QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Attended (via conference call): David Monroe, Matthew Bodie, Tim Godcharles, Janice Thiel Next meeting: April 10, 2013, 11:30 a.m. via SPOC Topics: I) Assessment A) QEP Update provided to Dr. Law (via Jesse Coraggio) – see page 4 B) QEP Impact Report 1) External reviewers provided feedback during face-to-face meeting 3/1/13 2) Janice is working on editing the narrative to provide a clearer “story” of the impact on student learning and the College. 3) Janice will follow-up with Ashley and Gail Lancaster to finalize report. C) Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC) 1) ARC Scoring workshop (a) Faculty complained about still not receiving Certificate of Attendance via SkillPort, so Janice spoke with Derek Kleiner. Derek responded to the faculty member and resolved the issue. (b) Ashley will draft a report. D) Critical Thinking Assessment Test 1) Vet Tech CATs Report? 2) CAT Scoring Workshop (a) Friday, April 12, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (set-up Thursday 3:00-5:00) (b) EpiCenter - 1-324 (c) Approximately 30 have indicated interest; 10 have accepted the Outlook invitation. Janice will follow-up with Ashley to determine the maximum number of faculty that can be accommodated. Janice will follow-up with those interested to confirm the number of faculty participants. (d) Janice will provide light breakfast and salad bar lunch. (e) Ashley has the Training CD (1) and Scoring Guides (15) (f) Janice will follow-up with Ashley to determine any other materials/preparations. (g) Janice and Ashley delivered the CATs, and completed CATs are being returned to Janice. Course ID Course name College Algebra College 4127 Algebra College 4127 Algebra 6689 Elementary 4127 *Action Item Subject Catalog Class Nbr Campus Name MAC 1105 444 SPG Kolonoski,David E. MAC 1105 455 CL Morrison,Sharon L. MAC 1105 2506 TS Lakshminarayan Rajaram STA 2023 774 TS Rajaram,Lakshminarayan 1 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Stat Elementary 6689 Stat Elementary 6689 Stat STA 2023 910 SPG STA 2023 1010 SPG Kolonoski,David E. Long,Tony SACS Working Group – Fifth-Year Interim Report 1) Meeting with external reviewers occurred on 3/1/13 2) Next drafts from writing teams due April 1 3) Core Writing Team being formed to begin polishing report the week of April 1 CETL Budget Proposal – see pages 5-7 Student Success A) Classroom Activities B) Rubrics C) ePortfolio D) Student Activities 1) Great Debate 2012 (a) Ashley has compiled notes, and will write a report from the audience poll and student survey. Professional Development A) Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC) 1) Evolve QEC into a Critical Thinking Counsel to promote critical thinking. Matt and Dave will send a call for interest in membership in this group. The precise mission/goals will be determined by the group. B) Critical Thinking Module for Faculty Development 1) Completed C) Critical Thinking Institutes 1) Spring Critical Thinking Institute/Narrowing the Gulf (a) Thursday & Friday, April 4-5, 2012, EpiCenter (b) Keynote Presentation 8:30-9:30 - Saundra Yancy McGuire from Louisiana State University ($3,000 fee). Janice teleconferenced with Dr. McGuire on 3/12/13 to cover logistics and review presentation concepts. (c) Special “invitation only” meeting with Dr. McGuire after her keynote during the first break-out session in 2-423, 9:45-10:45 – Janice invited Faculty Champions for critical thinking, Critical Thinking Grant Recipients, International Conference attendees, CETL Associates, Student Life & Leadership Coordinators, FGO campus reps. (d) 9 critical thinking break-out sessions are included – see pages 8-9 2) Spring Critical Thinking Retreat – Janice spoke with Eric Carver about a CETL partnership; a retreat has not yet been planned/scheduled. 3) Writing with Integrity at the Poynter Institute May 29-30 C) Faculty Champions E) II) III) III) *Action Item 2 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 IV) 1) CETL Critical Thinking Grant (a) Janice is following-up with grant recipients to make sure deliverables are complete and payment is issued – Michael Crumley and Lynn Grinnell. D) Academic Roundtables Critical Thinking Resources A) Gateway Website B) RLO’s C) Instructional Portfolios 1) Janice has meetings scheduled with Sign Language, Natural Science, and Social & Behavioral Science to assist with completing their Instructional Portfolios. 2) Epilogue (Reflection) – see page 10 (a) Kick-Off Meeting held 1/25/13 (b) Faculty members for 11 disciplines are working on their Epilogues which are due April 1 ($300 stipend). (c) Several have agreed to be part of the panel discussion break-out session during the Spring Critical Thinking Institute/Narrowing the Gulf Conference Thursday, April 4, 3:00-4:00 p.m. at the EpiCenter, 2-304: Faculty members at St. Petersburg College have engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning as they have focused on teaching for critical thinking. Evidence of their hard work is compiled in Instructional Portfolios for Critical Thinking. In this session, Faculty Champions will share their reflections on the process and impact on student learning. (d) Epilogues: (i) Ginny Price – Veterinary Technology AS (ii) David Monroe – Ethics (iii) Jim Rutledge & Carol Weideman – Math (iv) Michael Earle – Student Life Skills (v) Todd VanAuken – Radiography (vi) Nancy Watkins – College of Education (vii) Cynthia Grey – Veterinary Technology BAS (viii) Matthew Bodie – Library (ix) Larry Goldsmith – Parks & Leisure Services (x) Christine Patel – Dental Hygiene (xi) Shirley Collar – Health Information Management D) Critical Thinking Resource Centers *Action Item 3 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) – Critical Thinking QEP Director www.spcollege.edu/criticalthinking Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC), Faculty Co-Chairs David Monroe (Ethics) and Matthew Bodie (Learning Support) QEP Team – Ashley Caron Assessment Coordinator (half-time), QEC Faculty Co-Chairs, and Tim Godcharles Web & Instructional Technology (WITS) Liaison Instructional Portfolios – three to finish Epilogue to Instructional Portfolios – 11 Faculty Champions working with their Academic Roundtables to complete this, panel discussion at Spring Critical Thinking Institute: angel.spcollege.edu/section/default.asp?id=InstPort%5FQEP%5F0400 Critical Thinking Grants – four awarded last year, one awarded this year working on Immersive Experiential Learning in the Sustainability Lab, will present at Spring Critical Thinking Institute Spring Critical Thinking Institute – April 4-5 at EpiCenter in conjunction with Narrowing the Gulf Conference, Dr. Saundra McGuire from Louisiana State University keynote presenter, 9 critical thinking break-out sessions: www.spcollege.edu/criticalthinking/professionals/cti.htm#SpringCTI2013 Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Scoring Workshop – April 12, administered in February to six randomly-selected mathematics courses Poynter Institute Writing with Integrity, critical reading and writing QEP Impact Report – draft with external reviewer feedback (in SharePoint), team revising, meeting with external reviewers March 1 Budget proposal to fund critical thinking within Center of Excellence for Teaching & Learning (CETL) Next QEP? *Action Item 4 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Critical Thinking Proposal To promote academic excellence and student success, the efforts over the past five years to improve our students’ ability to think critically need to be sustained within the Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL). Continue to hold Critical Thinking Institutes; continue to fund CETL Critical Thinking Grants; and expand the cadre of faculty teams specializing in teaching for critical thinking through attendance at the annual International Conference on Critical Thinking. Continue assessing critical thinking, particularly the Student Survey of Instruction, General Education Assessment, Community College Survey of Student Engagement, and program-wide goals and course-level Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs). Transition the Quality Enhancement Committee/Critical Thinking Subcommittee of Educational Oversight into a Critical Thinking Counsel charged with reviewing assessment results, making recommendations to the Academic Affairs Committee, and monitoring progress. Establish a CETL Critical Thinking Liaison to coordinate these efforts, working with the current Director of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) as responsibilities are transitioned to CETL over the next two years. Rationale Critical thinking is one of the five general education outcomes, aligned to the general education curriculum, and evaluated as part of the college’s Institutional Effectiveness process: Critical Thinking: Analyze, synthesize, reflect upon, and apply information to solve problems, and make decisions logically, ethically, and creatively: http://www.spcollege.edu/central/ae/ (click St. Petersburg College's General Education Outcomes) Critical thinking is included in program-wide goals and course-level Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs) – continued monitoring of these will assure emphasis is placed on continuing to integrate critical thinking within the curriculum. SACSCOC requires SPC to demonstrate sustainability of the current QEP – see QEP Impact Report section dealing with furthering emphasis on critical thinking. SPC must continue to assess critical thinking, not just administering assessments, but having thoughtful discussion about the results of these assessments to help make decisions about how to continue to improve our teaching for critical thinking. Assessment Results of Critical Thinking Over the five years of assessing critical thinking, students demonstrated improvement in five of the six elements: Synthesis (standardized gain score of 8.2), Effective Communication (4.9), Reflection (4.3), Evaluation (1.4), and Analysis (1.3). [Problem Solving (-0.7)] – Direct Assessments – Critical thinking Assessment Test (CAT), Assessment Rubric for Critical thinking (ARC), and Measure of Academic Proficiency Progress (MAPP)/Proficiency Profile (PP) Students and stakeholders reported positive perceptions regarding critical thinking skills in four of the six elements: Reflection (standardized gain score of 3.8), Analysis (0.8), Synthesis (0.63), and Effective Communication (0.44). [Problem Solving (-0.8), Evaluation (-0.85)] – Indirect Assessments – Employer Survey, Alumni Survey, and Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) *Action Item 5 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Personnel Critical Thinking Liaison – Work with the CETL Lead Faculty Associate, Campus Faculty Associates, QEP Director, and Academic Effectiveness Department to continue promoting teaching for critical thinking at SPC. Coordinate the CETL Critical Thinking Grants, including updating and disseminating the grant applications to faculty, overseeing the grant selection committee/process, and following-up with grant awardees for deliverables. Attend and coordinate the faculty team participating in the annual International Conference on Critical Thinking. Coordinate the Fall Critical Thinking Institute, and will work in partnership with Disability Resources to coordinate the critical thinking track and select the critical thinking keynote presenter for the Spring Critical Thinking Institute held in conjunction with the annual Narrowing the Gulf Conference. Serve as member of the Critical Thinking Counsel. (Approx. 3 hrs/week) Critical Thinking Counsel – group of 8-10 diverse faculty and staff, including FGO, CETL, and cross-campus representation, charged with periodic review of critical thinking assessment in order to interpret results, make recommendations to the Academic Affairs Committee, and monitor progress. QEP Director – Assist the CETL Critical Thinking Liaison to coordinate the CETL Critical Thinking Grants, Critical Thinking Institutes, and teams attending the International Conference on Critical Thinking. Over a two-year period, transition critical thinking responsibilities to CETL. Work with the Academic Effectiveness Department to gather and organize critical thinking assessment data for periodic review by the Critical Thinking Counsel. Serve as the Chair of the Critical Thinking Counsel. Academic Effectiveness Department – Identify and organize program-wide goals and course-level Major Learning Objectives (MLOs) that focus on critical thinking. Integrate inclusion of these with periodic program review process. Organize critical thinking data from the Student Survey of Instruction, General Education Assessment, and Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Compile annual report for Critical Thinking Counsel’s review. Itemization of Budget Request Personnel Expense CETL Critical Thinking Liaison Supplemental pay $2,500 per semester $7,500 per year Total Personnel Expense *Action Item $7,500 6 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Capital Expense Capital Expense Capital Expense CETL Critical Thinking Grants Critical Thinking Institutes Faculty Team to attend International Conference on Critical Thinking up to $2,500 per request $10,000 per year $5,000 $1,700 per person $6,800 for a team of four Total Capital Expense Total Requested *Action Item $21,800 $29,300 7 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Schedule at a Glance Thursday, April 4, 2013 1-451 9:55-10:55 11:1012:10 The Need for Partnership Development of Disability Service Providers Back to the Future: Adopting Progressive Documentation Practices 2-304 Dr. JR Hardin Getgo: Ensuring Accessibility in New Course Development Jean Ashmore How Can Learning Support tools enhance critical thinking in online courses Beach Karen Fritch and Mary Deschamps Aligning Your Students' Job Search Stratedy Eric Carver Teaching the Scientific Method as a Critical Thinking Tool Water Larry Goldsmith Congratulations! You're in Charge of Alternate Format. Now what??? Julie Balassa Consort on Postseco Educatio Intellect Disabilit Building Successf Sustaina Program Camups Monica Lara Sharepoiont Web Based Platform for Delivering AltText Services and More Patti Lester Project A Alan Shapiro, Tim Godcharles, Nancy Munce, Karen Hesting, Karen Fritch Test to Technol Matchin Assistive Technol Psycholo Test Res Jeff Cavanagh Managin Stress in Aspects 12:10-1:45 Dr. Breinne Schlenke Jumping into the Deep End: Using Immersive Simulations for ProblemBased Learning Instructional Portfolios for Critical thinking 1:45 – 2:45 Serving students with psychological disabilities 3:00 – 4:00 A Universally Designed Learning Community Ken Marquard 4:15-5:15 FL Update Wanda Young *Action Item Lynn Grinnell and Karen Fritch Former Foster Transitions from Care to College Carol A. Preston Brown Effective Strategies for Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills Using Online Video Janice Thiel Critical Thinking: Taking Baby Steps Jennifer Haber Serving Veterans 8 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Friday, April 5, 2013 1-451 8:30-9:30 9:45-10:45 Examining Various Forms of Text through the Critical Mind Serving students with ADHD *Action Item 2-304 Matthew Bodie and Cher Gauweiler Not Quite a Lecture: Keeping Students Engaged Ginny Price Dr. Wendy Rice Intellectual Virtues and Vices and the Tools of the Lazy Mind Dave Monroe and Christy Powers Beach Technology Tools Reimagined: Easily Create Accessible Educational Joe Materials Tedesco Revelation Theory of Learning: A Universal Design for Instruction John Connor Water Back to the future: the conversation continues roundtable discussion Tropic Jean Ashmore 9 of 10 QEP Team Meeting Minutes 3/13/2013 Critical Thinking Epilogue Kick-Off January 25, 2013 EpiCenter – 1-310 Task: Add an epilogue to your instructional portfolio where you work with other faculty in your discipline to respond to a number of reflective prompts (see below). Faculty Champions who complete the epilogue will receive a $300 stipend. Cochampions may split the stipend. Epilogue (in ANGEL) deliverable due April 1. Epilogue Components/Parts Modifications/Improvements In reviewing your original instructional portfolio, how have you modified or improved your initial method(s) for cultivating critical thinking in your students? Obstacles/Challenges What were some obstacles or challenges, and how did you (do you plan to) overcome them? Summary Summarize what you are doing to help your students be better thinkers. Assessment Describe how you know what you are doing is working. How are you assessing your students' critical thinking? Provide data, examples, samples, etc. Action Plan What is your action plan, moving forward, particularly how to improve methods and also to promote best practice among your colleagues? April 4 or 5 – Panel discussion break-out session during the Spring Critical Thinking Institute (Narrowing the Gulf): Faculty members at St. Petersburg College have engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning as they have focused on teaching for critical thinking. Evidence of their hard work is compiled in Instructional Portfolios for Critical Thinking. In this session, Faculty Champions will share their reflections on the process and impact on student learning. Working meeting(s)? Other Ideas? *Action Item 10 of 10