Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 9/25/2009 In Attendance: Christy Powers, Holly Hoopes, Gail Burt, Shirley Johnson, Jon Steele, Nancy Munce, Linda L. Hogans, Alan Shapiro, David Sullivan, Diane Reese, Kim Wolff, Gail Lancaster, Jesse Coraggio, Chad Mairn, Valerie Polansky, Tom Derzypolski, Eric Carver, Carol Weideman, Sarah Moseley, Wendy Mitchell, Jane Till, Bonnie Jefferis, Darlene Westberg, Sharon Setterlind, Katherine Woods, Tim Godcharles, Meg Delgato, Maggie Tymms, Mika Nelson, Mike Earle, Nerina Stepanovsky, Karen Hesting, Janice Thiel I) II) III) Welcome & Introductions Brainstorming Professional Development Ideas – Gail Lancaster Critical Thinking Workshops (customized) – headscratchers.com Scholarship of Teaching & Learning – The Ohio State University Teaching, Learning & Technology (TLT) – Flashlight (WITS) How to assess students’ critical thinking (classroom) CAT Scoring Workshop Assessing thinking styles – how we process information; how others do it Sharing Sessions – what our faculty are already doing MLO’s – identifying/critical thinking assessing What do we need to do? (new programs to QEP) Use previous Faculty Champions as Mentors; AS vs. AA (separate process) Adjuncts professional development Train students to think critically for problem-solving Barry University – approach information/problem Industry-driven problems (scenarios, team-building) Collaboration of best practices (COR, 3-Year Review) Writing scenarios/simulations to get students to think (Fink) Group dynamics/team-building Building a Center for Teaching & Learning/Mentoring QEP Update A) Initiatives & Process Measures – Janice Thiel 1) Student Success (a) Classroom Activities – Classroom Activities are outlined as part of the Intervention in the Instructional Portfolios that the Academic Roundtables or ARTs are compiling currently. (b) Rubrics – Our Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking or ARC has been piloted and there’s a random administration this fall. (c) ePortfolio – The ePortfolio, on a college-wide scale, is one piece not yet implemented, and we are documenting how electronic portfolios are being utilized by the College of Education, Dental Hygiene, and Paralegal Studies and posting these examples via the Gateway Website. (d) Student Activities – the student activities coordinators met last week to brainstorm ways to use the book “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” as a catalyst for critical thinking campus events that will begin this fall. This is similar to last spring’s SPC-Reads *Action Item 1 of 6 Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 9/25/2009 activities except there will be college-wide coordination. Last spring we implemented an online form and student survey to collect data about critical thinking events held on the campuses. 2) Professional Development (a) Critical Thinking Institutes – We will be holding our sixth Critical Thinking Institute on Friday, October 9 at the St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus. And, for the Narrowing the Gulf Conference in March, there will be a critical thinking tract included which was very successful last year. Dr. Barry Stein, who was instrumental in the development of the Critical Thinking Assessment Test will be presenting the keynote address. (i) 10/9, 8:30 a.m., St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus, SA 114 (ii) 3/18-19/2010, EpiCenter (b) Faculty Champions – We are very fortunate to have ten hardworking, dedicated, and enthusiastic faculty championing the critical thinking initiative this year. In addition to working with the members of their ARTs, they also meet regularly with each other, and are accessing the Faculty Champion Guide in ANGEL to review tutorials and instructions, submit deliverables, and construct their Instructional Portfolios. (c) Academic Roundtables – We are well into our second year of implementation. We expect to more than double our numbers of ARTs once the disciplines for 2010 kick off in January. The hope is that the ARTs from previous years will remain active. (i) 2008 – College of Education, Ethics, Early Childhood, Student Life Skills (ii) 2009 –Business Technologies, Communication, Library, Paralegal Studies, Nursing (iii) 2010 – Dental Hygiene, Emergency Medical Services, Funeral Services, Health Information Management, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Human Services, Medical Laboratory Technology, Natural Science, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Parks & Leisure Services, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography, Respiratory Care, Veterinary Technology. 3) Critical Thinking Resources (a) Gateway Website (www.spcollege.edu/CriticalThinking) – Thanks to the WITS Department, we obtained a stellar design for the Gateway Website, and we were given an easy Web address. With editor access, the site stays very current. There are links to Student Activities, Critical Thinking Institutes, and the beginnings of our Reusable Learning Object or RLO repository. So far, we have nine critical thinking activities or RLOs listed *Action Item 2 of 6 Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 9/25/2009 with links to full details for faculty wanting to implement these in their classrooms. (b) Reusable Learning Objects – So far, we have nine critical thinking activities or RLOs listed via the Gateway Web site. (c) Critical Thinking Resource Centers – The Critical Thinking Resource Centers at each campus have been up-and-running for quite some time. If someone has a recommendation for an addition to the Centers, these are considered for purchase. For example, we recently purchased the Graphic Organizers software that is now available from OneStop. (d) Instructional Portfolios – The ARTs are compiling their Instructional Portfolios in ANGEL. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning method is used as a model for the process. Folders, one for each discipline, contain the portfolio components. The portfolios are complete for 2008, and the 2009 ones will be complete in the spring. Once these are in a more finalized state, they will be linked directly from the Gateway Website. 4) Process Measures (a) Student Success Process Measure Progress Participating Academic The Instructional Portfolios are Roundtables (ARTs) and complete for the 2008 individual faculty will have disciplines. And, the 2009 developed instructional disciplines are at the portfolios with disciplineImplementation and specific activities promoting Observations stages. critical thinking. Students will report an We can’t yet answer this increase in instructional question, but once the new SSI practices improving critical is administered, we will. thinking skills in the pilot programs. The ARC will have been We’re on-track with the defined, piloted, and critiqued. Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking. Any discipline-specific We’ve focused on disciplineassessments developed under specific scenarios to match the the auspices of the QEP will ARC, and at this point we do have been piloted. not yet have other assessments developed. ePortfolios will have been ePortfolios are a particular fielded and student ePortfolio challenge for college-wide artifacts collected in selected implementation, and right now academic programs. we’re focused on documenting their current use. *Action Item 3 of 6 Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 9/25/2009 Key student organizations (SGA, PTK) will have partnered in programs promoting development of critical thinking skills. (b) Professional Development Process Measure The Critical Thinking Institute will have had two completed sessions with external trainers. The QEP staff and faculty champions will have provided face-to-face and online seminars or related activities, including opportunities for adjuncts and new faculty, on basic teaching for critical thinking. Faculty champions, in coordination with the QEC and QEP staff, will have developed RLO, assessment, and portfolio checklists to assist faculty in evaluating their critical thinking activities. SPC will have instituted the “Train-the-trainer” program and will have trained an initial cadre of faculty champions. Faculty champions and the QEP staff will have offered a variety of presentations, seminars, and online classes to other faculty. Academic Roundtables identified in the first two pilot groups will have completed development and fielded critical thinking activities for their instructional portfolios. (c) Critical Thinking Resources Process Measure The gateway website will be designed and implemented. *Action Item We’ve had several smaller campus-based student programs, and last year’s college-wide Great Debate, and the upcoming SPC Reads program to look forward to. Progress We’ve surpassed this goal since we’ve already held five Critical Thinking Institutes. At the Critical Thinking Institutes and at our monthly Faculty Champion meetings there’ve been seminars, workshops, and other learning opportunities. We have an RLO checklist, and the assessment and portfolio checklists are in the planning stages. We have approximately 16 faculty who are serving or who have served as Faculty Champions for critical thinking. Our Faculty Champions and QEP team are sharing their knowledge, like those participating at the upcoming Critical Thinking Institute. Both the 2008 and 2009 groups have fielded their critical thinking activities, or Interventions, in the classroom. Progress The Gateway Website is going strong. 4 of 6 Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 9/25/2009 B) An initial collection of existing We’ve got a growing collection RLOs will have been collected. of critical thinking activities and Reusable Learning Objects. Faculty participating in pilot Research and portfolios are programs will have been given being shared at the Critical an opportunity to present their Thinking Institutes and other research and portfolios to full- events like the Faculty time and adjunct faculty. Champion Retreat. Critical Thinking Resource The Resource Centers are on the Centers will be expanded at campuses, and there’s even a each SPC library. virtual resource center being maintained via the Gateway Website. Assessment of Critical Thinking – Carol Weideman 1) Definition: Critical thinking is the active and systematic process of communication, problem-solving, evaluation, analysis, synthesis, and reflection, both individually and in community, to foster understanding, support sound decision-making, and guide action. 2) Direct Measures (a) CAT: Critical Thinking Assessment Test from Tennessee Technological University (i) Administered by faculty champions in selected sections in Spring 2008; faculty scoring workshop held in July 2008 (n = 87) (ii) Administered by faculty champions in selected sections in Summer 2009; faculty scoring workshop held in July 2009 (n = 62) (iii) Future administrations in Spring sessions, possibly in mathematics general education classes (i.e., MAC1105, MGF1106, STA2023) (b) ARC: SPC’s Rubric for Critical Thinking – uses discipline specific scenarios (i) 2009 Faculty Champions wrote scenarios to be used with the ARC (ii) ARC scenarios will be utilized in a random sample of classes in Fall 2009: Discipline Courses # of Sections Business Technologies CTS1334 1 Communications SPC1017, 14 SPC1065, SPC1608 Library LIS1002 3 Nursing NUR2811C 5 Paralegal PLA4941 1 *Action Item 5 of 6 Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 9/25/2009 IV) (iii) Samples of student responses to ARC scenario will be collected (iv) Faculty Scoring Workshop will be held in November 2009 (c) ETS MAPP: Assessment of General Education (i) Administered in 2007-08 (ii) Administration planned for Spring 2010 (d) ETS iSKILLS: Assessment of Information Literacy (i) Discontinued by ETS in 2009; replacement assessment will be identified and administered in 2010 (e) Student Reflection (i) College-wide E-portfolio system not available yet at SPC (ii) Selected programs (COE, Nursing, etc) use Live-Text (iii) May utilize Angel to collect reflections 3) Indirect Measures (a) Recent Alumni Survey: administered annually (b) Employer Survey: administered annually (c) CCSSE (i) Administered in 2003, 2004, 2007 and paid for by state (ii) Future administrations dependent on budget constraints (iii) Questions will be added to SSI’s to replace CCSSE questions Faculty Champion Panel Discussion A) Paralegal Studies – Christy Powers Christy discussed the rationale behind the development of an RLO to help students with briefing a case. This assignment relates to the ARC. B) Communication – Bonnie Jefferis Bonnie explained how her discipline was split into two areas: performanceand writing-based courses. For writing, critical thinking modules have been built into the Course of Record (COR). For performance, digital video taping with faculty feedback is being implemented as a support mechanism for students. C) Business Technologies – Holly Hoopes Holly described the scenarios that are being implemented to help student practice concepts in order to assess their own learning experiences. D) Nursing –Sarah Moseley Sarah explained how for the AS program, students are implementing a problem-solving model while responding to a patient care scenario. For the BAS program, students are responding to a hiring scenario to apply course critical thinking concepts. E) Library – Chad Mairn & Mika Nelson Chad and Mika described the particular challenge for students when attempting to analyze and synthesize information during research. They have implemented an article with accompanying questions to enhance learning. *Action Item 6 of 6