Law & Public Safety Critical Thinking Discipline Specific Discussion

Law & Public Safety
Critical Thinking Discipline Specific Discussion
Facilitator: Dr. Christy Powers
Documentation provided by: Dr. Dean Kohrs
Faculty/Adjuncts Present:
Karen Lopez, Ethics
Michael Hughes, Criminal Justice
Marilyn Schultz, Business Law
Barbara Munch, Ethics
Eric Tucker, Ethics
Dave Monroe, Ethics
Case Studies to recognize the morally significant factors-Rich Merchadante
The need to begin with issues that people are not emotionally invested so that we can
model critical thinking before the more emotionally invested and volatile issues are in
Need to verify and sources and deconstruct the media as to what they provide
Create a progression of case studies that are more complex and challenging as the
semester progresses.
The influence tolerance and compassion has on critical thinking.
Kohlberg’s four levels of moral development.
Using critical thinking to humanize relationships
Use of Movies and story telling for case studies.
How prerequisites like humanities, philosophy and world religions can benefit students in
all these areas of study.
Ended with exchange of e-mails and phone numbers for cross-pollination of topics that
are useful in each discipline. Found day extremely productive.
Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think – Jean de La