example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Feb_13.doc

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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Executive Council Meeting Date
August 8, 2013
Executive Council Meeting Location
Committee Information
Committee Name
Research Committee
Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State)
Steve Herndon*, Retired, CA
Committee Members (Name, Place of
Sandi Guidry*, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Ashley Salisbury*, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Tami Sato*, Marshall B. Ketchum University, CA
Kay Soltis*, Pacific Lutheran University, WA
Employment, State, note new committee members
with ‘*’)
Committee Goals
Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)
Goal 1: Be a leader in providing training and professional development
opportunities that are responsive to members needs
Goal 2: Maintain the long-term financial stability of the Association
Goal 3: Assess and monitor the performance of the Association and implement
strategic adjustments
Goal 4: Continually improve methods and processes for communicating with the
Goal 5: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities
Goal 6: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of financial aid
administrators in the Western region and provide members with the
support and education they need to further their own advocacy efforts
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the ethnic diversity of our membership and the
Executive council
Goal 8: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations in
order to serve our members more efficiently and effectively
1. Update the WASFAA Facts and Items of Interest document in
Specific Committee Goals (include progress
toward goals and measurement of success)
preparation for the first 2013/14 WASFAA Executive Council
meeting on May 19, 2013.
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
2. Assist the Strategic Planning Committee in the necessary
revision to the WASFAA Measures Tracking Tool template
consistent with the 2014-16 WASFAA Strategic Plan.
3. Assist the President in the revision of the Quarterly and Endof-Year Officer/Committee Chair report template that
includes required Measures Tracking Tool data collection
information in order to monitor and assess organizational
performance against Strategic Plan goals. This will entail the
development of separate templates for officers, committee
chairs, and state presidents.
4. Assist the Training Committee in conducting regular surveys
to determine the training needs of members, training
resources available, including types of training other
associations and partners are doing, and training that would
appeal to others, i.e. bursars, high school counselors,
business officers, etc.
5. Assist the Fiscal Planning Committee in the research of
possible grant writing opportunities.
6. Assist the various WASFAA Event Chairs in the development
of a set of standardized core assessment questions for the
evaluation of events.
7. Assist the Event Chairs in administering more frequent
surveys to assess needs of the Association members, e.g.
training topics, conference session ideas, etc.
8. Assist the Strategic Planning, Electronic Services, and the
Communications committees and the three Presidents in the
assessment of all electronic communication modes to the
membership for effectiveness, i.e. Newsletter, Blog, Twitter,
Facebook, and LinkedIn, by obtaining data on the number of
participants and the number of hits.
9. Incorporate collaboration into ongoing committee activities
where possible.
Summary of Activities
Updated the WASFAA Facts and Items of Interest document in preparation for the first 2013/14 WASFAA
Executive Council meeting on May 19, 2013. Revised the document based on feedback received at the meeting
and submitted revise to the Electronic Services/Archives Chair for posting to the WASFAA website.
Developed a 2013-14 WASFAA Research Committee goal set for the current service year for submission to the
President for appropriate review.
Assisted the Strategic Planning Committee in the necessary revision to the WASFAA Measures Tracking Tool
template consistent with the 2014-16 WASFAA Strategic Plan.
Assisted the outgoing Strategic Planning Committee Chair in the update of the WASFAA Strategic Plan
Implementation Matrix.
Began revision of the End-of-Year Officer/Committee Chair/State Presidents report template that includes
required Measures Tracking Tool data collection information in order to monitor and assess organizational
performance against the Strategic Plan goals. This entails the development of separate templates for officers,
committee chairs, and state presidents.
Requested copies of any previously utilized survey instruments from the Training Committee Co-Chairs in order
to assist the Training Committee in conducting regular surveys to determine the training needs of members,
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
training resources available, including types of training other associations and partners are doing, and training
that would appeal to others, i.e. bursars, high school counselors, business officers, etc.
Requested copies of any previously utilized assessment instruments from the various WASFAA Event Chairs in
order to assist them in the development of a set of standardized core assessment questions for the evaluation of
WASFAA events.
Requested available data from the Electronic Services/Archives Chair in order to assist the Strategic Planning,
Electronic Services, and the Communications committees and the three Presidents in the assessment of all
electronic communication modes to the membership for effectiveness, i.e. Newsletter, Blog, Twitter, Facebook,
and LinkedIn, by obtaining data on the number of participants and the number of hits.
Submitted suggested language for a change to WASFAA Bylaws Article V, Section 3, to the President and Bylaws
Committee Chair in order to make the active member representative-at-large description more clear to the
reader. This suggested language change is more consistent with the description in Section 3-8 of the WASFAA
Policies & Procedures Manual.
Budget Information
Approved Budget
$100.00 has been requested
Budget Expenditures to Date
TOTAL = $0
Event Information (complete if applicable per location)
Event Name
Cost of
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Report
Complimentary Registrations (if
applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events.
Suggestions for Future Committee
Calendar of Events/Timelines
Committee Member
Responsible (if
Submit drafts of revised Quarterly and End-of-Year Officer/Committee
Chair/State Presidents report templates to the President for review prior to
November E.C. meeting.
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