochtimes.com/b5/1/7/31/n114826.htm) However, the actual cause of
mudflows and landslides would be that people may open up and develop the
mountainous area unduly and may not conserve water and soil rightly. Thus it could be
seen, if people overly consume the environment, they would get a terrible reaction.
It seems just like what the first sentence “Nature is of little words and, never
speaks○2 ” means. It would mean that there would be less anthropogenic and following
Mother Nature more. Also, it seems that people could discover the right methods from
the spirituality of Lao-Zi – “Tao” mentioned at 2.2. “Tao” would be Wu-Wei (無為)
and letting nature taking its course.
Moreover, Lao-Zi would refer to “Who is it that produces these phenomena? It
would be the Nature! Since these natural phenomena can not last forever, how much
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less can men do?” It seems that people should not go against Mother Nature. Therefore,
in order to avert the terrible reactions from Nature, people would reflect on what they do
toward the environment where they live and try to learn how to take their humble
attitudes toward Mother Nature.
to the Epoch Times, it seems that global warming would cause
much more and more furious storms or typhoons. Unfortunately, furious
storms or typhoons would cause mudflows and landslides.
In this sentence, ‘words’ and ‘speaks’ could be explained to
institutionalizing anthropogenic values. Also, Lao-Zi may not consider that
institutionalizing anthropogenic values would not totally wrong unless
overusing that.
(Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D. (1987)., Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/ English Spoken Language, Taipei:
Chinese Taoism association)
(Cheng Lin (1957), The Works of Lao-Zi: Truth and Nature Popularly Known as DAO-DE-JING, Taipei:
The World Book Company, Ltd.)
(Lin An-Wu (2006), New Translation of Lao-Zi’s Dao De Jing, Taiwan: Taoism total temple
San-Qing-Gong (道教總廟三清宮) )
(Ceng Zhao-Xu (2002), The Wisdom of Laotzu, Taipei: Jian Xing Culture Company, Ltd.)
(Wen Zhang (2005), Interest in Reading Lao-Zi, Taipei: Gold Silver Tree Culture Company, Ltd.)
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Chapter Three - Research Method
3.1 Research Tools
Information on the Internet
Literature in library and author’s home
Knowledge from others
Questionnaire (in interview way)
3.2 Research Process and Design
As follows, there would be the structure of research process and the exposition
of research process.
3.2.1 The Structure of Research Process
Decide the Subject of the Research
Collect Related Information and Literature
Make the Research Schedule
Translate Qing Jing Jing
Sieve Out Useful Information and Literature
Write Literature Review
Draw Up the Questionnaire of Interview
Implement the Interview
Interpret the Content of Interview
Finish the Manuscript
Finally Revise
Typeset and Finish
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3.2.2 The Exposition of Research Process and Design
The research started at May, 2006. In the beginning, the researcher would like to
write the subject just as translation of Qing Jing Jing. However, she made a small
change at the topic of the research finally because it seems that not only the truths
mentioned in Qing Jing Jing but also Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be applied to
nowadays practicably. Therefore, the researcher decided the topic of the subject as “An
Interpretation of Qing Jing Jing and a Research of Lao-Zi’s Philosophy”.
After setting the topic, the researcher started to collect related information and
literature on the internet, in libraries and at the researcher’s home, and from other
Taoists. However, it would be difficult to obtain the primary sources because Lao-Zi
would be a person who had lived five thousand years ago. Therefore, some information
may be secondary sources. After collecting related information and literature, the
researcher started to make the schedule and outline of the research.
Then, she started to interpret Qing Jing Jing and to write literature review.
Midway, there would be much delay because the researcher would have so many sundry
duties that she could not devote herself to writing. Also, because Qing Jing Jing would
be the classical Chinese, it would sometimes meet difficulties while interpreting Qing
Jing Jing. Fortunately, there are some books with the vernacular Chinese of Qing Jing
Jing for reference. However, it would be still vague in some parts. Therefore, the
researcher should try her best to understand and to interpret by more referring. Luckily,
there are some people who would also believe “Tao” to ask for advice. Therefore, it was
finished though the process of interpreting would be painstaking.
The content of literature review would focus on Taoism and Lao-Zi’s philosophy
because the motion of the research would be discovering the solutions of problems
which people may face now from Taoism and Lao-Zi’s philosophy. Moreover, Lao-Zi
would be the first ancestor of Taoism and he would be the author of Qing Jing Jing so
the leading role of the research is him.
After finishing the draft of chapter one, chapter two and chapter four, the
researcher drew up the questionnaire of interview. The questionnaire would include the
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background of the interviewee so that the researcher could know which sex, which age
bracket, which level of education and which career of people would be interested in
Qing Jing Jing. More, it seems that the results would show if those people who read
Qing Jing Jing would ever read other Taoist scripture and believe ‘Tao’ or not. Further,
by the questions of interview, the researcher could discover if realizing Lao-Zi’s
philosophy – “Tao” has any advantage and there would be what advantages. Perhaps,
the researcher could also know if the time of reading Qing Jing Jing and the gain from it
would be in direct proportion and people’s purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing. Thus, the
questionnaire would be designed to focus on these points.
During the interviews, the dialogue content would be tape-recorded. Therefore,
it would be necessary to interpret that content after finishing interviewing. It seems that
after interpreting that content, the work of analyzing is the big deal. The analysis would
show following seven points from the content of interview as follows:
The background of interviewees
The purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing in the beginning
The purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing after reading it
The effect after reading Qing Jing Jing
Interviewees’ perspective on “Tao”
The advantage of understanding “Tao” for people from internality to
The advantage of understanding “Tao” for natural environment
After finishing that, the researcher made a conclusion. The conclusion involves
the summary and the suggestion. Meanwhile, this research would be finished roughly. It
seems that the project would just need the final revision. And then, the last thing is
typesetting. Congratulations! The research may be done.
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 Chapter Four - Introduction and
Translation of Qing Jing Jing 
4.1 Introduction
(7) The full text of Qing Jing Jing
The entire Qing Jing Jing would be just three hundred ninety-one words.
However, it would be one of important Taoist wisdom documents because it would
contain the contention about the total Universe, life sciences and the methods of
self-discipline. Also, it would be called small Dao De Jing for some Taoists. Its entire
content would be divided into two sections. The first section would mention what “Tao”
is and how to get the state of mind of “Qing Jing”. The second section would allude that
greed, which would mean having desires of the fame, the merit and profits, et cetera
here, would bring an endless abyss of misery. It seems that the main idea of Qing Jing
Jing would be two words - Qing Jing. Generally, Qing Jing would mean that the state of
mind could meet substantial pureness and peace wherever whenever. This scripture
would mention how to release desires and how to clear the minds. It seems that Qing
Jing Jing would be good for adjusting contemporary mentality with Lao-Zi’s
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4.2 The Original, Chinese pronunciation and Translation of
Qing Jing Jing
Chinese pronunciation: Tai Shang Lao Jun Shui Chang Qing Jing Miao Jing
Meaning: Most Exalted Lord of Taoism—Lao-Zi explicated the constant truth that
would be about how to cleanse interior and exterior of people and then to gain
quiet and peace at their hearts.
Chinese pronunciation: Lao Jun Yue: Da Dao Wu Xing, Sheng Yu Tian Di;
Meaning: Lao-Zi said the following truth. Tao may be disembodiment and Tao may be
without an appearance. However, Tao could create and nurture the creation
and the universe.
Chinese pronunciation: Da Dao Wu Qing, Yun Xing Ri Yue;
Meaning: Tao would not have a private emotion. However, Tao could operate the sun
and the moon ceaselessly by its mysterious power so that time would continue
Chinese pronunciation: Da Dao Wu Ming, Zhang Yang Wan Wu;
Meaning: Tao would be nameless. Also, Tao could not discourse and exhaust really
explicitly. However, Tao could accrete and nourish everything under the sun.
Chinese pronunciation: Wu Bu Zhi Qi Ming, Qiang Ming Yue Dao.
Meaning: Lao-Zi would not know how to name this really marvelous power. Therefore,
he narrowly named it “Tao”.
Chinese pronunciation: Fu Dao Zhe, You Qing You Zhuo, You Dong You Jing;
Meaning: Tao may not have life, and Tao may not have death. Moreover, Tao would be
neither immaculate nor turbid. However, some of the creation created by Tao
may be immaculate and some of the creation created by Tao may be turbid.
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Also, some of the creation created by Tao may be mobile and some of the
creation created by Tao may be immobile.
◎Note: Before understanding above meaning, it seems to have the following sense at
first. Whole creation may be created from Tao. And, Tao may be arisen from nil.
Moreover, Tao would create whole creation from “gas” (breath) at the
beginning. Tao would transform “gas (breath)”, “concreteness” and
“substance” into whole creation. “Gas (breath)” would be immaculate; and
“concreteness” and “substance” would be turbid. Tao may not be divided into
dynamics and stillness. However, the processes of creating whole creation and
the products created by Tao could be divided into dynamics and stillness.
Chinese pronunciation: Tian Qing Di Zhuo, Tian Dong Di Jing; Nan Qing Nu Zhuo,
Nan Dong Nu Jing. Jiang Ben Liu Mo, Er Sheng Wan Wu. Qing
Zhe, Zhuo Zhi Yuan; Dong Zhe, Jing Zhi Ji.
Meaning: The sky, made from “Gas”, would be immaculate; and Mother earth, made
from “concreteness” and “substance”, would reside in turbidity. Also, the sky
would be usually mobile. On the other hand, Mother earth may be immobile
every while. ○1 Males would be immaculate, and females would reside in
turbidity. Also, males would be full of activities. On the other hand, females
would have a tendency toward a static state. It seems that the whole creatures
would be created while “immaculate gas” is downward and “turbid gas” is
upward. (Here, that means “Yin”(陰) combine with “Yang”(陽).) Briefly, it
seems that Tao is the elemental of everything since not only immaculate gas
and turbid gas but also Yin and Yang would be Tao. Therefore, Tao could
transfer into everything which could be seen, and then account for the creation.
There could be two truths of operating of all creation. The first one would be
that immaculacy may be the fountainhead of turbidity. Also, it seems that
turbidity may be the fountainhead of immaculacy. Then, the second one seems
that motion may be the basis of motionless. Also, motionless may be the basis
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of motion.○2
Originally, the earth may be an individual of rotation so the earth would be
dynamic. However, because of their living and standing on the Mother earth,
people would consider that Mother earth may be motionless as the sun, the
moon and stars moving from east to west in the sky might be dynamic.
Perhaps, Lao-Zi believes that immaculacy and turbidity may be the
foundation stone of each other. For example, all of the creatures including
males and females may be born by their mothers. Males would be immaculate
while females would be turbid. Therefore, immaculacy may be the fountainhead
of turbidity. There would be another illustration of above truths. The lake would
be turbidity while raining. However, after it becomes calm, the lake seems to be
immaculacy again.
Chinese pronunciation: Ren Neng Chang Qing Jing, Tian Di Xi Jie Gui.
Meaning: If people, who may have their bodies and hearts with both of pureness and
turbidity and with both of motion and motionless, could constantly train
themselves to stay pureness and motionless, they would be intergraded with
the sky and with the ground. Then, they would not drift with the tide and be
bitten by Vanity Fair to disengage from transmigration. More, everything from
everywhere would be understood thoroughly so they could reach the state of
Chinese pronunciation: Fu Ren Shen Hao Qing, Er Xin Rao Zhi; Ren Xin Hao Jing, Er
Yu Qian Zhi. Chang Neng Qian Qi Yu, Er Xin Zi Jing; Cheng Qi
Xin, Er Shen Zi Qing. Zi Ran Liu Yu Bu Sheng, San Du Xiao
Meaning: Originally, the essences of people would be clear, bright and calm. However,
it would be interfered with restless impure thoughts, usually. Perhaps, people
prefer their minds being pacific and quiet just like a calm lake. However, it
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would be drawn by infinite desire leading the lake of heart having the heavy
waves without any calmness. If infinite desire could be eliminated from the
minds, people would become pacific and quiet. When the minds of people get
calm by degrees, the essences of people would return to clear, bright and
sincere. Then, what is called “six desires” would not be brought.○1 Once the
roots of six senses get clear and peace as well as wisdom, inward “San
Du”(三毒)○3 , also called three poisons including greed, anger (or hate) and
darkness (or ignorance), would be destroyed.
desires” would include eye’s desire, ear’s desire, nose’s desire, mouth’s
desire, physical desire and psychic desire. Without the covetousness of seeing
beautiful views, people’s eyes would have the wisdom of seeing. Without the
covetousness of hearing glorification or melody, people’s ears would have the
wisdom of hearing. Without the covetousness of smelling pleasant smells,
people’s noses would have the wisdom of breathing. Without the covetousness
of tasting all favors like sourness, sweetness, bitterness, peppery hotness and
saltiness, people’s mouths would have the wisdom of tasting. Without the
covetousness of good feeling like satin and comfortable touch, people’s bodies
would have the wisdom of feeling. Without the covetousness of thought like
greed of fame and wealth, people’s spirits would have great wisdom.
Here, “San Du”(三毒) would be also explained to “San Shi”(三尸). “San
Shi”, in people’s head, abdomen and sexuality part, would lead people to do
something wicked. On top of “San Shi” would lead people to be greedy for
money or valuable things. The middle “San Shi” would lead people to covet
daintiness. And, the foot of “San Shi” would lead people to indulge themselves
in lust.
Chinese pronunciation: Suo Yi Bu Neng Zhe, Wei Xin Wei Cheng, Yu Wei Qian Ye.
Meaning: The reason of that those people who could not return to clear, bright and
sincere would be that they could not stop their restless impure thoughts.
Therefore, people would not become pacific and quiet. The reason of that
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people could not become pacific and quiet would be that their infinite desire
could not be eliminated from their minds.
Chinese pronunciation: Neng Qian Zhi Zhe, Nei Guan Qi Xin, Xin Wu Qi Xin; Wai
Guan Qi Xing, Xing Wu Qi Xing; Yuan Guan Qi Wu, Wu Wu Qi
Wu. San Zhe Ji Wu, Wei Jian Yu Kong.
Meaning: People who know how to observe oneself could rid of the appetence. Also,
they may realize where their own greediness, anger, idiocy and the seven
emotions and six sensory pleasures○1 would be born and how they start. Once
the appetence would be found to be caused by outer environment, they would
figure out everything that comes to mind may be totally fake. The appetence
would be born and destroyed without any form by following people’s destiny.
Further, to examine the external flesh of their body, they would discover that
the body may be formed by the assembling and dissolving of breathing, also
being called “Qi” (氣). The appearance of what so called tall, short, fat, and
thin would be temporary. It seems that finally it would go to the end. Further,
observing the Universe, people would dig out that the whole creation would
be generated by breathing (Qi) into various forms. The process of beings’
birth and death would be from none existence to existence (“Qi” assembling),
and again returning to none existence (“Qi” dissolving). In the other words,
the birth and the death of beings may be formed by the assembling and
dissolving of breathing (Qi). It seems that people could realize that all of the
visible things would be nihility, after understanding the above three reasons.
seven emotions would be delight, anger, grief, fear, affection hate and
desire; and, six sensory pleasures would be “Six desires” including eye’s
desire, ear’s desire, nose’s desire, mouth’s desire, physical desire and psychic
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Chinese pronunciation: Guan Kong Yi Kong, Kong Wu Suo Kong. Suo Kong Ji Wu, Wu
Wu Yi Wu. Wu Wu Ji Wu, Zhan Ran Chang Ji. Ji Wu Suo Ji, Yu
Qi Neng Sheng? Yu Ji Bu Sheng, Ji Shi Zhen Jing.
Meaning: After realizing that all of the visible things would be nihility and
understanding that there would be none of what so-called ‘nihility’, people,
further, would realize that appearance of nihility would be also nothingness.
At that time, people would not have any sense of nothingness in mind.
Afterwards there would be none of consciousness of hollowing the sense of
nothingness out the mind. Therefore, people’s mind could get a real peace
without bother. If people’s minds could achieve the state of the really deepest
peace, they would remain peace wherever whenever. In that case, how desires
could be brought out? While any desire would not be brought out, people
would really acquire the substantial peace. Altogether, if people could banish
the desire of emptying the sense of nothingness from their minds, they would
achieve what so-called ‘true peace’. At that time, any desire would not be
brought out whenever wherever.
Chinese pronunciation: Zhen Chang (Jing) Ying Wu, Zhen Chang De Xing. Chang Ying
Chang Jing, Chang Qing Jing Yi.
Meaning: If people could remain their mind in a substantial clean state, they could
interact and deal with all things on the earth. If people could realize the true
meaning of “Tao”, which would be genuineness, not falseness, forever
existence, and no birth and no death, they would obtain the nature of “Tao” to
fully realize the nature of everything. Once the two reasons mentioned above
are used to deal with everything, there would be no doubt so that people
would always remain their mind in a substantial clean state naturally. In other
words, it means dealing with everything but not blindly following everything.
Further, people’s mind would not be confused by outer environment. In doing
so, it would be what so called the really substantial clean state.
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Chinese pronunciation: Ru Ci Qing Jing, Jian Ru Zhen Dao. Ji Ru Zhen Dao, Ming Wei
De Dao. Sui Ming De Dao, Shi Wu Suo De. Wei Hua Zhong
Sheng, Ming Wei De Dao. Neng Wu Zhi Zhe, Ke Chuan Sheng
Meaning: If people could achieve the state of really substantial clean, they would step
by step enter what the true “Tao” is. It seems that having a gateway to the true
“Tao” could be explained that gaining the true “Tao” (De-Dao 得道). However,
it seems that there would be none existent thing to gain even though it would
be said that gaining the true “Tao”. In fact, people would gain nothing when
they would get what so called the true “Tao”; people would achieve nothing
when they would meet what so called Buddhahood-achieving ( 成 佛 ).
However, in order to moralize easily, it would be said that people would gain
the true “Tao”.○1 If people could realize previous truths, they could teach and
convey the Saint of Tao.
it would be similar to the truth mentioned in chapter one of Dao De
Jing: “If TAO can be defined, it would not be an everlasting TRUTH. If a
name can be artificially established, it would not be an everlasting name.”
(Yang Ju-Chou, Ph.D. (1987), Lao-Tze Tao The Ching Chinese/ English
Spoken Language, Taipei: Chinese Taoism association (P.23)) It seems that
people would gain nothing when getting what so called the true “Tao”
because they just recover their ultimate noumenon, for example, pureness and
peace. However, in order to illuminate simply, it would be said that people
could gain the true ‘Tao’ or could meet the state of Buddhahood.
Chinese pronunciation: Lao Jun Yue: Shang Shi Wu Zheng, Xia Shi Hao Zheng.
Meaning: Lao-Zi said the following truth. Someone who may get to the most
philosophic state would be the superior sage. It seems that the superior sage
would understand the principles of right and wrong deeply so he or she would
not dispute with others. Dissimilarly, those poor undergrade people would like
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to dispute with others often.
Chinese pronunciation: Shang De Bu De, Xia De Zhi De. Zhi Zhe Zhi Zhe, Bu Ming
Dao De.
Meaning: Those people whose morality and behaviors would be the greatest may not
consciously do something meritorious or do something virtuous. Also, they
would not be proud of what they do. Dissimilarly, those people whose
morality and conduct would be undergrade may consciously do something
meritorious or do something virtuous. Also, they may be proud of what they
do and consider themselves great. However, people, persisting in doing
something meritorious and virtuous, would not really understand what “Tao”
(道) and “The” (德) are so they could not be reputed as men of great stature.
Chinese pronunciation: Zhong Sheng Suo Yi Bu De Zhen Dao Zhe, Wei You Wang Xin.
Ji You Wang Xin, Ji Jing Qi Shen. Ji Jing Qi Shen, Ji Zhe Wan
Wu. Ji Zhe Wan Wu, Ji Sheng Tan Qiu. Ji Shi Fan Nao.
Meaning: The reason of why people could not completely realize what true “Tao” is
may be that their mind would fill with vain hopes. It seems that people would
disturb their internal souls if their minds fill with vain hopes. Probably, people
would be restricted within other things if their internal souls are disturbed.
Further, they would vary with extrinsic conditions. More, their minds would
be misled by everything. At the same time, they would have inordinate desires
for everything. Unfortunately, it seems that there would not be anything
according to people’s wishes. People may not get what they want anytime.
Therefore, people’s vexations may come from their greediness.
Chinese pronunciation: Fan Nao Wang Xiang, You Ku Shen Xin, Bian Zao Zhuo Ru,
Liu Lang Sheng Si, Chang Shen Ku Hai, Yong Shi Zhen Dao.
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Meaning: People’s vexations would arise from their vain hopes. It seems that vexations
and vain hopes would cause people’s physiologies and psychologies much
torments and sadness. Then, they would subject some corrupt hassles and
indignities. Perhaps, they would linger in the life and the death ceaselessly.
Afterward they would descend to an endless abyss of misery. Finally, they
would be led astray. In conclusion, if people are drawn by their vexations and
vain hopes, they would make a lot of burden of sin. Then, it seems that the
personal fate and karma would be brought on. Because of that, they may
excruciatingly float from life to death and from death to life endlessly.
Eventually, they would ever lose the “true Tao”.
Chinese pronunciation: Zhen Chang Zhi Dao, Wu Zhe Zi De. De Wu Dao Zhe, Chang
Qing Jing Yi.
Meaning: It seems that the invariable true Tao could be come to realize and confirm.
Probably, if people could absolutely understand “true Tao”, their mind would
remain in the really pure substantial clean state forever. In other words, if
people could achieve the state that would integrate “Atman” with “Tao”(道我
合一), they would not be influenced by external conditions. For example,
color would not pale when Tai Mountain sliding in front; there would not be
any fear when being poured by a groundswell from the head; the heart would
not be swayed by the favorable or unfavorable conditions, and the honor or
the disgrace; the aspiration would not be shaken by sufferings or happiness.
They would never fly into a panic at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind. At
that time, people would realize the truth of “Tao” so with that their mind
could remain in the state of really substantial lustration and peace forever.
A Taoist priest Jin-Bao Li’s web log Available at http://www.wretch.cc/blog/leegebar/20003467
Xiao Deng Fu (2004). Taoist Mystical Philosophy: The Dao-Zang(道藏) edition of Qing Jing Jing
Pu Ti Guan Yin Temple(菩提觀音寺) (2004). Elementary Introduction of Dao De Jing & Chang Qing
Jing Jing (P.314 – P.327)
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Chapter Five – The Analysis of Research
and Discover
This chapter would be the analysis of the content of interviews and the discovery.
(*The content of the interviews would be included in Appendix.)
5.1 The Background of Interviewees
According to the content of the interviews, it seems that people would read Qing
Jing Jing no matter their sex, age, level of education and career. It seems that people
who ever read Qing Jing Jing would have some things in common such as believing
“Tao” and ever read other Taoist scripture besides Qing Jing Jing. It seems that reading
and realizing Qing Jing Jing would need the lot. Maybe, people have ever heard it, but
never concentrated their attention on it. Or, there would be a book named Qing Jing Jing
at present, but people have never picked up and tried to read it. Therefore, it would be
essential to read and to realize Qing Jing Jing with lot. People would really take it when
they are disappointed or pleased, or when they were children or old people. Or, luckily,
people would know Qing Jing Jing in a fortunate encounter. It seems that people would
read Qing Jing Jing voluntarily like interviewee one or passively like interviewee two
and interviewee three. More, it seems that people would have read Qing Jing Jing for a
long time like interviewee three, or that people would have read Qing Jing Jing just for
not too much time like interviewee one and interviewee two. However, it seems that no
matter reading it for a long time or a short time, there would be some gains.
5.2 The Purpose of Reading Qing Jing Jing
This part could be divided into two parts. One would be the purpose in the
beginning. Also, it could be said the purpose before reading Qing Jing Jing. The other
one would be the purpose after reading Qing Jing Jing.
5.2.1 The Purpose in the Beginning
According to the content of interview, it seems that people would not read Qing
Jing Jing with the purpose to realize “Tao” in the beginning. People would read Qing
Jing Jing with the various purposes in the beginning. For example, in the beginning,
interviewee one wanted to transcribe it so that she could practice calligraphy;
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interviewee two helped to answer the researcher’s questions about translation of Qing
Jing Jing; and, interviewee three would just read it because Most Exalted Lord Lao(太
上老君) enshrined and worshipped at her home would instruct her to read it.
5.2.2 The Purpose after Reading
It seems that the purposes of reading Qing Jing Jing would be similar after
people read it. For example, after reading Qing Jing Jing, interviewee one released
something bad from her mind so that she could calm her mind; interviewee two may
think that he would be endued with wisdom because it would mention that people
should turn their thoughts inward so that they could rid of the desire; interviewee three
improved the temperament to become better and never worry about the trifling matter.
Moreover, she wanted to learn “Tao” by it. In short, people’s purpose of reading Qing
Jing Jing after reading it may be that they would like to learn something from it.
5.3 The Effect after Reading Qing Jing Jing
This part would mention what people would learn from Qing Jing Jing. Also, it
would mention the advantage of reading Qing Jing Jing.
After reading Qing Jing Jing, interviewee one realized some secrets of the
universe mentioned in the beginning of Qing Jing Jing, the dispute between people, and
some principles of behaving; interviewee two would realize the truth about ‘nihility’,
‘nothingness’ and ‘none’; also, he thinks that kind hearts would be necessary because it
could appeal to people’s better nature which would help their minds to achieve the pure
and calm state slowly; interviewee three learned how to deal with problems calmly. It
seems that people would learn how to rid of their desire after reading Qing Jing Jing.
Moreover, people would know how to get peace from the scripture.
In general, people would have some changes after reading Qing Jing Jing.
Fortunately, the changes would reform themselves to become better. Like that, after
reading Qing Jing Jing, interviewee one became not to mind something which she
would persist in before; interviewee two became to mind if his mind is pure and calm or
not, tried to uproot the source of the desire, and kept suppling at any time; interviewee
three became more delighted because her mind would become pure and calm, and she
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felt that she would keep even regain youth because of the good mood. Moreover, all of
them would agree that reading Qing Jing Jing would help to avoid melancholia because
it would help to remove the vexation.
It seems that there would be many advantages for people to read Qing Jing Jing.
It seems that the advantages would be also considered what interviewees would learn
from Qing Jing Jing. As follows, the advantages would be divided into two groups. One
would be the theory obtaining and impacts for psychology. The other would be the
practical appliance and effects for physiology.
For Psychology:
For Physiology:
The desire would be ridded
Never dispute with others
Win would not be necessary
Relieve the bad mood easily
Never mind something persisted in before
Never make an issue of something
Usually keep mind clearly and calmly
Usually keep suppling
Never be self-centered
Use softness to overcome hardness
Temperament would be better
Use calmness to control changes
Usually maintain the mind humbly
Dealing with problems calmly
Never suffer from melancholia
Regain youth
5.4 The Perspective on “Tao”
This part would try to analyze interviews’ perspective on “Tao”. It seems that
most people would have a same perspective on “Tao”. They may think that “Tao” would
be a really natural thing. As follows, interviewee one thought that “Tao” would be
something in everywhere and people would touch it whenever so every thing would be
“Tao”; interviewee two considered that all natural things would be “Tao” so people
would also follow “Tao” when following the nature; interviewee three also believed that
“Tao” would be a really natural thing.
Moreover, it would deserve to be mentioned. For interviewee three, “Tao” was
the reason because people would follow the principle to deal with any matter. Also,
“Tao” would be in front of people at any time so that it could lead people because it is
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said that you can go anywhere with justice on your side; you can not take a step without
Therefore, for interviewees, “Tao” would be the nature, and people would have
to follow it. It would be just like what interviewee three said, “’Tao’ would be the way
of getting along with people and the way of dealing with things.”
5.5 The Advantage of Understanding “Tao”
This part would mention the advantages of understanding “Tao”. It seems that
the central notion of Taoism would be from Lao-Zi. The main ideas of Lao-Zi’s
philosophy would be “Tao”. It seems that “Tao” would be not only origin of Universe
but also the motioning principle of everything. Moreover, the spirituality of “Tao”
would be Wu-Wei and letting nature take its course. Therefore, this part would discuss
various advantages from “Tao” such as the advantages of realizing “Tao”, the solutions
of problems from Lao-Zi’s philosophy, and the advantages of implementing Wu-Wei
and letting nature taking its course. Here, the advantages would be divided into three
groups which would be the theory obtaining and impacts for psychology (internal
effects), the practical appliance and effects for physiology (external effects), and the
ways of coexisting for natural environment.
However, it would be difficult to distinguish between the theory obtaining and
impacts for psychology and the practical appliance and effects for physiology because
they would always affect each other. It seems that the thought would usually affect the
behavior. Also, for health, the physiology and the psychology would sometimes affect
each other. Thus, they would be mentioned in the same division.
Therefore, this part would mention two divisions to discuss the advantages of
understanding “Tao”. One would be the advantages of understanding “Tao” for people
from internality to externality. The other would be the advantages of understanding
“Tao” for natural environment.
5.5.1 The Advantage of Understanding “Tao” for People from
Internality to Externality
This division would mention advantages of understanding “Tao” of the theory
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obtaining and impacts for psychology (internal effects), and advantages of
understanding “Tao” of the practical appliance and effects for physiology (external
effects). Also, it would be said that the division would discuss what benefit would be
caused by understanding “Tao” for people themselves. It seems that there would be
many benefits of understand “Tao” because it would have many positive affects for
people’s thought, behavior, mood, even health. The following would be some points
which would be support by three interviewees.
First one would be that understanding “Tao” would have some positive affects
for people’s thoughts so that people would gain some wisdom. For interviewee one, she
may think that the dispute with others would not be necessary. For interviewee two, he
had the thought of letting nature taking its course so that it would affect him to face
something bad peacefully because bad things would be also a part of the nature. Also,
he thought that Lao-Zi’s philosophy would have some positive suggestion for education.
It would teach people seeking their mind so that they could get the true wisdom, but not
seeking the external enjoyment because that would be endless. Also, he may have the
same thought on politics and medicine. If people could follow Lao-Zi’s philosophy, the
difficult things would become easy.
For interviewee three, after realizing Lao-Zi’s
philosophy, she knew how to analyze the trend of market which would be referred in
Dao De Qing because it would mention the theory of relativity. For example, the stocks
would fall after rising because high would exist with low.
The second one would be that realizing “Tao” could improve people’s mood. For
interviewee one, she felt that her mind would become clear and calm so that she may
feel more cheerful unlike in general after doing many works or chores. Moreover, she
would free her body, because of relaxed mind sometimes. Further, she considered that it
would be easier to calm down so that she could study more what she want to read. For
interviewee three, after realizing Lao-Zi’s philosophy, her temperament became better
so that she would have an easy time.
The third one would be that understanding “Tao” would have some benefits for
health. People many think that realizing Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be helpful to
overcome melancholia. Also, it seems that psychology and physiology would affect
each other sometimes. Moreover, interviewee two considered that realizing “Tao”
- 30 -
would be good for people as soon as their minds could be really calm. He gave an
example. According to ‘Water Knows the Answers the Hidden Messages in Water
Crystals’ by Dr. Ben Sheng Jiang from Japan, it mentioned that the thought of people
would have power. If their minds could be placid, all crystal of molecule of water in
the body would be very beautiful. The immunity against diseases would become
stronger so that people’s health could keep trim.
The fourth one would be that understanding “Tao” would let people have an
easy life. For example, interviewee one thought that doing some things naturally
would be perfect and relaxing. Also, interviewee three considered that if people live a
natural lifestyle they would have an easy life because pretending would be very tiring.
Finally, it seems that understanding “Tao” would improve the relationship
between people. For interviewee one, she would think that doing some things naturally
could help people to get along very well with others. For interviewee two, he considered
that people should not dispute with others because that would be increase the
estrangement between people. Also, interviewee three agreed that realizing “Tao” would
have some advantages of interpersonal relationship such as to the elders like the parents,
to the compeers like sibling and the husband, and to children. Moreover, it seems that
Wu-Wei and letting nature taking its course could help people to affably deal with
others genuinely so that the whole general mood of society would be positive.
It seems that people would gain many advantages from understanding “Tao” not
only for internality but also for externality just like that without knowledge could let
people omniscient, and that without action would be able to do all manners. Because of
that, people would have a better life by understanding “Tao”.
5.5.2 The Advantage of Understanding “Tao” for Natural Environment
This division would mention that what advantage of understanding “Tao” for
natural environment. Recently, it seems that the environmental protection issue would
be noticed. However, in ancient times, the elders’ wisdom would mention large amounts
of sense about how to coexist with the natural environment in their theories. Therefore,
it seems that people would support that understanding “Tao” would have some benefits
for natural environment.
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For example, interviewee one would think that if people would not be selfish,
they would love and treasure the whole creation. Moreover, she believed that people
would have to learn the characteristic of water—to be kind to all—just like what Lao-Zi
said in chapter eight of Dao De Jing so that people could coexist with the natural
environment. She also supported that there would not be big disasters if people let the
nature taking its course, even the natural disaster happened. Also, interviewee two had
the same idea. He thought that the causes of the natural environment change would be
that people could not let nature taking its course. Moreover, interviewee two mentioned
a book named ‘Water Knows the Answers the Hidden Messages in Water Crystals’. The
book said that people would transform some things becoming better through their kind
thoughts. According to that, interviewee two would think that if people could be
friendly toward everything, there would be no calamity. Further, the environment would
become better.
Moreover, it would deserve to be mentioned. Interviewee three would think that
‘follow’ in ‘follow the nature taking its course’ would not mean just following
something bad. It would mean that people would accept everything and applicably
improve some things according to the circumstances. ‘Follow’ would mean receiving
and carrying on naturally, and then react appropriately. So, take note of that letting
nature taking its course would not only emphasize ‘follow’.
It seems that people would support that they could find the environmental
protection ways from understanding “Tao” so that they would solve some
environmental problems which they may face now. The key would just be Wu-Wei and
letting nature taking its course.
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Chapter Six - Conclusion
This chapter would briefly sketch the content of research including the results
and discussion. In the other words, this chapter would be the summary of research.
Moreover, there would be the prediction about the future current of Taoism and the
6.1 The Summary of Research
The main motion of research would be trying to find some methods to solve the
problems which people may face now such as psychological diseases and physiological
diseases, and the change of natural environment from Lao-Zi’s philosophy. Fortunately,
there would be really many solutions in Lao-Zi’s philosophy. It seems that people could
be benefited greatly not only from Qing Jing Jing but also from Dao De Jing. Therefore,
the theme of this project would be researching and exploring Lao-Zi’s wisdom from
these two scriptures.
In Qing Jing Jing, it would contain the contention about the total Universe, life
sciences and the methods of self-discipline. It seems that the scripture would mention
what “Tao” is, how to remove desires and how to clear the minds. It seems that the main
idea of Qing Jing Jing would be two words - Qing Jing. It seems that if people would
realize the truth mentioned in it, their minds would achieve the state of substantial
pureness and peace wherever whenever. In Dao De Jing, there would be many helpful
and useful theories. For example, people would learn the characteristic of water so that
people could avoid even solve problems which they may face now.
It seems that the whole research would be related to Lao-Zi’s philosophy. The
Lao-Zi’s main ideas would be “Tao”. Further, the spirituality of “Tao” would be
Wu-Wei and letting nature taking its course. It seems that the results of this research
would show that if people would follow “Tao”, they would improve their life to become
more wonderful. Further, the natural environment where people live would become
better because of that. It seems that whatever people love and trust in the world would
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love people in return. However, most people would not realize this truth so their
suffering would be mostly made by themselves. It would be sad. Therefore, applying
“Tao” –Wu-Wei and letting nature taking its course – would have many advantages not
only for people from internality to externality but also for natural environment.
6.2 The Suggestion
In the future, it seems that the distance between each country would be shorter
and shorter. That would mean the age of global village would approach soon. However,
because of this reason, most people would think that they should learn more things
about western culture. It seems that learning western culture may be necessary.
However, it would not mean that their entire notions are right. The most perfect thought
would be learning something new and maintaining existing culture which people would
already have in the meantime. Therefore, as a Chinese, it seems that the ancient Chinese
elders’ wisdom would not be forgotten.
It seems that people who would have studied Lao-Zi’s philosophy would agree
that Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be applied from ancient times to present, no matter
what the era is. It would be said that Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be applied infinitely
whenever and wherever. Therefore, the researcher would support that people should be
taught some scriptures mentioned how to be a moral person such as Qing Jing Jing and
Dao De Jing in their childhood so that people would be instilled the best ideas when
their memorizing ability would be the best. Perhaps, it is a good method for modern
people to change and to transform their values, thoughts and notions toward the proper
direction so that people’s behavior would not be too bad.
Further, for environment where people live, the climate of society would become
better and more honest. And then, the Mother Earth would be affected by people’s
positive thoughts so that it would become nice. At that time, people’s health would be
better because of their pure and calm mind and the wonderful living environment.
Therefore, realizing, and then following “Tao” would have many advantages.
In the researcher’s opinion, people would realize the elders’ wisdom and study
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the western science and new technology at the same time. Moreover, the education
system would be aimed at the elders’ wisdom like Lao-Zi’s philosophy so that people
could get the true wisdom step by step. Also, the western science and technology would
be the minor so that people would learn more something new.
It seems that people would have to follow “Tao”. The reason would be explained
by a magically Chinese divinatory method which would be dismantling the word. There
would be a word which is “Tao” in Chinese character. It seems that
the word could be divided into two words. The one would mean first
in Chinese—首. The other one would be a traditionally recognized
component of Chinese character—辵, which would have some
meaning such as ‘go’, ‘walk’ and ‘follow’. Taken together, it would
mean what people born into the world would have to do at first would be following
“Tao” (implementing “Tao”).
In conclusion, modern people would change and transform their values, thoughts
and notions toward the proper direction by learning and following “Tao” so that they
could have a better life. It seems that the practical implement method would be applying
Wu-Wei and letting nature taking its course.
- 35 -
 References 
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Zhuang-Zi, the Adjustment of Controversies(齊物論)
Mark Bible 8:36 Available at http://www.o-bible.com/b5/int.html
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Available at http://life.edu.tw/data/plan/091/H13000-0000005/S1-1.htm
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The Epoch Time (2008/08/08), The Research Proves the Increasing Strong Rainstorm
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The Epoch Time (2001/07/31), Tao-Zhi typhoon Would Kill Over Two Hundred People
Available at http://epochtimes.com/b5/1/7/31/n114826.htm
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Cheng Lin (1957), The Works of Lao-Zi: Truth and Nature Popularly Known as
DAO-DE-JING, Taipei: The World Book Company, Ltd.
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temple San-Qing-Gong (道教總廟三清宮)
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Wen Zhang (2005), Interest in Reading Lao-Zi, Taipei: Gold Silver Tree Culture
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Peacefully, Keep Away from Melancholia
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(7) Lai, Wen-Yin. (2008)
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 Appendix 
Appendix-1: The Questionnaire for the Interviews
1. Have you ever read Qing Jing Jing? If yes, how long have you read it?
2. Why did you read Qing Jing Jing in the beginning?
3. What is your purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing?
4. What did you learn from Qing Jing Jing?
5. In your opinion, should people read Qing Jing Jing? Why?
6. After reading Qing Jing Jing, have you had any change in your life? If yes, what
change do you have?
7. In your opinion, what “Tao” is?
8. Are there any advantages in your life while realizing “Tao”? If yes, could you talk
about it?
9. In your opinion, could people find the solutions of problems which they may face
now such as psychological diseases and physiological diseases, and the change of
natural environment from Lao-Zi’s philosophy? Please talk about that.
10. In your opinion, is the Taoist spirituality – Wu-Wei and following nature taking its
course – applied to nowadays practicably? Why?
Appendix-2: Interviews for the Research
Note: As follows, the interviewer would be short for “A”, and the interviewee1 would be short for “B”.
The interviewee2 would be short for “C”, and the interviewee3 would be short for “D”.
Interview 1:
The Background of Interviewee 1 (B):
Sex: Female
Career: A Freelancer
Birthday: 1986/09/12
Believe ‘Tao’ or Not: Do
Age: 22
Ever Read Other Taoist Scripture: Yes
Level of Education: Senior High School
The Content of Interview 1:
A: Have you ever read Qing Jing Jing?
B: Yes, I have.
A: How long have you read it?
B: About several months.
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A: How many months are there?
B: It would be almost six months.
A: Why did you read Qing Jing Jing in the beginning?
B: Once, I went to a temple by chance and I saw that — Qing Jing Jing. I think that I,
perhaps, have no time to sit down and just read it calmly. However, I think that I can
transcribe it at times.
A: Well, so, at first, you read Qing Jing Jing in the way of transcribing instead of
reading aloud, right?
B: Yes.
A: Could you tell me what your purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing is?
B: At first, I just wanted to transcribe Qing Jing Jing so that I could practice calligraphy.
However, during writing, I feel that my mind could get peace. After writing, I
wanted to understand what Qing Jing Jing expresses.
A: So, you have transcribed Qing Jing Jing continually, haven’t you?
B: Yes, I have. And, I feel that I could release something from my mind.
A: So, you believe that transcribing Qing Jing Jing could help you to get peace, right?
But, does it have the same result if you just calmly sit down and write some other
writings? Or, you think that you can get peace just because you transcribe Qing Jing
Jing, doesn’t you?
B: Well, I think that my mind could get peace every time when I transcribe Qing Jing
A: But, some people may think that they could get peace when they sit down calmly and
write something. However, you think that you could get peace because of
transcribing Qing Jing Jing?
B: Well, every time, before transcribing Qing Jing Jing, I am in a bad mood. However,
after transcribing Qing Jing Jing, I feel that something bad would be released from
my mind.
A: So, you consider that transcribing Qing Jing Jing could help you to calm your mind,
B: Yes.
A: And, how about the source which would let you be in a bad mood? After transcribing
Qing Jing Jing, you just forget about it for a while or never mind it?
B: Well, after finishing transcribing, all of bad emotions would be gone.
A: Do you think that the problem would be solved totally or that you would face it
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B: Well, if I take things too hard again at times, I will transcribe Qing Jing Jing more
times. I think that it could be better because I would straighten out my thinking so
that I could solve the problem without any bad emotion.
A: So, your purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing would be releasing something bad from
your mind so that you can get peace?
B: In fact, it would be almost complete right.
A: What did you learn from Qing Jing Jing?
B: I realize some secrets of the universe mentioned for the beginning, the dispute
between people, and some principles of behaving.
A: Could you give examples? Some secrets of the universe would be mentioned in the
beginning of the scripture, right?
B: Yes.
A: How about the dispute between people? Could you talk about it?
B: Nowadays, some people would sacrifice their co-workers for their fame and gain at
work. More, they may think that the dispute would be necessary so that they could
get a promotion. One day, if those people could read this scripture and understand
what it means, they would realize that the things which they dispute for and gain
would not be theirs totally finally. Therefore, after transcribing the scripture, I
realize that people would not need to dispute.
A: So, you think that people should rid of their desires, right?
B: Yes, I think that the whole creation would return finally. Every beings come into the
world just in order to learn something because they would not go away with
A: So, you think that people come into the world just in order to learn something, and
that they would not go away with anything except what they learn, right?
B: Yes.
A: So, you learn this truth from Qing Jing Jing most?
B: Yes, it is almost like that.
A: In your opinion, should people read Qing Jing Jing? And please tell me why?
B: I think that it would be necessary. The second section of Qing Jing Jing especially, it
would mention that “someone who may get to the most philosophic state would be
the superior sage. It seems that the superior sage would understand the principles of
right and wrong deeply so he or she would not dispute with others. Dissimilarly,
those poor undergrade people would like to dispute with others often.” It seems that
what so-called ‘poor undergrade people’ would be the ordinary people who dispute
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for everything.
A: They would like to win the argument and vie for things which they want.
B: Yes, it is just like that. And what so-called ‘the superior sage’ would be those people
who have read the scripture for a long time. They may think that they do not have to
dispute for something because your things would be yours finally. However, things
which do not belong to you would never belong to you despite forcing.
A: So, you think that the most important purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing for modern
people would be to realize the significance of that truth, right?
B: Yes, it is almost like that.
A: After reading Qing Jing Jing, have you had any change in your life? If yes, what
change do you have?
B: Yes, I have some change which would be to relieve the bad mood.
A: Like what? You are easy to anger before, but now you would be not? Or, you would
persist in something before, but now you would never mind, right?
B: Yes, now I never mind something which I would persist in before.
A: You think that every thing would be normal and natural so you would become not to
mind something which you would persist in before, right?
B: Yes, I realize that we should not make an issue of something.
A: So, you think that after reading Qing Jing Jing, you would become not to persist in
something, right?
B: Yes.
A: In your opinion, what is “Tao”?
B: What is “Tao”? I do not know what “Tao” is. Perhaps, I do not know what “Tao” is
even though I touch it.
A: Do you mean that “Tao” would be something in everywhere and we would touch it
whenever so every thing would be “Tao”?
B: I feel that it would be so.
A: Are there any advantages in your life while realizing “Tao”? If yes, could you talk
about it?
B: Again. I do not know what “Tao” is.
A: All right. Because Qing Jing Jing would be the representative scripture of Tao, could
you please talk about if there are any advantages in your life after reading Qing Jing
B: Well, after transcribing Qing Jing Jing, I feel that my mind would be cleared. Also,
after transcribing Qing Jing Jing, I would want to read more.
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A: Really?
B: Yes.
A: How about for you physiology? Are there any influences for you after transcribing
Qing Jing Jing?
B: Unlike in general, I would feel more cheerful after doing many work or chores.
A: But, that you feel cheerful would be the effect for your psychology. I mean that. Do
you free your body because of joy?
B: Oh, yes, I do.
A: Just like the feeling after being kneaded or bathing.
B: Well!
A: I mean that you would feel relaxed with relief.
B: Yes, I do.
A: Well, so, the most special influence of transcribing Qing Jing Jing for you would be
B: Yeah, it would help me to calm my mind so that I could read more books.
A: So, next time, when I want you to study English, I would let you transcribe Qing
Jing Jing first, right?
B: No.
A: Or, you just want to study what you want to read, but you would be easier to calm
down so that could study more what you want to read?
B: Yes.
A: In your opinion, could people find the solutions of problems which they may face
now such as psychological diseases and physiological diseases, and the change of
natural environment from Lao-Zi’s philosophy? Please talk about that.
B: Could you tell me what Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be?
A: Well, according to chapter eight of Dao De Jing from Lao-Zi, he said “the way of a
good person would be like water, it benefits all but never for itself; it puts itself in
the place where no one else would wish to be, hence, he/she would be closest to
TAO. He/She adapts himself/herself to good place, his/her mind would be peaceful;
his/her heart would be kind; his/her words are sincere; his/her way would be natural;
his/her work would be diligent; his/her move would be right; since he/her would
never force his/her way, but move quietly, diligently, naturally, hence, he/her would
cause no resentment.” Here, we could realize that water would be the nearest thing
to “Tao”. For example, if you put water into a square container, it would become
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B: It would be square.
A: How about put into circular container?
B: It would become round.
A: It seems that water would become what we want it to be, right?
B: Yes.
A: However, water would not weak. Now, if I give you a ball and ask you to press it to
the bottom of a vat filled with water, could you do it possibly?
B: Yes, I could.
A: But when you relax your grip, it would float again, right?
B: Yes.
A: So, water would be powerful, right?
B: Yes.
A: It seems that water would follow any request to achieve any thing but it would not be
without power.
B: Yes.
A: Moreover, people need water everyday, right?
B: Yes.
A: It seems that you would not die from without eating for seven days, but you would
die from without drinking water for seven days. Also, nowadays, all of what we eat
such as rice, vegetables, chicken, duck, fish and meat would need water. So, water
would benefit the whole creation. However, it would not dispute with us, right?
B: Yes, that is right.
A: For example, water would flow to the low level. However, who want to reside in a
low position. Therefore, water would be the nearest thing to “Tao”. And, in your
opinion, for what I just told you, could people find the solutions of problems which
they may face now like melancholia from Lao-Zi’s philosophy?
B: I think that the cause of melancholia would be that some people would like to dispute
with others. However, competition would bring to pressure, and pressure would
cause a mental disorder. Because of that, people would be easier to suffer from
A: Yes, and psychology would affect physiology.
B: Yes.
A: Also, the problems of the change of natural environment would be the same. If we
could be kind to all alike just like water, the problems would be solved. However,
nowadays, people would not treasure and love the whole creation so it would cause
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overdeveloping, soil erasion, and so on.
B: Yes.
A: For example, there is a mountain in the way. Unlike water, people would try to open
up a road to pass through the mountain. It would cause something bad.
B: Like a natural disaster?
A: No, I think that the natural disaster would be caused by the nature. If we follow the
nature when the natural disaster happen….
B: There would not be big disasters.
A: Yeah, on the other hand, if we do not follow the nature or we go too far, it would
cause some problems. Do you agree?
B: Yes, I do.
A: So, do you agree that the Loa-Zi’s philosophy would be just like water and we would
learn the characteristic of water so that we could find the solutions of problems
which we may face now?
B: Yes, I support that.
A: In your opinion, is the Taoist spirituality – Wu-Wei and following nature taking its
course – applied to nowadays practicably? Why?
B: I think that it would be necessary. People would dispute with others wherever and
A: I think that people’s thoughts would have some problems.
B: Yeah, I would think so. In the work aspect, people would dispute to be the winner
and would like to compare with others.
A: Do you think that it would run in the opposite direction, right?
B: Yes.
A: Everyone should learn the spirituality of Wu-Wei and the spirituality of following
nature taking its course, right?
B: Yes.
A: Nowadays, all people would want to be the first. It seems that it would run counter to
the spirituality of Wu-Wei and the spirituality of following nature taking its course.
B: Yes, I think that everybody would have to remove those which may be wrong
thoughts and find the right way to achieve Wu-Wei and following nature taking its
A: Well, do you consider that Wu-Wei and following nature taking its course have any
benefit? Why do you support that the Taoist spirituality is applied to nowadays
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B: It seems that it would be more perfect if you do some things naturally.
A: What do you mean?
B: I mean that if people could get along very well with others, it would be better and
relaxing. Unlike that, it would be bad if people get along with others overcautiously
or people think that they must behave very well in the presence of others.
A: Do you mean that they would compete against others covertly?
B: Yes.
A: So, do you think that Wu-Wei and following nature taking its course could help
people to affably deal with others genuinely so that the whole general mood of
society would be positive?
B: Yes, I would think so.
A: So, in conclusion, you would support that the Taoist spirituality would be applied to
nowadays practicably genuinely, right?
B: Yes, people would also cotton to others more easily so that people would not be
distant with others.
A: Ok, thanks for your answers.
B: You are welcome.
Interview 2:
The Background of Interviewee 2 (C):
Sex: Male
Career: An Associate Professor
Birthday: 1961/09/16
Believe ‘Tao’ or Not: Do
Age: 48
Ever Read Other Taoist Scripture: Yes
Level of Education: Graduate School
The Content of Interview 2:
A: Have you ever read Qing Jing Jing? If yes, how long have you read it?
C: Yes. I appreciate it that Ms. Xu asked me some questions about Qing Jing Jing so
that I know and read Qing Jing Jing. Therefore, I have read it for not too long time.
After I read Qing Jing Jing, I feel that it would be similar to the Buddhist scripture
like Heart Sutra(心經), or Jin Gang Jing(金剛經). They would indicate our calm and
peace mind directly.
A: In fact, I ever read other scriptures, and I discovered that their central ideas would be
C: Yes, it would be almost like that.
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A: Why did you read Qing Jing Jing in the beginning?
C: Oh, again. The reason would be to answer your questions about translation of Qing
Jing Jing.
A: Ok, would you continue reading Qing Jing Jing after reading it?
C: Well, I think that Qing Jing Jing would be a very good scripture. Its content would be
like Heart Sutra.
A: Do you mean ‘Like if Polo honey suspicious pass’(般若波羅蜜多心經)?
C: Yes, if you have a chance, you can also read it. Further, you could also read Jin Gang
A: Ok, if you always read Qing Jing Jing, what is your purpose of reading Qing Jing
Jing? Learn ‘Tao’? Or, what?
C: Well, I think that Qing Jing Jing would be a very good scripture. It could endue us
with wisdom. It would mention that what we do now would be to pursue outward.
However, Qing Jing Jing would tell us that we should turn our thoughts inward.
A: Pursuing outward means desires, right?
C: Yes. Especially, now our education system would teach us to pursue outward, not to
turn our thoughts inward. In fact, most of eastern thoughts would teach us to turn
our thoughts inward such as Confucian, Taoism and Buddhism.
A: It would be affected by the western thought too much.
C: Yeah, after totally westernizing, the whole of thought would be transformed. It is a
A: What did you learn from Qing Jing Jing?
C: Qing Jing Jing would point out some ultimate sources, also called a noumenon in
philosophy. It says that our noumenon would be pure and calm. Qing Jing Jing
would also mention some nouns like ‘nihility’, ‘nothingness’ and ‘none’ (mentioned
in chapter four). However, is it real none? The answer would be not. It seems that
ingenious words would be laid by ‘none’ (空中藏有妙言). You may have to
appreciate it by yourself. It seems that your mind would meet the pure and calm
stage so that you can realize that.
A: It seems that while you understand the truths mentioned in the scripture, you could
not explain it.
C: Yeah, you may just give some examples.
A: Yes, it is difficult to explain it absolutely.
C: Yes.
A: That may be just like that “If TAO can be defined, it would not be an everlasting
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TRUTH” mentioned in Dao De Jing.
C: It is all right. It seems that you would meet the stage so that you could appreciate the
relish. Or, we would just imagine that.
A: It seems that we could just know what Qing Jing Jing would generally explain.
However, we could not totally explain it in words correctly.
C: Yeah, it is difficult to describe. You could only imagine it.
A: Yeah, it seems that words can not express what one intends to say.
C: Right, Qing Jing Jing would be a really good scripture. In Qing Jing Jing, every word
it contains would involve immeasurable meaning (無量意). Perhaps, what you
understand now would be superficial knowledge of Qing Jing Jing.
A: Maybe can combine it with our everyday experience.
C: The experience of life would be also superficial knowledge. There would be what
so-called “endless treasury” in Qing Jing Jing. You would not finish learning it in all
your life. Also, it seems that the more people know, the less they know they know.
A: Yeah, after realizing more, you would know that you would be inadequate.
C: Yes, it would be to repent and reform in Confucian. It would be also to realize and
reform in Buddhism.
A: In your opinion, should people read Qing Jing Jing? And please tell me why?
C: Well, it would depend on the personal chance. Someone would exclude at first.
However, I think that it would be necessary to read Qing Jing Jing for modern
people. Perhaps, every religion would have their scriptures like Qing Jing Jing.
A: So, in your opinion, Qing Jing Jing would be the essential scripture.
C: Yes, because it may tell people that they would have to clean and calm their hearts.
And, modern people would need it greatly because they should turn our thoughts
inward. However, reading Qing Jing Jing would need lot. If people do not have the
feeling of affinity but you force them to accept it, they would have a bad feeling
toward it. So, you may destroy their impressions on Qing Jing Jing. Further, they do
not have any chance to read Qing Jing Jing in all their lifetime. So, we would not
have to tell others the truths mentioned in Qing Jing Jing. We could deduce the
truths in the other words.
A: Yeah, we could do that, too.
C: For example, kind hearts would be necessary. Then, we could appeal to people’s
better nature. Slowly, their minds would achieve the pure and calm state. In fact, the
way to realize Qing Jing Jing would not be self-centered.
A: Yes. Also, the desire would be ridded.
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C: Yes. More, you could say that more tolerance would lead more good fortune. And,
you may have to notice a point. Do not just focus on explaining word by word or
sentence by sentence in Qing Jing Jing.
A: We would express the meaning of Qing Jing Jing roughly.
C: Yes. Also, we should follow suitably.
A: What is it?
C: It means that we should accept others whose beliefs would be poles apart with ease,
even though they are not Taoists, or they are Buddhists, Christians or Catholics. No
matter what they believe, we could encourage and help them. In that case, you
would enhance and glorify Qing Jing Jing. It seems that there would be no limit to
read Qing Jing Jing on the belief. All of the demarcation would be drawn by people.
A: Yes. I think that if you could accept other beliefs and realize what their central ideas
would be, you may discover that there would be no difference between them.
C: Yes, you are right.
A: After reading Qing Jing Jing, have you had any change in your life? If yes, what
change do you have?
C: In fact, there would be a big change. We would notice if our minds are pure and calm
or if there is any pollution in our minds. It would be very important.
A: Do you mean that we would find out the source of the desire and uproot it?
C: It seems that our desire would be brought certainly. Unlike people living in the past,
modern people would have much temptation. So, we would control ourselves so that
we do not follow our desires. For example, when you go shopping and it is on sale,
you would buy a lot. We would not be afraid to have the desire. On the other hand,
we would be aware of when our desires would be brought, and then we would try to
control it. If we feel that our power of fix would be still not enough, we could go
home and read Qing Jing Jing more times.
A: Ha-ha, so, you mean that Qing Jing Jing should be carried with us when we go
shopping, right?
C: Oh, there would be no need. But, it seems that we would be taking a test when we go
shopping. It would test us in our power of fix. Therefore, in general, a person only
reading a scripture throughout his/her life would be enough. Do not need to read
many scriptures.
A: Why?
C: If it would be fate that we read a scripture like Qing Jing Jing, we would just read it
earnestly and try to deduce the truths mentioned in the scripture. Amazing! It seems
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that every sentence would include immeasurable meaning. In my opinion, like Qing
Jing Jing, Dao De Jing would mention that we may have to keep suppling. So does
Taijiquan, especially like Yang Jia Taijiquan (楊家太極拳). It seems that we should
maintain our minds humbly. So, we would never confront others with toughness. Also,
we would keep our minds peace and Wu-Wei.
A: For example, use softness to overcome hardness, right?
C: Yes. I read that after I did Taijiquan exercises. And, I discover that the logic would be
very deep. The endless method (無盡法) from Taoism would be tremendous.
A: I think that Lao-Zi would be very wise because he could put forward the view.
C: Yes.
A: In your opinion, what is “Tao”?
C: Well, I would only say that all natural things would be “Tao” because Dao De Jing
would mention that “People take their law from the Earth; the Earth takes its law
from Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Dao. The law of the Dao is its being
what it is.” Therefore, as long as we follow the nature, we would also follow “Tao”.
For example, the river would flow like this way. We may just look at it flowing like
its way because it would be the principles of mother earth. It would be the “Tao” of
mother earth. We would not need to cut the curves to become the straights. It would
not be really necessary.
A: Do you mean that we should just follow nature taking its course?
C: Yes, following nature taking its course would be the best. It would be “Tao”.
A: So, for you, following nature taking its course would equal “Tao”, right?
C: Yes, you could say so.
A: Are there any advantages in your life while realizing “Tao”? If yes, could you talk
about it?
C: Well, I would realize how to follow nature taking its course. I would not fuss with
something. Also, I would accept things willingly.
A: So, realizing “Tao” would help you to have the thought of following nature taking its
course. Then, that would affect you to face something bad peacefully.
C: Yes. Because I think that bad things would be also a part of the nature.
A: Yes.
C: For the weather, there would be sunny days, typhoons, rainy days, even the
earthquake or some disasters. They would be a part of the nature. We would follow
it and do not be against it. I think that it would be “Tao”.
A: So, for you, realizing “Tao” would affect your mind to get peace. How about for the
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C: For the physiology, it would be also following it taking its course. In the point, I
would quote other things to answer it. For the physiology, if our minds could be
really calm, it would be good for us. There would be a book named Water Knows
the Answers the Hidden Messages in Water Crystals by Dr. Ben Sheng Jiang from
Japan. It mention that if we stick a slip of paper written ‘thank you’ on a cup of
water, its crystal would be very beautiful. However, if we stick a slip of paper
written ‘I hate you’ on a cup of water, its crystal would disintegrate and decompose.
A: Really?
C: Water would know the message. It seems that the letters would have their power.
Also, the thought of people would have power. So, if our minds could be placid, all
crystal of molecule of water in our body would be very beautiful. Our immunity
against diseases would become stronger so that our health could keep trim.
A: Yes.
C: Moreover, it would not be only good for our health. For the earth, water forms about
seventy percent of the earth. If everybody’s mind could will towards good, there
would be no calamity.
A: So, the environment would become better.
C: Yes. In fact, the effect would not be just for water. It seems that it could also affect
sun, moon, mountains, rivers, trees, even air. They would be affected by people’s
thought. For example, while watering flowers, we are kind to them and
acknowledge them. They would bloom especially beautifully. There would not be a
flower fairy. It seems that they could be affected by our thought.
A: But, do you think that your mood would also have an effect? When you are in a good
humor, everything you see would be great. On the other hand, when you are in a bad
mood, everything you see would be bad.
C: It seems that we would blind our minds so that we would not use our true hearts to
see things. Qing Jing Jing would mention that if we use our calm and pure minds to
see things, everything would be great or usual. In fact, I know these truths, but I
sometimes could not meet these. It seems that I could just improve slowly when I
discover my defect.
A: In my opinion, at least, after reading Qing Jing Jing, we could know that we would
have the defect. According to Qing Jing Jing, it says that “it seems that the superior
sage would understand the principles of right and wrong deeply so he or she would
not dispute with others; Dissimilarly, those poor undergrade people would like to
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dispute with others often.” Those poor undergrade people would think that they
would be the best. However, unlike those poor undergrade people, the superior sage
would not think so.
C: Yes. Therefore, Dao De Qing would also mention that “scholars of the highest class,
when they hear about the Dao, earnestly carry it into practice; scholars of the middle
class, when they have heard about it, seem now to keep it and now to lose it;
scholars of the lowest class, when they have heard about it, laugh greatly at it; if it
were not thus laughed at, it would not be fit to be the Dao.” It seems that this
sentence would be similar to yours.
A: Yeah, and I have also heard that “those who possessed in highest degree the
attributes of the Dao did not seek to show them, and therefore they possessed them
in fullest measure.”
C: Yes. So, it would convey the thought which would be without knowledge. In here, it
would not mean really ignorant. In the Buddhism aspect, it would be just like the
mirror. Is there any thing in the mirror?
A: Yes.
C: It seems that when you are in front of the mirror, there would be the appearance;
when you are gone, there would be nothing. It would be just like that the lake would
mirror its reflection while the wild goose is passing a lake; and there would not be
left any mark after it is gone. So, without knowledge could let us omniscient;
without action would be able to do all manners.
A: Well, the truth would be so deep that I would taste it gradually.
C: Yes.
A: In your opinion, could people find the solutions of problems which they may face
now such as psychological diseases and physiological diseases, and the change of
natural environment from Lao-Zi’s philosophy? Please talk about that.
C: Yes. The solutions of all problems which we face now could be found from the holy
ancients. Give some examples. Why does the earth change now? Why does the
natural environment change? Why is there global warming? The answer would be
that people could not follow nature taking its course. Further, people believe that
people will conquer nature. They would not know how to follow nature.
A: Yes.
C: That would be the main problem. However, the holy ancients would not provoke
their desire. It would be the most formidable wisdom of our holy ancients. In our
childhood, we would be taught some canons mentioned how to be a moral person
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such as Three Letters Scripture and Classics Rules for Children. It seems that we
would be instilled the best ideas when our memorizing ability would be the best. So,
ancient people would not be worse than modern people. Also, because we would
have had well thought since we were children, our desire would not be provoked
easily. It would be the same for education. It would not encourage provoking the
desire. It would be encourage following our mind and survey if it conform to
morality. More, it would be the same for politics and medicine.
A: So, would the solution of melancholia be the same?
C: Yes. It would be caused by the desire and be brought by the pressure. More, the main
reason would be competition. However, we should not dispute with others because
that would increase the estrangement between people.
A: Yeah, because it would dispute endlessly.
C: Yes, disputing would provoke the desire. So, ancient education system like Lao-Zi’s
philosophy would tell people not to dispute. It would not provoke our desire, and it
would teach us seeking our mind so that we could get the true wisdom. Also, it
would not teach us seeking the external enjoyment because that would be endless. It
says that a man whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an
A: I think that you are right. In your opinion, is the Taoist spirituality – Wu-Wei and
following nature taking its course – applied to nowadays practicably?
C: Do you know what Wu-Wei would be?
A: I think that it would be similar to following nature taking its course. It would not
mean to do nothing. We could do something, but we should follow nature.
C: Yes. In my opinion, Wu-Wei means not doing something purposely. It would be
allowing everything occurring naturally. Do not have an idea which man will
triumph over nature. It seems that we should abide by the law and do our duty and
be content with our lot. Meet everything and deal with everything naturally so that
we could have achieved a perfect peace of mind.
A: So, in your opinion, the Taoist spirituality is applied to you and it would be necessary
for modern people, right?
C: Yes, it would be very important. By the way, when you would like to affect people,
you do not tell they that you want to talk about a scripture. You may just talk what
your notion would be.
A: You mean it depend on their lot. If they have, they would accept what I say. Right?
C: Yes, if people would like to listen to that, you could say more. If people would not
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like to listen to that, you would not say any more. If people do not have the feeling
of affinity but you force them to accept it, you may destroy the lot. The principle
would be worthy of note.
A: Ok, thanks for your answers.
C: Ok.
Interview 3:
The Background of Interviewee 3 (D):
Sex: Female
Career: A Housewife
Birthday: 1959/04/28
Believe ‘Tao’ or Not: Do
Age: 50
Ever Read Other Taoist Scripture: Yes
Level of Education: Elementary School
The Content of Interview 3:
A: Have you ever read Qing Jing Jing?
D: Yes, I have.
A: How long have you read it?
D: Well, I would have read it for many years.
A: How many?
D: I think that it would be more than ten years.
A: Do you remember when you start to read Qing Jing Jing?
D: Well, it seems that I read it first time when I was a thirty-something or a
A: Why did you read Qing Jing Jing in the beginning?
D: It would be fortuitous circumstances. One day, I went to the Taoism total temple
San-Qing-Gong. There was a book named explanatory commentaries of Qing Jing
Jing in a bookcase at the main hall. I picked up it to read. At that time, a clerk of the
temple went toward me and told me that I could take the book. He said that the book
would have been put there for a long time and it seems that there would be only left
that one. So, I was very happy to take it to my home. Exactly, Most Exalted Lord
Lao — Lao-Zi — who is enshrined and worshipped at my home would instruct me
to read Qing Jing Jing at that time so I started read it.
A: What is your purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing?
D: Well, I think that I would not have any special purpose of reading Qing Jing Jing.
A: Just because that Most Exalted Lord Lao would instruct you to read it, right?
D: Yes, it would be so. Therefore, I think that I would try to read it. Exactly, Most
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Exalted Lord Lao would instruct me to read Qing Jing Jing, and I got the
explanatory commentaries of Qing Jing Jing at the same time. I think that it would
be a good chance to realize what the inner meaning of Qing Jing Jing would be.
A: So, at that time, you would have an idea to learn what ‘Tao’ is so you would read it,
D: Yes. In fact, I would have been interested in learning ‘Tao” since I was a child. Until
I met Most Exalted Lord Lao and he would instruct me to read Qing Jing Jing, I
would have a chance to realize ‘Tao”.
A: So, Qing Jing Jing would be the first Taoist scripture which you read, right?
D: Yes.
A: What did you learn from Qing Jing Jing?
D: Well, I think that I would learn how to get calm when I hit something bad. Actually, I
would have usually bothered about some trifling matter before I started to read Qing
Jing Jing. However, after starting to read Qing Jing Jing, I would turn to calm just
like what Qing Jing Jing mentions so that I could face the problems coolly and
composedly. In the other sentence, after reading Qing Jing Jing, my vexation would
be gone.
A: So, what you learn from Qing Jing Jing would be dealing with problems calmly. In
the other wards, you would use calmness to control changes (motions).
D: Yes, it would be so.
A: In your opinion, should people read Qing Jing Jing? And please tell me why?
D: Well, in my opinion, I would really encourage modern people to read Qing Jing Jing.
However, People would try to understand what it would mention while they read it
because the effect would be so-so if they just read aloud.
A: So, people should read Qing Jing Jing and think about what its meaning would be at
the same time, right?
D: Yes. If we would realize Qing Jing Jing’s meaning, we would reap a great profit.
A: Great. Could you tell me why you think that people should read Qing Jing Jing?
D: Well, because I think that after reading Qing Jing Jing, people would have some
A: What change is it?
D: For example, it seems that the temperament would be better and the mind would be
purer and calmer. It seems that the calm mind would not get mad easily. Therefore,
it could help to improve the temperament and never worry about the trifling matter.
And then, people would regain youth.
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A: Really?
D: Of course. In the life, the pressure would bring vexation and vexation would age
people. On the other hand, if people would not have vexation, they would not get
old. Do you agree?
A: Well, maybe you are right. So, do you agree that reading Qing Jing Jing would help
to avoid melancholia because it would help to remove the vexation?
D: Maybe. But, in my opinion, the effect of realizing Qing Jing Jing would be better
than the effect of only reading aloud Qing Jing Jing. After completely realizing Qing
Jing Jing, people would never suffer from melancholia. I promise that. Everything
would become nothing serious.
A: So, you think that realizing Qing Jing Jing would help people to avoid melancholia
and to regain youth, right?
D: Yes, it would have many benefits. Also, it would impart wisdom naturally so that
people could solve some problems readily. It would be what so called “use calmness
to control motions.” It is said that the calm would bring wisdom, but the motion
would cause the tangle. Really, I think reading Qing Jing Jing would be very good.
A: After reading Qing Jing Jing, have you had any change in your life? If yes, what
change do you have?
D: Yes, I have. It would be what I just said. The mind would become pure and calm so
that there would not be any distracting thoughts. Therefore, the mood would be
lightened. Also, the good mood would let people keep even regain youth. It seems
that everyday would be a beautiful day. By the way, it would not be necessary to
read Qing Jing Jing everyday. I think that after completely realizing Qing Jing Jing,
every solution of problems would exist in the mind. So, it could be applied at any
A: So, after completely realizing Qing Jing Jing, people would apply the wisdom
mentioned in it to deal with matters naturally, right?
D: Yes. The most important would be completely realizing what Qing Jing Jing would
A: In your opinion, what is “Tao”?
D: Well, in Chinese pronunciation, reason is read ’tao li’. ‘Tao’ would be in front of ‘li’
so people would follow “Tao”. Therefore, for me, “Tao” would be the reason
because people would follow the principle to deal with any matter. If people deal
reasonably with matters, others would accept it. Also, people would feel no qualms
upon self-examination and achieve a perfect peace of mind. So, “Tao” would be in
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front of people at any time so that it could lead people. And, “Tao” would be a really
natural thing. It is said that with justice on your side, you can go anywhere; without
it, you can not take a step. More, “Tao” would be the way getting along with people
and the way of dealing with things.
A: Are there any advantages in your life while realizing “Tao”? If yes, could you talk
about it?
D: Yes. To the elders like the parents, to the compeers like sibling and the husband, and
to children, it would also have to reason with them. It is said that with justice on
your side, you can go anywhere; without it, you can not take a step. Therefore, if we
would associate with people rationally, they would feel fair and reasonable. Then,
every thing would be solved harmoniously. More, children would feel logically
correct and accept their parents’ words and deeds.
A: So, you think that the advantage of realizing “Tao” would be about interpersonal
relationship, right?
D: Yes, there would be also an advantage of psychology.
A: Feel free?
D: Yes, it seems that there would be many advantages for people from internality to
A: In your opinion, could people find the solutions of problems which they may face
now such as psychological diseases and physiological diseases, and the change of
natural environment from Lao-Zi’s philosophy? Please talk about that.
D: Yes, of course. There would be many solutions in Lao-Zi’s philosophy. Lao-Zi’s
scriptures such as Dao De Jing and Qing Jing Jing would be very great. For
businessman, Dao De Jing would refer to how to analyze the trend of market
because it would mention the theory of relativity. For example, the stocks would fall
after rising because high would exist with low. The thing would great, but it would
not maintain good forever. Moreover, Qing Jing Jing would transform people’s
A: Do you mean to solve the mental disorder?
D: Yes. The temperament would become better so that people would have an easy time.
And, people would go out to apply for a post or to do business. Fortunately, Dao De
Jing would give some sense of the trend of market.
A: So, you feel Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be useful and helpful, right?
D: Yes. I think that Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be applied from ancient times to present,
no matter what the era is. It would be said that Lao-Zi’s philosophy would be
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applied infinitely whenever and wherever.
A: In your opinion, is the Taoist spirituality – Wu-Wei and following nature taking its
course – applied to nowadays practicably? Why?
D: Yes, it would be practicable. In my opinion, not only ancient people but also modern
people would be practicable to apply the spirituality – Wu-Wei and following nature
taking its course.
A: So, you agree that, right?
D: Of course.
A: Could you tell me why you agree that?
D: Because people would have an easy life as they live a natural lifestyle. At that time,
they would not importunate demand anything. And, they would not pretend to be
nice. Do not you think that pretending would be very tiring?
A: Yes.
D: It would be really relaxing when we do any thing naturally, right?
A: Yes.
D: In here, ‘follow’ would not mean that we would follow something bad. It would
mean that we would accept everything and applicably improve some things
according to the circumstances. ‘Follow’ would mean receiving and carrying on
naturally, and then react appropriately. So, take note of that following nature taking
its course would not only emphasize ‘follow’.
A: Ok, thank you.
D: You are welcome.
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