[*To be printed on department letterhead.] Actual Wage Memorandum [*This form does not apply to Medical Residents & Fellows, and employees within a bargaining unit, i.e. AAUP or CWA.] ___________________________, 2012 To: H-1B Public Inspection File RE: ___________ [H-1B job title] ___________ Positions within the Department of ______, College of ______ Within the Department of _______, College of _______, the job duties of our ___________ [H1B job title] ___________ involve ___________ [provide general summary of job duties] ___________. There are ______ [List the # of employees who have similar job duties as the H-1B employee. This # should be the same # of employees as listed within the Actual Wage Memo.] ______ such employees in the Department of _______, and the annual salary range of these employees is $_________________ to $_________________. Within this range, an individual wage or salary is determined by taking into consideration various factors, specifically: [The following are examples only; Please modify accordingly.] Educational degree level. A _______ degree is a minimum requirement for the position; Medical, pharmaceutical, or other licensure by the State of Ohio; Length of experience; Depth and breadth of experience. Publications, patents, and recognized experience in the field; Type of experience. Both experience within a specific field, or as a group leader prior to employment at our University, is considered; Prior academic research and undergraduate and graduate teaching are also factors; Ability to apply for and receive external funding sources for University. This would include receiving grants and contracts from external sources such as the federal government and/or State of Ohio, or other external sources. Complexity of the work; Other (specify): _______. In summary, if a particular ___________ [H-1B job title] ___________ has extensive (and/or unique) experience, is accomplished in a particular field, and has recognition beyond that of typical ___________ [H-1B job title] ___________, then such factors will merit a higher hourly wage or annual salary. Finally, wages and salaries of employees are evaluated and adjusted per University policies. Dr. Chair & Professor, Department of _______, College of _______