Student report from exchange program Name of the university: ESCE International Business School Exchange semester: Spring 2014 1. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Before leaving Norway The information exchange with ESCE was mainly through email and it included integration to their electronical platform for students were four steps should be completed before coming to Paris. It worked smoothly and I did not have any difficulties. Travel I reached Paris through a direct flight from Stavanger. Housing The school recommended places to look for housing, and they suggested a student housing a little outside the city of Paris. We ended up renting on the private market through an agency. Costs Rent € 600 Books €0 Food € 500 Transport € 40 Other € 350 Culture and language Because of the high amount of international students at this school, it did not happen any language difficulties. The youth in Paris usually speak English. The possibilities to experience the country and the culture were absolutely there, because student communities arranged trips to other districts than Paris very often. 2. ABOUT THE SCHOOL The school was a modern building located in the 15th area with walking distance to the Eiffel tower. It can remind of a Norwegian high school, because it was many small classrooms and almost no space for self-studying except from two small media centres. Their special academic areas includes marketing, finance and supply chain. Course registration The registration of the course started in late December with a deadline of 15th of January. It was an online process where you submitted your eight preferred courses and three in case of not getting some of them. The add/drop period lasted for the two first weeks of February. Academic Calendar Arrival date: January 9th First day of the semester: February 2nd Last day of classes: May 20th Examination period: May 6th – June 5th Any special events/holidays: Winter and Easter holiday Other: Arrival The introduction week was good. We got all the information that was necessary and went on a boat trip on the seine. It was a bit of a mess because the introduction week was at the same time as the first week of school and the add/drop period. The International Office It really dependeds on who that was helping you from the office. Some were helpful and kind, but others were really rude and unfriendly. In the end I preferred to ask for help to my favourite teachers instead of going to the international office. Promoting BI and Norway We arranged a big 17th of May party for the international students in Champ de Mars. Social activities Most of the classes was shared with only international students. This was a very good experience and I made friendships in almost every part of the world. The native students were very welcoming and contributed to make my stay here amazing as well. As for the activities for the international students, there was arranged parties almost every weekend, trips, picnics and other social activities through a Facebook group for international students. 3. ACADEMICS In the classroom The teaching style was very different compared to BI. We were about 30 students in each class, which makes it easier for communication and dialogues with the professors. Almost all the teachers used PowerPoints, and we did not have any books. So the preparation for the exam would rely on your own notes from the classes. The setting was informal and there was a very good interaction between the teacher and the students. The workload felt less in Paris, but a reason for that can be that the evaluation was is smaller parts (midterm=40%, final exam=60%). Even with 8 different subjects, I did not feel totally exhausted after the examination period. Course Material The materials were mainly power point slides and handouts from the professors. That is a bit different than what I am used too, but I worked out fine. The level of the material was not as high as you could expect a second year material on Bi to be. Exams The exams were based on the course materials, but a very small part, because the exams did not last for longer than 1-2 hours. The courses were evaluated by one midterm degree that counted 40% and the final exam that counted 60%. The midterm would usually be 3 or 4 smaller evaluations and the average of those would make the midterm degree. The evaluations were oral presentations, simulations, written group work, small tests, hand in of homework and participation in class. This was a good way to keep up efficient work throughout the whole semester. Library and technology There was not a library at campus. The PC centre was way to small for so many students, and there were always problems with the computers and the printers. The IT assistance was almost never available as well. Description of courses Course code & name 9999 – Français A1 Master/ Bachelor Bachelor Exam form Prerequisite s Mastering the level of A0 Approved as Elective 1218 – EE_French Civilization Bachelor 2-hour written exam None Elective 1164 – Business Communication Bachelor 2-hour written exam None Elevtive 1466 – EE_International Financial Markets Bachelor 2-hour written exam None Elective 1069 – Stocks and flows management Master 2-hour written exam None Elective 1056 – International Master Average of None Elective 2-hour written exam Comment s Efficient language course, where my French was improved. Interesting course about French culture and history. Improved oral presentati on skills and cultural differences . Structured course with a very good teacher. Supply chain course with focus within the company. Improved Contract Negotiation previous work EE_International business practices Bachelor 2-hour written exam None Elective Principles of People Management Bachelor 2-hour written exam None Elective undersand ing of dealing contracts overseas. Improved knowledge in internatio nal trade. Interesting evidencebased course. Final note The exchange semester has been such a pleasure. I am really glad I used the opportunity to study abroad. I feel I have improved my academic skills especially for doing international trade, and with so many courses my knowledge in every subject has increased. Living in Paris did almost just bring me joy from a cultural aspect. The museums, food, people and architecture did really lightened up my stay here. The most valuable has been all the good friendships I have made all across the world. The semester in Paris has been fantastic!