11th IGOS PARTNERS MEETING FAO, Rome 27th May 2004 MEETING RECORD V1.1 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 11th IGOS PARTNERS MEETING FAO, Rome 27th May 2004 Meeting Record Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. A. B. Organisation of the session ................................................................................................... 3 Tenth sessions ........................................................................................................................ 3 2nd EO Summit and GEO progress...................................................................................... 3 IGOS Partner reports ........................................................................................................... 6 Implementation of approved Theme reports ..................................................................... 8 Themes for approval ........................................................................................................... 15 Proposed themes and issues ............................................................................................... 17 Other IGOS activities ......................................................................................................... 21 Any other business .............................................................................................................. 23 Review of IGOS-P-11 actions ............................................................................................. 23 Chair arrangements for 2004/5.......................................................................................... 23 Date and venue of the next session .................................................................................... 23 Closure of the session .......................................................................................................... 23 Action item summary ......................................................................................................... 24 Participants .......................................................................................................................... 26 27th May 2004 2 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 1. Organisation of the session 1.1 Opening of the Session Dietrich Leihner (FAO) and Minister Xu Guanhua (CEOS/MOST-NRSCC) as Co-Chairmen welcomed the participants to the 11th IGOS Partners meeting. 1.2 Adoption of the agenda The proposed agenda was adopted. 1.3 Working arrangements for the session Jeff Tschirley (FAO) reviewed the working arrangements for the session. 2. Tenth sessions 2.1 Review of minutes from the 10th sessions The minutes of the 10th IGOS Partners meeting (Paris, 5th June 2003) and of the 10bis IGOS Partners meeting (Colorado Springs, 20th November 2003) were adopted without comment. 2.2 Review of action items from the 10th sessions The status of the action items from the P-10 and P-10bis meetings was reviewed and agreed (refer to annex A here). Regarding Action 10-9 (Co-Chairs to prepare a discussion paper by November 2003 on a strategy for emerging themes for IGOS. FAO agreed to host a workshop to further develop this topic if necessary), Jeff Tschirley (FAO) noted that, although FAO had prepared the required discussion paper, they proposed not to address this topic during the meeting due to time pressure on the agenda. FAO proposes that it be addressed at a future IGOS-P meeting, after the way forward on GEO is clearer. 3. 2nd EO Summit and GEO progress 3.1 Reports Chu Ishida (CEOS/JAXA) delivered a short statement from MEXT of Japan reporting the outcome of the GEO-4 and EOS-II meetings held in Tokyo on 22nd-25th April 2004. He reported that ministers and representatives from 43 developed and developing countries, EC, and 25 international organizations had participated in the Earth Observation Summit II. The Framework Document for a 10-Year Implementation Plan was adopted at the Summit. The plan itself will be presented at Earth Observation Summit III, in Brussels in February 2005. The Framework 27th May 2004 3 11th IGOS Partners Meeting Document sets out the primary components of the 10-year Implementation Plan for Earth Observation. IGOS is expected to make a significant contribution to this important initiative, and should continue to be actively involved in this GEO process. David Williams (CEOS/EUMETSAT) gave a report on behalf of the Implementation Task Team (IPTT) of GEO, including the following key points: the IPTT is responsible for co-ordinating drafting of the GEO Implementation Plan; 3 main documents are under development for the 3rd EO Summit in Europe next February: a communiqué; a ‘short document’: comprising a 10 page implementation plan based on text contributed by the IPTT, but negotiated line by line at coming GEO-5 and GEO-6 meetings; a ‘technical blueprint’ document (known as the ‘long document’ in IPTT): also based on IPTT texts; this document aims to provide credibility and more substance to the short document (this will not be negotiated in the GEO meetings) the Implementation Plan is being structured around 9 selected social benefit topics: disasters, health, energy, climate, water, weather, ecosystems, agriculture, and biodiversity; topic coordinators have been appointed for each and the GEO Sub-Groups are providing inputs too; a writing meeting will be held in Washington DC on 10th-11th June 2004; the GEO process is increasingly recognising the importance of progress founded on the existing work of IGOS-P; IGOS Partners are the principal source of information for 6 of the 9 topic areas (disasters, climate change (via GCOS/ WCRP), water, weather, ecosystems, and biodiversity) and additional expertise has been identified for the other three (agriculture, energy, health); (Jeff Tschirley (FAO) confirmed that FAO would be supporting the agriculture topic); all current activity is driven by the fixed deadline of the EOS-III meeting – which is planned for 14th February 2005 in Brussels (the full timetable is shown below); Activity Timeline for the Implementation Plan Task Team 27th May 2004 4 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 3.2 the first review period by GEO will commence in the week of 19th July; the final version will be completed by 11th October and submitted for formal review by governments; at the invitation of the EC Co-Chair, the 4 GEO Co-Chairs will meet in Brussels on 27th-28th September to address the issue of ‘governance’ - the plan for an institutional framework after EOS-III. IGOS-P Participation in GEO David Williams (CEOS/EUMETSAT) noted the importance of the IGOS Partnership being proactive in considering what role it might have in the future framework. Dietrich Leihner (CoChair) noted that the recent G3OS meeting had agreed that the G3OS sponsors would collaborate to develop a consensus statement on GEO governance in time for the Brussels meeting. Brent Smith (CEOS/NOAA) noted that it will be the governments involved in GEO which decide the way forward, and it is not yet clear how bodies such as CEOS and IGOS-P, as non-governmental organisations, would be reflected in the future framework; he encouraged IGOS-P to be proactive in providing opinions in time for the GEO governance debate. Minister Xu (Co-Chair) noted the common view of many Partners on the need for the Partnership to have a consolidated position on its role within the framework being planned within GEO. He invited IGOS Partners to a special strategy meeting – hosted by NRSCC in Beijing on Thursday 18th November 2004 and encouraged all Partners to send senior representatives to discuss this important topic. Steve Lonergan (UNEP) and Mark Churchyard (BNSC) both noted that, as incoming IGOS-P Co-Chair agencies, they fully supported such a meeting. Since inputs to the GEO governance meeting in September are due by 1st August, the Co-Chairs also accepted an action to develop an IGOS position ahead of the Beijing discussion. Action Action 11-1 11-2 IGOS Co-Chairs, supported by IGOS SEC, to coordinate development of an input from IGOS Partners to the GEO Governance meeting in September Draft by end June, reviewed by IGOS Partners by mid-July IGOS Co-Chairs, supported by IGOS SEC, to develop a strategy to prepare IGOS Partners for a meeting focusing on the IGOS strategy regarding GEO - on 18th November in Beijing Draft by end June (deadline 1st August) It was agreed that the IGOS Co-Chairs should collaborate where possible with the G3OS Sponsors in providing inputs to GEO on governance by the 1st August deadline – in order to maximize the overall impact. Don Hinsman (WMO) suggested that action would be required in the immediate future in order to allow for review time by all IGOS Partners. 27th May 2004 5 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 4. IGOS Partner reports 4.1 G3OS Sponsors report Dietrich Leihner (Co-Chair) reported on the 9th meeting of the Sponsors of the Global Observing Systems, held the previous day. The main issues of the meeting were: 4.2 a debate regarding the value of continuing the G3OS meetings; it concluded with agreement that the G3OS represented a valuable forum for discussion of joint action on strategic issues – particularly in relation to IGOS-P and GEO; the Terms of Reference of G3OS will be modified to reflect this agreement; the G3OS members expect to be particularly active in their co-operation during 2004-5 and will keep in regular contact – mostly via telecons and email; UNEP will be the Chair agency during this period; the future of G3OS will be reviewed again at the 10th meeting – planned to be held in Nairobi in June 2005 – in light of the outcome of the GEO process; UNEP will serve as the Chair agency for the G3OS process up to and including the 10th meeting in Nairobi; WMO will serve as the Chair agency for the G3OS process after the 10th meeting and host the 11th session. CEOS SIT report Chu Ishida (CEOS/JAXA) gave a report on behalf of the SIT Chairman (Dr Yoji Furuhama). The main points were: Carbon Theme: the SIT-14 meeting had made significant progress in clarifying the expectations for implementation of the Carbon Theme; an immediate way ahead had been agreed and CNES had volunteered to support the efforts aimed at completing the implementation scheme; Water Cycle Theme: significant progress is being made – and the team has been encouraged to finalise details of the implementation framework and planning workshops (JAXA has offered to host one of the workshops in early 2005); Geo-Hazards Theme: the SIT Chairman commends the Geo-hazards theme on emphasising a resourced and well-structured implementation framework and plan; excellent progress is being made; Atmospheric Chemistry Theme: the SIT-14 meeting had reviewed the IGACO Theme team report and commended the team on their efforts in developing an excellent document; SIT endorses the IGACO Theme to move to implementation phase – anticipating confirmation of the membership, roles and responsibilities of the implementation team soon after approval of WMO’s role by its Executive Council; Coastal Theme: the Coastal Theme team had postponed submission of their report for SIT and IGOS-P review. SIT-14 had encouraged the team to prepare a comprehensive Theme report which is fully compliant with the IGOS Process Paper and which outlines the specific 27th May 2004 6 11th IGOS Partners Meeting roles, responsibilities, and resources planned for Theme implementation; it also recommended that the Coastal Theme Team input their draft Theme report to the GEO process, via the IPTT; Land Theme: SIT-14 reviewed and endorsed the proposal for the establishment of a new Land Theme for IGOS; a number of CEOS agencies (USGS, NRSCC) offered to support the Theme development; Cryosphere Theme: SIT-14 reviewed and endorsed the proposal for a new Cryosphere Theme for IGOS; however it was noted that the Theme proposal was not fully compliant with the IGOS Process paper on several counts, and the SIT Chair had recommended that, in further developing the proposal, the Theme team seek guidance from the IGOS Secretariat to ensure its compliance. Chu Ishida noted that the SIT team planned to continue its very active style of inter-sessional support to the IGOS Theme teams - addressing the major space segment implementation issues. 4.3 GCOS implementation plan update Paul Mason (GCOS) reported the status of the GCOS Implementation Plan development. The main points were: the GCOS Second Adequacy Report was completed in April 2003 and presented to the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and WMO 14th Congress; the report concluded that achieving global coverage and climate-quality observations for the variables identified is essential to ensure that the needs of the UNFCCC and the IPCC for systematic climate information are addressed (the report is available at http://www.wmo.ch/web/gcos ); the COP-9 meeting charged GCOS with development of a phased 5- to 10-year implementation plan for integrated global observing systems for climate – drawing on the 2nd Adequacy Report and the views of the Parties; this plan is to be based on extensive consultations with a broad and representative range of scientists and data users and should be developed in close co-operation with GEO in development of their implementation plan; implementation priorities emphasised by the document include: support for and institutionalisation of integrated products; key network establishment (and application of GCOS Climate monitoring principles in management); institutionalisation of data management; the essential climate variables and integrated climate-quality products were explained (including their relation to IGOS Theme requirements); the schedule for conclusion of the Implementation Plan was discussed: 27th May 2004 7 11th IGOS Partners Meeting the plan is available from: http://www.wmo.ch/web/gcos and comments should be submitted to gcosjpo@wmo.int by 9th July 2004 as per the above schedule. All partners were encouraged to review and comment on the GCOS Implementation Plan. Josef Aschbacher (CEOS/ESA) recalled the discussion within CEOS SIT regarding GCOS climate data requirements and encouraged GCOS and WCRP to work together to ensure a single, consistent set of requirements. Action 11-3 IGOS Co-Chairs to send a reminder to all IGOS Partners of the importance of review and comment on the GCOS Implementation Plan 5. Implementation of approved Theme reports 5.1 Ocean End May (Review closes 9th July) The Ocean Theme Team did not provide a report to the Partners meeting. 5.2 Carbon Philippe Ciais (LSCE) gave an update on the status of implementation of the Integrated Global Carbon Observations Theme (IGCO): the Carbon Theme report was published in April 2004; the team recognises the need to accelerate the implementation progress – to keep pace with the policy initiatives underway – including within GEO; an outline implementation plan has very recently been started by the team; a fundamental objective is improved co-ordination between the research (GCP) and systematic observations (IGCO) communities; the team is planning an adaptive strategy for implementation – reflecting the outcomes of new regional experiments; the IGCO space observations implementation strategy comprises: a review of observational requirements (starting from IGCO report); confirmation of existing and possible new data products; continuity of key observations for monitoring land-cover, ocean & land biophysical properties, ecosystem disturbances; guidance on the transition from research to operational status of CO2 and biomass measurements from space over the next 10 years; implementation of the broad range of in-situ observational requirements will be undertaken in conjunction with GTOS (for land), GOOS (ocean), and WMO/GAW (for atmosphere); participation in the core group being proposed to handle IGCO implementation is progressing, including the following roles (confirmed participants are marked by *): Institutional: [Steffen], Tschirley, Hood, TBD-UNFCC Links with Research: Cannadell*, Raupach* Space observations of Land : Running, Myneni, Schmullius, Plummer, Wickland, Jeanjean, Space observations of Ocean : Antoine*, TBD Space observations of CO2 : Moore*, Crisp*, Chédin*, TBD –GOSAT Space observations of biomass : Quegan*, Le Toan 27th May 2004 8 11th IGOS Partners Meeting In situ observations of Atmosphere: Inoue, Butler*, Ciais, Barrie In situ observations of Flux: Valentini*, Baldocchi In situ observations of Biomass Inventories: Schlamadinger*, TBD In situ observations of Ocean: Watson, Sabine Algorithms and Models: Rayner*, Matsyutov, Heimann*, Le Quéré*, Hollingsworth* Requirements, strategy, revisions: core group of scientists Users: scientific community (GCP), C sinks monitoring (UNFCCC) Producers: GTOS/TCO, GOOS, CEOS (2 representatives) In situ observation community: TBD Remote sensing community: TBD the implementation framework structure was outlined as follows: Implementation Framework for IGCO the implementation schedule for the coming year or so was summarized as: May-Jun 2004: Confirm support for IGCO Team (meetings, travel, organization…); Sep-Nov 2004: Core group meeting / v0 draft of implementation plan; Feb-Mar 2005: v1 implementation plan distributed Sep-Nov 2005: final printed version of implementation plan. Yearly thereafter: periodic revisions. Thomas Rosswall (ICSU) congratulated the IGCO Team on their achievements and noted that the timing of their move towards implementation was excellent in terms of being able to provide guidance to the GEO process on their carbon-related implementation planning. Philippe Ciais recalled the recent correspondence between IGCO and CEOS SIT – noting that it had helped raise the issue of responsibility for implementation of the IGCO Theme and matching expectations of Partners with those of the Theme team. Action 11-4 27th May 2004 IGCO Theme Team to distribute their draft implementation plan and timetable for information of IGOS Partners End June 9 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 5.3 Water Cycle Rick Lawford (GEWEX) gave an update on the status of implementation of the Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations Theme (IGWCO): Implementation Framework The theme team has been progressing details of the implementation framework, as shown below: Implementation Framework for IGWCO IGWCO Executive membership was confirmed as comprising: WCRP (Rick Lawford: Alternative: Gilles Sommeria); WMO (Avinash Tyagi: Alternative: Don Hinsman); CEOS/JAXA (Tasuku Tanaka: Alternative: Chu Ishida) Implementation Framework An outline implementation timetable was shown: 27th May 2004 10 11th IGOS Partners Meeting Implementation Timetable for IGWCO Progress on main elements The main modules of the IGWCO Theme were described, along with the current state of progress on each. The modules are: CEOP (Co-ordinated Enhanced Observing Period); International Precipitation studies; The Global Water System Project (GWSP) – part of the Earth System Science Partnership; The International Soil Moisture Working Group (ISMWG) focused on satellite measurements of soil moisture; a number of potential “indicators” projects using satellite and other data; a number of regional workshops focusing on capacity building. Their status was summarised as: Implementation Status for IGWCO Modules Other significant activities IGWCO is working with IPCC and GEWEX to organise a workshop on trends in water cycle variables. The workshop will be held on 3rd-5th November 2004 at UNESCO, Paris. IGOS-P Members are invited to nominate participants for this meeting. The IGWCO team leader has been asked to serve as team coordinator for the water section of the GEOSS implementation plan. IGOS-P members are invited to nominate people who could provide inputs and reviews for the water socio-economic section of GEOSS. Summary IGWCO has been moving ahead with its implementation plan in spite of the challenges that it faces. During the next quarter its Executive Committee will begin to fully function and its Scientific Advisory Group will become active (if funding is available). CEOS SIT members will be invited to consider a proposal for funding IGWCO core activities. IGWCO would like to find a single mechanism similar to CEOS SIT where it can discuss its needs for in-situ water cycle data and the co-ordination of responses to user requirements in a timely way. 27th May 2004 11 11th IGOS Partners Meeting Discussion The main points of the discussion that followed the IGWCO presentation were as follows: Action 5.4 Steve Lonergan (UNEP) suggested that the Theme should give much more consideration to socio-economic aspects of the water cycle as a priority; he also suggested that the Science Advisory Committee should include representation from developing countries; Josef Aschbacher (CEOS/ESA) suggested that the WSSD Follow-up activities of CEOS which are focused on the Water Cycle could be of value in identifying suitable representatives for the team; Thomas Rosswall (ICSU) suggested that the Theme should develop strong links to the CSD process and could consider an input to the CSD-13 meeting planned for April 2005 in New York (which will have a focus on water policy issues); this proposal was seconded by Jeff Tschirley (FAO); In response to a question from Roy Gibson (CEOS/EUMETSAT), Rick Lawford advised that the level of funding anticipated for the projects being proposed by IGWCO was of order $US75-100k for individual projects, with a further $US100k+ required for core activities and operation of the secretariat. 11-5 IGOS Co-chairs, supported by IGOS SEC, to consult with Partners and to develop a plan for inputs from the IGOS Partnership to CSD-13 (in particular on water issues and utilising IGWCO team expertise) November meeting of Partners (CSD-13 is Apr 05) Geo-hazards Stuart Marsh (BGS) reported on the implementation status of the Geo-hazards Theme. The main points were as follows: Progress update The Theme report was published to schedule (Q1 2004). The establishment of the geo-hazards bureau has been delayed (from Q2 2004); the theme launch workshop has been delayed as a result; progress is expected very soon. Modification of the UNESCO GARS programme (as the proposed framework) is underway; the structure has been established and now awaits necessary recruitment by UNESCO. Establishment of the proposed steering committee and working groups is also well underway with invitations being issued to the first meeting on 20th July in Paris (coincides with COSPAR). Interaction with CEOS SIT The Geo-hazards Theme team has been in active dialogue with CEOS SIT, focused on 5 priority topics identified by the team: consistent, global, high resolution topography datasets; ASTER & 27th May 2004 12 11th IGOS Partners Meeting Landsat continuity for geo-science mapping; C-Band INSAR consistency for ground displacement; L-Band INSAR for vegetated, non-urban environments; and data access issues. The status of latest discussions on the priority topics is as follows: - global topography: JAXA plan 10m and 30m DEM products from ALOS data; USGS/NASA plan release of 90m global SRTM DEM products by end 2004 – but still has no plans for release of global 30m data; - ASTER & Landsat continuity: a US/Japanese ASTER Science Team has submitted a proposal to NASA/MITI; USGS and ESA are developing ideas for future missions in this area; - C-band INSAR consistency: ESA is developing proposals for C-band missions; - L-band INSAR supply: JAXA will supply PALSAR on ALOS; The proactive approach of SIT has been very helpful for implementation progress. GEO linkages The team has been very active in support of the GEO framework, including: development of a presentation and poster for the EO Summit II and side event in Tokyo; significant inputs to the GEO User Requirement Sub-group and to the GEO Implementation Plan Task Team. Implementation framework The latest progress on the implementation framework and its population was presented: Implementation Mechanism for Geo-hazardsTheme Stuart Marsh noted that future challenges lay ahead in terms of governance and linkage to the GEO process. He added that three Working Groups had been identified as needing to start promptly: - a Capacity Building Working Group; - an Observational Requirements Working Group (which will support inputs to the CEOS/WMO Database in co-operation with Don Hinsman); 27th May 2004 13 11th IGOS Partners Meeting - a Groundwater Working Group: focused on Africa and the Middle East, and taking advantage of synergies with the ESA TIGER Initiative. Robert Scholes (CSIR) noted that the Geo-hazards Theme appeared to be extremely strong in considering implementation of elements provided by the space segment, but less so in elements provided by in-situ systems. Stuart Marsh confirmed that this was recognised by the team, and was a consequence of the lack of an in-situ equivalent for CEOS SIT. Jeff Tschirley reported that the Geo-hazards Theme report had been distributed and well received at the recent UN CSD meeting. He highlighted the ‘World Conference on Disaster Reduction’ (planned for 18th–22nd January 2005 in Kobe, Japan) as an outreach opportunity for the Theme. 5.5 Coral reefs (sub-theme) Arthur Dahl (UNEP) recalled that the Coral Reef Sub-Theme (a component of the broader Coastal Theme) had been approved to move to implementation by the IGOS Partners in June 2003. He gave an overview of NOAA’s new Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated Observing System (CREIOS) programme as an example of how IGOS Themes can inspire implementation efforts within operational agencies. The main points explained were as follows: CREIOS is the first concrete step towards implementation of IGOS Coral sub-theme recommendations; it will synergistically integrate and leverage in situ, remote sensing, paleoclimatic and institutional assets to achieve common observation goals; it will bridge coral reef monitoring activities of NOAA Line Offices (NOS, OAR, NMFS and OAR) and will draw support from partnerships (including IOCARIBE, The World Bank, and The Nature Conservancy); IGOS activities provide a direct contribution to CREIOS: the Coral Reef Sub-Theme Report provides recommendations to help align current/future global integration thrusts, help the transition from local (NOAA) to international scales; IGOS efforts provide a process for assimilation/ingestion of data, incorporation, integration and dissemination of data to several user types. John Townshend (GTOS) suggested that some of the increased spectral and spatial observation ambitions may be met by current and future commercial satellite missions being planned by Italy, Germany, India and other countries. Arthur Dahl recognised the difficulties of cost-effective access to satellite data of this nature and noted that a mixture of in-situ (including underwater) and space-based observations would be necessary. He added that the Theme team had made an approach to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment but that no obvious linkages had been identified. 27th May 2004 14 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 6. Themes for approval 6.1 Coastal Paul DiGiacomo (CEOS/ NASA, JPL) presented an overview and status update of the Coastal Theme. The main points were: the structure of the Coastal Theme Report has been finalised; a number of data access, continuity, and knowledge challenges have been identified; the Coastal Theme anticipates strong linkages with the Ocean Theme (provides boundary conditions and context), as well as the Carbon, Water, and Geo-hazards Themes – and the proposed Land & Cryosphere Themes; Theme implementation will be led by GOOS, GTOS, NASA and NOAA. After some discussion, it was agreed that the timetable for completion and submission for approval of the Theme report would be as follows: June/July: 19th&22nd July: 1st -3rd August: 13th October: Continued revisions of draft Coastal Theme Report by Coastal Theme Team Presentations on Coastal Theme & requirements at COSPAR meeting, Paris Coastal Theme writing session (Miami, Florida) Completed version of Coastal Theme Report submitted to CEOS-SIT and IGOS-P 18th November: Discussion of Coastal Theme approval at proposed IGOS-P-11bis meeting in Beijing. Some of the main implementation actions for 2004-2007 were explained as: incorporation of relevant components of the theme recommendations into the action strategies of COOS and C-GTOS; cross-linkage of the Coastal Theme with relevant elements of other IGOS themes; establishment of a small theme implementation team; establishment of a joint coastal observing oversight mechanism between GOOS and GTOS to link the efforts of COOS and C-GTOS; design of a Coastal Data Assimilation Experiment (CODAE) to develop experience in data management, assimilation and modelling, generate demonstration products for operational coastal observing, and build partnerships and institutional relationships necessary for implementation; development of a meta-data catalogue of existing coastal observations. Action 11-6 Coastal Theme Team to finalise development of the Theme Team Report with a view to approval of the Theme at the Partners meeting in November 2004, allowing for a review period consistent with the IGOS Process Paper Mid October (5 weeks minimum review time by Partners) Action 11-7 Coastal Theme Team to input draft Theme report sections to the GEO IPTT End July 27th May 2004 15 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 6.2 Atmospheric Chemistry Len Barrie (WMO) gave an update on the Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observations Theme (IGACO). The presentation included a reminder of the IGACO Theme Report authors, reviewers, and contents; and overview of the envisaged implementation scheme: Implementation Scheme for IGACO Details of the IGACO team response to IGOS-P and CEOS SIT comments on the draft Theme report were included, such as: ensuring consistency with the GCOS 2nd Adequacy Report; revision of the space data requirements to reflect the long lead time for operational geostationary measurements of atmospheric chemistry; clarification of the implementation leadership by WMO/GAW; further details on the implementation process following approval, including of the proposed sub-phases: Implementation Timetable for IGACO 27th May 2004 16 11th IGOS Partners Meeting NRSCC commended the IGACO Theme team on their development of an excellent and comprehensive report. It was noted that air quality and forecasting was a growing issue in China and that Chinese agencies hoped to play an active role in the implementation of the Theme. In response to a query regarding whether aerosol optical property measurements have been included, Len Barrie noted the limitations of current observing systems in providing such measurements. IGACO will suggest future developments to enhance capabilities. Confirming that the IGACO Theme team understood the request from CEOS SIT for more specifics on implementation roles and responsibilities, the co-Chairs noted that there was agreement for the IGACO Theme Report to be endorsed by IGOS Partners and for the Theme to progress to the implementation phase. Action 11-8 IGACO Theme Team to fulfil obligations outlined in IGOS Process Paper for Themes moving to implementation Phase 7. Proposed themes and issues 7.1 Land Theme Early July John Townshend (GTOS) recalled the proposal for a new IGOS Land Theme (IGOL) which had been circulated for review by IGOS Partners prior to the meeting. The proposal arose from the recognition that IGOS-P has not yet considered many observational needs relating to many aspects of the land (such as sustainable economic development, natural resources management, conservation and biodiversity). The main components of the proposed Theme will be observations pertaining to: land cover and land use; human settlement and population; managed ecosystems; agriculture; pastoralism; forestry; natural ecosystems; conservation; biodiversity; sustainable use; soils; biogeochemical cycles; elevation. Reliable knowledge – primarily from satellite remote sensing - of land cover and land cover change is central to most aspects of the Theme. International co-ordination mechanisms for observations are expected to be lead by FAO (especially GTOS), UNEP, UNESCO, WMO, and CEOS agencies. Land observations are currently not well co-ordinated in many areas; this will be a particular challenge for the Theme team. An outline timetable for the development of the IGOL report was presented: September 2004: Agreement on the scope of IGOL January 2004: 1st preliminary statement of needed enhancements July 2005: 1st draft of Report December 2005: Final Report submitted 27th May 2004 17 11th IGOS Partners Meeting John Townshend noted that both the CEOS SIT and the G3OS meeting had been very supportive of the IGOL proposal. NRSCC, USGS, FAO, and UNEP have all made early offers of support on resources to the Theme. It was suggested that the co-ordination activity would require donation of half a full-time equivalent staff member. Preliminary membership of the Theme team was suggested as: John. Townshend (GOFC/GOLD, GTOS) Dennis Ojima (IGBP) Alan Belward (GCOS) Christiana Schmullius (GOFC/GOLD) Jeff Tschirley (FAO), Olivier Arino (ESA) Chris Justice (GOFC/GOLD) Tony Janetos (Heinz Center) John Latham (GTOS) Ashbindu Singh (UNEP) Roberta Balstad Miller (CIESEN) Jay Feuquay (USGS) Jiyuan Liu (CAS) Robert Missotten (UNESCO) offered to suggest contacts within UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme that might provide IGOL with participation of developing country scientists. In response to a question from Roy Gibson (CEOS/EUMETSAT), John Townshend confirmed that the IGOL Theme Team would endeavour to provide a statement on IGOL to the GEO Implementation Plan Task Team within 2-3 weeks. The Co-Chairs confirmed agreement of the IGOS Partners for adoption of the new IGOS Theme – on Land, and referred the Theme team to the IGOS Process Paper for guidance on the next steps. Action 7.2 11-9 Land Theme Team to fulfill obligations outlined in IGOS Process Paper for newly approved Themes Early July Cryosphere Theme Vladimir Ryabinin (WCRP) presented a proposal for a new IGOS Theme – on Cryosphere. He noted that the initiators of the proposal were SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) and the WCRP CliC (Climate and Cryosphere) Project. The Cryosphere Theme will focus on: snow; lake and river ice; sea ice; glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets; frozen ground/permafrost. Up to 95 countries globally are covered by these observations so it is important to recognise that the Theme will not focus exclusively on the polar regions – but will have a global purview. Some of the key issues which the Cryosphere Theme will be designed to address are: the effect of Cryosphere on the predictability/variability of weather and climate (eg via global albedo); the contribution to mean sea level rise; the impact on fresh water resources for many countries; seaice variability and impact on maritime navigation and fisheries. The goals of the Cryosphere Theme are: to create a framework for improved coordination of cryospheric observations conducted by research, long-term scientific monitoring, and operational programmes; to achieve better availability and accessibility of data and information needed for 27th May 2004 18 11th IGOS Partners Meeting both operational services and research; to strengthen national and international institutional structures responsible for cryospheric observations; to increase resources for ensuring the transition of research-based cryosphere observing projects to sustained observations. It was reported that final details of roles, responsibilities, and resources for the proposed Theme team had yet to be confirmed but could be so within a few weeks of the IGOS-P-11 meeting. In the discussion which followed the presentation, a number of Partners agreed that, although the proposal for a Cryosphere Theme was not yet fully compliant with the IGOS Process Paper in some areas, given the importance of the Theme and the broad support among Partners - the Theme proposal should be accepted by the meeting and the Theme team tasked to address the issues identified by the G3OS and CEOS SIT meetings. Don Hinsman (WMO) volunteered to serve as a liaison between the Theme team and the IGOS Secretariat for efficient conclusion of this process. The Co-Chairs confirmed acceptance by IGOS Partners of the proposal for a new Cryosphere Theme, and encouraged the Theme leaders (WCRP and ICSU) to move quickly to ensure compliance of the proposal with the IGOS Process Paper. Action 7.3 11-10 Cryosphere Theme Team, supported by IGOS SEC (with Don Hinsman serving as IGOS Sec liaison), to further develop their proposal to ensure compliance with the IGOS Process Paper and to fulfil obligations for next steps Early July Socio-economic issues Thomas Rosswall (ICSU) recalled discussions at past meetings regarding the need for IGOS-P to give greater consideration to socio-economic issues - and the action on ICSU to convene a small group to define a way forward. ICSU now proposes to arrange a workshop on this topic, which will develop recommendations for the way ahead for IGOS-P. Funding has already been secured for the event. Roy Gibson (CEOS/EUMETSAT) stressed the importance of timing the workshop to allow input on the way ahead to the GEO Implementation Plan Task Team – which would require inputs by September 2004. It was noted that there are a number of relevant events planned in the coming months: A workshop hosted by CIESIN on 21st-23rd September in New York; A workshop hosted by NRSCC on 16th-17th November in Beijing (concurrent with the CEOS Plenary and just before IGOS-P-11bis). The Co-Chairs urged ICSU to move quickly to finalise their proposal for the workshop and to aim to provide a report on the conclusions to the P-11bis meeting in Beijing. Action 11-11 27th May 2004 ICSU, in co-operation with the IGOS Co-Chairs, to finalise their proposal for an IGOS-P workshop on socio-economic issues Early July 19 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 7.4 Dynamic Earth Theme Dietrich Leihner (Co-Chair, FAO) advised that he had recently been approached by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) with a request that IGOS Partners consider a proposal for the establishment of a ‘Dynamic Earth Theme’. With permission of the Partners, he invited Christop Reigber (GFZ) to make a short presentation explaining the proposal. The presentation focused on the ‘Global Geodetic Observing System“ (GGOS) – which serves as the flagship of IAG to co-ordinate geodetic research work and to represent geodesy in other sciences and in society. GGOS aims to integrate different techniques, different models and different approaches in order to achieve better consistency, long-term reliability and understanding of geodetic, geodynamic and global change processes. GGOS also aims to: maintain the stability of time series of geometric and gravimetric reference frames; ensure consistency between different geodetic standards used in the geo-scientific community; improve the geodetic models at the level required by the observations; ensure consistency of geometric and gravimetric products. Following the presentation, Christop Reigber was asked to leave the room during the discussion by Partners on the IGOS-P response to the proposal. The main points of this discussion were: Stephen Ward (NRSCC) reminded Partners, that within the provisions of the IGOS Process Paper, IAG need not be an IGOS Partner to propose a Theme – but that one or more Partners must be parties to the proposal; Don Hinsman (WMO) noted the relevance of the proposed Theme to several of the existing Themes, and suggested that it would be worthwhile to explore how IGOS-P might address the topic within existing Themes, before adopting a dedicated Theme; Stuart Marsh (BGS) noted that the objectives of the proposed Dynamic Earth Theme were well aligned with the Geo-hazards Theme priorities, and expressed his support for Don Hinsman’s suggestion; Robert Missotten suggested IAG-GGOS should study the IGOS Process Paper as well as existing IGOS Theme reports to identify complementary or competing elements and to demonstrate that the idea of launching a Dynamic Earth Theme could be realised without repetition or overlap. Once this analysis is completed, IAG-GGOS should initiate contacts with the established Themes, starting with the Geo-hazard Theme, to discuss a way forward. UNESCO could, together with IGOS SEC, facilitate the contacts. UNESCO’s proposal was gratefully accepted by the IGOS Co-Chairs. Christop Reigber rejoined the meeting and was informed of the way forward that had been agreed. Action 11-12 27th May 2004 UNESCO, in consultation with IGOS SEC, to assist the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to explore the best way forward for GGOS interaction with the IGOS Partnership and its existing Themes IGOS-P-12 20 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 8. Other IGOS activities 8.1 IGOS International Workshop report Chu Ishida (CEOS/JAXA) reported on the IGOS Workshop which had been arranged by MEXT/JAXA on 4th-6th February 2004 in Tokyo. The objectives of the workshop were to: review the status of the IGOS Themes; discuss Theme development; and develop recommendations on the IGOS future implementation. Around 300 participants - including all IGOS Theme leaders or their representatives, and Japan’s IGOS national committee leaders – attended the Workshop. Feedback from the IGOS Themes indicates that the Workshop had been particularly valuable in providing a ‘mid-year’ boost to their implementation efforts. The timing of the CEOS SIT meeting, held the day before the Workshop, had proven particularly valuable in identifying key implementation issues for the splinter sessions to address. The recommendations of the Workshop were as follows: 1. The workshop recognized that a number of Themes are now mature or nearing approval. Oceans, Water Cycle, Geo-hazards, Carbon, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Coastal Themes may all be approved by June 2004. It is recommended that these Themes serve as a major input for implementation of the first phase of GEO. 2. IGOS-P has demonstrated the importance of a step-wise approach to implementation of integrated global observations. It is recommended that GEO adopt the same approach, including existing IGOS Themes where appropriate. 3. The workshop noted that the Earth observation community is aware of the value of the GEO process in securing necessary political support for all elements of the IGOS Themes – both satellite and in-situ observing systems, modeling, communications etc. Further steps should be taken to make the necessary linkages between the two frameworks – including incorporation of the IGOS Themes into the GEO Implementation Plan. 4. GEO should urge its member governments and international organizations to facilitate access to the those data-sets of greatest societal value and to promote open exchange and distribution of such data. 5. Greater emphasis should be given to ‘capacity building’ in the definition and implementation of IGOS Themes. 6. The workshop recognized a common need of many of the IGOS Themes to better define their implementation plans, including: a clear statement of the institutional framework; responsibilities and leadership; main data products and services; and user groups. 7. IGOS Themes need to ensure that their quoted requirements represent the needs of the proposed user communities. It is recommended that each Theme consider one or more technical workshops to define their implementation plans and to achieve community ownership. 8. The success of the workshop demonstrated the need for IGOS-P to further develop its public profile. Suitable profile-raising outreach activities should be undertaken. 9. For each IGOS-P Theme, the key issues identified in the workshop splinter sessions should be considered for the further development, revision or implementation of the Theme report. MEXT and JAXA ask IGOS Partners to take note of these recommendations. Given the success of the Workshop, they ask IGOS-P to consider the possibility of one of the Partners hosting a 2nd IGOS International Workshop – in 2005. The Co-Chairs expressed sincere thanks to MEXT and 27th May 2004 21 11th IGOS Partners Meeting JAXA for their efforts to arrange the Workshop and agreed to co-ordinate investigation of a second workshop. Action 8.2 11-13 IGOS Co-Chairs to try to identify a host agency for the 2005 IGOS Workshop proposed by CEOS/JAXA End Sept Capacity building & WSSD Type-2 Partnership Josef Aschbacher (CEOS/ESA) gave an update on this topic – noting that the report was also on behalf of Michael Hales (CEOS/NOAA) and Robert Missotten (UNESCO) who had also been listed as actionees of Action 10-14 (to examine potential modification of the IGOS Process paper to include concepts of sustainable development) and who helped to prepare the document. He explained that CEOS was undertaking a major programme of work to follow-up on WSSD actions – including with the participation of IGOS Partners (eg UNESCO). It was proposed that the IGOS Process Paper be modified slightly to reflect the WSSD follow-up actions and the importance of linkage of IGOS Themes to sustainable development. Action 11-14 Josef Aschbacher, Robert Missotten and Michael Hales to distribute the proposed amendment to the IGOS Process Paper for review and approval by Partners End June It was noted that action 10-16 (IGOS Partners to work with the CEOS WGEdu to maximize efforts and resources on common activities in education, training and capacity building, and to request the WGEdu to take on the responsibility of harmonizing the capacity building efforts of the IGOS Partners, to the extent possible) would be considered as ‘ongoing’ and Michael Hales (CEOS/NOAA) offered to update the next meeting on progress. 8.3 Outreach WWW and list-servers Jeff Tschirley (FAO) confirmed that FAO had developed new functionality and content for the IGOS WWW site (http://www.igospartners.org). Thanks to Reuben Sessa and Rio Tanabe for their hard work on this activity. Steve Lonergan (incoming IGOS-P co-Chair) welcomed UNESCO's offer to continue hosting the IGOS-P website Stephen Ward (NRSCC) reminded Partners that Don Hinsman (WMO) was responsible for maintenance of the IGOS list-servers and that all changes to contact details should be provided to Don to ensure receipt of IGOS-P correspondence. IGOS Bulletin It was confirmed that CNES will continue to produce and distribute the IGOS Bulletin. All Partners are asked to ensure the success of the publication by supporting timely contributions of articles when requested. 27th May 2004 22 11th IGOS Partners Meeting IGOS Exhibits Satoko Miura (CEOS/JAXA) advised that JAXA had produced a number of Theme posters (Water, Atmospheric Chemistry, Geo-hazards) for the IGOS Side Event and exhibition held at the time of the 2nd Earth Observation Summit in Tokyo. JAXA proposed to provide links to the high resolution graphics files via the IGOS WWW site - to allow all Partners to utilize the materials upon demand for outreach opportunities. The JAXA proposal was welcomed by the Co-Chairs. 9. Any other business No other business was proposed. 10. Review of IGOS-P-11 actions Stephen Ward (NRSCC) presented a draft list of actions recorded during the P-11 meeting and invited comments. The draft list was agreed and it was noted that there would be ample opportunity for further comments on the actions during the period for review of the meeting minutes. The new actions are featured here throughout the text – and summarised in Annex A. 11. Chair arrangements for 2004/5 Dietrich Leihner (Co-Chair, FAO) thanked all IGOS Partners for the opportunity to serve as CoChair during the last 12 months and wished good luck to Steve Lonergan of UNEP who will serve as Co-Chair for the next 12 months. Colin Hicks of BNSC will replace Minister Xu Guanhua of NRSCC as the Co-Chair representing space agencies - following the CEOS Plenary in Beijing. Steve Lonergan thanked FAO and Dietrich Leihner for all the hard work in the preceding year. He noted that, in the coming year, UNEP would emphasise: the relationship of IGOS-P with GEO; socio-economic issues; improved communications and links with the policy community; and capacity-building; and “increased participation and involvement of developing countries in global observing systems processes”. 12. Date and venue of the next session UNEP will liaise with Partners to identify the most suitable date for IGOS-P-12. Provisionally, UNEP propose to hold the meeting in Nairobi – in the week of 23rd May 2005 (most likely) or the week of 20th June 2005. Minister Xu Guanhua encouraged all Partners to ensure representation at the highest level at the IGOS-P-11bis meeting planned for 18th November 2004 in Beijing. 13. Closure of the session The Co-Chairs closed the session and thanked all Partners for their participation. 27th May 2004 23 11th IGOS Partners Meeting A. Action item summary Due Date No. Action 11-1 IGOS Co-Chairs, supported by IGOS SEC, to coordinate development of an input from IGOS Partners to the GEO Governance meeting in September Draft by end June, reviewed by IGOS Partners by mid-July 11-2 IGOS Co-Chairs, supported by IGOS SEC, to develop a strategy to prepare IGOS Partners for a meeting focusing on the IGOS strategy regarding GEO - on 18th November in Beijing Draft by end June 11-3 IGOS Co-Chairs to send a reminder to all IGOS Partners of the importance of review and comment on the GCOS Implementation Plan End May (Review closes 9th July) 11-4 IGCO Theme Team to distribute their draft implementation plan and timetable for information of IGOS Partners End June 11-5 IGOS Co-chairs, supported by IGOS SEC, to consult with Partners and to develop a plan for inputs from the IGOS Partnership to CSD-13 (in particular on water issues and utilising IGWCO team expertise) 11-6 Coastal Theme Team to finalise development of the Theme Team Report with a view to approval of the Theme at the Partners meeting in November 2004, allowing for a review period consistent with the IGOS Process Paper Mid October (5 weeks minimum review time by Partners) 11-7 Coastal Theme Team to input draft Theme report sections to the GEO IPTT End July 11-8 IGACO Theme Team to fulfil obligations outlined in IGOS Process Paper for Themes moving to implementation Phase Early July 11-9 Land Theme Team to fulfil obligations outlined in IGOS Process Paper for newly approved Themes Early July 27th May 2004 (deadline 1st August) November meeting of Partners (CSD-13 is Apr 05) 24 11th IGOS Partners Meeting 11-10 Cryosphere Theme Team, supported by IGOS SEC (with Don Hinsman serving as IGOS Sec liaison), to further develop their proposal to ensure compliance with the IGOS Process Paper and to fulfil obligations for next steps Early July 11-11 ICSU, in co-operation with the IGOS Co-Chairs, to finalise their proposal for an IGOS-P workshop on socio-economic issues Early July 11-12 UNESCO, in consultation with IGOS SEC, to assist the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to explore the best way forward for GGOS interaction with the IGOS Partnership and its existing Themes IGOS-P-12 11-13 IGOS Co-Chairs to try to identify a host agency for the 2005 IGOS Workshop proposed by CEOS/JAXA End Sept 11-14 Josef Aschbacher, Robert Missotten and Michael Hales to distribute the proposed amendment to the IGOS Process Paper for review and approval by Partners End June Ongoing actions from previous meetings 10-16 27th May 2004 Partners’ Meeting Actions 9-14 and 9-15 were subsumed to direct IGOS Partners to work with the CEOS WGEdu to maximize efforts and resources on common activities in education, training and capacity building, and to request the WGEdu to take on the responsibility of harmonizing the capacity building efforts of the IGOS Partners, to the extent possible. Colin Summerhayes is to report on the status of these actions to the IGOS Partners at the IGOS P-11. (Action: Colin Summerhayes) IGOS-P-12 25 11th IGOS Partners Meeting B. Participants BGS (British Geological Survey) Dr Marsh, Stuart Head of Remote Sensing BGS, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG U.K. Tel.: +44 (0) 115 9363452 Fax:+44 (0) 115 9363474 E-mail: s.marsh@bgs.uk BNSC (British National Space Centre) Mr Churchyard, Mark Earth Observation Project Manager BNSC, 151 Buckingham Palace Road LONDON SW1W 9SS, U.K. Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7215 0813 Fax:+44 (0) 20 7821 5387 E-mail: mark.churchyard@bnsc.gsi.gov.uk Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Zhang Xiaoye Tel: +86 10 68407445 Fax: +86 10 62176430 E-mail: cep99@cams.cma.gov.cn China Meteorological Administration Dr. Zhang, Wenjian Director-General, Department of Observation and Telecommunication, 46 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Beijing 100081 China Tel: +86 10 68407924 Fax: +86 10 62179786 E-mail: wjzhang@cma.gov.cn Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Liu Chuang Global Change Information and Research Center, Institute of Geography and Natural Resources Chinese Academy of Sciences No.A-11 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,China 100101 Tel: + 86-10-64889805 Fax: +86-10-64850917 Email: lchuang@igsnrr.ac.cn CSIR – Environmentek / GTOS (Chairman GTOS Steering Committee) Dr Scholes, Robert P.O.Box 395, Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +1 450 926 6489 Fax: +1 450 926 802 Email: bscholes@csir.co.za CCRS (Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing) Ms Hutton, Christine Senior Program Advisor, CCRS 588 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario K1T 3Y2 Canada Tel: +1 613 947 3593 Fax: +1 613 947 1382 Email: chris.hutton@cct.nrcan.gc.ca CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) Dr Deniel, Carol CNES 2 place Maurice Quentin 75039 Paris Cedex 0 France Tel: + 33 1 44 76 76 46 Fax: + 33 1 44 76 78 67 Email: Carole.Deniel@cnes.fr CSA (Canadian Space Agency) CES/LSCE ( Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment ) Dr Ciais, Philippe Senior Scientist, Leader of the Biogeochemical Cycles Group, CEAM C/ Charles Darwin Parque Tecnologico de Paterna 46980 Valencia, Espana Tel: + 34 961318227 Fax: + 34 961318190 Email: ciais@lsce.saclay.cea.fr Dr Béland, Sylvie Technical Advisor to the Vice-President’s Office, Science, Technology and Program CSA, 6767 route de l’aéroport, Sanint-Hubert, Québec J3Y 8Y9 Canada Tel: +1 450 926 6489 Fax: +1 450 926 802 Email: sylvie.beland@space.gc.ca 27th May 2004 26 11th IGOS Partners Meeting ESA (European Space Agency) Dr Aschbacher, Josef Programme Coordinator, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes 8-10, Rue Mario Nikis 75738 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel.: +33(0)1 53 69 77 07 Fax: +33(0)1 53 69 76 74 E-mail: josef.aschbacher@esa.int ESA (European Space Agency) Dr. Langen, Joerg Scientist / IGACO co-chair ESA Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk 2200AG, Netherlands Tel.:+31 71 5655726 Fax:+31 71 565 5675 E-mail: Joerg.Langen@esa.int EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Dr Williams, David F. Head, Strategy and Intl Relations Contact & CEOS SEC EUMETSAT Am Kavalleriesand 31 Darmstadt 64295 Germany Tel.: +49 6151 807 603 Fax: +49 6151 807 866 E-mail: dwilliam@eumetsat.de EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Mr Gibson, Roy Advisor Residence Les Hesperides 51, Allee J. de Beins F34000 Montpellier France Tel.: +33(0)4 67 64 81 81 Fax: +33(0)4 67 22 34 02 E-mail: roy.gibson@wanadoo.fr FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Dr Leihner, Dietrich E. IGOS-P Co-Chair Director, Research, Extension and Training Div, Sust Dev Dept FAO C866, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5705 6196 Fax: +39 6 5705 5246 Email: dietrich.leihner@fao.org FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Mr Tschirley, Jeff Chief, Environment and Natural Resources Service(SDRN), Sustainable Development Dept. FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 53450 Fax: +39 6 5705 3369 E-mail: jeff.tschirley@fao.org FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Mr Hielkema, Jelle Senior Remote Sensing Officer, SDRN Sustainable Development Dept, FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 55589 Fax: +39 6 570 53369 E-mail: jelle.hielkema@fao.org FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Ms Tanabe, Rio Visiting Expert, SDRN, FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 54174 Fax: +39 6 570 53369 E-mail: rio.tanabe@fao.org GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) Prof. Mason, Paul Chairman, GCOS Steering Committee University of Reading, Department of Meteorology, Earley Gate, Reading, RG6 6BB, UK Tel.: +44 (0)118 378 8957 Fax: +44 (0)118 378 8791 E-mail : p.j.mason@reading.ac.uk GFZ (GeoForschungsZentrum) Prof. Reigber, Christoph Director, Department Geodesy & Remote Sensing, GFZ Telegrafenberg A17, Potsdam 14473, Germany Tel.: +49 331 288 1100 Fax : +49 331 288 1111 E-mail : reigber@gfz-postsdam.de 27th May 2004 27 11th IGOS Partners Meeting GTOS (Global Terrestrial Observing System) (GOFC-GOLD) Prof. Townshend, John Chairman, GOFC-GOLD Panel Dept. of Geography, University of Maryland 2181 Lefrak Hall, College Park MD 20742 USA Tel: +1 301 405 4558 Fax : +1 301 314 9299 E-mail : jtownshe@geog.umd.edu GTOS (Global Terrestrial Observing System) Mr Latham, John GTOS Program Director, c/o FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 54026 Fax: +39 6 570 53369 E-mail: john.latham@fao.org GTOS (Global Terrestrial Observing System) Dr Sessa, Reuben GTOS Program Officer, c/o FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 56519 Fax: +39 6 5705 3369 E-mail: reuben.sessa@fao.org GTOS (Global Terrestrial Observing System) Mr Mazzili, Stefano GTOS Secretariat, c/o FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 570 53519 Fax: +39 6 570 53369 E-mail: Stefano.Mazzilli@fao.org ICSU (International Council for Science) Prof. Rosswall, Thomas Executive Director, ICSU 51, Boulevard de Montmorency 75016 Paris, France Tel.: +33 1 45 25 03 29 Fax: +33 1 42 88 94 31 E-mail: thomas.rosswall@ICSU.org IGFA (International Group of Funding Agencies) Dr Spence, Thomas Senior Science Associate National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington VA 22230 USA Tel.: +1 703 292 5079 Fax: +1 703 292 9042 E-mail: tspence@nsf.gov JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Mr Ishida, Chu Senior Engineer, Earth Observation Applications and Research Center, Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Applications, JAXA 1-8-10, Harumi, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-6023 Japan Tel.: +81-3-6221-9139 Fax: +81-3-6221-9180 E-mail: ishida.chu@jaxa.jp JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Ms Miura, Satoko Engineer, Earth Observation Applications and Research Center, Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Applications, JAXA 1-8-10, Harumi, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-6023 Japan Tel.: +81-3-6221-9162 Fax: +81-3-6221-9180 E-mail: s-miura@eorc.jaxa.jp JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Ms Misawa, Kazuko Deputy Manager, Application & Service Dept, RESTEC 1-9-9, Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032 Japan Tel.: +81 3 - 5561 4547 Fax: +81 3 - 5574 8515 E-mail: misawa@restec.or.jp JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Ms Kato, Mariko Earth Observation Applications and Research Center, Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Applications, JAXA 1-8-10, Harumi, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-6023 Japan Tel.: +81-3-6221-9009 Fax: +81-3-6221-9191 E-mail: kato.mariko@jaxa.jp 27th May 2004 28 11th IGOS Partners Meeting NASA – JPL (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. – Jet Propulsion Lab) Dr DiGiacomo, Paul Michael Scientist NASA JPL, MS 300-323, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena CA 91109 U.S.A Tel.: +1-818-354-8189 Fax: +1-818-393-6720 E-mail: pmd@pacific.jpl.nasa.gov NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.) Dr Smith, Brent Chief, NOAA/NESDIS International and Interagency Affairs, SSMCI, Room 7311 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910, U.S.A. Tel: +1 301 713-2024, X203 Fax: +1 301 713-2032 E-mail: brent.smith@noaa.gov NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.) Mr Hales, Michael International Relations Specialist 1335 East-West Highway, Room 7407 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, U.S.A. Tel.: +1 301 713-2024, ext: 220 Fax: +1 301 713-2032 E-mail: michael.hales@noaa.gov MOST/NRSCC (Ministry of Science and Technology, China) Minister Xu, Guanhua IGOS-P Co-Chair The Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of China 15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, China 100862 Tel: +86-10-68512088 Fax: 86-10-68512088 Email: shaolq@mail.most.gov.cn MOST/NRSCC (Ministry of Science and Technology, China) Mr Li Xiong The Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of China 15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, China 100862 Tel: +86-10-68512088 Fax: 86-10-68512088 Email: shaolq@mail.most.gov.cn MOST/NRSCC (Ministry of Science and Technology, China) Mr Yu Ying The Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of China 15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, China 100862 Tel: +86-10-58881380 Fax: +86-10-58881304 Email: yuy@mail.most.gov.cn MOST/NRSCC (Ministry of Science and Technology, China) Mr Luo Delong The Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of China 15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, China 100862 Tel: +86-10-58881320 Fax: +86-10-58881324 Email: luodl@mail.most.gov.cn MOST/NRSCC (Ministry of Science and Technology, China) Shao Liqin The Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of China 15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, China 100862 Tel: +86-10-68512088 Fax: +86-10-68512088 Email: shaolq@mail.most.gov.cn NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Zhang Guocheng National Remote Sensing Centre of China, Ministry of Science & Technology of the P.R.China, 298, Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100871 Tel: +86-10-82529051 Fax: +86-10-82529490 Email: zhanggc@nrscc.gov.cn NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Li Deren Wuhan University, 129 Loyu Road WTUSW, Wuhan, Hubei P.R.China Tel: +86-27-87865402 Fax: +86-27-87740125 Email: dli@wtusm.edu.cn 27th May 2004 29 11th IGOS Partners Meeting NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Zhang Xuehu The Peking University, No.5, Summer Palace Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100871 Tel: +86-10-62757994 Fax: +86-10-62753299 Email: xuehu@pku.edu.cn NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Wang Wen Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Datun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100101 Tel: +86-10-64870453 Fax: 86-10-64870453 Email: wenw@public.bta.net.cn NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Li Mengxue National Remote Sensing Centre of China Ministry of Science & Technology of the PR China Tel: +86-10-62202239 Fax: +86-10-62202238 Email: mengxue@ceos-china.com NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Zhu Zhongli National Remote Sensing Centre of China Ministry of Science & Technology of the PR China Tel: +86-10-62202239 Fax: +86-10-62202238 Email: zhongli@ceos-china.com NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Lu Zewu National Remote Sensing Centre of China Ministry of Science & Technology of the PR China Tel: +86-10-62202239 Fax: +86-10-62202238 Email: skylu@ceos-china.com NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Wen Hongtao National Remote Sensing Centre of China Ministry of Science & Technology of the PR China Tel: +86-10-62202239 Fax: +86-10-62202238 Email: wenhongtao@nrscc.gov.cn NRSCC (National Remote Sensing Centre of China) Mr. Ward, Stephen Symbios Communications, 54 Edward St, Bondi NSW 2026, Australia Tel: +61-2-91304260 Fax: +61-2-91304260 Email: mail@stephenward.net UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Dr Lonergan, Steve Director, Division of Early Warning Branch, UNEP P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel.: +254 20 62 32 31 Fax: +254 20 62 39 43 E-mail: steve.lonergan@unep.org UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Dr Fernandez, R. Norberto Acting Chief, Early Warning Branch, UNEP P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel.: +254 20 62 34 50 Fax: 254 20 62 43 09 E-mail: norberto.fernandez@unep.org UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Dr Dahl, Arthur Lyon Consultant Advisor, UNEP 11 Chemin des Anemones CH-1219 Chatelaine, Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0)22 917 8207 Fax: +41 (0)22 797 3471 E-mail: dahla@unep.ch or dahla@bluewin.ch 27th May 2004 30 11th IGOS Partners Meeting UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization) Mr. Missotten, Robert Chief, Earth Observation, Div of Earth Sciences UNESCO, 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 41 17 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 22 E-mail: r.missotten@unesco.org USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) Mr. Feuquay, Jay Coordinator, Land Remote Sensing 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive MS 517, Reston, VA 20192 USA Tel: +1 703 648-5057 Fax: +1 703 648-5939 E-mail: feuquay@usgs.gov USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) Dr. Bailey, Bryan Principal Remote Sensing Scientist EROS Data Center Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 57198 USA Tel: +1 605 594-6001 Fax: +1 605 594-6906 E-mail: gbbailey@usgs.gov WCRP (World Climate Research Programme) Dr. Ryabinin, Vladimir Senior Scientist Officer, WCRP 7 bis, Av de la Paix Case postale No. 2300 Geneva 2, CH-1211 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22- 730 8486 Fax: +41 22 -730 8036 E-mail: vryabinin@wmo.int WCRP (World Climate Research Programme) Dr Lawford, Richard (Rick) G. GEWEX Project Office 1010 Wayne Ave. Suite450 Silver Spring, MD 20910 U.S.A. Tel.: +1 301 565 8345 Fax: +1 301 565 8279 E-mail: lawford@umbc.edu WMO (World Meteorological Organization) Dr Hinsman, Donald Ernest Senior Scientific Officer & Focal Point, WMO Case Postal 2300, 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix CH-1311 Geneva 2 Tel: +41 22 730 8285 Fax: +41 22 730 8181 E-mail: DHinsman@wmo.int WMO (World Meteorological Organization) Mr Barrie, Len Chief of Environment Division of AREP, WMO 7 bis Avenue de la Paix, Case postale 2300 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 8240 Fax: +41 22 730 8049 Email: Lbarrie@wmo.int Observer: Dr. Viel, Monique GEO Secretariat Member APAT- Italian Agency for Environmental Protection & Technical Services Via V. Brancati, 48 00144 Rome, Italy Tel: +39 06 5007 2412 Fax: +39 06 5007 2219 E-mail: monique.viel@apat.it 27th May 2004 31