Assessment of COGS Academic Support Service Programs AY 2012 – 2013 Liaison- Susan L. Pocotte, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Why Assess Academic Support Services? • Student success includes more than achievement of student learning outcomes – Student experience – Preparation for career – Supplemental procedure responsibilities • Students quit due to poor services • Academic support services can have direct impact on student success • Service is part of student-centeredness Stakeholder participation in COGS Assessment • COGS Administration – Conduct assessment and prepare reports • • • • • • Council of Associate Graduate Deans Graduate Council Graduate Council Executive Committee Graduate Faculty Graduate Students University Assessment Committee Graduate Student Involvement in the Assessment Process • Graduate student involvement in COGS assessment process is primarily through the survey response. • Graduate students are voting members of Graduate Council and GCEC – Opportunity to provide feedback to assessment reports and processes Best Practice #1 Strategically Aligned COGS Assessment Plan Strategic Alignment of Academic SSOs • UT and COGS Missions and Strategic Plans • COGS services • HLC six fundamental questions of student learning assessment • Incorporate CGS-ETS 2012 CommissionRecommendations for Universities • Program specific accreditation criteria COGS Assessment Plan Template Service Categories + Measurable Outcomes COGS Service Categories A. Recruitment of Graduate Student applicants B. Application and Admission processes C. Orientation processes: graduate students D. Student progress and compliance E. Graduate Student Development Workshops, Research forums F. Graduate Student Academic Appeals and Grievances COGS Service Categories G. Graduate student financial support H. Graduation, audits, clearances I. Graduate faculty membership J. Graduate faculty communications K. Graduate program, course approvals L. Graduate program review process A. Recruitment of Graduate Student applicants Data collection Applicable service methods, metrics and outcomes sources Data collected is the designation of complete or incomplete. Data collected is the designation of complete or incomplete. Data collected is the designation of complete or incomplete. Data collected is number of applicants. Data collected is the designation of complete or incomplete. 1. Collaborate with UT administration on the adaptation of the “recruiter” electronic system that tracks communication with prospective applicants for utilization in COGS. 2. Develop/revise recruitment materials to promote UT graduate academic programs to prospective applicants. Direct or Indirect Measure of service Frequency of data Person(s) responsible collection and review for reviewing data Assistant Dean for Graduate Admissions Direct Annually Graduate Orientation and Enrollment Specialist Assistant Dean for Graduate Admissions Direct 3. Develop a recruitment plan to attract TRIO undergraduate Direct students to apply to UT Graduate programs and COGS scholarships. 4. Establish relationships with UT enrollment management and external organizations Direct to identify processes for identifying potential applications to UT Annually Graduate Orientation and Enrollment Specialist Assistant Dean for Graduate Admissions Annually Graduate Orientation and Enrollment Specialist Assistant Dean for Graduate Admissions Annually Graduate Orientation and Enrollment Specialist H. Graduation, audits, clearances Data collection methods, Applicable service metrics and sources outcomes Data collected from COGS staff reports; COGS graduate student exit survey. Data collected from COGS staff reports; COGS graduate student exit survey. Data collected from COGS staff reports; COGS graduate student exit survey. Direct or Indirect Measure of service 1. Review mechanisms/workflows to enhance efficiency and timely processes. Successful communication as Direct and Indirect indicated by applicants as indicated by satisfaction scores > 85%. 2. Track student issues that delay or prevent clearance to inform students earlier. Successful Direct and Indirect communication as indicated by satisfaction scores > 85%. 3. COGS staff and communication processes are responsive, effective and efficient for Direct students as indicated by satisfaction scores > 85%. Frequency of data collection and review Person(s) responsible for reviewing data Dean Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs End of Fall, Spring, Summer semesters. Thesis and Dissertation Services Specialist Manager of Administrative Services- HSC Graduation Services Specialist Dean Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs End of Fall, Spring, Summer semesters Thesis and Dissertation Services Specialist Manager of Administrative Services- HSC Graduation Services Specialist Dean Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs End of Fall, Spring, Summer semesters Thesis and Dissertation Services Specialist Manager of Administrative Services- HSC Graduation Services Specialist Best Practice #2 Strategic and Flexible Metrics/Measurements of Academic Support Service Outcomes Data Collection: Metrics, Methods and Sources Direct measure of overall student success is difficult – Measure individual indicators and extrapolate to overall success – Use indirect methods (e.g. student survey) • Primary measurement tools – – – – Survey results Metrics of academic service delivery Keep it simple and efficient! Avoid temptation to survey “everyone” for “everything” – Allow anecdotal observations Best Practice #3 Measurement tool(s) to collect both centralized and unit-specific data. Graduate Student Exit Survey • COGS has conducted an exit survey of all graduating graduate students since Spring 2006. - Questions address services provided by COGS, other academic service units, and the College/Department that provides the graduate program. (centralized data!) • Beginning Spring 2011, COGS required students to complete the survey. -Response rate 99% Trended Data from the Graduate Student Exit Surveys • • • • Aggregate data Students assured responses anonymous 27 specific questions One open-ended question – Please make any comments you wish to share regarding your UT graduate experience. To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about your graduate experience: • Overall, the quality of my graduate educational experience was high. • My program was intellectually challenging and stimulating. • My academic program prepared me well for my professional career goals. • My advisor and I met at appropriate intervals to discuss my program of study. • My dissertation/thesis/project advisor discussed my research with me on a regular basis. To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about your graduate experience: • My dissertation/thesis/project advisor critiqued my work in ways that helped my work progress. • Information about academic policies and procedures was communicated sufficiently. • Equipment and facilities were available when I needed them. • There were adequate university services to assist with non-academic issues (health needs, personal, family). Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the quality of information/advice/service received from the following sources: • Advisor • Members of my doctoral/thesis/project committee • Staff in my department's office • Department's Web-site • Financial Aid • Registrar • Career Development • Information Technology COGS specific • Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the quality of information/advice/service received from COGS Web-site. • Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the quality of information/advice/service received from the following sources: – College of Graduate Studies Staff To what extent do you agree/disagree with each of the following statements? • The College of Graduate Studies was accessible to me. • The College of Graduate Studies was responsive. • The College of Graduate Studies performed its functions effectively. • The College of Graduate Studies performed its functions efficiently. • The College of Graduate Studies was consistent in service delivery. General • What was your employment status for most of your graduate education? • Which of the following statements BEST describes your post-degree employment status? • Location of employer or anticipated location of employer. • Please make any comments you wish to share regarding your UT graduate experience. Trended Data from the Graduate Student Exit Surveys • Indicates sustained achievement of COGS academic support service outcomes related to students. – 80-90 % of the respondents were satisfied or very satisfied • Indicates sustained satisfaction with other service units and academic depts. – 80-90 % of the respondents were satisfied or very satisfied Q. Which of the following statements BEST describes your post-degree employment status? I expect to continue with my current employer in my current position. I expect to continue with my current employer in a new position. I expect to return to a previous employer in a new or previous position. I will begin a new position with a new employer. I will be self-employed I will continue my graduate education. I will look for employment I will not be employed. I will not look for employment. No Response Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Spring Sum 2013 mer 2013 16.9% 18% 18% 13% 20% 24% 16% 21% 9.1% 5% 7.5% 8% 6% 11% 10% 6% 0.7% 2% 2% 1% 0.5% 0% 1% 2% 28.6% 27% 31% 32% 26% 30% 32% 31% 1.1% 32.2% 9.5% 0.6% 0.2% 1.1% 1% 23% 23% 1% 1% 0% 1.5% 34% 5% 0.5% 0% 0.5% 1% 32% 10% 1% 1% 1% 0.5% 24.5% 21% 0.5% 1% 0% 2% 24% 7% 1% 0% 1% 0% 31% 9% 1% 0% 0% 1% 17% 20% 0% 2% 0% Location of employer or anticipated location of employer. Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Ohio 65.6% 64% 57 % 63% 54% 56% 62% 54% Out of State USA 29% 31% 38% 33% 31% 35% 30%2% 29% Outside USA 2.9% 3% 5% 3% 3% 3% 2% 4% No Response 2.6% 2% 0% 1% 12% 7% 6% 0% Best Practice #4 • COGS has a seat on the UAC – Dialogue – Academic units continuously learn about COGS support services • Break down barriers • Leadership in improvement of UT assessment – New synergies and efficiencies • Prevent duplication of efforts • Reduce cost of assessment Best Practice # 5 • Leverage assessment to adapt and survive external and internal pressures – Demonstrate relevance – Advocate for graduate students – Provide leadership in implementing new strategic initiatives in support service in graduate education – Collaboration between COGS and Academic Units – Inform UT and COGS Strategic Planning Best Practice #6 COGS Indicators of Continuous Improvement • Assessment data analysis informs decision making – Academic Service Outcomes – Assessment Plan and Process COGS Annual Assessment Plan and Process Establish Outcomes and Metrics Revise the process and template if needed Does the evidence support the changes? Systematic Continuous Improvement Collect and analyze the Data Does the evidence support the outcomes? Indicators of Continuous Improvement • April 2, 2014: Participate in Workshop with Dr. Barbara Walvoord- National assessment expert and author consulting at UT Indicators of Continuous Improvement • UAC feedback to COGS report AY 2012-2013 • Strengths – Recognition of and the commitment to assessment as a part of the core mission and values of the college – Assessment results are shared with a variety of constituents – Promoting UT’s assessment process by presenting at external conferences • Areas for improvement – Continue to work with GSA to identify a graduate student to participate on the COGS Assessment Committee COGS Leadership in Professional Organizations Council of Graduate Schools • Annual Meeting December 2013 • Dr. Pocotte - Presenter and co-facilitator at pre-conference workshop • “Assessment and Review of Graduate Programs-Master’s” • Assuring quality is central to effective management of graduate programs. This workshop will address the evaluation of master’s level programs and emphasize outcomes-based assessment. A best practices summary will be followed by descriptions of outcomes assessment, representing various stages in the development of the assessment process. The facilitators will discuss strategies for making program assessment meaningful and manageable, dealing with faculty resistance, assessing student learning, integrating outcomes assessment with program review, and meeting accreditation requirements. Strategic Assessment of Graduate College Academic Support Services as Part of University Assessment Susan L. Pocotte, PhD Associate Dean for Academic Affairs College of Graduate Studies (COGS) The University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio CGS December 4, 2013