Brain-Computer Interface systems based on the Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Presenter : Ching-Kai Huang Adviser : Dr. Shih-Chung Chen 2016/7/15 1 Outline Background Introduction Literature Reviews Materials and Methods Results & Discussion Future Works References 2016/7/15 2 Background Four lobes of Cerebral cortex: Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobe 20 STROKECONNECTION July | August 2007 Keywords: Cerebral cortex , Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Temporal lobe, Occipital lobe 2016/7/15 3 Background E.E.G(electroencephalogram): An EEG records the electrical activity of the brain. EEG features: Voltage range: 0.5 ~ 100 μV Frequency measure range: 0.5 ~ 100 Hz The brain wave may be divided four basic waves: α rhythm β rhythm θ rhythm δ rhythm 2016/7/15 4 Background The frequency and voltage range of four basic waves : α (Alpha) 8~14 Hz;30~50μV; β (Beta) 14~30 Hz;5 ~ 20μV ; θ (Theta) 3.5~7 Hz;30μV <; δ (Delta) 3.5 Hz<;100 ~ 200μV 2016/7/15 5 Introduction Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Several different features of scalp recorded EEG signals are being used as control signals. Feedback 2016/7/15 6 Introduction Event Related Potential (ERP) is voltage fluctuations that are associated in time with some physical or mental occurrence. Components of Event Related Potentials include: μ and β Rhythm P300 Evoked Potential Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Slow Cortical Potential 2016/7/15 7 Literature Reviews G. Pfurtscheller, C.Neuper, “Motor Imagery and Direct Brain-Computer Communication,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 89, 1123-1134, 2001. Component of ERP: μ and β Rhythms Donchin, E., Spencer, K. M. and Wijesinghe, R. S., “The mental prosthesis: Assessing the speed of a p300-based brain-computer interface,” IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 8, 174-179, 2000. Component of ERP: P300 Evoked Potential F. Beverina, G. Palmas, S. Silvoni et al., “User adaptive BCIs: SSVEP and P300 based interfaces,” PsychNology Journal, vol. 1, no. 4, 331-354, 2003. Component of ERP: Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential G. Schalk, D. J. McFarland, T. Hinterberger, N. Birbaumer, and J. R. Wolpaw, “BCI2000: A general-purpose brain-computer interface (BCI) system,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 51, 1034-1043, 2004. 2016/7/15 Component of ERP: Slow Cortical Potential 8 Literature Reviews μ and β Rhythms Event-Related Synchronization μ rhythms:10 ~ 12 Hz ; β rhythms:14 ~ 18 Hz & P300 Evoked Potential • 2016/7/15 Event-Related Desynchronization This event related potential (ERP) appears as a positive deflection of the EEG voltage at approximately 300 ms. 9 Literature Reviews Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) These signals are natural responses for visual stimulations at specific frequencies. Separate frequencies were used for each arrows. (6 Hz and 10 Hz) 2016/7/15 10 Literature Reviews Slow Cortical Potential (SCP) • These potential shifts occur over 0.5 ~ 10 s and are called slow cortical potentials. 2016/7/15 11 Material and Methods Hardwares: NuAmps - amplifier Electrode caps The hardwares include NuAmps amplifier, and the electrode caps , shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. 2016/7/15 12 Material and Methods The EEG recording for electrode cap with 37 channels, while the distribution of means using the International 10 - 20 system of electrode placement. International 10 - 20 system of electrode placement[5] 2016/7/15 13 Material and Methods Software: The software I used to acquire brain wave is Scan 4.3 developed by NeuroScan company. The other software I used to design human-machine interface is LabVIEW 2009 developed by National Instruments company. 2016/7/15 14 Material and Methods Parameters Setup Sample rate: 1000 Hz Filter: Band Pass: 1Hz-30 Hz Recording Channels: Oz Reference: A2 Notch Filter: 60 Hz 2016/7/15 15 Material and Methods ARM Wrestling: 2016/7/15 16 Material and Methods The 9 x 9 stimuli matrix: Start SSVEP BCI No The threshold Yes Display 2016/7/15 17 Material and Methods The 9 x 9 stimuli matrix: Start SSVEP BCI No The threshold Yes Display 2016/7/15 18 Material and Methods Auto Power spectrum of SSVEP in response to 7 Hz stimulation. Single Auto Power spectrum. 2016/7/15 19 Material and Methods Auto Power spectrum of SSVEP in response to 10 Hz stimulation. Single Auto Power spectrum. 2016/7/15 20 Material and Methods The 9 x 9 stimuli matrix: Start SSVEP BCI No The threshold Yes Display If the threshold we defined, BCI system will output control command to the devices. Otherwise, BCI system will do nothing. 2016/7/15 21 Results & Discussion The game close beta testing. 2016/7/15 22 References [1] Serby Hilit, Yom-Tov Elad, Inbar, Gideon F. “An improved P300-based brain-computer interface,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, v 13, n 1, p 89-98, March, 2005 [2] Christoph Guger, Shahab Daban, Eric Sellers, Clemens Holzner, Gunther Krausz, Roberta Carabalona, Furio Gramatica, Guenter Edlinger, “ How many people are able to control a P300-based brain–computer interface (BCI)? ” Neuroscience Letters, Volume 462, Issue 1, Pages 94-98, 18 September 2009 [3] Gray Garcia, "High frequency SSVEPs for BCI applications,"ComputerHuman Interaction 2008,April 2008,Florence,Italy [4] 趙倫(2004),ERP實驗教程,天津:天津社會科學院。 [5] Pfurtscheller G, Lopes da Silva FH (1999) Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 51, NO. 6 “Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: basic principles, Clinical Neurophysiology vol. 110, 1842-2857. [6] 基礎人體解剖與生理學 2016/7/15 23 References [7] M. Cheng, X.R. Gao, S.K. Gao, and D.F. Xu, "Design and Implementation of a Brain-Computer Interface With High Transfer Rates," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 49, pp.1181-1186, 2002. [8] G.R. Müller-Putz, R. Scherer, C. Brauneis, and G. Pfurtscheller, "Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) -Based communication: Impact of harmonic frequency components,"Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 123-130, 2005. 2016/7/15 24 Future works Papers review. Let the game interface complete. 改善訊號干擾及閥值的判斷方式 縮短判斷時間 2016/7/15 25 Thanks for your attention. 2016/7/15 26 2016/7/15 27