example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Oct_2.doc

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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Executive Council Meeting Date
February, 2016
Executive Council Meeting Location
Las Vegas, NV
Committee Information
Committee Name
Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute 2015 -16
Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State)
Ashley Munro, University of Alaska -Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
Kay W Soltis, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA
The following names are being submitted for approval
Committee Members (Name, Place of
Employment, State) Please put an asterisk next to
first-time committee members.
*Shawn Domingo – Chaminade University; HI
*Nick Valdivia – CSU Long Beach; CA
*Sarah Everitt – Gonzaga University; WA
Kelley Christianson – Central Washington
University; WA
G. Mike Johnson – Portland State University; OR
Kathy Campbell – Chemeketa Community
College; OR
Laura Hughes – Lewis-Clark State College; ID
Nichole Doering – Carrington College; ID
*Anthony Morrone – Nevada State College; NV
Committee Goals
Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)
Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development
Goal 2: Maintain the long-term financial stability of WASFAA
Goal 3: Assess & monitor the performance of WASFAA & make strategic
Goal 4: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities
Goal 5: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with
Goal 6: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the diversity of our membership and Executive
Goal 8: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Committee Goals
Specific Committee Goals(Include progress
toward goals and measurement of success.)
Increase the participation level by 5%
Assess the potential for providing a track for Director level
attendees interested in becoming credentialed
If there is interest providing a track for Director level
Providing quality training for all attendees
Summary of Committee Activities for the Quarter
Reviewed 2015 Summer Institute with past chairs and collected recommendations
Worked with Site Selection on contract for 2016 locations
Chairs met to discuss potential faculty/committee members- cannot complete this until we have a date and
Worked with WASFAA President to place order for NASFAA CORE
Requested Registration Page from Electronic Services Chair, reviewing data
Started prep work for an SI mini-site
Prepared estimated 2016 budget and sent to Fiscal Planning Committee
SI mini-site has been scheduled for March 11 and 12 at Windward Community College, Honolulu, HI
Contacted NASFAA to order training materials – NASFAA will no longer offer CORE; new materials will become
available April, 2016
Final contract with PSU is being signed at the time of this report
Faculty have been selected and are identified in the report for approval by EC
Currently assessing the possibility of reducing the printing costs
Requesting EC accepted recommended registration fee for WASFAA members of$700 for residents and $450 for
commuters. Non-members will be assessed the $50 membership fee
Measures Tracking Tool Data Collection Information (Include required
Measures Tracking Tool data collection information to help determine progress toward Strategic
plan goals/activities that are the responsibility of your Committee. See Appendix F of the current
WASFAA Strategic Plan for guidance.)
None available at this time
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Budget Information
Approved Budget
$ 2015-2016 complete. No 2016 data available
Budget Expenditures to Date
Event Information (complete if applicable per location)
Event Name
Cost of
Complimentary Registrations (if
applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events.
Calendar of Events/Timelines
Committee Member
Responsible (if
Review 14-15 SDBS Institute and it’s faculty. Review
volunteers list.
Work with site selection for dates and location
Finalize contract – delayed, and revised
Mini SI has been scheduled and registration has been
communicated to PACFAA members. Faculty have identified
session to present. Co-chair Ashley has taken lead on this
project. Regular SI: Invite Faculty; order NASFAA CORE –
delayed due to NASFAA no longer offering CORE
Selection of faculty. Contract with PSU revised and reviewing
with co-chairs.
Telephone Conference Call Scheduled for January 28; agenda
has been sent to faculty. Scheduled face to face meeting for
February 16 at PSU. Agenda will be created and
communicated. Including a training opportunity with Sue
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Shogren on presentation development and audience
engagement. Final contract has been reviewed and okay
given by chairs for WASFAA President to sign via
communication with site selection chair. Revising SI website
and registration form for publication at end of February/first
of March with a communication to the WASFAA membership
Faculty will select modules to present, assignments will be
made and communicated to faculty at face to face meeting.
Faculty to work on certification using 15-16 CORE. List of
faculty members has been communicated to NASFAA. Form
will be completed and forwarded to NASFAA for processing.
Waiting for vouchers from NASFAA to distribute to faculty for
testing. Verified each faculty member must be certified in
the module presenting.
Recommending registration fee and requesting approval from
Fiscal Planning as well as EC
Resident $700
+membership fee $50
Commuter $450
+membership fee $50
Late fee
$ 75
Registration Open. Receive application from NASFAA for new
training materials for 16-17
Receive actual training materials for 16-17 training
2016 event
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