eGuidance in Denmark Elsebeth Nygaard,; 4174 1603 28. juli 2016 2 The digital society • Danish Government strategy 2011-2015: The central government, regions and municipalities are proposing a new eGovernment strategy in order to accelerate the adoption of digital solutions in the public sector. 28. juli 2016 The digital facts about Denmark • More than 2 million smartphones • More than 2 million tablets • 92 % internet at home, 55 % internet on the mobile • 3 million Danes on Facebook 3 28. juli 2016 A digital native A person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technologies and through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding of its concepts 4 28. juli 2016 A digital native Journalist: What could you have used, other than the internet? Jesper: We could also have used a newspaper, but we probably wouldn’t have Journalist: Would you ever use a newspaper? Everybody: No Journalist: Why not? Søren: Because we don’t have enough experience with newspapers Nikolai: I sit a lot together with my dad and watch television, he forces me to do it. He says, that it is a good way to know what is going on 5 Counselling in Denmark Pupils in lower secondary schools Young people up to 25 years of age, without an upper secondary education or vocational education People in the transition from Youth education to higher education ’Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning Youth guidance Centres eGuidance - Available for all groups Studievalg Regional Guidance Centres People with a youth education or higher education aiming towards adult learning Unemployed people and people in transition from job to job eVejledning Jobcenters 28. juli 2016 Political background to eGuidance • 2010: The Danish Parliament adopts the ”Ungepakke 2”: – 95 % of all young people will have an education after leaving the lower secondary school – eGuidance is a part of this • 2011: The opening of eGuidance 7 28. juli 2016 The purpose of eGuidance • To release resources in other guidance services to concentrate on young people with special needs • To help young people with readiness for choosing education – as well as their parents • To contribute to reach the target of maximum to get an education after basic school 8 28. juli 2016 The political situation now in Denmark • April 2014: – Young people without a special need must more than now use eGuidance and the digital portal, UddannelsesGuiden – Consequence: Less money for the youth Guidance centres, a little bit more money for eGuidance 9 28. juli 2016 Organization og eGuidance • eGuidance is a part of the Ministry of Children and Education • 35 skilled counsellors: – 12 full time counsellors in Copenhagen – 23 part time counsellors, also working in other guidance services – spread around the country • Availability – Opening hours from 9 am to 9 pm on weekdays – Opening hours from 12 am to 4 pm on saturdays, from 12 am to 9 pm on sundays 10 28. juli 2016 11 When is eGuidance being contacted? Time Chat Phone Total Day 50% 72% 58% Evening 35% 20% 30% Weekend 15% 8% 12% 28. juli 2016 Who can use eGuidance? • Everybody who wants counseling about education and training – pupils in the lower secondary school choosing higher secondary school high school or vocational education – and their parents – young people choosing further education (diplomas, university i.e.) – career guidance for adults • The focus is the formal educational system – and the job possibilities when you have got the education or the diploma • Counsellors • From 2011 and until now: Around 250.000 users of eGuidance 12 28. juli 2016 13 Netguidance The Norwegian trial “Finally I received the help i needed, and I felt more comfortable when I could be at home. I met counsellors who understood me. Sitting in a small room together with the counsellor sometimes makes me restless. In a way I felt more safe at the web. I could use it spontaneously, when it was best for me. It was also important for me not to miss any lessons”. Agenda • • • • • Background – National educational and career portal Pilot project: Netguidance Economics Suggestions – future actions Background • 30% dropping out of high school each year • 40% not finished a higher degree after 10 years of study • 50% have not met with a counsellor* • Drop-outs and delays in high school cost billions each year • Counsellling services online – fragmented and lack of coordination • Internet: The preferred source for info seeking * Elevundersøkelsen 2012, U.dir. Articles and support info Educations: Descriptions Educations 850 Educational institutions 70 350 5500 550 550 Occupations: descriptions Interviews Verktøy og annet Interactive model: educational system Examples: teaching Job compass practices and models Grade calculator: What do you need Films Forum for counsellors • What do we know about the users of Visits each year 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 309 000 1 742 000 2 328 000 2 752 000 2013 2 972 000 January 2014: More than 20 000 visits shared among app. 17 000 unik visitors Users Users Menn Men 40% 50% under the age of 19 Kvinner Women 60% Counsellors or teachers Setting up a net-based national career guidance service will give easy access to counsellors independent from where you live, age, and social status. It gives the possibility to organise a service with competent counsellors from different sectors, who share competence and collaborate in physical as well as virtual teams. Netguidance Pilot-project 2013 7 counsellors available on the web 28. January – 15. April 2013 40% part time Adapted opening hours: Four days a week, day, afternoon, evenings and weekends before application deadlines • Chat • E-mail • Published questions and answers • Supplement to traditional counseling Outcome: Reaches out to many Fair service Competence and knowledge from different sectors – collaborating Use of ICT according to national digital strategies Measurable outcome Netguidance: + 7 counsellors = High quality guidance What about: • Face to face counseling? • Is this only a matter of economics? • The local knowledge. Do we centralise the competence? Evaluation 8 out of 10 very satisified 9 out of 10 recommend this to others Majority prefers guidance on-line rather than face to face There is reason to believe that easy accessible career counselling online helps the users to become more confident in their choices Counsellors: • ”I learned a lot from working with the other counsellors in teams. I used this “new” knowledge in my daily work as well” • ” I am surprised how ”close” we came with the users in the chat. It was as if we were sitting in the same room” Economics • High costs related to drop outs and inappropriate educational choises • Each drop-out in high school: 900 000 Nok* • Reduction from 30 to 20% = 5.4 billion Nok saved • Suggested model: • • • • 14 full time at headquarter together with 11 part time, not less than 60% position Part time counselors working in other regions Competence from different sectors 130 less drop-outs each year = in balance! Falch, Johannesen, Strøm (2010) : Kostnader av frafall i videregående opplæring. Rapport. Senter for økonomisk forskning. Future possibilities • Traditional career counselling service organized together with an on-line service – on-line guidance is a good supplement to the existing • A antional on-line career counselling service can bridge the services offered at the institutions • Will reach out to a broad target group – also those hard to reach • Internet is the preferred source for info seeking – can we afford not to? Coffee/tea, and then after the break: Competition 28. juli 2016 The counselee is contacting eGuidance: • When needed and voluntar • From his og her own premises at a suitable time • With shared responsibility for the communcation and its flow • With the possibility and the right to leave the dialoque • With the possibility and the right to be anonymous 31 28. juli 2016 eGuidance - Channels • Our channels for counselling: • Telephone, chat, e-mail, text message, Facebook, webinar and web page 32 Webinar • A new media in 2013 • A presentation delivered over the Web. Webinars may be a one-way Webcast in the form of a slide show with audio or an interactive video conferencing session • 2014: 19 sessions, 615 participants • See an example here: e=normal 28. juli 2016 From a user’s point of view • ”even though it was digital, is was still a personal service” • ”Very good answers, and the other participants asked questions, which I could also use. There was enough time for everybody” • ”Really a good way, if you are uncertain about your application” 34 Facebook The users: • 13.600 likes • Women 63% - men 37% The use: • Advertisement frequently • Facebook host from 9 am to 9 pm • Picture of todays host • Not present picture • Professional guidance • Wall: 900 posted messages, 4000 comments each year • Private and public messages: 500 each year 28. juli 2016 Examples from Facebook 36 28. juli 2016 37 From a user’s point of view • • How do you use eGuidance? I read, what other users think and experience. I use that information to prepare myself on further education From a counsellor’s point of view • A new and fast channel • Challeging to find the right way of communication • Transparent 28. juli 2016 UddannelsesGuiden since 2004 39 28. juli 2016 UddannelsesGuiden – from 1th of August 2014 40 28. juli 2016 The sceptical voices • Online counsellors are robots • eGuidance does not counsel, they inform • eGuidance does not qualify the choices of career 41 Pilot project Norway - Medias in use • • • • E-mail Chat Question and answers Portal Questions and answers • • • • Questions sent via the web site Answer on e-mail Asynchronously – answer within ex. 24 hours Relevant questions and answers edited and posted at the site • • Majority preferred this Surprisingly: More popular than chat among the youths Question and answer Question: Hi! I would like to study for ”library knowledge”, distance education. I have not completed high school, but went two years at business school, and two years at the Industry-academy where I became a network administrator. I have worked at the library for 26 years. Do I have enough competence to study “library knowledge”? Answer from counselor Hi! You can read more her om aktuelle studier i bibliotekkunnskap, fjernundervisning. You need generell studiekompetanse to attend the study. Here you can read more about other ways to gain studiekompetanse. The education act gives all that are 25 or older, and who has not completed high school, the possibility to have their ”linformal” competence considered in relation to their formal educational competence and practice. They also have the right to complete high school, something which give them the right to study. Please get in touch with the department for eduction in your county and ask them to consider your informal and formal competence. Good luck Best regards Name og the counselor The conversation model Users: 8 of 10 are very satisfied with the chat they had with the counsellor Very satisfied / quite satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied / very disatisfied Don´t know Users: 9 of 10 users say they received an answer to what they asked for Totally agree / somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree 90% 2% Totally disagree / somewhat disagree Don´t know 7% 1% Users: Guidance via chat has many advantages Counsellors: Guidance via net equalizes the power relation between the user and the counselor 494 9 22:55 What would you like to chat about? Psykologist 22:55 Please wait, a counselor will soon join 22:56 Morten: Hello, you are talking to Morten. What can I do for you? 22:57 Hello! I have finished high school with generell studiekompetanse. Is this enough if I want to study to become a psychologist? 22:59 Morten: You have generell studiekompetanse and can study psychology. How hard it is to attend the study depends on which university you want to apply for: At UiO and NTNU you need generell studiekomeptanse, while at UiB and UiT you need to complete a year study in psychology in addition to generell studiekompetanse. This study accepts a limited number of students and many apply. You need good grades if you like to join this study. 22:59 Morten: Here is a link to where you find more information: 23:00 Thank you! Is it hard to find a job after i finished the study? 23:02 Morten: Psychologists are attractive within the public health care, and within private firms and organizations. By the time being it is quite easy for them to find a job. 23:03 Morten: Anything else you would like to ask about? 23:03 I like to apply for the study at UiO. What is the name of the course I have to join to become an autorized psychologist? 23:05 Morten: Here is a link to the studie at UiO: 23:05 Morten: It is called ”profesjonsstudiet i psykologi”. 23:05 OK and thank you! You have given me the answers I needed. 23:06 Morten: Good luck then! 23:06 Thank you! :) How does a chat end? • Yes I will. Thank you for helping me. Bye bye • Ok This was all I wanted to know. Thank you and have a nice weekend • Thanks a lot. I wish you a nice evening. Best regards from Gunn Ingrid 28. juli 2016 52 Literature about eGuidance • eGuidance in Denmark: A new initiative to help more persons into education • Guidance in Education – the educational guidance system in Denmark 28. juli 2016 Literature about digital guidance • Mihail Iacobs m.fl. (2012): “Good practices in the use of ICT in providing guidance and counselling”, Institute of Educational Sciences, Bukarest, • Law Bill (2010): ”Building on what we know – Career learning on the net: the information” • • Hooley, Tristam; Hutchinson, Jo & Watts, A.G. (2010): Careering Through the Web, UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 53