Bio 351 Rough Draft Paper Grading Outline. Name: ________________ Title: (1 pts) Intro: Intro skeleton/outline: Does each paragraph topic logically follow and support the introduction of the paper and hypothesis statement? (10 pts) Paragraph structure: (9 pts) Clear hypothesis statement: (6 pts) Materials and Methods: Clear experimental design: (8 pts) Scientifically valid and statically relevant: (6 pts) Steps clearly outlined: (6 pts) Citations: Proper number: Must have 16 peer reviewed citations. (6 pts) Clean: All used citations must equal the literature citied. (6 pts) Format: Use the format from the Journal of Ecology or the format of a journal of your choice. You must attach the Citation rules for the journal you use. (2 pts) Late work: All late work loses 1pt or 10% whichever is greater the day it is late. The first 24 hr period starts the moment the work is due and continues every week day until the assignment is worth zero points. All partially completed work will be considered late until the entire work is turned in.