496C0084 蔡佳純

496C0084 蔡佳純
Most of the people are cognitive Taiwan history from the years which the words
were already appearances, but neglect that people were already living in Taiwan
during 50000 -10000 BC. For this reason, we have to comprehend the history which
are earlier and without the words more. From the archeology, we can probe into the
history before 50,000 BC...
According to archaeological, Taiwan has been inhabited by human since the late
Upper Paleolithic (50,000 - 10,000 BC). One of the first civilizations developed was
the Changpin culture in southern Taiwan. Many archaeological sites of Neolithic
civilizations were found in the Taipei basin. The economic activities during this
period were hunting, fishing, and farming, which cannot be described as no written
About 2,000 years ago, the Shihsanhang culture was during this period and had
weave technology. It did not end until the Han Chinese arrived about 1,000 years ago.
Most scholars believe that the Shihsanhang culture represented the activities of the
Taiwanese Aborigines. Although there is no evidence to support this, it is generally
recognized that the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes economically relied on fishing, hunting,
and pursued slash-and-burn agriculture.
By these search, I learned a lot of Taiwan history that I don’t know before.
Taiwan is a place where we born and grown up, so we have to know what our
ancestor ate and what kind of the environment they lived. Finally, maybe we don’t
know the name of these Taiwanese Aborigines, but we cannot forget their stories.