組員:黃敏虔 楊智雁 林恭賢 許晟 黃建文 Vision-Based Location Positioning using Augmented Reality for Indoor Navigation + In this paper propose a vision-based location positioning system using augmented reality technique for indoor navigation. + To recognize a location, we pre-constructed an image database and location model, which consists of locations and paths between locations, of an indoor environment. + The new design needs to be perceived within an existing environment + Most industries must concern themselves with at least some of these industrial procedures + mobile phones have become an increasingly attractive platform for augmented reality. + However, this approach typically produces slow, bloated, and unstable software. + mobile phone platform’s restrictions + how software architecture allows fast development of mobile phone AR applications + We proposed a system that allows collaboration of multiple users simultaneously studying 3D scientific visualizations in a “Studierstube” (the German word for “study room”). 點子 事實 基準標籤 ARTag 論題 行動計畫