~ Gonzaga University Career Center/GAMP ~ Internship ◊ Agreement of Responsibilities ◊ Student Responsibilities: In the pursuit of excellent education, and in the spirit of cordiality, I agree to the following expectations during my internship: 1. I will adhere to outlined work hours, policies, procedures or safety regulations governing the staff. 2. As an enrolled student and representing the University, I will assume personal and professional responsibilities for my actions and activities, upholding codes of conduct as stated in all University Publications. 3. I will maintain professional relationships with fellow employees and rapport with supervisors. I will take the initiative to discuss my internship learning objectives and experiences with my supervisor. 4. I will agree to policies within the organization regarding confidentiality of information. 5. I will relate and integrate academic knowledge into the work place; pose questions and ask for clarity on specific assignments or projects required. 6. I will cultivate an awareness of social setting, seeking to learn from attitudes and behavioral patterns that impact professional working culture. 7. I will be consistent and punctual in work assigned by my supervisor as part of the learning goals. 8. I will record in my journal the major events or discoveries of my internship, and be consistent in submitting progress and exit reports to supervisor, faculty and/or Internship Office. 9. I will notify the Internship Manager and my supervisor of any health or medical conditions, or if difficulties are experienced during my internship. Please attach any additional agreements. AGREED: (STUDENT): ____________________________________ Please submit one copy to: DATE: ________________________ Employer/ Supervisor Internship Office Career Center/GAMP ~ Gonzaga University Career Center/GAMP ~ Internship ◊ Agreement of Responsibilities ◊ Employer Responsibilities: In the exercise of Best Practices, and in the spirit of training students professionally on-the-job, The Employer agrees to the following commitment during the course of the internship: 1. Discussion of student’s learning objectives, and effort to incorporate these into assigned tasks or duties. 2. Orientation of student intern to structure, operation, policies and procedures of organization. This will include open discussion of dress expectations, leave policies and working hours. 3. Provide adequate resources and work space necessary to accomplishing job objectives. 4. Provide a thorough, current and relevant job description with tasks assigned based on the 80/20 rule, (80% of time devoted to tasks that are challenging and represent the character of the profession.) 5. Provide regular and meaningful supervision and feedback to the student intern in fulfillment of learning goals. 6. Prepare staff members and facilitate professional interaction for the best learning opportunities. 7. Open disclosure of method of performance evaluations to be used. Appraisals should be obtained from the university or developed by both the supervisor and student. It should reflect learning objectives. 8. Submit a minimum of two evaluations of student performance during the internship to both student and Internship Office or as arranged by supervising faculty. a. mid-point progress report b. exit assessment. Please attach any additional agreements. ______________________________________________________________________________________ AGREED: (EMPLOYER): _____________________________________________ DATE: ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________