Integration of Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) Modeling of Arsenic to Inform the Risk Assessment Process Elaina M. Kenyon Hisham A. El-Masri Rory B. Conolly U.S. EPA, ORD Disclaimer ! 1) This presentation does not necessarily reflect EPA policy. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. 2) This work is a work in progress! Exposure-Dose-Response Paradigm Exposure Susceptibility bioavailability Internal Dose Biologically Effective Dose Early Biological Effects Altered Function/Structure Susceptibility Modified from Schulte, 1989 Clinical Disease Prognostic Significance What Makes Arsenic Unique? • Pancarcinogenic in humans, whereas rodents are much less responsive • Large cross-species differences in metabolism • Tissue-specific differences in metabolite accumulation • Toxicity most likely mediated by metabolism • Known variations in metabolism due to age and ethnicity in humans • Polymorphisms identified in AS3MT, the principal As metabolizing enzyme IAsV Methylation (1) (1) Induce chromosomal aberrations (4), genetic instability (5). Induce alterations in methylation patterns (6). Reduction Inhibit DNA repair (9). Non tumorigenic to mice and rats (14). Induce DNA damage (19) and 8-oxodG adducts (20). MMAsV Induce p53 (10) and cell proliferation (11). (1) Generate reactive oxygen species (7) and 8-oxo-dG adducts (8). Interfere with DNA repair (9). Rat bladder carcinogen (20) and rat bladder tumor promoter (21). (1) Induce p53 (10) and cell proliferation (11). Mouse carcinogen (12) and cocarcinogen (13). DMAsV Induces 8-oxo-dG adducts (17). (2) Induce chromosomal aberrations and DNA breaks (15). Generate reactive oxygen species (16) and 8-oxo-dG adducts (17). Induce cell proliferation (18). Inhibit DNA repair (9). Rat liver carcinogen (24). (2) Induce chromosomal aberrations and DNA breaks (15,22) Generate reactive oxygen species (16) TMAsV (3) Inhibit DNA repair (9) Induce p53 (10) and cell proliferation (23). TMAs(-III) Arsenical Concentration (g/g) Accumulation of Arsenicals Varies Significantly Across Tissues 9 IAs MMA DMA 8 4 3 2 1 0 Blood Liver Lung Kidney Bladder Skin Tissue Female C57Bl6 Mice - 12 week drinking water exposure to As(V) Role of PBPK and BBDR Models APPLIED DOSE INTERNAL DOSE AT TARGET (e.g., TISSUE, ORGAN) 1 RESPONSE 1 82m 81m 82m 0.1 PBPK MODEL 0.1 BBDR MODEL 80r 75k 76k 75k 77k 78k 83c 81m 79k 83c 83c Chemical Disposition (bodies effect on the chemical) Information to Develop the PBPK Model • Target site (s) (organ, tissue, cell). • Chemical specific ADME rates. • Species specific parameter values (tissue volumes, blood flow rates. • Which internal dose metric to use (based on mode of action). Biological Response (chemical’s effect on the body) Information to Develop BBDR Model • Target site. • Adverse effect (what constitutes a significant deviation from normal). • Mode of Action (i.e., key events leading to an effect). • Best measure of effect (s). Biological Hypothesis Physiological Biochemical Parameters PBPK Model Disagree Model Evaluation { Agree Model Simulations (tissue levels) Experimental Data Model-Designed Experiments PK/PD Model Utility in Risk Assessment? • Relate Exposure to target tissue dose of parent chemical or metabolite(s) Tissue dose is related to injury Predictions at different exposure levels • Relate tissue dose between species Animals to humans • Biologically based model to address variability and uncertainty Exposure variability Physiological and biochemical variability • Experimental design to test hypotheses Key Question Given that arsenic toxicity is most likely mediated by metabolism, what are the implications of interspecies differences in metabolism and tissue accumulation? Use the model to assess the relationship between measures of arsenical dose to target tissue and toxic outcomes across species An Example DMAV-Induced Bladder Cancer • Putative mode of action is cytotoxicity and regenerative cell proliferation • Rat bladder urothelium is highly responsive by several endpoints • Mouse is almost non-responsive (some evidence of cytotoxicity) • DMAV metabolism (2000) DMAV → DMAIII → TMAO DMAV Metabolism (2007) DMTAV DMAV DMAIII DMTAIII TMAO TMA TMASV Adair et al., 2007 What makes the rat different? • Much longer t1/2 (weeks) compared to mice (days) or humans • Binding of DMAIII to rat hemoglobin creates large storage depot • Metabolism more extensive • Pharmacodynamics – is rat urothelium intrinsically more sensitive? Use the PBPK Model to Evaluate the Basis for Interspecies Differences in Response • Incorporate PK features that account for known interspecies differences in ADME Hemoglobin binding Metabolism • Simulate long-term exposure scenarios • Assess relationship between measures of internal dose and differences in response among species Previous As PBPK Models Yu (1999) model: • Partition coefficients were solely determined using a child poisoning case. This study provided total arsenic levels only. There was no information in poisoning study that would help the researchers to determine the partition coefficients for arsenic and its metabolites (MMA and DMA) as was published and referenced in the Yu (1999) publication. • Yu (1999) stated in their publication that they used the child poisoning study to determine metabolic parameters such as Vmax and Km. The child poisoning study did not have any information that can lead to these estimates. • Yu (1999) model simulations were not tested against data. Previous As PBPK Models Mann et al. (1996) model: • The modeling effort for the humans was based on modification of an earlier one that was established for rabbits and hamsters. Both models did not include descriptions of current knowledge about metabolism of arsenic (such as the inhibition effects of Arsenic and MMA). • The model calibration relied heavily on “global” optimization of parameters such as partition coefficients, first order oral absorption constant, methylation rate constants, oxidation and reduction constants. All of these parameters were optimized using urine data. “Global” optimization would yield a set of unidentifiable parameters. Development of a Human PBPK Model for Arsenic El-Masri, H. and Kenyon, E.M. 2007. Development of a Human Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model for Inorganic Arsenic and its Mono- and Di-methylated Metabolites. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, epub. As Human PBPK Model • A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model was developed to estimate levels of arsenic and its metabolites in human tissues and urine after oral exposure to arsenate (AsV), arsenite (AsIII) or organoarsenical pesticides. • The overall model consists of interconnected individual PBPK models for Asv, AsIII, monomethylarsenic acid (MMAv), and, dimethylarsenic acid (DMAv). • Metabolism of inorganic arsenic in liver was described as a series of reduction and oxidative methylation steps incorporating the inhibitory influence of metabolites on methylation. • Unique aspects of this model development effort are that it addresses parameter sensitivity and identifiably, utilizes human data whenever possible and incorporates new data on arsenic methylation Liver Blood Blood Blood Liver GI GI Kidney Lung Liver Liver GI Kidney Lung Lung Kidney GI Blood Lung Kidney Muscle Muscle Muscle Muscle Brain Brain Brain Brain Skin Skin Skin Skin Heart Heart Heart Heart Noncompetitive inhibition AsV GSH Reduction GSH AsIII AS3MT MMAV Reduction AS3MT MMAIII DMAV Noncompetitive inhibition DMAIII oxidation oxidation GSH Reduction oxidation Table 3. An example of some of the biochemical Parameters Parameter Value (units) Method of Estimation Ka (Asv) 0.003 (min-1) Optimized for blood data from mice dosed orally AsV Ka (AsIII) 0.004 (min-1) Optimized for blood data from mice dosed orally AsIII 0.01 (min-1) Optimized using Buchet et al. (1981a) 0.25 (unitless) Calculated from Aposhian et al. (2004) data Vmax (AsIII→MMA) 5.3x 10-7 (mole/min) Optimized using Buchet et al. (1981a) data Km (AsIII→MMA) 3 x 10-6(M) Zakharyan et al. (1999) Vmax (AsIII→DMA) 2 x 10-6 (mole/min) Optimized using Buchet et al. (1981a) data Km (AsIII→DMA) 3 x 10-6(M) Zakharyan et al. (1999) Kinh (noncompetitive inhibition) 4 x 10-5(M) Recalculated using Zakharyan et al.(1999) 0.07 (min-1) Optimized using Buchet et al. (1981a) data Oral Absorption Reduction of AsV Kred Oxidation of AsIII Kox Methylation of AsIII* Urine Excretion Const Kurine/As Utility of Urine Data 7 7 4*k 0.1*k 0.5*k 6 Cummulative As in urine (umole As) 2*k 5 4 3 0.5*k 2 (a) 1 0 0 0.1*k 1000 2000 5 4 3 2*k 4*k 2 (b) 1 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6 0 0 6000 1000 2000 0.5*v 0.1*v 5 Cummulative As in urine (umole As) Cummulative As in Urine (umole As) 6 4*v 4 2*v 3 2 1 0 (c) 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6000 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6000 Model Calibration (DMA Dose) Cumulative DMA in urine (umole As) 6 5 4 DMA 3 2 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6000 Model Calibration (MMA Dose) Cumulative MMA and DMA in urine (umole As) 8 7 MMA 6 5 4 3 DMA 2 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6000 Model Calibration (As Dose) 3 Cummulative As in urine (umole As) 2.5 DMA 2 1.5 As 1 0.5 MMA 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6000 Model Evaluation 1 1 (a) (b) 0.8 0.7 0.6 DMA 0.5 0.4 0.3 As 0.2 0.1 0 Total As 0.9 Total As Cummulative As in urine (umole As) Cummulative As in urine (umole As) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 DMA 0.5 0.4 As 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (min) 4000 MMA 5000 MMA 6000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (min) 4000 5000 6000 Arsenical Concentration (g/g creatinine) 400 300 Data - Minimum Data - Maximum Data - Geometric Mean Model Prediction 200 100 0 As(V) As(III) MMA(V) MMA(III) DMA(V) DMA(III) Total As Conclusions • The current As Human PBPK model was developed to include complex metabolic pathways consistent with recent experimental observations of the interrelations between arsenic and its metabolites. • Model parameterization was largely based on up-to-date in vitro studies, and optimization of parameters that are only sensitive to the shape of the urinary excretion curve. • The current model was calibrated and evaluated using human urine data obtained from several sources • The current model can be used to assess the relationship between target tissue dose of arsenic metabolites (including MMAIII, DMAIII or both) and response in conjunction with BBDR. • Because the model describes physiological and biochemical processes, it can be used to quantitatively assess kinetic variability such as ones related to polymorphisms in human arsenic metabolizing enzymes. What is the Utility of the Human Arsenic Model Now and in the Future? • Assess the impact of human variability in arsenic metabolism • Evaluate assumptions used in default risk analysis methods against experimental data • Linking with Exposure Models (multi-media, multi-pathway) • Examine the role of kinetics in cross-species extrapolation • Essential to Link with BBDR models for multiple arsenicals and modes of action Key Question: What are the implications of polymorphisms and age-dependent variation in arsenic metabolism? Use the Model to Estimate the Impact of Variability in Human Metabolic Profiles (and its relationship to disease outcome measures) What is Needed? • Physiological parameter distributions (literature) • Biochemical parameter distributions (e.g. methylation rate constants) • Human data collected at the level of the individual subject, especially exposure and urinary metabolite profiles Advantages of this Approach • Incorporate and consider data from a variety of sources in vitro metabolism studies (human hepatocytes) Genetic association studies Epidemiologic investigations • Assess the impact of variability in sensitive parameters on model predictions • Identify key uncertainties in model parameterization From tissue dose to toxic response Biological mechanisms determine dose-response Exposure Tissue dose Tissue interaction Tissue interaction Sequence of events (MoA) Cancer Early Intermediate Organism Lung Tissue Venous Residual Kur Kidney Bladder Vmax, Km Liver Ka Kb GI Tract Cellular Molecular Arterial Skin Late Reduce uncertainty by describing the system more accurately (a) U pper boun d Range of uncertainty un d o b r e w Lo Risk (b) Information Arsenical Exposure Tissue Dose (PBPK modeling) ROS lipid oxidation Change in cell phenotype protein oxidation D cell cycle / apoptosis cell proliferation - SH reactivity D DNA repair enzymes DNA damage D DNA methylation enzymes D chromosome copy number altered DNA methylation Genomic instability (chromosome damage/ mutation accumulation) Cancer: self sufficiency in growth signals, evading apoptosis, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, limitless replicative potential Arsenical Exposure Tissue Dose (PBPK modeling) ROS lipid oxidation Change in cell phenotype protein oxidation D cell cycle / apoptosis cell proliferation - SH reactivity D DNA repair enzymes DNA damage D DNA methylation enzymes D chromosome copy number altered DNA methylation Genomic instability (chromosome damage/ mutation accumulation) Cancer: self sufficiency in growth signals, evading apoptosis, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, limitless replicative potential Overall dose-response and time-course is built up from the key event relationships (dosimetry) Regulatory endpoint Arsenical Exposure Tissue Dose (PBPK modeling) ROS lipid oxidation Change in cell phenotype protein oxidation D cell cycle / apoptosis cell proliferation - SH reactivity D DNA repair enzymes DNA damage D DNA methylation enzymes D chromosome copy number altered DNA methylation Genomic instability (chromosome damage/ mutation accumulation) Cancer: self sufficiency in growth signals, evading apoptosis, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, limitless replicative potential Arsenical Exposure Tissue Dose (PBPK modeling) ROS lipid oxidation protein oxidation - SH reactivity D DNA repair enzymes D DNA methylation enzymes Dose-response and time-course for each key event!!!! Change in cell phenotype D cell cycle / apoptosis cell proliferation DNA damage D chromosome copy number altered DNA methylation Genomic instability (chromosome damage/ mutation accumulation) Cancer: self sufficiency in growth signals, evading apoptosis, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, limitless replicative potential Arsenic dosimetry Skin dose Lung dose MOAbladder MOAskin MOAlung Bladder cancer Skin cancer Lung cancer Bladder dose Available data Epi cancer dose-response Lab animal in vivo dose-response & time-course In vitro studies of MOA Relevance to model development Epi cancer dose-response Very! Lab animal in vivo dose-response & time-course Very! In vitro studies of MOA Informs MOA, but generally lacking doseresponse and time course. Also relevance issues (i.e., transformed cell lines). •85 ppm in drinking water •1 applied dose •15 ppm in drinking water •1 applied dose •human relevance? As(III) causes oxidative DNA damage 7 6 * 5 * 4 3 * 2 4 3 * 2 1 1 0 * 5 8-OHdG/106dG 8-OHdG/106 dG 6 0 0 5 10 20 Concentration (M) 30 0 4 8 16 Incubation time (hr) 24 As(III) causes oxidative DNA damage 7 5 4 Ke Jian “Jim” Liu, * * 5 Ph.D. College of Pharmacy 4 * University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center 8-OHdG/106dG 8-OHdG/106 dG 6 6 3 * 2 * 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 5 10 20 Concentration (M) 30 0 4 8 16 Incubation time (hr) 24 As(III) causes oxidative DNA damage 7 5 4 Ke Jian “Jim” Liu, * * 5 Ph.D. College of Pharmacy 4 * University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center 3 * 2 3 * 2 1 1 0 8-OHdG/106dG 8-OHdG/106 dG 6 6 0 5 HaCaT human keratinocyte 0 line transformed cell 10 20 30 0 4 Concentration (M) 8 16 Incubation time (hr) 24 300 Formaldehyde 200 200 150 150 100 100 4 4 1 5 4 50 50 3 2p 2 pm 1 5 4 0.7 3 2 pp m 1 5 4 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 2 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 3 6p pm C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 54 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 5 10 3 2 1 pp m E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 5 15 3 2 pp 1 m con 3 tro l 2 0.57 0.14 6. 1.29 0. 1 4 sure of expo n o i t a r Du ) (weeks 0. 5 7 1 78. 7 8 . 00 13. 52. 26. 1 3 . 00 2 6 . 00 5 2 . 00 1 .2 9 6 . 00 0 Labeling index Dose-time response surface for regenerative cellular proliferation in nasal epithelium of the F344 rat. 250 Considerations for experimental design • Dose-dependence of key events Lower dose effects of greater interest • Time courses of key events Classify early vs late events • If data are obtained in vitro then need an accurate method for extrapolation to in vivo Final thoughts • BBDR model is data-based. Accuracy of predictions as good as the quality and completeness of the data used in developing the model • Model describes the in vivo situation • Important extrapolations that can be informed by data In vitro in vivo Lab animal human Hi low dose End What is the Bottom Line? • Utilizing only exposure measures in doseresponse modeling can be misleading • The PBPK model can be used to assess the impact of variability in metabolism at the population level • A functional PBPK model is essential for linking with response (BBDR) models • PBPK and BBDR models provide a framework for planning and design of studies utilizing animal models or human populations Collaboration and Consultation Teamwork! • • • • • • • • • Harvey Clewell (Hamner) Stephen Edwards (NCCT) Marina Evans (NHEERL) Michael F. Hughes (NHEERL) David Thomas (NHEERL) Jan Yager (EPRI) ECD Researchers (NHEERL) NCEA Office of Water Response Many possibilities for the actual dose-response Dose Choose the model that minimizes uncertainty (Mechanism-based approach) (Policy-based approach) (a) U pper boun d RfC Range of uncertainty oun d Low er b Risk (b) Risk Information U pper boun d Range of uncertainty Risk oun d Low er b Range of uncertainty