Faculty-Led Education Abroad Registration The proposal and all supplemental materials must be submitted to the Education Abroad Office at eduabroad@utoledo.edu by the appropriate deadline: Fall 2016: August 1 2016 Spring 2016: April 1 2016 Summer 2016: May 1 2016 Course Working Title: ___________________________________________________________ Person Submitting Proposal: _______________________________________________________________ Submission Date: _________________ Proposal Checklist Faculty Leader ____Proposal Form ____Developed syllabus for each course ____Program Provider Information (proposal, itinerary, and budget) (if applicable) ____Detailed Itinerary (including dates and time frames within each day) ____Budget Worksheet ____Promotional Brochure Request Template ____Unsigned third party/program provider contracts or quotes/bids IMPORTANT: The Education Abroad Office (EAO) will acquire all signatures from Department Chairs, College/School Deans, and the Graduate Studies/Continuing and Distance Learning Education Dean. The EAO will also seek approval of all contracts, third party arrangements, and partnerships with travel providers and others involved in the FLP. Faculty members should sign and submit proposal and supporting documents directly to EAO. Education Abroad Office (EAO) Packets submitted will be finalized with the faculty member and sent to the EAO for approval and marketing. EAO will be responsible for the following activities once the FLP proposal packet is received: ____Detailed Budget ____Field Trip/Study Tour Approval Request UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 1 ____Out of State Travel Request (spreadsheet) ____ Course Approval Form ____Contract/Agreement/Third Party Arrangement approval Faculty Leader/Instructor of Record Primary Faculty Leader: _____________________________________ Title: _____________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Sponsoring Department: _______________________________________________________________________ Department Chair: _________________________ College/School Dean: _________________________________ Additional Leaders Co-faculty leader -- Name: _________________________ Dept: _________________ Title: _________________ Co-faculty leader -- Name: _________________________ Dept: _________________ Title: _________________ Will a logistical coordinator accompany the group (i.e. Graduate Assistant, etc.)? ______ Yes ______ No Name:____________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ Brief Description Learning Objectives and Assessment UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 2 Travel Logistics Please note that all travel to locations currently under a U.S. Department of State Travel Alert or Travel Warning must be approved by the Provost. Program Site(s) [Cities & Countries]: _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Course Dates: From: _________________ To: _________________ On-site Duration (in days): _________ On-site Dates: Depart from US__________ Return to US____________ Language Required: _____________________ Language Proficiency Required: ___________________________ If no language requirement, how will students cope with any language barriers? Please list any experiential components of the program, including service-learning, field work, or research opportunities. Proposed Itinerary Proposed Departure Date: ________________ Proposed Return Date:_______________________ Itinerary (Provide travel itinerary and detailed day-to-day activities) Date Time Location & Activity UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 3 Student Enrollment What is the target group size? Minimum: _________ Maximum: ____________ *We recommend a ratio of leaders to participants of approximately 1:10, however this is a general recommendation. The need for an additional faculty leader or trip assistant will be evaluated in conjunction with the EAO once a final list of students is obtained and will be determined by the program’s budget requirements and on-site logistical needs. From which departments do you expect there to be student interest? From which departments will students be recruited? Do you anticipate students from other institutions enrolling in the program? _____Yes____No If yes, from which institutions? Participant Eligibility Requirements (i.e. major, academic standing, minimum GPA, prerequisites, etc.) Staffing List Leader Qualifications (international travel, experience traveling with students, making group travel arrangements, working closely with students requiring constant oversight, administrative experience, course content, etc.) Leader Experience in Host Country: * If you have not traveled to the host country, please explain how you can maximize the travel experience for the students. UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 4 Travel Provider Information (Third Party Vendor/Agency/Host Institution) If planning to use more than one third party vendor, provide the following information for each one. *A copy of any potential contract, third party arrangement, or agreement must be attached to this application. Organization Name: __________________________________________________________________ Contact Person Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address (Street, City, State/Province, Country, Postal Code): Telephone: ________________________ Fax: ________________________ Website: ______________________________________________________ Description of Organization/Agency/Provider/Host Institution: What services will the organization provide prior to departure? What services will the organization provide on-site? Proposed Course List each course that will be offered on the program. Department Course Number Course Title Language of Instruction Credit Hours Contact Hours Instructor Is this course cross-listed with any other courses? ______Yes _______ No If yes, please indicate cross-listed courses numbers and titles (please note that even for standing course crosslists, approval must be obtained from the department chairs): Can the course be taken to fulfill (check all that apply)? ____Major/Minor Requirements ____Core Requirements ____Elective Credit ____Other:__________________ UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 5 Syllabus Guidelines A syllabus for each course listed above must be attached to this proposal and should include learning outcomes/goals for the program. In addition to the standard syllabus components, please also demonstrate the number of contact hours taking into consideration the following: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will demonstrate awareness of multiple perspectives within the global community. 2. Students will investigate and analyze contemporary issues, phenomena, and ideas with global impact, considering their effect on the individuals, communities, and social or natural environments involved. Time spent on field trips or academic excursions can count as “contact hours” on a 2-to-1 ratio (i.e., for every two hours spent on an excursion, one hour may be counted as a contact hour). Total contact hours should not exceed six in one day. Contact hours should also include the following components: o Any required pre-departure class meetings/assignments Budget Worksheet All faculty-led programs are self-supporting, which means all related expenses should be managed through student fees and/or external funds. At the same time, making sure that programs are affordable for students is also important. Faculty expenses should be included in the budget and are part of the program fee. Faculty and their departments should discuss questions related to teaching loads prior to submitting the program proposal. Below is a typical example of a short-term study abroad program budget. Please fill in details for all costs based on quotes and not personal estimates. Be as inclusive as possible (creating additional fields if needed) and account as much as possible for future currency fluctuations in constructing this budget, as the numbers here will be used to generate forms for the Business Office and the Out-of-State Travel Request, and determine a minimum number of participants. Generally, 10-15 students is the minimum needed for a program to be offered, depending on faculty salary and related expenses. Indicate the contract type for this course: ___In-Load ___Over-Load ___Summer (In-load and over-load contracts will need to be approved and confirmed with department chair and college dean) How will students and faculty arrange travel? ____Group Flight ____Individual Flights Will fleet vehicles be used to/from the local airport? _____Yes ____No UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 6 PROPOSED BUDGET Faculty Expenses (per leader) Item Description Total Price Description (e.g. hotel cost per night) Room: Per Diem: Books & Supplies, if applicable: Health Insurance (international only): Personal (be inclusive): Airfare: On-site Travel (trains, buses, taxis, etc.) Other Travel: Immigration (passport, visas, photos, etc.): Immunizations/Inoculations: Total: Student Expenses* Tuition: (calculate at self-support rate) Room: Board: Books & Supplies, if applicable: Health Insurance (international only): Personal (be inclusive): Airfare: On-site Travel (trains, buses, taxis, etc.): Other Travel: Immigration (passport, visas, photos, etc.) Immunizations/Inoculations: Total: Group/Miscellaneous Expenses Consultant Contracts/Honoraria Classroom Reservations Fleet vehicle transport and parking Other Total: UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 7 Promotional Brochure Template The following information will be used to create the online program brochure on the Terra Dotta Study Abroad Software at http://educationabroad.utoledo.edu/. This tool will assist with the marketing, recruitment, and online application process. Program Description: Course: Credit Hours: Instructor: Class Dates: Tour Dates: Registration information: Price: Special health/safety/environmental considerations: Below is an example: Study Tour: The Art of London and Paris History comes alive through the iconic landmarks and pageantries of London and Paris. Kings and queens once shaped the course of world history from these two vibrant capitals. Today, both cities boast the essential art, music and culture of a modern metropolis to remain enduring centers of influence. Uncover the treasure – both historic and modern – of these timeless cities on your comprehensive tour of London and Paris. Course: ARTH 492, ARTH 591: The Art of London and Paris Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Carol Geu Class Dates: January 12, 2009 – March 29, 2009 Tour Dates: March 9-March 16, 2009 Registration Information: For more information and to register for this course, please attend the Fall 2008 information session at 12 p.m., Monday, Oct. 6, 2008 in McKusick Tech 110. Price: $2,594/students (plus self-support tuition) (fee includes round trip airfare, eight overnight stays, complete European breakfast daily, three dinners, full-time bilingual Tour Director, and Eurostar high-speed train). Special health/safety/environmental considerations: This program will require considerable amount of walking/traveling each day on uneven cobblestone streets and narrow paths. The group will also use considerable amount of public transportation (both buses and subways) that may not be handicap accessible. UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 8 Signatures Provide signatures from the primary faculty leader, co-leaders, and logistical leaders (where applicable). I have reviewed the Faculty-Led Program Guidelines Document. To the best of my knowledge, research, and ability, the information provided on the proposal is true and accurate. ______________________________ Primary Faculty Leader Name ____________________________ Signature __________ Date ______________________________ Co-Faculty Leader Name ____________________________ Signature __________ Date ______________________________ Co-Faculty Leader Name ____________________________ Signature __________ Date ______________________________ Department Chair Name ____________________________ Signature __________ Date UT Faculty-Led Program Proposal (Center for International Studies and Programs, updated April 2016) Page 9