Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session SPC EPI Tech Campus, Room 1-324 April 23, 2010 Attendees: Janice Thiel, Jesse Coraggio, Maggie Tymms, Gail Lancaster, Larry Goldsmith, Linda Kelsey, Darlene Westberg, Steven Hardt, Gary Brown, Arlene Gillis, Ginny Price, David Allen “The CAT instrument is a unique tool designed to assess and promote the improvement of critical thinking and real-world problem solving skills. The instrument is the product of extensive development, testing, and refinement with a broad range of institutions, faculty, and students across the country. The National Science Foundation has provided support for many of these activities. The CAT Instrument is designed to assess a broad range of skills that faculty across the country feel are important components of critical thinking and real world problem solving. The test was designed to be interesting and engaging for students. All of the questions are derived from real world situations. Most of the questions require short answer essay responses and a detailed scoring guide helps insure good scoring reliability.” (Tennessee Tech University, Critical Thinking Assessment Test Overview). In collaboration with Tennessee Technological University and with support from the National Science Foundation, St. Petersburg College (SPC) received a grant to administer the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) instrument to a representative sample of approximately 100 students enrolled in the College during 2008. SPC conducted a second administration in 2009, which resulted in administering the CAT instrument to sixty-six students enrolled in randomly selected classes. Beginning in 2010, SPC standardized the process by identifying one general education discipline in which to conduct future CAT administrations. In Spring 2010, three College Algebra sections, and three Elementary Statistics sections were randomly selected, and the CAT instrument was administered to a representative sample of students enrolled in the six courses listed in Table 1. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 1 Table 1 Distribution of Students by Course Course Discipline MAC 1105 (2462) College Algebra Scored CAT Assessments 12 MAC 1105 (571) College Algebra 22 MAC 1105 (591) College Algebra 11 STA 2023 (1390)* Elementary Statistics 14 STA 2023 (1051) Elementary Statistics 15 STA 2023 (1052) Elementary Statistics 6 *STA 2023 section 1390 was incorrectly recorded on the CAT assessments as section 1280. SPC Faculty members were invited to participate in the CAT scoring session during various meetings held between January and April. The CAT Scoring Session was held on April 23, 2010 at the EPI Tech Campus of St. Petersburg College. Although one-hundred and twenty CAT assessments were administered during Spring 2010, only eighty were scored due to the number of scorers that were available. The remainder may be scored during a future workshop as time allows. Copies of the CAT Scoring Session agenda and non-disclosure consent form are located in Appendix A and B, respectively. The majority of the scoring faculty (9) and facilitators (2) arrived by 8:15a.m., and participated in a continental breakfast. An additional faculty member arrived at noon, and assisted with the scoring during the afternoon sessions. When most participants had arrived, Lead Facilitator, Maggie Tymms welcomed everyone, thanked them for participating, and asked for individual introductions. The CAT overview was presented using an overhead projector, and nine assessments and a scoring rubric were provided to each scorer. The CAT overview consisted of a history and synopsis of the CAT development process, the purpose of creating the assessment as a tool for improving student success, best practices, and the importance of assessing Critical Thinking skills. Please see figures 1, 2 and 3 below from the CAT Overview presented to the scoring faculty. Figure 1 presented the History of CAT Development, Figure 2 presented the Development of the CAT Instrument, and Figure 3 presented Best Practices for Improving Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 2 Figure 1. History of CAT Development Source: CAT Overview, Center for Assessment & Improvement of Learning, Tennessee Tech University 2008. Figure 2. Developing the CAT instrument. Source: CAT Overview, Center for Assessment & Improvement of Learning, Tennessee Tech University 2008. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 3 Figure 3. Best practices for improving critical thinking. Source: CAT Overview, Center for Assessment & Improvement of Learning, Tennessee Tech University 2008. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 4 Following the CAT Overview presentation and some group discussions, the CAT scoring sessions began. During each CAT scoring session, the procedure listed below was followed for each question, beginning with test item number one. 1. The CAT Training Module, presented on a projection screen, provided the criterion and scoring rubric for a specific test item. 2. Next, a sample test item was presented on the screen, and various responses were discussed and scored based on the scoring rubric given for the specific item by the presenter on the training module. 3. Lastly, each scorer reviewed the response provided for the specific item on his/her first assessment, and scored it based on the scoring rubric. 4. Scorers who encountered a response which did not clearly follow the rubric discussed the response with the group for clarification. 5. Each scorer then passed the scored assessment to the person on their right, and the same test item was scored by a second scorer. 6. In the event that two scores differed, the assessment was provided to a third scorer, and a third score was recorded. 7. When all scoring for the specific test item on all assessments was completed, the assessments were collected and redistributed randomly. 8. Finally, steps 1 through 7 were repeated for each test item until all assessments were completely scored. A fifteen minute break was offered in the morning, and a buffet lunch was provided during a one-hour break close to noon. Lunch was followed by a review of the morning scoring sessions, during which discussions ensued, and scorers suggested ways to share the lessons learned with faculty at their home campuses. Once the scoring of all assessments was complete, the assessments were reviewed to ensure that all items had been scored accurately. The day came to a close at approximately 3:30 p.m. The eighty graded assessments were returned to Tennessee Tech University, together with the required scoring materials. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 5 Results: The results of the eighty scored assessments show a mean score of 17.6 with a possible range of scores from 0 to 38. This administration resulted in a maximum score of 32, and a standard deviation of 5.1. There were 33 males and 46 females, varying in age from 16 to 49. The students reported having earned between 0 and 125 credits, and were enrolled in six different course sections. The assessments were aggregated by gender, age, number of credits, course, and grade point average (GPA). There was a slight difference between the mean score of male and female students, as seen in Table 2. This difference may be attributed to the smaller number of males assessed coupled with the fact that one of the 33 males received only four points for the assessment. Table 2 CAT Score by Gender CAT Score 2010 by Gender Total Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Male 33 17.74 4.96 4 26 Female 46 17.42 5.24 9 32 1 19.0 0.0 19 19 Gender Not Indicated Students were divided into three categories by age, and the results were calculated. The categories were selected based on standard college student age categories. They included ‘16 to 25’, ‘26 to 44’, and ‘Over 44’. Slight differences were noted in the mean score of students based on age, as seen in Table 3. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 6 Table 3 CAT Score by Age CAT Score 2010 by Age Total Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum 16 to 25 61 17.55 5.08 9 32 26 to 44 15 17.60 5.72 4 26 Over 44 4 17.75 2.63 15 20 Age Range Students were also divided into categories based on number of credits earned. The division of these groups was decided based on the number of students within each group. An attempt was made to have groups close in size. The groups included less than 13 credits earned, which made up 30.0% of the group; 13 to 29 credits earned, 27.5% of the group; 30 to 40 credits earned, 15.0% of the group; and more than 40 credits, 27.5% of the group. Differences in scores were noted in the students with more than 40 credits, as seen in Table 4. In addition to having a higher mean score, this group also had a higher minimum score. Table 4 CAT Score by Credits CAT Score 2010 by Credits Earned Total Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Less than 13 24 17.08 4.58 10 25 13 to 29 22 17.47 6.08 9 32 30 to 40 12 17.00 5.97 4 26 More than 40 22 18.52 4.07 12 26 Credits Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 7 Student scores were also aggregated by the course section they were enrolled in for the administration of the CAT. Students enrolled in the MAC 1105 (2462) course attained a higher mean score than students enrolled in the other five courses. The mean score for this group was 19.64 with a minimum of 10, and a maximum of 32, as shown in Table 5. Table 5 CAT Scores by Course CAT Score 2010 by Course Section Total Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum MAC 1105 (2462) 12 19.64 6.21 10 32 MAC 1105 (571) 22 17.21 4.35 9 25 MAC 1105 (591) 11 16.09 5.67 4 25 STA 2023 (1390)* 14 17.74 4.48 10 26 STA 2023 (1051) 15 17.20 5.35 9 29 STA 2023 (1052) 6 18.00 5.33 10 26 Course *STA 2023 section 1390 was incorrectly recorded on the CAT assessments as section 1280. Although the mean scores were not notably different between courses, an analysis was conducted to understand the relationship between the number of credits earned and the course in which the student was enrolled. Half of the students enrolled in the STA 2023 (1052) course had earned more than 40 credits, and this course had the second highest mean score, however this course had very few students (6). The higher mean score may have been attributed to the credits earned rather than the course the student was enrolled in during the administration of the CAT. The course MAC 1105 (591) had the lowest mean score and the fewest students with more than 40 credits, as shown in Table 6. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 8 Table 6 Relationship Between The Courses and Number of Credits Earned Course Type Credits Earned MAC 1105 MAC 1105 MAC 1105 STA 2023 STA 2023 STA 2023 (2462) (571) (591) (1390)* (1051) (1052) Less than 13 5 6 6 2 3 2 24 13 to 29 1 11 1 5 3 1 22 30 to 40 3 0 2 2 5 0 12 More than 40 3 5 2 5 4 3 22 Total 12 22 11 14 15 6 80 Total *STA 2023 section 1390 was incorrectly recorded on the CAT assessments as section 1280. The scores from the CAT were also compared by GPA. The student without a recorded GPA had the lowest mean score (13.00). Students (34) with a GPA between 2.0 and 2.9 had mean scores that ranged from 16.94 to 17.35. As might be expected, students (37) with a GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 had the highest mean scores, ranging between 18.13 and 18.81. Table 7 CAT Scores by GPA GPA CAT Score 2010 by GPA Standard Total Mean Deviation Minimum Maximum No GPA reported 1 13.00 0.0 13.00 13.00 Greater than 0 and Less than 2.0 8 16.13 7.14 9 26 2.0 to 2.4 18 17.35 5.40 4 26 2.5 to 2.9 16 16.94 4.40 10 25 3.0 to 3.4 23 18.13 4.37 10 29 3.5 to 4.0 14 18.81 5.47 10 32 Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 9 Conclusion: There are some indications that there was a relationship between the number of credits earned and the student’s score on the CAT. This could have positive implications as an indicator for the college. The second major requirement in meeting the accreditation requirement standards of the Southern Accreditation of Colleges and Schools (SACS) is a quality enhancement plan (QEP). The QEP is a significant issue related to student learning that is faculty-driven, and has a broad-based involvement. Critical thinking has been the QEP focus at SPC. This measure will assist the institution as one of multiple measures assessing SPC’s ability to carry out the QEP. These results suggest an increase in critical thinking skills for students who have completed more than 40 credits of coursework. There are, however, some limitations in the analysis. The students with more than 40 credits who were given the assessment not only had a large number of credits, but were continuing their education. This factor may make it difficult to draw the conclusion that the number of credits is the primary cause for the increased score. There were fewer males (33) than females (46) in the tested group, and the age distribution is younger (76% under 26) than the overall population at SPC at which according to the 2010-11 Fact Book, 50% of the students are under the age of 25. Despite these limitations in the data collection, the overall CAT administration and scoring process were highly beneficial to St. Petersburg College. The faculty who received the training and had the opportunity to utilize the scoring rubric will have transferable skills they can use in the future with their students. The administrators and faculty who conducted the training are able to continue to provide professional development to faculty. The continued use of quantifiable instruments to determine St. Petersburg College’s effective implementation of the critical thinking initiative is another example of SPC’s Institutional Effectiveness model for continuous improvement at the college. Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 10 Reference: Tennessee Tech University, Critical Thinking Assessment Test Overview Retrieved on July 17, 2008, from Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 11 Appendix A: CAT Scoring Session Agenda CAT Scoring Session Agenda SPC EpiCenter - 1-324 April 23, 2010 Start Time Activity 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:15 11:15 12:30 2:30 2:45 5:00 Breakfast Welcome and Introductions CAT Overview CAT Scoring Session Break CAT Scoring Session Lunch, Discussion, and Review CAT Scoring Session Break CAT Scoring Session End CAT Scoring Session Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 12 Appendix B: Non-Disclosure Agreement Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Session 13