April 21, 2011
2:00 p.m. M123
Members : Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich,
Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch,
Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche,
Anne Brophy
Attendees : Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint,
Vernon Hawkins, Sam Govea, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti,
Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Haven Abedin, Ahad Hayaud-Din Guests:
Important Things to Know
Sharon Blackman forwarded the minutes from the Registration Sub-committee meeting. There will be no late registration in fall, 2011. The first day of class will be the starting pay date for online classes. Sam
Govea will send questions to Rodger to forward to Sharon Blackman.
Haven and Ahad gave an update on the concluding phase I – Reading - for the QEP. Now reviewing proposals received from math/science and communications. Looking at Tier I classes for possible baseline scores, also TSI scores and come up with a follow up assessment. The Nelson-Denny Reading
Test that has been in effect for 60 years was mentioned as a possible assessment instrument. The purpose of the test is to measure reading ability among high school and college students. Need to be able to demonstrate to SACS that assessment has been done. Haven and Ahad will provide materials to be used in order to ensure accuracy.
Marilyn Lynch mentioned that ECHS has expressed an interest in participating in the QEP, possibly as a pilot program. Haven sees high school as a part of a service learning program. Ahad agrees with a partnership with ECHS but high schools are not a part of SACS. The results might distort the picture.
Some things to look at might be
Improved reading skills
Faculty learning circles – small group of volunteers meet through the year assessing their classes
Stand alones
Campus wide professional development on reading
Increased engaged relating to reading
Building a new culture long term goal. Brenda Dalton would like academic advising to be a part of this project. Open Book project will be discussed at orientations.
There was also a discussion on perhaps providing the common reader to incoming freshman but may be cost prohibitive. Also discussed looking at ways to expand reading across the campus.
Rodger asked for feedback on the position paper from the DCCCD Government Discipline Committee, a copy of which was distributed to this group at the April 7 th deans meeting. Ahad was asked to share the information with the deans and to especially concentrate on item VI (Student Preparation and Attitude).
Ahad also reported that the committee has recommended tweaking the core curriculum in regard to
incorporating GOV 2302 into Tier 2. The CORE includes Tier I and Tier II. Rick Maxwell congratulated
Ahad and the district committee for their work on this project.
Ahad gave an update on the process of the DCCCD CORE CURRICULUM w
Met with deans and workgroups. Rodger and Ahad reviewed the process on Tier 3.
High level of rigidity from I to II. Tier 3 be removed. Ahad was asked to send writing and reading requirements for Tier 11.
There was a lengthy discussion on what exactly Tier means to students and the level of competency in different courses. Rodger supports the work being done with the committee.
Testing Center Proposal
Rodger reported on the progress Oscar Lopez’ is working on a testing center proposal. He will bring to the deans/Faculty Council for feedback. Some issues being reviewed include allocating time and who gets tested. Reduction in personnel has impacted the overall services provided by the testing center.
Rodger will discuss a meeting time with Oscar.
Adjunct Supervision
Doris Rousey presented a proposal from the math department on adjunct supervision. Proposal as follows:
Two or three on release time
Lead adjunct faculty on supervisory role
Goal is that no more 20% release time for full time faculty. Still responsible for supervision but not to the present extent.
Adjuncts would pick classes first and then would be paid on hourly supervisor rate.
Sam Govea reported that, in the past, adjuncts have supervised other adjuncts in Social Science. There was a question about adjuncts supervising peers. After discussion it was agreed Lisa Ehrich would meet with the Math faculty to hear about the proposal.
ECHS Update/Carl Perkins
Marilyn Lynch gave an update on the Perkins funding cuts for tech prep. Perkins funding has been reduced about 30%.
Marilyn then gave dates for ECHS events. She also announced that in fall 2011 classes will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.
Review Positions/replacement positions
Sarah Ferguson presented her request for Librarian IV, position held by Sue Crowson who is retiring.
Sue has been in this position for three years. Sarah is requesting the position at the same level. The person is responsible for the library program including development of student learning objectives, instruction and is a direct liaison with the faculty. The library program is a SACS requirement (3.8.2).
Librarian III description does not cover planning and development. The group approved the position.
Rick Maxwell presented his requests for two positions – Bob Hueston and Marie Maness - both taking phased retirement. Rick would like to have a one year temporary position and a one year split duties in both instruction and coaching (fund 12). Rick pointed out that new CORE has caused class enrollments to increase substantially. ECHS has added 14 cohorts. In regard to fund 12, will discuss with Oscar
Lopez. Copies of these three requests are filed with these minutes.
There was a short discussion on exempt PSS employees filling out time sheets.
Rodger reminded the group that proposed cuts back to him by April 25.
Weekend college will be discussed at a later date.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.