Oblivious Signature Based Envelope Ninghui Li,Wenliang Du, and Dan Boneh. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2003). ACM Press, July 2003. Speaker:Jun-Ting Lai Date:2010/04/15 Outline Introduction Other Applications And Related Concepts Of OSBE Oblivious Signature Based Envelope(OSBE): Definition AN OSBE SCHEME FOR RSA SIGNATURES One round OSBE Using Identity Based Encryption Conclusion 2 Introduction Exchanging digitally signed certificates is an increasingly popular approach for authentication and authorization in distributed systems. ATN protocols would conclude negotiation failure, because there is cyclic interdependency between two negotiators’ AC policies. 3 2-party Secure Function Evaluation(SFE) problem The function F is defined as follows. F [Verify, M , PK ]Alice ( P, ) F [Verify, M , PK ]Bob ( P, ) { p if VerifyPK ( M , ) true; otherwise In other words, our goal is that Alice learns nothing and Bob learns F[Verify, M , PK ]Bob ( P, ) without learning anything else. 4 Other Applications And Related Concepts Of OSBE OSBE scheme enables the sender to send a message with the assurance that it can be seen only by the receiver if it has appropriate certificates while at the same time protecting the receiver’s privacy such that the sender does not know whether the receiver has the required certificates or not. OSBE might also be used in the context of Private Information Retrieval (PIR) to provide access control on the information being retrieved. 5 Between OSBE and FES of Difference First, the signatures involved in OSBE are not generated by the two parties involved in the protocols, but rather generated by certification authorities before the OSBE protocol is used. Second, in FES protocols, at some stage, one party learns that the other party has a signature without obtaining that signature. This does not satisfy the security requirements of OSBE. Because of the above two reasons, FES protocols cannot be used directly to achieve OSBE. Third, OSBE does not require a fair exchange of signatures. 6 Oblivious Signature Based Envelope(OSBE): Definition An Oblivious Signature-Based Envelope (OSBE) scheme is parameterized by a signature scheme Sig. It involves a sender S and two receivers R1 and R2. An OSBE scheme has the following three phases: Setup Interaction Open 7 Three phases Setup: The Setup algorithm takes a security parameter t and creates system parameters, which include a signing key whose public key is denoted by pk . Two messages M and R1 are chosen. M and P are given to all three parties, namely, S , R1 and R2. In addition, the sender S is given P and the receiver R1 is given the signature Sig PK ( M ) . Interaction: One of R1 and R2 is chosen as R, without S knowing which one. S and R run an interactive protocol. Open: After the interaction phase, if R R , i.e., R1 was chosen in the interaction phase, R outputs the message P . ( R can do that because it knows Sig PK (M ).) Otherwise , when R R2 ,R does nothing. 8 1 Three properties Sound Oblivious semantically secure against the receiver 9 AN OSBE SCHEME FOR RSA SIGNATURES The key space is defined to be the following set: K { ,equal size primes, } ed .1(mod (n, evalues , d ) | n and pq, pare , q public, and the value is secret The For n) , message , and na message , define d e digest function k (n, e, d ) and M H :{0,1}* Z n Sig K ( M ) H ( M ) d mod n VerifyK ( M , ) ture H ( M ) e (mod n) 10 Three phases Setup:The setup algorithm takes a security parameter t and runs the RSA key generation algorithm to create an RSA key (n, e, d ) ; in addition, it generates two security parameters t1andt 2 , which are linear in t . In practice, t1 t2 128 suffices. Two messages M and P are chosen. Party S is given (n, e) , M, and P . Party R1 is given (n, e) , M , and ( H (M )d mod n) . Party R2 is given (n, e) and M . 11 Three phases(2/2) Interaction: to Rsends 1 S :,in (which h x mod n) . x [1..2t n] x' to , in which . S : ( h mod n) Rsends x ' [1..2t n] 2 , picks {0,1, n 1} that Sreceives , checks y r then ( ey hsends mod , tcomputes and ton)the pair: y [1..2 n] 1 1 2 ye ( h mod nthe ), C interaction H '( r ) [ p] receives from Open: R1 , and decrypts C using . R phase; it computes .( , C ) r ' ( x mod n) H ' (r ' ) 12 One round OSBE Using Identity Based Encryption(1/2) Setup: Let M and bePtwo messages and let be the IBE private Sig PK (M ) key corresponding to when is viewed as a public key. The M senderM is given and . The receiver is given . M (Mreceiver ) P Interaction:The sender wants to send Sig toPKthe so that the receiver can only obtain if she has the signature on .The P sender encrypts using as an IBE public key and sends the P M resulting ciphertext to the receiver. Sig PK (M ) P M C 13 One round OSBE Using Identity Based Encryption(2/2) Open: The receiver, using the private key C can decrypt to (obtain . Sig PK M) P 14 Conclusion We introduced oblivious signature-based envelope (OSBE) as a solution to the SFE problem and mentioned that OSBE can be used in other privacy sensitive applications as well. An open problem is to find an efficient and provably secure OSBE scheme for DSA signatures. We are also investigating other applications of the OSBE concept. 15