MBE/EDGE Subcommittee Meeting 08/11/2009 Minutes In attendance: Lawrence Burns, Shanda Gore, Jennifer Pastorek, Lorie Sarnes, George Robinson, Gary Johnson, Debbe Skutch, Megan Reichert-Kral, Kara Mominee, William Brennan, Shaun Murray, Morris Jenkins, Tom Bebley, Mark Urrutia, Calvin Brown Ms. Pastorek stated that she and Ms. Sarnes attended a meeting where the MBE tracking software was discussed. Ms. Pastorek still has concerns with the user-friendly ability and price of the software, but is hoping to find out how TPS’ is going. Ms. Sarnes and Ms. Pastorek are awaiting quote information and details of the tracking system. Action Item: Ms. Pastorek will have both the quote and details of the tracking software for the next meeting. Dr. Gore asked about contractor companies having the ability to mark MBE on a UT questionnaire for tracking purposes. Mr. Robinson is awaiting an answer from the City of Toledo about their form. Action Item: Mr. Robinson will provide how MBE tracking is handled and will make it available at the next meeting. Ms. Skutch presented about the Center for Family Business. Mr. Urrutia questioned the lack of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce members and African American Bureau members in the center. Ms. Skutch stated that she would love to collaborate with these organizations in order to improve diversity within the Center. Mr. Burns suggested that internships from the College of Business may prove as good experience for both company and individual in the incubators. Mr. Urrutia suggested a work study program for the receptionist or other workers. Action Item: Dr. Gore and Ms. Mominee will meet with the Associate Dean in the College of Business in order to set up a distribution method to find the interns. Ms. Reichert suggested the Engineering Tech Building on Scott Park campus be the new space for the MBE Incubator. This will allow for more space and storage. Everyone thought this opportunity was a great idea. The tentative open date (ribbon cutting) for the incubator will be September 30. Mr. Brown joined the meeting and asked how “early start up” is defined. Dr. Gore stated that the incubator is meant for those companies with business plans and established enough to afford minimal rent amounts. She clarified, if a business would like to grow then they can apply and if the company likes their location they are at now, then they will be able to apply for incubator services. Mr. Burns and Dr. Gore asked Mr. Brown if the Incubator form could be modeled after his own. Action Item: Mr. Brown will send to Ms. Sarnes and Dr. Gore. Mr. Burns included that we will begin working with CCI on the creation of the Incubator website. At conclusion of the meeting, the group took a tour of the new site for incubation. The meeting concluded. Next meeting will be noon, September 8, 2009 in the Scott Park VIP Room.