Emergency Procedures Message from Campus Police.

Emergency 8/27/07
Emergency Procedures
Message from Campus Police.
In the wake of our changing world and the calls for improved security on college campuses, West
Chester University encourages each faculty member to discuss the following items with each of
their classes.
In the event of a campus emergency the department of Public Safety and others will
initiate multiple Campus Emergency Notification Systems
1. Those who have chosen to participate in E2Campus will receive a text message on their cell
phone and/or in their email account whenever there is a campus emergency. WCU students and
employees can register to participate in E2Campus Emergency Text Message System by going
to: http://www.wcupa.edu/e2campus/
2. The University will be testing an Exterior Public Address System in the next few weeks. This
PA system will give those in and around campus notification of a campus emergency.
3. The University will also use Safety Alerts, mobile public address systems, websites, email,
local media and Chester County Emergency Services systems to notify the campus in the event
of an emergency.
Should an emergency exist, Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to follow the instructions
provided by the Campus Emergency Notification Systems. Faculty are further encouraged to
discuss their desired procedures for emergency building evacuation with each class.
Identification of those in attendance for each class will aid faculty in the event of an emergency
Interested individuals can learn more about the West Chester University Emergency
Management by visiting: http://www.wcupa.edu/emergency.
Remember to report all suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety at 610-436-3311
and to program this number into your cell phones
Message from the Office of Information Security
West Chester University has a text messaging subscription service now available for students,
faculty, and staff with cell phones. This service, called “E2Campus”, has been setup to distribute
messages to cell phones about Priority 1 Emergency Notifications, as well as weather related
closings and delays. Priority 1 Emergency Notifications are sent from the WCU Department of
Public Safety, and contain information that indicates an immediate threat to the personal safety of
the campus community.
There is no cost to sign up for this important service. However, some cell phone vendors apply a
small cost per text message sent or received. You will need to check your cell phone service
contract for details.
In addition to sending messages via E2Campus, messages will be sent using the other traditional
methods of notification about emergencies and weather notices. These methods include, “All
Employee” emails, Web Page updates, and the 610-436-1000 line messages.
Useful Links:
Join E2Campus: http://www.wcupa.edu/e2campus/
WCU Emergency Preparedness: http://www.wcupa.edu/emergency/