Semantic Analysis: Syntax-Driven Semantics CS 4705

Semantic Analysis: Syntax-Driven
CS 4705
Semantics and Syntax
• Some representations of meaning: The cat howls at the
– Logic: howl(cat,moon)
– Frames:
Event: howling
Agent: cat
Patient: moon
• How do we decide what we want to represent?
– Entities, categories, events, time, aspect
– Predicates, arguments (constants, variables)
– And…quantifiers, operators (e.g. temporal)
• Today: How can we compute meaning about these
categories from these representations?
Compositional Semantics
• Assumption: The meaning of the whole is
comprised of the meaning of its parts
– George cooks. Dan eats. Dan is sick.
– Cook(George) Eat(Dan) Sick(Dan)
– If George cooks and Dan eats, Dan will get sick.
(Cook(George) ^ eat(Dan))  Sick(Dan)
• Meaning derives from
– The people and activities represented (predicates and
arguments, or, nouns and verbs)
– The way they are ordered and related: syntax of the
representation, which may also reflect the syntax of the
Syntax-Driven Semantics
NP VP eat(Dan)
Nom V
• So….can we link syntactic structures to a
corresponding semantic representation to produce
the ‘meaning’ of a sentence in the course of
parsing it?
Specific vs. General-Purpose Rules
• We don’t want to have to specify for every
possible parse tree what semantic representation it
maps to
• We want to identify general mappings from parse
trees to semantic representations
• One approach:
– Augment the lexicon and the grammar (as we did with
feature structures)
– Devise a mapping between rules of the grammar and
rules of semantic representation (Rule-to-Rule
Hypothesis: such a mapping can be found)
Semantic Attachments
• Extend each grammar rule with instructions on
how to map the components of the rule to a
semantic representation
S  NP VP {VP.sem(NP.sem)}
• Each semantic function defined in terms of the
semantic representation of choice
• Problem: how to define these functions and how to
specify their composition so we always get the
meaning representation we want from our
A Simple Example
McDonald’s serves burgers.
• Associating constants with constituents
– ProperNoun  McDonald’s {McDonald’s}
– PlNoun  burgers {burgers}
• Defining functions to produce these from input
– NP  ProperNoun {ProperNoun.sem}
– NP  PlNoun {PlNoun.sem}
– Assumption: meaning representations of children are
passed up to parents for non-branching constuents
• Verbs are where the action is
– V  serves {E(e,x,y) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,x) ^
Served(e,y)} where e = event, x = agent, y = patient
– Will every verb have its own distinct representation?
• McDonald’s hires students.
• McDonald’s gave customers a bonus.
• Predicate(Agent, Patient, Beneficiary)
• Once we have the semantics for each consituent,
how do we combine them?
– VP  V NP {V.sem(NP.sem)}
– Goal for VP semantics: E(e,x) Isa(e,Serving) ^
Server(e,x) ^ Served(e,Meat)
– VP.sem must tell us
• Which variables to be replaced by which arguments
• How this replacement is done
Lambda Notation
Extension to First Order Predicate Calculus
 x P(x)
 + variable(s) + FOPC expression in those variables
Lambda binding
Apply lambda-expression to logical terms to bind
lambda-expression’s parameters to terms (lambda
Simple process: substitute terms for variables in
lambda expression
Lambda Notation Provides Means
• Formal parameter list makes variables within body
of logical expression available for binding to
external arguments provided by semantics of other
constituents (e.g. NPs)
– Lambda reduction implements replacement
• Semantic attachment for
– V  serves {V.sem(NP.sem)}
{E(e,x,y) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,y) ^ Served(e,x)}
converts to the lambda expression:
{x E(e,y) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,y) ^ Served(e,x)}
– Now ‘x’ is available to be bound when V.sem is applied
to NP.sem of direct object (V.sem(NP.sem))
–  application binds x to value of NP.sem (burgers)
– -reduction replaces x within -expression with burgers
– Value of VP.sem becomes:
{E(e,y) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,y) ^ Served(e,burgers)}
• Similarly, we need a semantic attachment for S
NP VP {VP.sem(NP.sem)} to add the subject NP
to our semantic representation of McDonald’s
serves burgers
Back to V.sem for serves
We need another -expression in the value of VP.sem
But currently V.sem doesn’t give us one
So, we change it to include another argument to be
bound later
– V  serves
{x y E(e) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,y) ^ Served(e,x)}
– Value of VP.sem becomes:
{y E(e) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,y) ^ Served(e,burgers)}
• VP  V NP {V.sem(NP.sem)} binds the outer expression to the object NP (burgers) but leaves
the inner -expression for subsequent binding to
the subject NP when the semantics of S is
• S  NP VP {VP.sem(NP.sem)}
{y E(e) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,y) ^
{E(e) Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,McDonald’s) ^
But this is just the tip of the iceberg….
• For example, terms can be complex
A restaurant serves burgers.
– ‘a restaurant’: E x Isa(x,restaurant)
– E e Isa(e,Serving) ^ Server(e,<E x Isa(x,restaurant)>) ^
– Allows quantified expressions to appear where terms
can by providing rules to turn them into well-formed
FOPC expressions
• Issues of quantifier scope
Every restaurant serves burgers.
Every restaurant serves every burger.
• Semantic representations for other constituents?
– Adjective phrases:
• Happy people, cheap food, purple socks
• intersective semantics
Nom  Adj Nom {x Nom.sem(x) ^ Isa(x,Adj.sem)}
Adj  cheap {Cheap}
x Isa(x, Food) ^ Isa(x,Cheap) …works ok …
But….fake gun? Local restaurant? Former friend? Wouldbe singer?
Ex Isa(x, Gun) ^ Isa(x,Fake)
Doing Compositional Semantics
• To incorporate semantics into grammar we must
– Figure out right representation for each constituent
based on the parts of that constituent (e.g. Adj)
– Figure out the right representation for a category of
constituents based on other grammar rules, making use
of that constituent (e.g. V.sem)
• This gives us a set of function-like semantic
attachments incorporated into our CFG
– E.g. Nom  Adj Nom {x Nom.sem(x) ^
What do we do with them?
• As we did with feature structures:
– Alter, e.g., an Early-style parser so when constituents
(dot at the end of the rule) are completed, the attached
semantic function applied and meaning representation
created and stored with state
• Or, let parser run to completion and then walk
through resulting tree running semantic
attachments from bottom-up
Option 1 (Integrated Semantic Analysis)
S  NP VP {VP.sem(NP.sem)}
– VP.sem has been stored in state representing VP
– NP.sem stored with the state for NP
– When rule completed, retrieve value of VP.sem and of
NP.sem, and apply VP.sem to NP.sem
– Store result in S.sem.
• As fragments of input parsed, semantic fragments
• Can be used to block ambiguous representations
• You also perform semantic analysis on orphaned
constituents that play no role in final parse
• Case for pipelined approach: Do semantics after
syntactic parse
Non-Compositional Language
• What do we do with language whose meaning isn’t derived
from the meanings of its parts
– Non-compositional modifiers: fake, former, local
– Metaphor:
• You’re the cream in my coffee. She’s the cream in George’s
• The break-in was just the tip of the iceberg. This was only the
tip of Shirley’s iceberg.
– Idioms:
• The old man finally kicked the bucket. The old man finally
kicked the proverbial bucket.
– Deferred reference: The ham sandwich wants his check.
• Solutions? Mix lexical items with special grammar rules?
Summing Up
• Hypothesis: Principle of Compositionality
– Semantics of NL sentences and phrases can be
composed from the semantics of their subparts
• Rules can be derived which map syntactic analysis
to semantic representation (Rule-to-Rule
– Lambda notation provides a way to extend FOPC to
this end
– But coming up with rule2rule mappings is hard
• Idioms, metaphors perplex the process
• Read Ch. 16
• Homework 2 assigned – START NOW!!