[Business Idea Generation] Huynh Thanh Phong_M987Z242 Nguyen Hong Duy_M987Z218


[Business Idea


Huynh Thanh Phong_M987Z242

Nguyen Hong Duy_M987Z218

Business Ideas

• Vietnamese Food Shop in Taiwan

• Vietnamese Cafe Chain in Taiwan

• Nails shop in Taiwan

• Online Business Incubator Services

• Facebook's fan page design

• E-book Exchange Website


Vietnamese Food Shop in Taiwan

• Concept

- This shop is a small restaurant with variety of Vietnamese food. It will serve traditional and special Vietnamese dishes from many regions of the country.

- The shop will be a familiar and warmly environment for all

Vietnamese who’re far from home in Taiwan. It will be a destination for many Taiwanese and foreigners who want to enjoy Vietnamese food and discover a part of Vietnamese culture as well.

Vietnamese Food Shop in Taiwan

• Advantages

– I love cooking, love Vietnamese food

– A lot of Vietnamese live in Taiwan create a big demand and market

– It’s not so difficult to find a position and the required materials because Taiwan and Vietnam have many common points in cooking.

• Disadvantages

– There are a lot of shops in Taiwan already

– Need a big sum of money


Vietnamese Cafe Chain in Taiwan

• Concept

- This coffee chain will launch Vietnamese coffee brand largely in Taiwan. It which brings new taste for more Taiwanese who love coffee… The chain will provide many kinds of Vietnamese coffee and also set up new image of coffee – cake shop to compete with local shop.

- The chain will maintain a good and long term corporation with many suppliers in Vietnam with a suitable price and high quality products.

Vietnamese Cafe Chain in Taiwan

• Advantages

– Vietnamese coffee is already very famous in the world

– Taiwanese love coffee so this must be a potential land

– I have some friends can help me to import coffee from

Vietnam to Taiwan

• Disadvantages

– Need a lot of money

– Have to find good locations to place the store


Nails shop in Taiwan

Concept: A popular model of beauty shop but we will supply with a competitive price and young-creative stylists who will satisfy all type of customers.

• Advantages

– Beauty demand is very big in Taiwan for middle aged and young people as well

– Nails is very cheap in Vietnam but quite expensive in

Taiwan à Price could be a competitive advantage

• Disadvantages

– I don't know much about nails and don't have ability to paint nails


Online Business Incubator


• Concept

– Incubator is an address for entrepreneur to get advice and recommendation for their business planning and conduction

– Incubator employs talented, knowledgeable and experienced Professors to work freelance from anywhere to deliver precise and necessary guidelines and support online to start-up entrepreneurs

– Fee = Consultancy fee + % of client's after tax income within 3 years after the break event point period


Online Business Incubator


• Advantages

– Advanced communication technologies allow people from different areas to have online meeting together

– No limit of geography: Freelance Profs. from any corners of a country or the world can support an start-up company and get the payment online

– Save cost and time: don't need interpersonal meeting --

> reduce transport time and meeting cost

• Disadvantages

– Hard to have the control over entrepreneurs and profs

– Hard to control the income and payment from Clients

– So many existing incubators can copy the model to run their business online


E-book Exchange Website

• Concept

– The website allows subscribers (members) to exchange their e-book on the site

– Sellers upload and set the prices for their e-books according to the categories classified by the web owner.

When their e-books are sold, they have to pay 5% of the price each time to the web owner. the payment can credit to their personal accounts. Every time they buy ebooks, their accounts will be deducted

– There are two payment methods for the buyers to buy e-books.

• Deduction on their personal account

• Online Payment via VISA, Master, Pay pal, etc.,...


E-book Exchange Website

• Advantages

– Internet and e-commerce is so popular, people can use Internet every where, and buy stuff online

– E-books have become more and more popular due to the convenience to buy and read

– Many digital instruments nowadays have e-book reading function that can allow reader to read and take notes on their e-books

– There are some websites sell e-books but the prices are quite high and payment methods are risky

– No limit of countries, selling to any corners of the world

– Don't require so much money

• Disadvantages

– Internet payment is quite risky

– Current competitors can adopt the business model easily

– online copyright issues


Facebook's fan page design

• Concept

– Design eye catching fan pages on Facebook for those who want to promote their brands of products and/ or services to Facebook communities

• Advantages

– Facebook has been attracting millions of people around the world and change people's habit of chatting and blogging

– Facebook creates an effective online channel for word of mouth marketing.

People freely share their updates, news and comments that can show their feeling, emotions and thinking. Their information is spread through to millions of people on facebook within seconds.

– Fan page on facebook is a good marketing channel to communicate with people on Facebook

– Fan page on Facebook with the open source can allow to design and edit templates and contents

– Don't require much start-up costs

• Disadvantages

– Don't have deep knowledge on this issue

– Easy for new entrants to enter this industry

– Subtopic



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