Student Report Name of the University: Umeå University Exchange semester: Spring, 2015 I. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Before leaving Norway I received information about Umeå University about two months before departure, however, the information about the courses I had applied to and schedule for the semester came few days before the first course was about to start. On the other hand, the exchange coordinator Rebecca was very accommodating answering all my questions quickly. Travel Easiest way to travel to Umeå is by plane, one way ticket cost around 1000:- NOK. If preferred you may travel by bus or train as well which is a cheaper alternative, but it will take you around 20 hours getting there. Housing The university was providing housing if wanted, but I arranged my own accommodation through family. It may be difficult to find your own housing if you do not know anyone in Umeå, therefore it may be recommended to accept the housing that is being offered by the university. Costs Rent Books Food Transport Other 3 000 NOK 300 NOK 1 000 NOK 300 NOK 2 500NOK Culture and language Norway and Sweden are very familiar countries when considering the language and culture, however, Umeå was the capital city of culture in Europe in 2014 so there is plenty to see and experience. Swedes may have some difficulties understanding Norwegian, but if you speak slowly they will manage to understand you (or you may have to explain a word or two in English). There are many international students attending at Umeå University so you will most likely have to speak English when socializing after classes. II. ABOUT THE SCHOOL Please describe: The location of the school is a 20 min walk from centrum in Umeå, 1 min walk from the hospital. It is easy to travel to/from the university with bicycle or bus to get around in the city; it may be more complicated travelling with car. When you are studying you will most likely have one course at the time for five weeks including group assignments, seminars, individual assignments and then a final exam in the end. In many courses the exams will be the most important part for your grade, however, participation in seminars and assignments may have an impact on your grade as well. The scale of the grades may vary; G-VG, 4-6 to mention the different scales my grades were evaluated after. There are four periods during the semester where it is common to study one course each period (100%). You may choose courses where you study 25% over all four periods or 50% over two periods as well. I studied 175% first period, 75% second period, 125% third period and 25% fourth period for example, it was a heavy start of the semester but it was very relaxing in the end. Course registration I registered for courses online at Umeå University’s website for students where you also had to register for the exams. My courses that were within business and administration were registered automatically, but I had to register the other courses couple of days before the start of the course. Academic calendar Arrival date: First day of the semester: Last day of classes: Last day of the semester: Any special events/holidays: Other: 16/1 19/1 1/7 7/7 - Arrival Most of the exchange students attended the “buddy-programme” were you meet Swedish students (or international students attending a programme at Umeå University) and learn more about the school and Umeå as a city. The International Office The employees of the international office at Umeå University are very nice and helpful, answering all the questions that did occur. It is possible to email, call or visit them MondayFriday. Promoting BI and Norway Umeå University and the “buddy-programme” welcomed all exchange students to a farewell mingle were we were sitting at tables categorized by the countries we came from, and then we had the opportunity in the end of the mingle to meet students from Umeå University that were interested going on exchange themselves. I was the only student representing Norway at the mingle; therefore BI got a lot of promotion among students that were curious studying in Norway. Social activities As mentioned before, the ”buddy-programme” seems like a lot of fun (did not attend it myself) were you have the opportunity to meet other exchange students, Swedish students and international students at the same time. They arranged parties at all kinds of student pubs around campus, trips to learn more about the cultural aspect of Umeå and Sweden, several sport activities such as ice hockey, skiing, football and so on. If you are an exchange student during spring semester in Umeå you must attend at “Brännbollsyran” which is a festival held at campus, and also the world cup in “brännboll” (sort of softball) were anyone can participate since it is mostly about having fun! The festival continues during night time at campus were famous singers and dj’s from both Sweden and other countries come to play and entertain all night (to mention some of the artists and dj’s from 2015; Afrojack, cazzette, DVBBS, maskinen, Veronica Maggio etc.) III. ACADEMICS In the classroom The teaching style in Sweden is very alike the Norwegian style, informal and lectures every week. Mandatory assignments and seminars may occur during the period of the course and be evaluated when grading. Therefore it may feel like the workload and level is higher in Umeå then at BI, but the assignments and seminars are held as a preparation for the exam. Course materials All courses differed according to used course materials. PowerPoint was, however, used at every lecture and the presentations were handed out online after the lecture. You had to buy your own books, but it was easy to find at the library or already used books in the beginning of the semester. Some books were more useful than others, but it is recommended to own the literature needed. You can also borrow literature at the library when studying there over the day, but you cannot bring the book outside then. Exams The exams were based on course materials, lectures, seminars and assignments. Of course it may differ depending which course you are taking, but in general you can assume that everything that has been covered may be included at exams. Exams are the part of the grade that is the most important factor, but the other parts of the course may have an impact on the grade as well. You will always know in advance how many % of the grade the different parts covers. All courses that I attended had small assignments and presentations included with the exam when evaluating my grade. Some of the lectures are mandatory while some are optional, but you will always be given information when you have to attend. Assignments given through the course may be both individual and in group, therefore it may be an advantage to socialize with your new classmates so you know someone to team up with if needed. Library and technology Comparing to BI, Umeå University is an older school with older buildings. The library is, however, a nice place to study in with a lot of group rooms and computer rooms available for the students. Every book or article that is written in Sweden has to be sent to the library, so you can find a lot of interesting reading in there. The library has all the literature needed for the courses, but only in a limited edition. Some of the books can be borrowed over the internet so you can read them on your computer if you want to. Description of courses Course code & name 1EN062 Engelska A, kulturstudier och Master/ Bachelor Bachelor Exam form Prerequisites Assignments and attendance. Engelska B or Engelska 6 Approved as Elective Comments akademiskt skrivande 2FE143 Bachelor Entreprenörskap och affärsutveckling A 5BY008 Bachelor Projektledning 1 2FE098 Research methodology in business administration B Bachelor Group assignment and 72-hour written exam at home Group assignment and 4-hour exam Group assignment and 4-hour exam None Elective None Elective First cycle, has less then 60 credits in firstcycle course/s as entry requirements Elective Good preparation before writing a bachelor/ master thesis. My exchange experience at Umeå University has been very rewarding, and I would recommend everyone considering going there to do so! It is difficult for me to sum up any cultural or social point of view of how I experienced Umeå since I am born there, however, I got the chance to experience the perspective of the “student-life” in Umeå, and I enjoyed it very much. I have learned a lot of how the Swedish aspect of business works, and how to work more in groups and seminars. Studying in Umeå is more active than studying at BI since you have to be more prepared before seminars and lectures, sometimes you have to hold presentations in front of the class, and hence you will learn from your classmates as well!