Student Report

Student Report
University of Groningen
Double Degree: 2012/2013 Master in Marketing Intelligence
Before leaving Norway
The process started in February, when the deadline for applying for the Double Degree was.
There was a process of selection, and the final offer was received in March. There were hosted
a meeting during the spring were information package regarding Double Degree were given to
us. Also, a current double degree student was visiting Norway at that time, so we had a
meeting with him as well to share some experiences he had from Groningen. The
University of Groningen had one person working with Double Degrees, which make it
easy to ask about information, such as course registration and Introduction Days. We did not
experience any difficulties, and found that the coordinators from both BI and Groningen was
very helpful. All information concerning deadline for applying courses, housings etc can be
found in their webpage or by contacting the DD coordinator.
Applying for a visa and residence permit
 For non-EU members who are from Europe
When studying in the Netherlands, you do not need a visa. The only thing you need to do is
register as a citizen of Groningen, which is done when you arrive in the city. Information
regarding this was handed out during introduction week in Groningen.
 For non-EU members who are from outside of Europe
In order to stay and study in the Netherlands, you do need a long-term visa (MVV) and a
residence permit. You have to remember that you do not apply for a visa by yourself but via
the International Service Desk in University of Groningen who will receive your required
documents. You also apply for residence permit at the same time.
The required documents include some application forms that need to be filled out, one
passport photo of you, a copy of all pages of your passport. All the details related to these
procedures will come to you at the beginning of April. The only thing you need to care
a b o u t is your passport photo. There are the Dutch requirements for your photo including
size, photo quality, background, facial appearance, just to name a few. You will also receive
this passport photo guideline. It is said that, in Oslo, Japan Photo shop at Hegdehaugsveien is
the only authorized photographer and it costs around 200 Kr. Nevertheless, if you are not
sure about your passport photo, you should send it to the admission officer, who contact you,
and ask her to check it for you. Good preparations for required documents will ensure that
there is no delay with your visa process.
Besides the required documents, there is visa cost and deposit money that need to transfer to
the account of the Faculty. The total amount of money is €10.500 in which the non-refundable
legal fees are €600 for visa and residence permit. The rest will be returned to you after you
have opened a Dutch bank account.
Normally, it will take from two to three months before you can receive your visa. You can
choose the place and country of the Dutch embassy where you want to collect the MVV.
Unfortunately, the Scandinavian visa-pick-up location is in Stockholm. So if you decide to
stay in Norway for the summer, you need to prepare to spend two days in Sweden on picking
up your visa.
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During introduction week, you will receive your residence permit and be registered as a
resident of Groningen. You also need to apply by yourself for a DigiD (username and
password) to access online services in the Netherlands (, which is
similar to MinID in Norway. After that, you will receive a burgerservicenummer, which is
similar to the Norwegian personal identification number. You do not need this number to
apply for Dutch account (only ABN AMRO requires), but you will need it if you want to
apply for letter of invitation for your non-European visitors. Besides, if you want to change
your personal information in the school database, you need to log in to Studielink
( which requires your DigiD username and password.
Travel from Norway to the Netherlands is very easy. You may fly with either Norwegian or
SAS. I prefer SAS as it had better time schedule and offer. (Also, until 25 you can travel with
youth ticket=”ungdomsbillett”. Price varies, but if you are early you may get a one way-ticket
for 550NOK and it includes a baggage of 23kg. Approximately travel time from Gardermoen
to Schiphol Airport is 1,5-2 hours. Once arrived Schiphol in Amsterdam, the best way to
arrive Groningen is to take the train which takes about 2.5 hours (24euros). All information
about travelling with train in the Netherlands can be found in this websites: A tip is to get an OV-Chip card (40 Euro), with it you
can get 50% discount for all train travels within Netherlands ( The only thing is
that you need to have a Dutch account in order to buy an OV-Chip card.
There are 8 international students housing in Groningen to choose between. We found
housing through the Housing Office of the university. ( The monthly
rent ranged from 281-375 Euros depending on location, quality and size.
It is recommended to start early with applying for apartment because there are many students
in Groningen who look for places. You may look at the private market, but since there are few
apartments compare to number of students, it is difficult to find something suitable unless you
know someone. There are several groups on Facebook related to University of Groningen and
Groningen as it is, and you can post your notice there.
As the campus (Zernike) is located in the North, it can be nice to stay close to school. From
the student housing on Kornoeljestraat, it takes only 5 minutes by bike to get to school and
10-15 minutes bike ride to the city center. Another student housing close to Zernike is
Plutolaan, which takes only 2-3 minutes by bike to get to school and 15-20 minutes bike ride
to the city center.
Monthly spending varies according to what you do. Housing and Food are the main recurring
costs. Food is cheaper than in Norway. There are one-time costs like buying a second hand
bike (50 Euro), sports center membership (52 Euro yearly) and one month rent as deposit.
Going out and other social activities are approximately 10 Euros per outing.
Culture and language
Everyone in the Netherlands speak English fluently, so communicating in English is not a
problem. Many words in Dutch are similar to Norwegian. However, there are still some big
differences in terms of pronunciations. You may find some Dutch prefer to talk their own
language, so be aware that it takes some effort to socialize. There are possibilities to learn
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Dutch through the language center. I took an intensive course in Dutch from 9-13 every
weekday in one month before the Academic year started and learned some basic sentences to
carry daily conversation with the locals.
There are great opportunities experience the country, with friends or ESN trips. ESN stands
for Erasmus Student Network and organizes activities, which include cultural and social
events such as trips to various places within the Netherlands, language projects, international
dinners, pub nights and parties. Here is the link for more information about ESN.
Cultural and social effects from the exchange experience
Going on a Double Degree will positively affect the career. Two Master degrees in
Marketing Management and Marketing Intelligence, will most likely influence future
possibilities for working either internationally or at home. When living with students from
many nationalities in an international student house, you start appreciating the cultural
differences and grow as a person.
The University of Groningen, founded in 1614, is a leading international research university
with approximately 28,000 students in which 3,800 are international students. It offers over
100 English-taught degree programs (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in which all are grounded on
research, giving the students the opportunity to share the best and latest knowledge.
The University consists of different faculty buildings and is centered in different places in
the city depending on what studies and w h i c h faculty you belong to. The Academy
Building (main building), Harmony Building (language and law studies) and the central
library are situated in the city center. Our faculty, (FEB) Faculty of Economic and Business
is situated in Zernike Campus, 6 km north from the city center (about 15
minutes by bike). There are many buildings in Zernike.
However, the Duisenberg building is the place to be for
FEB students.
FEB faculty has programs in many areas such as
Finance, Marketing Management, Marketing Research,
HRM etc. and is especially well known for its Marketing
Research program, which is taught by many
internationally recognized professors of this field.
Duisenberg building
Academic Building
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Course registration
It was a possibility to register for courses before arrival, but that was only through the double
degree coordinator. However, course registration for all students is through the schools
webpage called Progress. A date and time close to the semester start was set up for all
students to go to the computer assessed room to register on the various courses of interest.
Usually 3 courses per block are more than enough as the workload per course is relative
heavy. In case you change your mind about a course, you can always log into Progress and
deregister the course you don’t want to take. Make sure you tick off all the courses you want
to have, after the registration deadline which is a week or two after courses have started, it is a
hassle to register again because then you have to mail the exam office etc.
Also, to be officially registered to the course, you have to attend to first course and leave your
signature to confirm you are taking this course. Once you are registered you are eligible and
automatically signed up for the exam.
Academic calendar
The Academic year is divided into two semesters, where you have two blocks within one
semester. Each block will consist of approximately 8 weeks with lecture and 2 weeks of exam
period. So in total, one block will consist of 10 weeks.
- Block 1a (semester 1 block a) : starts 3.sep
- Block 1b (semester 1 block b) : starts 12.nov
- Block 2a (semester 2 block a) : starts 4.Feb
- Block 2b (semester 2 block b) : starts 15 April
The introduction week started for international student on 1st of September. We had two
different events, welcoming all international students of the university and introduction of
masters of marketing. The semester started 3rd of September and the last day of classes for the
first semester is in the end of January, when the exam period starts. The second semester
starts in February and is finished in end of June. The first exam period is November followed
by January, April and July.
The admission officer of the Double Degree is a great person that will help you in any case.
Firstly, she will instruct you how to arrive to your student house safely and comfortably.
Then, she will give you many useful advices such as how to get to school from home, how to
buy a SIM card or what is the nearest good supermarket… When you go to school, she
will give you an introduction package including all the necessary information about
studying, living and enjoying in Groningen.
There will be a welcoming ceremony that is organized in the Academic building (not the
place you will study). In this day, you will have an opportunity to arrange formalities such as
purchasing health insurance, opening a bank account, and getting acquainted with facilities at
the University of Groningen and the City Groningen such as international student
associations, sport facilities, and cultural organizations. There will be many senior students
there to help you or introduce you about their activities.
Furthermore, there is also an introduction for your specialization (e.g. Marketing) that is a
good chance to hear directly from some of the professors who will teach you in the coming
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The International Office
The international student desk is located in the city center. The services of this office are not
needed apart from the first week, while getting residence permits. For all other queries the
admin representative is the single contact point at Zernike. The International Service Desk
assists and informs all the international students of the university about matters relating to
studying and working at the University of Groningen. Click here for more information.
Promoting BI and Norway
The student adviser of MSc Marketing Program introduced the possibility of doing a double
degree in BI, Norway. This possibility has been brought up during kick off of the Marketing
Program. Other than that, there has been no dedicated exchange fair for Master students as it
has been at BI. However, when interacting with classmates we promote BI as one of the top
European Business schools.
Social activities
The Dutch students are friendly and open-minded. We worked with some Dutch students in
group works and they are very understandable and easy to communicate with. The
relationship between the international students was also good.
There is a student union for the Marketing students, MARUG, for students from Economic- ,
Business Administration- and Communication studies... Most events organized by MARUG
were in Dutch, but also some events were in English with marketing related topics. The
MARUG acts as an intermediary between marketing theory and marketing practice.
ACLO, the sport center in Groningen close to the Zernike campus provides many different
opportunities to learn a new sport or get fit for only 52 € for one year membership. If you
want to do fitness, you may pay 60 € more.
In the classroom
The Professors in University of Groningen are high qualified and very professional. Most of
my professors spoke perfect English. They always try to incorporate the practical information
in their lessons. Similarly to BI, students here will be divided into small groups between 3
and 5 students. They also encourage students to express their own ideas. Nevertheless, because
the normal course often takes six weeks to complete, most of t h e time in the class is
spent on describing the lecture by the professor. Students in BI seem to have more chance to
discuss in class. Most of the courses always have several lessons taught by visiting lecturers
who come from a company or practiced experts. The group cases are also based on real
information and real matters. In comparison to BI, because the course is shorter (for one block
only), the workload here seems to be higher when you have to hand in at least one
assignment after every two weeks. Nevertheless, it also depends on how many courses you
did register for, but the tempo of studying is somewhat quicker.
The professors are enthusiastic and open. You can give them your questions in the break, after
class, or come to their room in some specific working days. Nevertheless, because you do not
have the same class for every course, thus, the relationship between students is weaker than
the one you have in BI’s class. In overall, Dutch students and other international students here
are quite friendly and kind.
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In overall, the level of study at University of Groningen is quite similar to the level at BI but it
is a little bit more practical here, whereas it is more theoretical at BI.
Course materials
In some courses, you do need a text book but the exam questions will mostly be based on
the slides from classes, and provided journal articles. Nevertheless, it is recommended to read
some important chapters in the text book if you want to achieve the higher grade. It is difficult
to find a used book to buy but you can borrow books from the library and photocopy some
necessary chapters. It will be perfect if you buy a new one but there are still some illegal
shops which sell a full copy of books here.
On the other hand, you also need to find other articles that are not provided by the Professor
when doing your assignment. Here, i f you cannot find the official reference style, the
cover paper for you assignment, etc. The Professors are very flexible about that.
As mentioned above, if you can fully understand the content in the slides and the main ideas
from the given journal articles, you will have no problem with the exam without reading the
text book. Normally, the course was evaluated based on the group assignments and the final
exam. The final exam often accounts for 50% of the total grade.
Library and technology
I have to say that BI has a better library with its website and better way to access
academic resources which is indicated by the remote access from home. You can access
resources to download journal articles from home but you have to log in each time you go to
another website with your student number and password. There are some computers around
the campus but it is not really convenient to stay there and study. Students often go to
computer center or library computer room to study. Nevertheless, in exam period, these rooms
are often full all the time. You have to configure your internet connection settings in order to
connect wireless internet in school. Therefore, it is not easy for people who have little
experience with network configuration. Nevertheless, the technology used in teaching and
distributing information in class is modern and good.
Master Thesis
Information about Writing the Master Thesis
The coordination around the master thesis is very good and structured. There is one professor who
is in charge of the coordination, informing students, explaining the “rules of the game” and
assigning groups. What’s new this year is that students work on their thesis in a motivating
environment of a thesis group, meaning that you will write an individual thesis, but with support
of fellow students. This allows each student to engage, collaborate and share ideas and knowledge
with other students in the same group. Furthermore, it becomes more motivational and helps
student to keep the deadlines. Each group consist maximum of 6 students.
The thesis starts at the beginning of semester 2 (February) and has to be finished at the end of
June. The group supervisor will arrange a meeting with all the students in the group and provide a
schedule with deadlines.
Master Thesis Information Meeting
Already in the 1 semester, second block, an information meeting was held for all master students.
To be eligible to write the thesis, you need to have 20 ECTS from the Master Marketing
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successfully completed. If you do not have collected sufficient points from the exams taken in
semester 1A and 1B, you will have to start your thesis in September.
Master Thesis Registration Form
Students have to fill in a master thesis registration form indicating the preferences for three
topics. A supervisor is assigned to each topic.
Students following the Marketing Management profile have to choose three Management
Topics, students following the Marketing Intelligence profile or both profiles have to choose
three Intelligence Topics.
Topics will be assigned according to availability and the quality of your motivation and
research ideas statement. They will try to give you a spot in one of the top 3 group you
indicated, but unfortunately that cannot be guarantee.
Practical Information
Under certain conditions, you can write your thesis in cooperation with a company:
The topic of the internship has to fit within one of the thesis groups.
You are responsible that the data you require from the company are there in time. Please note:
You CANNOT get an extension of your thesis if you have to wait for data.
You have to have sufficient time to work on your thesis, and to fulfill your obligations
towards your fellow-students in giving feedback. Be sure that you can work at least 2-3 days a
week fully on your thesis. Mind that you also have other courses next to writing the master
thesis, so allocate your time wisely and make a master schedule plan is recommended.
If you fail your thesis, you may hand in a new version of the thesis mid/end of August (the
exact date will be determined by your supervisor). Please note that the highest grade you can
receive is a 6.
Handing in the final master thesis
Prior to hand in the final version, a concept version of the thesis needs to be sent to the
supervisor and second supervisor. Often, the second supervisor will give some comments and
feedback with regards to your thesis and you may have to adjust the thesis accordingly.
The final version has to be uploaded in Nestor twice; (1) for Plagiarism check and (2) for
evaluation and archiving. The threshold for plagiarism is 10%, above that you will not pass
the thesis.
The final stage is the master thesis defense. Usually, it will be about a week or less after you
handed in the final version. The student and the supervisor will have to agree upon a date of
defense. Also, the second supervisor will be present to ask you various questions concerning
the thesis. The defense last maximum an hour and you are asked to wait outside the room
while they discuss your performance and give you the final grade.
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Description of courses
Every student who wants to follow the MSc Marketing has to follow the three core courses. If
a student follows three of the four courses within the MI-theme she/he will receive the MSc
Marketing, track Marketing Intelligence. If a student chooses at least three of the five
Marketing Management courses, she/he will receive the MSc Marketing, track Marketing
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Course name
Strategic Marketing
Marketing Research Methods
Retail Marketing
Customer Management
Brand & Product Management
Marketing Engineering
Market Models
Consumer Psychology
Marketing Communication
Customer Models
B2B Marketing
1a (compulsory MM&MR)
1a or 2a (compulsory MM&MR)
1a (elective MM, MR)
1b (elective MM, MR)
1b (elective MM, MR)
1b (elective MM, compulsory MR*)
1b (elective MM, compulsory MR*)
2a (compulsory MM&MR)
2a (elective MM, MR)
2b (elective MM, compulsory MR*)
2b (elective MM, MR)
Marketing Research Practice
1a-1b, 2a-2b (elective MM,
compulsory MR*)
2a-2b, 1a-1b (compulsory MM &
* MI students have to choose at least 3 from the 4 MI courses (ME, CuMo, MaMo, or MRP)
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Major at BI
Approved as
(open book)
(compulsory for
double degree)
Heavy workload
with Market game
simulations. Very
practical, useful,
up-to-date and
uses many
aspects of
marketing theory
and methods.
(Open book)
(compulsory for
double degree)
Difficult, but very
such as
None (One
final report
to the
(compulsory for
double degree)
Taught by two
Covers specific
retail marketing
concepts. Very
theoretical with
lots of articles on
retail, with two
had to be hand in.
professors based
Very similar to the
course at BI the
research methods
with the Malhotra
Starts February
Interesting, up-todate course. Work
with a company.
Project goes over
two blocks.
(compulsory for
double degree)
professors, very
up-to date topics.
Any other experiences/comments about your exchange experience:
- You need to be aware how many courses you can manage to complete with a
reasonably high grade. Because every course will give you one assignment for one or
two weeks, thus, if you choose too many courses to take, you will have a trade-off in
your final grades. Nevertheless, it is also a great opportunity to challenge yourself and
gain more knowledge than other students.