Dr. Michael Earle & Dr. Janice Thiel

Dr. Michael Earle
Dr. Janice Thiel
Deer, and Terry, and Snakes, Oh my!
Three teenagers were seriously injured in a car accident when
swerving to avoid a deer on a two-lane road near a small, rural
town in Florida. The residents of the town have seen more and
more deer enter the town’s populated areas over recent years.
Local law enforcement has been called numerous times this year
to remove the animals from backyards and neighborhood
streets, and one deer even caused considerable damage as it
entered a restaurant in town. The mayor has been charged by
the city leaders to keep the town residents safe. Local crops
have even been damaged by the animals. Some long time
residents have requested that the hunting season and catch
limits be extended in order to reduce the deer population. One
city leader even proposed that the city purchase electronic
devices to deter the deer from entering populated areas. Health
concerns have recently been elevated as three deer carcasses
were found at the edge of town and local law enforcement
suspect that the animals had been poisoned.
Three teenagers were seriously injured in a car accident when
swerving to avoid a deer on a two-lane road near a small, rural
town in Florida. The residents of the town have seen more and
more deer enter the town’s populated areas over recent years.
Local law enforcement has been called numerous times this year
to remove the animals from backyards and neighborhood
streets, and one deer even caused considerable damage as it
entered a restaurant in town. The mayor has been charged by
the city leaders to keep the town residents safe. Local crops
have even been damaged by the animals. Some long time
residents have requested that the hunting season and catch
limits be extended in order to reduce the deer population. One
city leader even proposed that the city purchase electronic
devices to deter the deer from entering populated areas. Health
concerns have recently been elevated as three deer carcasses
were found at the edge of town and local law enforcement
suspect that the animals had been poisoned.
Terry is finishing his first year of college. He is completely
undecided about his major. When asked what he might want to
pursue for a career, he responds, “I have no idea.” One of his
instructors suggested that Terry complete the career interest
inventories that are offered to SPC students. The instructor
suggested that after he completes the inventories, then he can
take some classes in the fields that relate to his interests. Terry is
skeptical because he has heard that these career tests are
baloney! He heard that they ask you several silly questions and
then based on your answers they pinpoint what career you
should choose for the rest of your life. His parents suggest that
he drop out of college, get a job, and when he decides what he
wants to do for a career, he can go back to college. They
explained that if he stays in college, taking various classes won’t
help him decide on a career. They believe that people need to
actually work before they know what career they will want to do
for the rest of their lives.
Terry is finishing his first year of college. He is completely
undecided about his major. When asked what he might want to
pursue for a career, he responds, “I have no idea.” One of his
instructors suggested that Terry complete the career interest
inventories that are offered to SPC students. The instructor
suggested that after he completes the inventories, then he can
take some classes in the fields that relate to his interests. Terry
is skeptical because he has heard that these career tests are
baloney! He heard that they ask you several silly questions and
then based on your answers they pinpoint what career you
should choose for the rest of your life. His parents suggest that
he drop out of college, get a job, and when he decides what he
wants to do for a career, he can go back to college. They
explained that if he stays in college, taking various classes won’t
help him decide on a career. They believe that people need to
actually work before they know what career they will want to do
for the rest of their lives.
This exercise or process has taught us that
better decision making could lead to finding a job or
choosing an occupation for which will benefit each
and everyone of us. We believe that it’s too soon to
for Terry to know what his future would be at his
age, therefore we advise him to try different new
things before he settles for the one he wants. He
should spend some time outside school throughout
the semester and he may find his calling. Exploring
all his available options and consequences will help
him make the best decision.
Define problem in your
own words.
Identifies the main idea
or problem with
numerous supporting
details and examples
which are organized
logically and coherently
Identifies the main idea
or problem with some
supporting details and
examples in an
organized manner
Identifies the main idea
or problem with few
details or examples in a
somewhat organized
Identifies the main idea
or problem poorly with
few or no details or
states the main idea or
problem verbatim from
the text.
Not Present
Does not identify the
main idea or problem
Compare & contrast
the available solutions.
Uses specific
inductive or
deductive reasoning
to make inferences
regarding premises;
implications and
identifies facts and
relevant information
Uses logical
reasoning to make
inferences regarding
solutions; addresses
implications and
Identifies facts and
relevant information
Uses superficial
reasoning to make
inferences regarding
solutions; Shows
some confusion
regarding facts,
opinions, and
relevant, evidence,
data, or information
Makes unexplained,
unsupported, or
inferences regarding
solutions; makes
multiple errors in
distinguishing fact
from fiction or in
selecting relevant
Not Present
Does not analyze
multiple solutions
Select & defend your
final solution.
Thoroughly identifies
and addresses key
aspects of the
problem and
insightfully uses facts
and relevant
evidence from
analysis to support
and defend
potentially valid
Identifies and
addresses key
aspects of the
problem and uses
facts and relevant
evidence from
analysis to develop
potentially valid
conclusions or
Identifies and
addresses some
aspects of the
problem; develops
possible conclusions
or solutions using
some inappropriate
opinions and
information from
Identifies and
addresses only one
aspect of the
problem but
develops untestable
hypothesis; or
develops invalid
conclusions or
solutions based on
opinion or irrelevant
Not Present
Does not select and
defend a solution
Identify weaknesses in
your final solution.
Insightfully interprets
data or information;
identifies obvious as
well as hidden
establishes credibility
of sources on points
other than authority
alone, avoids fallacies
in reasoning;
appropriate arguments
from extraneous
elements; provides
sufficient logical
Accurately interprets
data or information;
identifies obvious
establishes credibility
of sources on points
other than authority
alone, avoids fallacies
in reasoning;
appropriate arguments
from extraneous
elements; provides
sufficient logical
Makes some errors in
data or information
interpretation; makes
arguments using weak
evidence; provides
superficial support for
conclusions or
Interprets data or
Supports conclusions
or solutions without
evidence or logic; uses
data, information, or
evidence skewed by
invalid assumptions;
uses poor sources of
information; uses
fallacious arguments
Not Present
Does not evaluate
data, information, or
evidence related to
final solution.
Suggest ways to
improve/strengthen your
final solution.
Insightfully relates
concepts and ideas
from multiple
sources; uses new
information to
enhance final
solution; recognizes
missing information;
correctly identifies
potential effects of
new information.
Accurately relates
concepts and ideas
from multiple
sources; uses new
information to
enhance final
solution; correctly
identifies potential
effects of new
Inaccurately or
incompletely relates
concepts and ideas
from multiple
sources; shallow
determination of
effect of new
information on final
Poorly integrates
information from
more than one
source to support
final solution;
Incorrectly predicts
the effect of new
information on final
Not Present
Does not identify
new information
for final solution
Reflect on your own
thought process.
“What did you learn
from this process?”
“What would you do
differently next time to
Identifies strengths
and weaknesses in
own thinking:
recognizes personal
assumptions, values
and perspectives,
compares to others’,
and evaluates them
in the context of
alternate points of
Identifies strengths
and weaknesses in
own thinking:
recognizes personal
assumptions, values
and perspectives,
compares to others’,
and evaluates them
in the context of
alternate points of
Identifies some
assumptions, values,
and perspectives;
recognizes some
assumptions, values
and perspectives of
others; shallow
comparisons of
alternate points of
Identifies some
assumptions, values,
and perspectives;
does not consider
alternate points of
Not Present
Does not reflect on
own thinking
Read Snakes in the ‘Glades scenario
Discuss & Write Your Notes on the Worksheet
Communication: Define the problem in your own words.
Analysis: Compare & contrast the available solutions within the
Problem Solving: Select one of the available solutions and defend it as
your chosen solution.
Evaluation: Identify the weaknesses of your chosen solution.
Synthesis: Suggest ways to improve/strengthen your chosen solution
(may use information not contained within the scenario).
Reflection: Reflect on your own thought process after completing the
 What did you learn from this process?
 What would you do differently next time to improve?
We learned that there are often many solutions to a
given problem. In problem solving you must
consider what the best option is given the scenario.
Then consider the possible outcomes based on the
decision that was made. There may be a few
drawbacks to any decision, but you must make the
choice based on which option does the most good
with the least harm.