STOCK TAKING OF ACTIONS AND INITIATIVES FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS Please fill one form for each initiative reported Name of the Initiative: “AgriClimateChange – combatting climate Change through farming” o X Individual Collective Respondent Name: Patrick Surname: Trötschler Email: Organization: Lake Constance Foundation Position: Deputy Managing Director Are you responding? X On behalf on the organization conducting the action/initiative o As a member of it ( o Because you know its existence Name of the leading organization: Lake Constance Foundation Type of organization: o National Authority (e.g. Government), o Local Authorities o Intergovernmental Organization o X o o Civil Society Non-governmental organizations Primary food producers (e.g. farmers, smallholder farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk) Private Sector (e.g. manufacturer, retailers, industry association, private research, etc) o Research o Multistakeholder o Other: 1 Partners (the case being): Fundacion Global Nature (Spain) Solagro (France) Comunità Montana Associazione dei Comuni Trasimeno Medio Tevere (Italy) Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Región de Murcia Year of the beginning of the action/ initiative: 2010 The case being, year of end: 2013 Geographical scope of the Initiative Indicate precisely Local Input or Main service Targeted provision Stage of Food Systems If appropriate, indicate precisely National Regional Global Spain, France, Italy, Germany Primary Production Processing EU Distribution Consumption Agricultural production Main dimension(s) addressed (if several of them, please indicate order of priority) X Environment o Economic o Social o Governance Main issue(s) addressed (if several of them, please indicate order of priority) o Water o Soil o Land o Air X Climate change o Biodiversity (including genetic resources) o Specific ecosystems, if yes, please precise: 2 o Food losses and waste o Energy o Pollution o Food consumption o Consumer behavior o Nutrition o Animal welfare o Fair Trade o Rural development o Land use rights o Gender issues o Youth issues o Employment o Workers rights and safety o Vulnerable groups o Poverty alleviation o Other, please specify... Main instruments used (if several of them, please indicate order of priority) X o X X o X X X X o X Projects Regulations Policy dialogue Capacity development Research Knowledge dissemination Advocacy and awareness raising Data collection and sharing Training, extension Consumer information Voluntary standards, labels o Payment for environmental services o Other? If so, please specify: 3 Description of the Initiative (in less than 10 lines), including, as appropriate elements on size and scale of the initiative: To identify the most effective agricultural mitigation measures, the project gave birth to a software tool, called ACCT (AgriClimateChange Tool) that evaluates energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and carbon storage at farm level. ACCT has been continuously improved throughout the project thanks to its use in the four countries. 149 farms were assessed with ACCT representing more than 20 different production systems. Taking into account the assessment results, specific action plans were developed and implemented aiming at reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions of the farms by 10 to 40%. The results and lessons obtained through the project led to the drafting of global mitigation proposals for the EU, National and Regional policy measures, especially in the context of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The project also included various communication and awareness-raising activities in order to reach key stakeholders such as farmers, Farmer Unions, professional associations or consumers. Results: AgriClimateChange Manual: &lang=en Proposals to MEPs: view&gid=50&Itemid=79&lang=en Layman Report: view&gid=53&Itemid=79&lang=en References ( Literature, web site, reports, etc): “Best of the Best” LIFE projects 2014: est Project Video: 4 =video&slg=agriclimatechange-full-videoenglish&orderby=default&Itemid=98&lang=en 5