July 16, 2009
2:00 p.m. M122
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael
Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins,
Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche,
Anne Brophy
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Juanita Flint,
Vernon Hawkins, Rick Maxwell, Aaron Ostrom, Doris Rousey,
Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Oscar Lopez, Travis Happala, Monica Taliaferro
Important things to know
Michael Dennehy reminded everyone about the invitation sent out via e-mail about the scheduled
public forum to meet the candidates for the Dean, Planning, Research and Institutional
Effectiveness position. He encouraged everyone to come and provide feedback after each
session. Five sessions are scheduled – July 20 through July 24.
Faculty Signing up for Registration
Oscar Lopez reported on faculty signing up for registration, an enrollment management initiative.
Travis Happala with PR developed an online registration system for BHC faculty and staff to
indicate what area they will be working with. The system will be operational August 3.
Reminders will be sent out weekly giving people opportunities to register. Oscar hopes this
system will be well received. He did state that there will not be any volunteers on Tuesday,
Convocation Day, except possibly between six and 8 in the evening.
Travis demonstrated the new online process. Opportunities for participation:
Schedule with Brenda Dalton
e-Connect tables and tables with laptops – no login required
Specific program tables
Distance Learning tables
Oscar will e-mail the link to this site.
At the end of registration a report will be sent out indicating number of people that participated in
the registration process, the number of hours worked, and any comments. Volunteer time slots
will also be available on Saturdays, August 15 and 22. After discussion it was agreed faculty are
obligated to work six hours during registration. Any changes to this arrangement will be made
between faculty member and dean. Registration for signup will begin August 1. Colleague
access is necessary for one link.
EMGI Outreach and Offerings
Diane Brownlee, Director of the EMGI, distributed handouts on an Earth Science and
Technology program done in participation with Texas A&M Commerce and Education Service
Center Region 10. Two professional scientists and one faculty accompanied students on this trip.
Diane’s handout included information materials students received, such as personal hands-on
training on using a GPS unit correctly and mapping points. It also included outcomes expected
by the teachers. An evaluation form indicated 95% of the students rated the program as excellent.
Diane reported that this program will be presented at the National Science Teachers’ Conference
in 2010. Doris Rousey wants everyone to be aware of the outstanding Outreach programs EMGI
is involved with.
Rodger asked how other areas could provide in-service promoting their programs. Vernon stated
you must work with Region 10.
Format Request for Spring 2010
Monica Taliaferro addressed the issue of format for the class schedule. Due to three
additional requests recently, she asked if she should continue to take requests for
customizing certain programs in addition to the 14 already being customized by inhouse computer programming. She said that Brookhaven is the only college not
using the district-provided format, which is not customized, for production of the
online and printed credit course schedules. The deans voted to continue customizing.
She also asked the deans to work with their faculty/staff about adhering to published
deadlines when requesting customization of their programs. Getting information late
creates a problem that requires overtime of MPI Office staff; therefore, deans and lead
instructors will need to make sure the information is in on time to the MPI Office.
Prefix Changes
Thomas Anderson distributed a copy of an e-mail referencing prefix changes for religion,
journalism, photography and nutrition courses. Religion 1304, 1316, 1317 and 2321 will
become Philosophy 1304, 1316, 1317 and 232. Journalism 1307 will become
Communications 1307; Photography 1316 and 1318 will become Communications 1316 and
1318; Nutrition 1322 will become Biology 1322.
These new prefixes go into effect Fall 2010. This information will be provided to faculty this
fall, 2009. These courses were approved by the Coordinating Board and will be listed this way in
all publications and for reporting purposes beginning 2010 academic year.
Rodger also asked the deans to recommend a co-chair for the tech/occ curriculum committee.
Stephen Herd was in this position for a number of years and is opting out.
Tech/Capital Equipment Needs
Rodger asked that the deans be sure to share the results of the tech/capital equipment evaluation
process with their workgroups. Rodger will be working with Marion Douglas, Manny Estrella
and Mike Deason on a process with checking the progress of requisitions once entered into the
Campus Closings
Rodger distributed copies of the academic calendar for 2009-2010 and asked for input as to
clearly stating when the campus is closed for holidays – Labor Day. BHC closed Monday, Sept 7.
No credit and non-credit weekend classes Friday, Sept 4, Sat. Sept 5 and Sunday, Sept 6.
Professional Development Expectations
This topic will be brought to a future meeting. Rodger reported that some of the other DCCCD
campuses are having employees sign a document outlining confirming the understanding of
professional development expectations for full time employees.
Rodger will be out of the office the week of July 20-24. Doris Rousey will be signing for
Rodger. July 23 deans’ meeting is cancelled.
Vernon Hawkins reported on the Summer Youth Program that had been discussed at an earlier
meeting. Unfortunately the program will not be implemented at Brookhaven. Logistics a
problem. Vernon thanked everyone for their response to his request.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.