Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement

Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement
Pending Congressional Approval
The United States and the Republic of Korea signed the United States-Korea Free Trade
Agreement (KORUS FTA) on June 30, 2007. If approved, the Agreement would be the
United States' most commercially significant free trade agreement in more than 16 years.
The U.S. International Trade Commission estimates that the reduction of Korean tariffs
and tariff-rate quotas on goods alone would add $10 billion to $12 billion to annual U.S.
Gross Domestic Product and around $10 billion to annual merchandise exports to Korea.
Under the FTA, nearly 95 percent of bilateral trade in consumer and industrial products
would become duty free within three years of the date the FTA enters into force, and most
remaining tariffs would be eliminated within 10 years.
For agricultural products, the FTA would immediately eliminate or phase out tariffs and
quotas on a broad range of products, with almost two-thirds (by value) of Korea's
agriculture imports from the United States becoming duty free upon entry into force.
For services, the FTA would provide meaningful market access commitments that extend
across virtually all major service sectors, including greater and more secure access for
international delivery services and the opening up of the Korean market for foreign legal
consulting services.
In the area of financial services, the FTA would increase access to the Korean market and
ensure greater transparency and fair treatment for U.S. suppliers of financial services. The
FTA would address nontariff barriers in a wide range of sectors and includes strong
provisions on competition policy, labor and environment, and transparency and regulatory
due process.
The KORUS FTA would also provide U.S. suppliers with greater access to the Korean
government procurement market. In addition to strengthening our economic partnership,
the KORUS FTA would help to solidify the two countries' long-standing geostrategic
As the first U.S. FTA with a North Asian partner, the KORUS FTA could be a model for
trade agreements for the rest of the region, and underscore the U.S. commitment to, and
engagement in, the Asia-Pacific region.
The Obama Administration will seek to promptly and effectively address the issues
surrounding the KORUS FTA, including concerns that have been expressed regarding
automotive trade.
韓國 - 美國自由貿易協定
美國和韓國簽署了美國與韓國自由貿易協定(韓美 FTA)6 月 30 日,2007 年。 如
果獲得批准,該協定將是美國最重要的商業自由貿易協定在超過 16 年。
美國國際貿易委員會估計,韓國的關稅削減和關稅率配額的貨物僅 100 億美元
將增加至每年 120 億美元的美國國內生產總值約 100 億美元的年度商品出口到
根據自由貿易協定,有近百分之 95 的雙邊貿易在消費及工業產品將成為免稅三
年內的自由貿易協定之日起生效,而餘下的大部分關稅將在 10 年內被淘汰。
公平的待遇美國供應商的金融服務。 該自由貿易區將解決非關稅壁壘,在廣泛
除了加強我們的經濟夥伴關係,韓美 FTA 將有助於鞏固兩國長期存在的地緣戰
Colombia FTA
Pending Congressional Approval
The United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement, sometimes called the Colombia
Free Trade Agreement or FTA, was signed on November 22, 2006.
The Colombia FTA is a comprehensive free trade agreement. When the Colombia FTA
enters into force, Colombia will immediately eliminate most of its tariffs on U.S. exports,
with all remaining tariffs phased out over defined time periods.
The Colombia FTA also includes important disciplines relating to customs administration
and trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade, government procurement, investment,
telecommunications, electronic commerce, intellectual property rights, and labor and
environmental protection.
U.S. firms will have better access to Colombia's services sector than other WTO Members
have under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. All service sectors are covered
under the Colombia FTA except where Colombia has made specific exceptions.
Colombia's Congress approved the agreement and a protocol of amendment in
2007. Colombia's Constitutional Court completed its review in July 2008, and concluded
that the Agreement conforms to Colombia's Constitution. President Obama tasked the U.S.
Trade Representative with seeking a path to address outstanding issues surrounding the
Colombia FTA.
協定,簽署了 2006 年 11 月 22 日。
哥倫比亞代表大會批准的協議和議定書的修正案於 2007 年。哥倫比亞憲法法院
的審查,完成了 2008 年 7 月,並得出結論,該協定符合哥倫比亞憲法。 奧巴馬