Improvements in Important Crop Plants AGR123 Plant Science Lab

Improvements in Important Crop Plants
AGR123 Plant Science Lab
Instructions: research and record facts and interesting points relating to the improvement of the
following important crop plants. You must find at least one fact or point that is
unique among all other student’s research. (Worth 33 pts)
WHEAT – Triticum aestivum and T. turgidum Durum Group
CORN – Zea mays
RICE – Oryza sativa
SOYBEAN – Glycine max
SUGAR BEET – Beta vulgaris
POTATO – Solanum tuberosum
TOMATO – Lycopersicon esculentum
APPLE – Malus pumila
PEAR – Pyrus communis
PEACH and NECTARINE – Prunis persica
STRAWBERRY – Fragaria x Ananassa