Chap 2 Analytical Tools and Frameworks Differentiation and low costs 絕對可以同時達成。The strategy canvas and four actions framework were used to create new value curve. 紅海競爭發展出一系列的分析工具: 1. Five-forces analysis 2. Three generic strategies Blue ocean 致勝所需的實際工具,卻未著墨。 美國葡萄酒的red ocean plight The intense competition has fueled ongoing industry consolidation. The top eight companies produce more than 75 % of the wine in the U.S., and the estimated 1600 other wineries produce the remaining 25%. Following conventional strategic thinking, the industry is hardly attractive, for strategists, the critical question is, How do you break out of this red ocean of bloody competition to make the competition irrelevant? The address these questions, we turn to the strategy canvas, an analytic framework that is central to value innovation and the creation of blue oceans. The Strategy Canvas 橫軸列舉業者據以從事競爭與投資的因素。 以美國葡萄酒業為例,目前存在七個主要因素如 下,這些因素被視為銷售葡萄酒的關鍵,讓葡萄 酒變成適合品酒專家以及特別場合的獨特飲料。 1.每瓶酒的售價 2.以packaging 投射出精英、文雅的image 3.大規模媒體廣告活動 4.酒的陳釀品質 5.酒莊的聲望和歷史傳承 6.品酒時感受的品味覺層次與深度 7.兼顧各種葡萄品種以及顧客喜好的各式葡萄酒 縱軸表示顧客從這些關鍵因素可以得到多少利 益。 Value curve是策略草圖的基本元素,也是圖形 描繪一家公司在該行業中各種競爭因素的相對 表現 圖2-1 show, 美國葡萄酒業的價值curve。雖然 超夠1600家酒莊,但從customer view來看, 它們的價值曲線極為類似。 Figure 2-1 1990年代末美國葡萄酒業的strategy canvas 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 低 低 低 低 低 低 低 低 售價 使用釀酒 術語和劃 分葡萄酒 的性質 高規 格行 銷 年份 酒莊地 位和傳 承 葡萄酒 的複雜 深奧 種類 企業要根本扭轉它的strategy canvas, 必須把strategy 焦點從當前的競爭, 轉移到 另類選擇與非顧客,你會如何重新定義產業問題 的聚焦有了全新認識、並藉此重建產業邊界的買 方價值基礎。 在美國葡萄酒業的個案中,過度講究品酒 原則,釀酒業者,酒展評審等; However, 澳洲的 Casella Wines卻explores另類選擇,將葡萄酒 業的面對的issues重新定義: 如何釀造出讓每個人都容易上口,而有趣的非傳 統葡萄酒業,why? In looking at the demand side of the alternatives of beer, spirits, and ready-to-drink cocktails, which captured three times as many U.S. consumer alcohol sales as wine, Casella wines found that the mass of American adults saw wine as a turnoff (切入點). With this insight, Casella Wines was ready to explore how to redraw the strategic profile of the U.S. Wine industry to create a blue ocean. The Four Actions Framework 要破除差異化與低成本的trade-off關係,創 造新的value curve, there are key questions to challenge an industry’s strategic logic and business model: 1.Which of the factors that the industry takes for granted should be eliminated? 2.Which factors should be reduced well below the industry’s standard? 3.Which factors should be raised well above the industry’s standard? 4.Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered? It is by pursuing the first two questions (of eliminating and reducing) that you gain insight into how to drop you cost structure vis-à-vis competitors. The second two factors, by contrast, provide you with insight into how to lift buyer value and create new demand. Of particular importance are the actions of eliminating and creating, which push companies to go beyond value maximization exercises with existing prompt companies to change the factors themselves, hence making the existing rules of competition irrelevant. Case study-yellow tail 根據這 四項行 動探究 “另類 選擇 ” 和 “非顧客”,推出策略組合與競爭對手截然不同 的 “黃尾袋鼠” 葡萄酒,創造出blue ocean. 黃 尾袋鼠把原來不喝葡萄酒的人,including 雞尾 酒的customers吸引進入,喝高級葡萄酒的人則 自動降級改喝 “yellow tail”. Figure 2-3 shows the extent to which the application of these four actions led to a break from the competition in the U.S. wine industry. By looking at the alternatives of beer and ready-to-drink cocktails and thinking in terms of noncustomers, Casella wines created three new factors in the U.S. wine industry 1.easy drinking (明顯的果香) 2.easy to select (two kinds only) and adventure (retailer’s people address 牧場工作服及搶眼平易近人的商標) 4.and eliminated or reduced everything else (橡 木桶and 成熟年份等) Figure 2-3 黃尾袋鼠的strategy canvas high high class grape yellow class Y L LOW class grape L low 售價 使用釀酒 術語和劃 分葡萄酒 的性質 高規 年份 酒莊地 葡萄酒 種類 位和傳 的複雜 格行 承 深奧 銷 順口 容易 趣味 選擇 與冒 險 分析輔助表 By driving companies to fill in the grid with the actions of eliminating and reducing as well as raising and creating, the grid gives companies four immediate benefits: 1. It pushes them to simultaneously pursue differentiation and low cost to break the value-cost trade-off. 2. It immediately flags companies that are focused only on raising and creating and thereby lifting their cost structure and often overengineering products and services – a common plight in many companies. 3. It is easily understood by managers at any levels, creating a high level of engagement in its application. 4. Because completing the gird is a challenging task, it drives companies to robustly scrutinize every factor the industry competes on, making them discover the range of implicit (盲目的) assumptions they make unconsciously in competing. Figure 2-4 Eliminate –Reduce-Raise-Create Grid: The Case of [yellow tail] Eliminate 釀酒術語和各種區別 陳年品質 高級行銷 Reduce 葡萄酒的複雜深奧 葡萄酒種類 葡萄酒地位 Raise 與平價酒的價差 加強零售商店參與 Create Easy drinking Ease of select Fun and adventure The Case of Cirque du soleil, 太陽circus消除了傳統circus的部份元素, Such as, 動物表演、明星表演,以及能同時上 演數個節目表演場。創造一些因素,such as, theme, refined environment, multiple productions, and artistic music and dance. Three Characteristics of a Good Strategy Focus Divergence A compelling Tagline 能夠發揮作用的藍海策略,應有三種互補特質: 焦點明確、獨樹一幟、畫龍點睛 的標語 Focus: the company does not diffuse its efforts across all key factors of competition. Diverge: the shape of its value curve diverges from the other players’, a result of not benchmarking competitors but instead looking across alternatives. Tagline: the tagline of yellow tail’s strategic profile is clear “a fun and simple wine to be enjoyed every day. The case of Southwest Airlines created a blue ocean by breaking the trade-off customers had to make between the speed of airplanes and the economy and flexibility of car transport. To achieve this, Southwest offered high-speed transport with frequent and flexible departures at price attractive to the mass of buyers. Figure 2-6 The Strategy Canvas of Southwest Airlines (p38 English; p.63) Focus Looking at Southwest’s profile, we can see at once that the company emphasizes only three factors: friendly service, speed, and frequent point-to-point departures. Divergence Indeed, in the case of Southwest, the value curves of the company’s competitors are virtually identical and therefore can be summarized on the strategy canvas with a single value curve. Southwest, for example, pioneered pointto-point travel between midsize cities; previously, the industry operated through huband-spoke (軸輻系統) 的運輸方式。 Compelling Tagline A good strategy has a clear-cut and compelling tagline “The speed of a plane at the price of a car – whenever you need it.” That’s the tagline of Southwest Airline, or at least it could be. 恰到好處的標語不僅要傳達明確信息,也必須 貼切宣揚產品特色,否則會失去顧客的信任,並對 產品喪失興趣 解讀value curve 卓越blue ocean strategy的三個特質。這三 個標準是藍海構想能否締造商業成功的初步檢驗 方法。 1.Value curve 如果不能focus, 那麼cost結 構會偏高 2. Value curve若缺乏獨樹一幟的特性,則 是流於抄襲,毫無特色可言 3. Value curve少了抓住customers的醒目標 語,則很可能自企業內部驅動,但缺乏商 業潛能 (1) 曲線重疊: 對紅海企業而言,若企業能夠獲 得成長,in fact,並非來自企業的策略,而是 純屬運氣。 (2) 曲線過高: 事倍功半,顯示企業的供給可能 超過顧客的需求。 (3) 曲線紊亂: 欠缺願景,顯示企業的策略欠缺 一致性,也無法提供明確的策略vision。這 種情況可能是各部門各自為政的後果。 (4) 策略出現矛盾,例如,加油站發生 “價格高 服務品質差” 的現象,難怪這種加油站的 market share快速下降。 (5) 心中無顧客,企業如何標示產業競爭因素? 形容這些競爭因素時,是使用顧客能夠了解 和重視的辭句,或標用作業術語? Strategy canvas使用的這類語言,反映公司的策略願 景是建築在由需求面推動的 “由外而內” (outside-in view) 或由本身作業推動的 “由 內而外” (inside-out view)。 補充: 馬可先生麵包坊 (Mr. Mark Bakery Co.) Strategy value curve: 創新部份 高 M M M G 中 G M M G L G L M G L G L L L 低 價格 口感 產品多 新鮮 重量 樣化 材料 三低 化學成份 二高 (低油、低糖、低鹽、高纖、高鈣) 健康 The Four Actions Framework Reduce 1.糖、油、鹽的使用 2.減少蓬鬆空氣 Eliminate 1.化學成份的使用(包括 人工香料、 化劑、蓬鬆 劑) 2.人工香氣、甜、油膩 3.鬆軟無咬勁 4.酥油用量 (15%-50%) 5.白砂糖、果糖 (8%-30%) A New Value Curve Raise 1.重量 (紮實用料) 2.口感 (Q、軟、有 咬勁) 3.特級橄欖油 (1%-2%) 4.楓樹糖漿 (0%-7%) 5.高鈣、高纖 6.質感 (天然香氣、淡雅、不油膩) Create 1.健康瘦身訴求 2.材料天然單純(從 麵粉轉移五穀雜糧) 3.可蒸可烤,烤過可 恢復剛出爐麵包質感