September 13, 2007
TO: All Faculty Members and Extension Staff
(Tenured, Tenure-track, Research, Extension, and Adjunct)
FROM: Julie E. Williams
Associate Vice President, Research and Outreach Scholarship
Cameron Wake
Senior Faculty Fellow, Research and Outreach Scholarship
Outreach Scholarship Competition
“Engagement and outreach” is one of five strategic themes in the UNH “Academic Strategic Plan”, and academic program goals in both UNH Manchester’s and UNH Cooperative Extension’s
“Strategic Plans”. To reflect this focus area the Associate Vice President for Research and Outreach
Scholarship’s—Outreach Scholarship Competition—will focus on advancing
“outreach scholarship” specifically among these two units. Outreach scholarship projects (submitted under this request for proposals) represent research efforts in which there is a mutually beneficial collaboration between UNH and external partners for the purpose of generating and applying relevant knowledge to directly benefit the public . In particular, these projects will require collaboration and a genuine partnership among faculty members from UNHM, Extension faculty members, specialists or educators, and a community partner. Only projects including these three components and responding to this specific definition will be considered.
Applications are now being accepted for the FY08 “outreach scholarship competition”. An application cover sheet is attached and additional copies are available in the AVPR&OS office
(Thompson Hall, Ext. 2-2488, Lynne Cooper). The deadline for receipt of proposals is November 5,
Awards will be announced by November 19, 2007 and funds will be available December 3,
2007. Those interested in applying will benefit from attending a proposer’s meeting to be held at
UNH-M, September 26 at 3:30 in the University Center.
Associate Vice President, Research and Outreach Scholarship
Thompson Hall, Room 107
105 Main Street
Durham, New Hampshire 03824-3547
FAX 603.862.3617
We will award 3 - 4 grants at a maximum of $10,000 per grant award for FY08, and proposals will be reviewed with the assistance of faculty and extension reviewers. Additional funds for new projects will be available for FY09. However, requests (from this competition) beyond one year or significantly above the typical range will not be favored. Most awards will typically be $7,500.
These are seed funds designed to jump start projects and specific plans for achieving additional external funding to continue projects are expected in proposal narratives.
Projects should only address one or more of the following focus areas in the greater Manchester area:
1) Community Development – projects that strengthen and engage communities, increase social capital, or enhance economic development.
2) Diversity Issues – projects that engage ethnically, racially, and culturally diverse audiences.
3) Curriculum Development – innovative new courses that incorporate outreach and community involvement in a meaningful way including involving community experts in the classroom experience.
A substantial portion of the project must be completed by May 1, 2008 with final reports due upon completion of the project on or before December 1, 2008 . Awardees are also expected to deliver a brief, oral presentation and PowerPoint of the results of their work at a public event highlighting the collaborative projects in Manchester in May, 2008. PowerPoint presentations may also be included on the AVPR&OS website to showcase outreach scholarship at UNH.
General criteria for awards are as follows :
1. Only UNH Manchester faculty (tenure track and adjunct) and extension faculty, specialists or
educators are eligible for awards.
2. Projects submitted by UNHM faculty, UNHCE faculty/specialists/educators, and their community partners must address outreach scholarship as defined herein.
3. Projects that include a documented plan to use these seed funds for other competitive externally funded proposal submissions are highly encouraged.
4. Release time and summer salary may not be requested as part of the budget. Supplemental salary for the academic year will not be provided.
5. Additional guidelines are included on the attached pages.
General Requirements/Expectations : Only proposals that meet the University vision of outreach/engagement scholarship will be considered. These are projects in which there is a mutually beneficial collaboration between UNH and external partners for the purpose of generating and applying relevant knowledge to directly benefit the public.
Proposals must be written so they may be understood and evaluated by readers from diverse disciplines. Imagine you are trying to explain your project to a well educated lay person and use language that will convey your ideas accordingly.
Funded applicants will be required to present results at an appropriate venue. PowerPoint presentations may also be included on the AVPR&OS website. Project completion and final reports are due upon completion of the project on or before December 1, 2008 ; project updates are due May
1, 2008 )
FORMAT: The proposal application is limited to five (5) pages (not including supporting documents). Please use a font no smaller than 12 point, margins no less than 1”, and 1.5 line spacing.
The proposal application should have the following sections in the order described below:
Goal Statement/Need : Describe the overall goal(s) and need(s) of the proposed work in onetwo paragraphs. State specifically using non-technical language the problem or issue you want to address and why this is important.
Methods : Explain exactly how you will address the problem. What methods/steps will be used and why? Describe major activities, milestones and completion dates.
Evidence of External Collaboration and Partnership : Describe your external partner and how you plan to collaborate with them. Explain how your collaboration in this project benefits you and benefits your external partner(s).
Expected Impact: What impact on the external partner is expected? How will you measure the impact? What plans are there for public dissemination of this work beyond your May presentation?
Scholarly connection : How will this project benefit your scholarship and professional development? Justifications might include linkages to present scholarly work, transitions to new areas of inquiry or outreach, seed funding for new faculty, etc. Please list current sources of funding, any pending proposals for external/internal support, and describe which external sponsors you will submit proposals to as a result of this work.
Project Assessment : What is your plan for assessment of both the scholarship and outreach components? How will you determine that the partnership was mutually beneficial and that you generated and applied new knowledge?
Budget: Present an itemized budget and describe how each item will facilitate the project.
Be sure to link budget narrative to expected efforts of team members so that it is clear how resources will be spent to advance project goals. Projects to support faculty summer salary or equipment only will not be favored.
FINAL REMINDERS: Keep the narrative lean, clean, and jargon free and clearly justify why this project should be funded. Remember that you are trying to convince someone who is probably not in your field that this proposal should receive funding.
University of New Hampshire
Outreach Scholarship Competition
Application Cover Sheet
1. General Information
Applications for awards must be submitted on or before November 5, 2007 , to Lynne Cooper in the
Associate Vice President’s Office, Thompson Hall, Room 107. A check list for required enclosures is printed below. Three copies of the application should be submitted. The proposal, excluding the vita and letters of support, is limited to five pages, and should include all items on the checklist of enclosures (below). All parts should be stapled together.
If the proposed project involves human subjects or vertebrate animals the Regulatory Compliance
Administrator in the Office of Sponsored Research must be contacted (862-2003). Copies of pertinent licenses/approvals/assurances must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for
Research before funds will be released.
2. Information about the Applicants
Team Leader Name:____________________________ Academic Rank/Position Title: ___________
Telephone: ____________________________ _______Email: ______________________________
College and Department/Program Area_________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________
Team Member(s) Name: __________________________Academic Rank/Position Title: _________
Telephone: _____________________________________Email: _____________________________
College and Department/Program Area: _________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________
Community Organization Name_______________________________________________________
Community Lead Name: ___________________________Position Title: _____________________
Telephone: ______________________________________Email: ____________________________
Program Area: _____________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Project Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Total Budget Requested: __________________
Term of Project: _________________________
3. Check List of Enclosures (three copies, in stapled sets)
These Cover Pages
Proposal (Limited to five pages; following guidelines enclosed)
Vita of all team members (maximum two pages for each team member)
Three or more letters of support. One letter should come from your community partner
(outside of UNH; focusing on your project collaboration) and two or more from your division chair and program leader articulating the collaborative nature of the project and outlining how this project will contribute to the departmental plan for outreach and engagement. Each letter must address the merit of the proposed project, how it contributes to departmental/unit goals and ways in which the department/unit will provide future support .
Send these to the Office of the Associate Vice President for Research and Outreach
Scholarship (attn: Lynne Cooper, 107 Thompson Hall) to arrive on or before November 5,
2007 or enclose in an envelope and clip to top copy of the application. All proposal materials and supporting documents including letters must be in the office on or before this date. Late proposals will not be considered. Applicants should follow-up on all supporting documents to insure deadlines are met. Please enclose one original and two copies of each letter.